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Post variable in php examples of use. Action and Method attribute

In this lesson we will look at techniques for passing data between forms and pages. Such methods are POST and GET. We will talk about each separately and in more detail. Generally speaking, this is needed for communication between forms. For example, we fill out some fields on a page and we need to transfer them to another page for processing.

GET method in PHP

First, let's look at the GET method. This is when all variables and their values ​​are passed directly through the address. Now, using an example, you will see everything, and even understand how most sites and forums work.
For example, we have an html page like this:

Example page for passing variables using Get link

See the link? It is complex and consists of several parts. Let's break it down piece by piece:
https://site— domain address or, as it is also called, host.
index.php— a page in PHP that will process the request.
? — symbol of separation between the address and the block with variables.
Next come the variables and their values, which are separated by the symbol & .
name=Sergey— the name variable and its value Sergey.
age=22- the same thing, variable age, value 22.

We've sorted everything out, now let's see how this is processed in php using the GET method.
The index.php page, as you remember, we passed to it:

First, a piece of advice: ALWAYS check your variables for correctness: for emptiness, for compliance with valid values, and so on. Since everything is transmitted through the address bar, the data can be easily replaced and damage the site. Now for the code itself: we, using , checked the name and age variables for emptyness and, if they were not empty, we displayed them, and if they were empty, we simply reported it.
It's simple, don't you agree? For example, you can create an html page and make links through variables in the menu, and in index.php process the variable and display a particular page depending on the received value. Well, we’ll talk about this later, in an article about creating a website in PHP from scratch. In order not to miss anything, I advise you to subscribe to RSS.

POST method in PHP

To demonstrate how this method works, we will need a little more than a simple line with an address :) We will need to create an HTML page with a form to fill out, but that’s okay, I’ll give you a ready-made example:

Example page for passing variables using Post

Fill in the fields to transfer information:

Enter your name:

Please indicate your age:

So, we have created an html page with a simple form. Remember, the POST method can only be used in a form.
The first parameter of the form is “method”, it defines the method that we will use for the transfer. As you might have guessed, this is either GET or POST. Moreover, if GET is set, then all field names (in the form of variable names), as well as their values, are passed by reference, as in the section about the GET method. If POST is set, then all variable names and values ​​will be transmitted as a browser request to the web server. That is, they will not be visible in the address bar. In many cases this is very useful. POST is also safer, which is understandable, because variables with their values ​​are no longer so easy to edit, although it is also possible.

The second form parameter is “action”. This is the path and name of the script file to which we pass the data. In our case this is index.php. This path can be transmitted in full, that is, like this: action = “”. If you do not specify the value of the “action” parameter, then all information will be transferred to the main script, that is, the index page index.php of your site, which is quite logical.

Now we will get the data from our form. Since we passed it to index.php, then below will be the code of this particular page:

"; echo "name - "; echo $_POST["user_name"]; echo "
age - "; echo $_POST["age"]; echo " years"; ) else ( echo "Variables did not arrive. Check everything again."; ) ?>

Don’t forget to check for emptiness and valid values. Next, we need to clarify why our variables are called user_name and age? And look at the fields of the form we created above. See there input name="user_name" type="text"? This is where the name parameter specifies the name of the variable that we will get using this field. It's the same with age. I hope it's clear. Well, getting a variable and its value via POST is almost no different from GET, which we discussed above.

Well, it turned out to be a big lesson, but one of the most useful, because passing variables between forms and pages is exactly the interactivity for which we use PHP.

What they have in common is that they work the same way. There is technically no difference between them. But there are ideological differences.

I'll talk about them in the context of PHP. Please note that the HTTP protocol is indirectly related to PHP because it was created for exchanging html pages and PHP simply expands the capabilities of both.

GET request is used to receive data and POST is used to send. (Remember that technically they work the same).

Therefore, in the context of PHP, based on this ideology, we did the following:
1. Every time you start PHP, superglobal arrays ($_GET, $_POST) are created by default.
2. If there is a question mark(?) in the query string. Everything after it is considered parameters GET request, they are presented in the format "key"="value" and the ampersand character (&) is used as a delimiter.
GET /index.php?name=Andrey&surname=Galkin
This is a query string, there are 2 parameters. these parameters will go into the $_GET array.
3. $_POST is filled in a different way. the contents of this array are filled from the "request headers". That is, from a place clearly hidden from view. The browser takes care of all the chores of creating such headers. Although sometimes something is edited in the headings manually.

Most often, a post request is used in forms (to send data).

For example, we have a login form with 2 fields: login and password.

Let's imagine that we are using the GET method. Then, when submitting the form, we will go to the following address /login.php?login=Andrey&password=123 You will agree that transmitting such information this way is not at all safe. Anyone can open your browser and, starting to enter the site address, they can see your passwords and logins from the history.

But if we specified the POST method, we would receive the following request:
POST /login.php (login=Andrey&password=123) what is in brackets would be hidden and not saved in any way in the browser.

To sum it up:
GET is to get a certain page in a certain form (sorting, current blog page, search bar, etc.).
POST - for sending data that does not affect the display of the page, in the sense that this data only affects the result of the script (logins, passwords, credit card numbers, messages, etc.).

