Setting up hardware and software

How to disable fast charging on Meiza. How to enable or disable fast charging on Android (instructions)

Nowadays, RuleSmart visitors often ask questions of this kind, like how to enable fast charging on a smartphone. Of course, there are those who want to turn it off. In both cases, it all looks quite interesting, if not comical.
First, let's figure out what's what. Fast charging technology allows you to increase the speed of filling the battery capacity, often by multiples. This technology is relevant, at least, for batteries with a capacity of over 3000 mAh. Everything below does not make sense, you can use 1A there.

How to enable fast charging

If your smartphone does not support this technology, then no way. Well, you can’t enable software that is not supported by hardware. But don’t be upset, you can take a more powerful power supply, if the kit comes with 1A, then take 2A and the charging time will be reduced by approximately half. But don’t forget that this will not add “life” to the battery, but will shorten its service life.
Now let's move on to considering the technology itself. In fact, the “trick” is called Quick Charge - this is a development by Qualcomm, which became the first among fast charging standards. The technology is based on increasing the current strength. Nothing new, just small software improvements with a minimum of movement on the hardware.

  • Quick Charge 2.0: battery charges up to 50% in approximately 30 minutes

  • Quick Charge 3.0: Battery charges to 80% in about 35 minutes

  • Quick Charge 4.0: 20% more efficient than the previous version and hardly heats up the case.

All the “shamanism” is concentrated in the power supply itself, while control is left to the processor (from Qualcomm, of course). Significant hardware work was carried out here.
The main function of Quick Charge is to recognize the current state of the battery and adjust the power supply correctly. In this case, charging from 0 to 60% will be much faster than from 60 to 100%. In this situation, the battery will be “filled” from 0 to 50% in 30 minutes, and thoughtful power regulation will not allow high voltage and current to harm the battery.

Which smartphones support fast charging?

Such smartphones include, for example, Xiaomi Mi6, Xiaomi Mi Max, HTC 10, Meizu MX6, LG G6, Moto X Force, Galaxy S8 and many others. In any case, Qualcomm's website provides a comprehensive list.

How to disable fast charging

Not every device can boast the ability to programmatically disable fast charging. However, if there is such an opportunity, then just go to the Settings - Battery (Power or Battery) section, where you can configure the whole thing. In addition, you can simply start using a regular 1A adapter, which will charge your gadget for a long time, but will not shorten the battery life so much. By the way, fast charging also leads to excessive heating, which is not good.

Hello! Today I would like to discuss an important setting - managing the power of your smartphone. Why important? In the modern world, it has long become the norm to charge the device every day, but it is not necessary every time, and the most active users sometimes do not have enough battery power. Luckily, Flyme has an entire power saving section designed to help you solve this problem, located at the bottom of the settings.

First of all, it’s worth looking at what exactly consumes the most energy in your smartphone. To do this, go to the “energy consumption” and “details” sections. Let's look at which applications and processes are the most resource-intensive. If the graphs reflect actual usage, then we move on, but if some program greatly affects the battery, then we either delete it or use one of the tips below.

The smartphone can operate in one of three modes - normal, productive and energy saving. My experience shows that the power of modern devices is enough for the eyes, so we immediately turn on the energy-saving mode and walk around with it for a couple of days to evaluate. If you don’t notice a difference in speed or any problems, then you can leave it like that. In this mode, the smartphone processor operates at lower frequencies, so operating time should increase slightly.

Flyme offers us three operating modes. Smart mode is suitable for everyday use and does not have any restrictions on interfaces. Energy saving mode comes in handy when you are waiting for an important call and the battery charge is catastrophically low. But we're most interested in the custom mode. In it you can independently set the operation of wireless interfaces and the processor, change the screen brightness and other parameters. The beauty of the mode is that you choose what you want to save battery on and what you won’t be willing to sacrifice.

Then there are two usage scenarios. The first is that you leave the custom mode and use it constantly. The second is that you turn it on at a certain charge. For example, when the smartphone is 30% charged, it is quite possible to refuse GPS operation and reduce the screen brightness. You can configure Flyme so that the system automatically prompts you to turn on this mode at a certain percentage of charge. To do this, click on the gear icon.

You can also enable the activation of modes according to a schedule, for example, leave the energy-saving mode on at night, and turn on the normal one in the morning.

The last setting is sleep control. And although it is initially needed to extend battery life, I recommend using it if you have problems receiving notifications from applications. We go to this menu and add all the programs you need to the exceptions, in my case these are instant messengers and mail. After this, the problem with notifications will be resolved.

I hope that my tips helped extend your smartphone's operating time. Also be sure to check out all the episodes.

