Setting up hardware and software

Analysis of htc. Complete disassembly of HTC One on video

Any modern smartphone is a technically complex device, consisting of dozens of assembled elements, and the clear leader in complexity can be safely called HTC One - it’s even hard to imagine how much the company’s engineers have packed into such a relatively compact and non-separable case. That is why the video with the disassembly of the flagship is doubly interesting.

We have already written that the iFixit portal, known for its demonstrative disassemblies, called the HTC One one of the most difficult devices to restore - they had the feeling that HTC simply did not count on possible repairs. But that information was an opinion-review, which was supplemented by several photographs. And now, thanks to the fact that the seriously damaged One fell into the hands of ETrade Supply, we can evaluate the entire process on video and notice some features that are not clear from the iFixit images.

If anyone has ever had to disassemble and reassemble smartphones themselves, they will probably notice that the One’s internals are indeed very multi-layered and packed as tightly as possible. When disassembling, you must be extremely careful, follow a specific order, and never use force.

The One often uses copper foil to protect the elements, which makes reassembly a frustrating experience - it bends and loses its shape too easily. In general, the protective foil and film, of which there are many in the HTC One, do not make a very pleasant impression; it feels slightly sloppy. Even the plastic that envelops the battery has uneven edges - some competitors do not allow this even in structures that are closed from the user.

Even with all these comments, one can feel the genius of the people who were able to tightly pack such complex elements and place them so that they do not interfere with each other due to heat and interference.

If you decide to learn how to disassemble the HTC One X, then for this you will definitely need to read the detailed instructions, because if you start this operation without it, there is a high probability that you will damage any parts. Accordingly, they will have to be replaced. Today we will provide you with detailed instructions on how to disassemble this phone model. We strongly recommend that you follow all the steps according to our advice.

Improvised and special means

The first thing you will need to do is remove the SIM card holder, and this is done as follows. To begin, take a simple paperclip (preferably small) and press it into the hole where the SIM card is installed. Next, you will need to use a special tool that is designed to open cases. If you don’t have such a device at hand, but you definitely need to know how to disassemble the HTC One X and complete this task, then it is recommended to visit a special store and purchase it. This way you can separate the back cover. To do this, we run the tool in three places on the body, they are located near the upper corners and one bottom.


In order to divide the phone into two parts, you can use a plastic card. To do this, we draw it directly along the very perimeter of the screen. So there has to be a separation. When disassembling it happens that when you open the back cover it remains on it. In this case, you will also need a battery compartment. This is done using the same plastic card. In fact, the HTC One X is not that easy to disassemble, so you need to be extremely careful. You should act as carefully as possible so as not to damage certain parts.

Fine work

You already know how to disassemble the HTC One X by dividing it into two parts. In fact, this process is not that difficult. Moreover, if you act as correctly as possible, you can complete the entire process very quickly and without any damage. After the mobile device is divided into two parts, you can start disconnecting the cables, as well as the screen itself and additional devices. Of course, when the question of how to disassemble the HTC One X has been completely resolved, and everything has been done correctly, further work will be done very quickly and simply. The most important point is caution, because if one of the parts is damaged, it will require replacement.

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  • Instructions with photos for disassembling HTC one x

    Disassembling HTC one x

    The first step when disassembling HTC one x is to remove the SIM tray from the phone. To do this, carefully insert a paperclip into the hole indicated by the arrow in the figure.

    The next step is to use the tool to separate the back panel from the bottom of the screen at the three points indicated by the arrows in the image below.

    Once you have lifted the screen slightly from the panel, take an old credit card and separate the screen from the body along the entire perimeter of the phone. When you remove the back cover, the battery may stick. If this is the case, use a hot air gun or hair dryer to direct some of the heat onto the battery and soften the adhesive that holds it in place, then run a credit card under the battery and it will come unglued from the back cover.

    After removing the back cover, your phone should look like below.

    Now rotate the screen again and your phone will look like below. Using a Phillips head, unscrew the five screws circled in red. The three loops circled in white should also be disabled. To do this, simply pull the connector away from the board. The power button is indicated by an arrow in the figure; it is glued to the body using double-sided adhesive tape, which must be peeled off lightly without damaging it.

    In the picture below you can see another cable connected to the board using a ZIF connector. The cable is secured with a latch that opens and closes on a hinge. Gently pull the latch upward (latch shown closed below) and the ribbon cable will be released.

    Below you can see the latch in the open position. The cable can now be turned off by pulling it to the left.

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    Now carefully pull the board towards you. If the battery won't come off, blow a hair dryer on it to soften the adhesive that holds the battery in place. Two more loops must be disconnected. The cable circled in red has a plug and socket connection type, and the cable circled in white has a ZIF connector. Disconnect these two cables and you will be able to remove the PCB.

    With the board disconnected, your phone should look like below.

    If you want to remove the battery, first remove the copper heat shields on the opposite side, then remove the battery from the slot shown in the circle below.

    After removing the battery, your phone should look like below. Now you can remove the proximity sensor, rear and front cameras. The proximity sensor is connected by a male/female connector, circled in red in the picture. The front and rear cameras have a ZIF connector and are marked with a white circle in the picture.

    Below you can see the proximity sensor, front and rear cameras.

    The volume switch, indicated by the arrow at the bottom, is glued to the body using double-sided tape. Clean it thoroughly from the body. The connector for the vibration motor is circled in green and connected in the same way as the battery; you can easily disconnect it. After that, unscrew the screw circled in red.

    Now you can disconnect all the cables from the back of the screen as shown below.

    To remove the screen, you need to blow heat from a hair dryer for about 60 seconds and then use a plastic tool, such as a credit card.

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    With the screen detached, your phone should look like the one below.

    If you want to separate the touch screen from the LCD, rotate the screen again and peel the top ribbon off the back of the screen, then use a little heat from a hair dryer to separate the screen in two.

    The touch screen and LCD have now been separated. Disassembly is complete. To reassemble the phone, perform the entire procedure in reverse order.

    Disassembling HTC one x is a labor-intensive task that requires care and attention, so do not proceed with disassembly if you are not confident in your abilities!

    Dear users, if you have any questions about the instructions: “Disassembling HTC one x”, ask a question in the comments or via the “Ask a Question” link!

    We will try to answer you in the shortest possible time and give a detailed answer to your problem!

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