And another good news is that they can be combined, for example
POST /index.php?page=login (login=Andrey&password=123) I think I have already explained enough what will come of this and which parameters will go into which array.

You may have noticed that on most sites you can see the following addresses:


Here, even without knowing php, you can guess that we are accessing a file index.php But few people know what comes after the question mark. It's quite simple: ?blog=2 This is a declaration of the global variable "$_GET["blog"]" with the value "2". Thus, I pass a variable into the script that is responsible for displaying information from the database. Let's write a small script in which you can clearly see everything:

if(isset($_GET["blog"])) (
echo $_GET["blog"];

We use the if() condition operator and the following line is used as a condition:


isset() allows you to find out whether the variable specified in brackets exists, that is, the condition that I described in the code sounds like this: If the variable $_GET["blog"] exists, then display the contents of this variable on the screen. Here's what happened:

I think it’s clear A global variable is created $_GET with the identifier that we declared in the address bar ( in this case with the identifier “blog”)

Now I want to clarify one point. Suppose we need to declare two variables, how to do this? The first variable is declared after the question mark "?" The second variable is declared after the “&” sign ( To be honest, I don’t know what this sign is), here is an example declaration of three variables:


Here is the output code:

if(isset($_GET["a"]) AND isset($_GET["b"]) AND isset($_GET["c"])) (
echo $_GET["a"]."
echo $_GET["b"]."
echo $_GET["c"]."

The condition sounds like this:

If there is a global variable $_GET["a"] and a global variable $_GET["b"] and a global variable $_GET["c"] then display them on the screen, here is the result:


Before we get to post requests, you need to understand what forms are? Why is it necessary? Because the global variable $_POST[""] is created through forms. What is form? These are fields for the user to enter some information. There are one-line fields, large fields, and also radio buttons and check boxes. Let's look at everything in order...

The form is a tag:

form elements

The form has attributes, I will list the most common ones:

Let's create a form:

form elements

I set the file as the handler file test.php since it is in it that I write examples for you. I set the sending method to post because these are the methods used in 99.9% of cases. I also gave our form a name - form

Now let's plunge into the world of form elements. The first thing you need to understand is that almost all elements are a tag the only difference is in the attribute type at these tags. Let me list the form elements used:

I’m sure you’ve seen such fields more than once, so here’s what they say: “no comments”

Now let's create a small training questionnaire, which we will work with further. Our task is to create a small questionnaire that will tell us the name of the person filling it out, gender, what country they are from, favorite color and a text field where the user can add something about themselves. Here's what I got:

Your Last Name First Name Patronymic:

What's your gender:

What country are you from

Favorite color(s):


About Me:

Note that almost every tag has an attribute value, what is it for? It records the data that you are going to transfer to another page. I hope it's clear

Now if we run this code in the browser, we will see the following:

For the form I used the attribute action with meaning test.php this means, as I already said, that the data from the form will be transferred to the test.php file.

POST request

Now let's write PHP code that will allow us to see the information we entered. Where is the data stored? In the case of the get request, our data was in the global variable $_GET[""]. When making a post request, the data will be stored in the global variable $_POST[""]. In square brackets, you must write, as in the case of the global variable get, an identifier. The question is, where can I get this identifier? That's why we need the name attribute on form elements! It is these names that serve as our key in the global post array. Well, let's start describing the script:

if(isset($_POST["submit"])) (
echo "Full name: ".$_POST["fio"]."
echo "Gender: ".$_POST["sex"]."
echo "Country of residence: ".$_POST["city"]."

Echo "Favorite color(s):
echo $_POST["color_1"]."
echo $_POST["color_2"]."
echo $_POST["color_3"]."
echo $_POST["color_4"]."
echo "About yourself: ".$_POST["about"]."


The if condition we wrote says: If there is a global variable $_POST["submit"] then we display the data on the screen. This global variable is created if we click on the submit button, which is why the name attribute in the button is needed in this example. You may well be wondering why the button's name attribute is optional? It's quite simple. Typically, the programmer does not monitor the button press, but rather monitors the data sent. For correct operation of, for example, a contact form, it is necessary to track not the click of a button, but the correctness of the information entered, and to find out whether this information was entered at all. In our example, we did not check the sent data, but simply tracked the button press, to simplify the example... This is what we got:


Well, today we looked at two methods of transferring data between scripts, and we also got acquainted with forms. I really hope that this information will be useful to you at least somewhere. If you have any questions or thoughts, write comments. Good luck to you, that's all for today!

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Today I wanted to delve a little into primitive things and describe what can be found on the World Wide Web in large quantities and without much difficulty. We will talk practically about the holy of holies of the HTTP protocol: POST and GET requests.