A few days before the start of the presentation, Meizu began to intrigue with mysterious teasers. “30 times faster than an iPhone”, “3 times faster than Huawei Mate 9”. Judging by them, the company was supposed to show something related to chargers, and so it turned out.

Full charge in half an hour

On Facebook, Meizu representatives asked to come to their stand at 10 am and not be late, since the presentation will take no more than half an hour. However, the company did not calculate the scope of MWC, and about 50 journalists gathered at their small stand, for whom it was clearly cramped there.

The event itself was extremely simple and uncomplicated. A new proprietary charger was connected to a prototype smartphone with a 3000 mAh battery and its charging speed was demonstrated in real time.

In the first six minutes, the smartphone was charged by 39%, in 15 - by 89%, and a full charge took 20 minutes. What can I say, the numbers are very impressive, but let’s look at what made this possible.


This high charging rate is achieved using the high voltage direct charging method. The characteristics of the charger are as follows: 11V/5A, and the power is 55 W! For such a power supply you also need a corresponding cable. Meizu paid attention to it too: it can transmit up to 160 W.

It was separately noted that the battery temperature does not rise above 39 degrees. By the way, the power supply itself was also just warm.

In a press release, Meizu writes that during internal testing, a 3000 mAh battery retained more than 80% charge after 800 charging cycles. In my opinion, these are excellent indicators, although it is not yet clear how close they are to the truth.


Unfortunately, it is not yet known when the charger will go on sale, or when Meizu smartphones that support it will be released. There are still rumors about the end of the year, but these are just rumors.

By the way, next week we will publish an article about how chargers work, in which we will also try to tell you in more detail about the principle of operation of this charger.

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How to enable fast charging on Xiaomi?

Every year, smartphones become more powerful, which requires increasing battery capacity. To charge the battery faster, you need to use the fast charging function. It allows, by increasing the current supplied to the battery from the power supply, to speed up the process of replenishing the battery. How to enable fast charging on Xiaomi and what do you need to know for this?


The fast charging function is already activated in those gadgets that support it and no additional actions are required to use it.

How does fast charging work?

When working on the creation of new technologies, manufacturers began to try various ways to reduce the charging time of a smartphone battery. Initially, the technology of increasing the current strength was tested. The first chargers made it possible to obtain a current of 2 A at a voltage of 5 volts. The result was a power of 10 watts.

Xiaomi phone which is connected to fast charging

But this path turned out to be unpromising, since to further increase the current strength, an increase in the cross-section of the wire is required, because the indicator depends on the resistance of the cable cores.
Therefore, it was decided to use a different approach - increase the voltage while maintaining the current. Li-Ion batteries used in modern gadgets require a voltage supply in a narrow range for their own charge. It is simply impossible to produce pure 12 V.

To solve the problem of voltage equalization The chipset or motherboard of the device began to be equipped with special controllers, capable of accepting voltage higher than the traditional 5 volts and converting it to the indicator required for battery cells.

Types of fast charging

If you have a question about how to enable fast charging on Xiaomi, you should understand the types of this function.
Almost every manufacturer of mobile phones or components for them has developed their own technologies.

Large majors (Huawei) began to apply their developments, and the largest part of the company (Xiaomi, LG, Nokia) for the production of mobile phones uses Qualcomm’s invention. The company's fast charging is called (QC).
There are currently three working versions of the technology:

  • QuickCharge 1.0. Receiving half of the battery's full capacity occurs in 40–50 minutes;
  • QuickCharge 2.0. Similar charge levels are achieved in half an hour;
  • QuickCharge 3.0. A version that allows you to achieve 50% charge in just 15 minutes.

Comparative diagram of the efficiency of different types of chargers over the same time interval

Will be useful

The company's engineers presented the next version of QC 4.0, which, according to the developers, has become 20% more efficient and does not lead to overheating of the case.
The peculiarity of the technology lies in the controller installed in the power supply, paired with a processor from Qualcomm.

The main function of QC is to monitor the current state of the battery and set the correct charging rhythm. When the process starts, when replenishment occurs from 0 to 60%, the current increases to the maximum value. Next, a gradual decrease in both current and voltage is observed.

Features of fast charging for Xiaomi

The answer to the question “How to enable fast charging on Xiaomi?” there will be a simple statement - no way. This feature may or may not be provided initially.

But it should be remembered that each specific model will support its own version of QC, which must be taken into account, since it sets its own current strength and voltage. Otherwise, there is a high chance that the charger or battery will overheat and a fire may occur.

Xiaomi has support for the earliest version of fast charging (QC 1.0) in the first models it includes.

Among smartphone users, you can often hear disagreements about charging a new phone for the first time. Some claim that you need to pump the battery at least three times, others believe that a modern gadget does not require additional steps to calibrate the battery. Where is the truth and where is fiction? In this article we will look at how to properly charge a Meizu phone.

Old misconceptions about 3 full charges

Despite the high level of modern technology, many still have a misconception about basic phone charging. More than 5 years ago, smartphones were produced whose batteries had to be discharged to zero and charged again to 100 percent, and so on three times. Using this method, the user could supposedly pump up the battery, increase autonomy and service life.

This kind of pumping is not required for modern lithium-ion batteries, which are equipped with new gadgets. The fact is that new rechargeable batteries have automatic calibration containers, and for old ones, “pumping” is required.

It is also a huge misconception that you should not charge your phone for extra time. This question was relevant 10 years ago. Now all modern smartphones, including Meizu, have automatic power off at 100% charge.

What type of batteries does Meiza use?

Since the advent of mobile phones, they have been equipped with nickel-cadmium batteries (Ni-Cd). They had to be pumped and charged several times before use. Modern electronics use lithium-ion (Li-ion) and lithium-polymer (Li-Pol) batteries.

The Chinese manufacturer uses Meizu for its smartphones only Li-ion batteries.

These batteries are the most compact, due to which the phones have a small body thickness. They have high power and are considered safe. The most important advantage is the absence of memory effect. That's why The charging and discharging cycle does not play any role here. However, they have not yet been fully developed; experts are constantly trying to improve them.

When purchasing a new Meizu smartphone, the question arises of how to charge the battery to don't hurt him. Much information about charging is unconfirmed, and there are several methods. None of the options have been confirmed by experts, but here’s what the manufacturers recommend.

Charging when turned off 12 hours

The smartphone must be completely discharged. It needs to be charged for 12 hours when turned off. At this moment, the capacity is calibrated, after which charging can be carried out in the usual way.

Charging a completely discharged battery 24 hours

This option may seem quite outdated, but it is still recommended when buying a new smartphone. The device must be completely discharged and turned off. charge all day. At this moment, the battery is calibrated, which is carried out only once.

Bottom line

For modern lithium-ion battery you can choose one of the above methods, it won't get any worse. There is also an unconfirmed belief that new smartphones do not need battery calibration. The Ni-MH battery type alone requires a minimum of five complete discharges and charges. This does not apply to devices from Meizu.

Do you need to calibrate lithium batteries on Android?

This question is not straightforward, since there are lithium batteries with one bank and with several. For single cell batteries, training does not make sense as it tends to waste operating cycles.

With several banks the battery can be pumped, if it is not provided with a smart controller, distributing the current evenly across all banks. But this mainly concerns only laptops, since such batteries are not used on smartphones.

It is worth noting that the label on the battery rarely corresponds to reality. The capacity is almost always underestimated, especially on Chinese models. However, even if it is not underestimated, it corresponds to reality only in greenhouse conditions. In cold weather the values ​​will become much lower.

New Meizu smartphones do not need to be pumped, but for your peace of mind, you can do one full cycle of discharging and charging.

Despite new technologies for manufacturing batteries for Meizu devices, problems may still arise. The developers claim that calibration is not needed for modern devices, but at the same time they claim that there are a lot of shortcomings. Therefore it should follow some tips when charging a new smartphone.

1. Don’t use your phone in the cold

Along with the advantages, there are significant disadvantages. The battery discharges very quickly in the cold, so in winter the smartphone recommended to be carried in an inside pocket and do not use it outside.

2. Incomplete charge

You cannot discharge your smartphone to full capacity, or charge it to 100%, this will have a detrimental effect on its operation in the future. Charging should be done at 40-30%, and remove from charge at 80-90%.

3. Don't overheat the battery

Meizu smartphones are more of a budget class, so their processors are not designed for heavy loads. For long-term use in labor-intensive tasks(games, movies, streams) - give your phone get a little rest. If you neglect this rule, you will personally shorten the life of the battery by half.

4. Use only original charger

Also quite a common problem. When using a non-original battery with your phone ( especially recently purchased) you risk damaging the battery. Each charge, in simple words, has its own capacity; if the charge strength of a non-native battery is less than that of the original one, you will charge the phone longer, plus you risk ruining it.

If the original charger is lost, then check its characteristics on the official website (specifically for your model) and buy an identical one in any store.

From the article, we learned how to properly charge a newly purchased new phone from Meizu, and talked about how best to use it throughout the entire period. Modern smartphones allow you to do without pumping the battery, but for their longevity requires proper use. If you don't let your phone overheat, don't constantly discharge it to zero, or use it in extreme cold, the battery will last a long time.

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