Many will ask why? I will answer briefly and clearly: not everyone knows what it is and why it is needed, and those who want to learn about it (while understanding little in the IT field) often cannot understand what is written in many, many articles devoted to this topic. I’ll try to explain with my fingers what POST and GET requests are and what they are used for.
So, let's begin our journey into a fairy tale...
If you are reading this message, then you at least know what the Internet looks like and what an Internet site is. Having omitted all the intricacies of the work of the World Wide Web, we will operate with such concepts as user and site. Whatever one may say, these two entities must somehow interact with each other. For example, people communicate with each other through gestures, emotions and speech, animals make some sounds, but what happens when a person and an Internet resource “communicate”? Here we have a case of information exchange, which can be transferred to a human “Question-Answer” conversation. Moreover, both the user and the site can ask questions and answers. When we talk about a website, its questions and answers, as a rule, are always expressed in the form of an Internet page with one text or another. When it comes to the user, then everything happens thanks to GET and POST requests (of course not only, but we are talking about them).

Thus, we found out that our theme objects are necessary to “communicate” with sites. Moreover, both GET and POST requests can be used to “ask questions” to the site and to “answer” them. How are they different? Everything is quite simple. However, to explain the differences, we will have to consider an example, for which we will take the website of an online store plan.
You probably often noticed when you were looking for something in online stores that when you search using filters, the site address turns from the beautiful “” into the scary “ shoes&size=38". So, everything that comes after the '?' symbol is your GET request to the site, and to be completely precise, in this case you are asking the site what it has in the “Shoes” category from sizes “38” (this example is taken from my head; in reality, everything may not look so obvious). As a result, we have that we can ask questions ourselves by indicating them in the address bar of the site. Obviously, this method has several disadvantages. Firstly, anyone who is next to the user at the computer can easily spy on all the data, so using this type of request to transfer passwords is highly undesirable. Secondly, there is a limit on the length of the string that can be transferred from the site address field, which means that it will not be possible to transfer much data. However, the undoubted advantage of using GET requests is its ease of use and the ability to quickly query the site, which is especially useful during development, but that’s another story...
Now let's talk about POST requests. Smart readers may have realized that the main difference between this request and its counterpart is the secrecy of the transmitted data. If we consider an online store, a striking example where a POST request is used is registration on the site. The site asks for your data, you fill in this data and when you click on the “Registration” button you send your answer. Moreover, this data will not be displayed externally in any way. It is also worth noting that a fairly large amount of information can be requested - and the POST request has no restrictions. Well, if you touch on the minus, then such a request cannot be generated quickly. You can’t do this without special skills. Although in reality everything is not so complicated, but again, that’s another story.
Let's summarize. POST and GET requests are needed for “communication” between the user and the site. They are essentially almost the opposite of each other. The use of certain types of queries depends on the specific situation and using only one type of query is extremely inconvenient.

Modern web resources not only provide information to the visitor, but also interact with him. To interact with the user, you need to receive some information from him. There are several methods to obtain data, very common methods are GET And POST. And accordingly in PHP there is support for these data transfer methods GET And POST. Let's see how these methods work.
GET method Data GET method are passed by adding them to the URL of the script being invoked to process the received information. To explain this method, type the URL of the resource in the browser's address bar and add first a question mark (?) and then the line num=10. For example

If you have a local server, then usually the domain will be localhost , and then the previous entry would look like


In this case, we pass a parameter num equal to 10. To add the following parameters, the script needs to use the ampersand (&) separator, for example

In this case, we passed three parameters to the script: num with the value 10, type with the value "new" and v with the value "text".
To get these parameters in the script you need to use the built-in array $_GET $_GET["num"], $_GET["type"],$_GET["v"]. These array elements will contain the values ​​of the passed parameters. To demonstrate this example, create a script.php file with the following contents

Validating the GET method in PHP

echo ($_GET["num"]."
echo ($_GET["type"]."
echo ($_GET["v"]);

And now call this file in the browser


and you will see the passed parameters in the browser window. But if you call this file without additional parameters http://path/script.php, you will see errors that the interpreter will produce PHP, that there are no such elements of the $_GET array. More than one article could be devoted to checking the data received from the user, so in this article I will not touch on this point.
As you probably understand, forcing the user to type data in the address bar of the browser is not very good and is completely inconvenient. Therefore, to receive data from the user you need to use html forms. Let's write a simple html form.

Enter the number

Do you have a PC?

Your comment:

Let me comment a little on the created form. Forms are created with the form tag. Form fields are created using the input, select, textarea tags (you can read more). In the form tag, the action attribute specifies the URL of the script that will receive the form data. In our case, we specified our existing script.php file. The method attribute specifies the method for sending data. We have specified the method GET. Now we know which file the form data will be transferred to, and in what way, all that remains is to figure out where to look for it?!
This form data will be passed to the web resource by the browser by appending it to the URL: first there will be a question mark (?), then the parameters will be presented separated by an ampersand (&). The name of the parameter will be taken from the name attribute, which must be specified for any form field. The value of the parameter will depend on the field type. If the field is a text field, the value will be the text entered by the user. If the field is a list, a group of radio buttons or check boxes, then the value of the parameter will be the value of the value attribute of the selected element. Let me explain using our form as an example. If the user enters the number 10 in the input field, then the name of the parameter will be num (the value of the name attribute of the input tag) and the value will be 10 (the number entered by the user). Accordingly, the browser will generate a pair "num=10". If the user selects the "Yes" option from the list, then the name of the parameter will be type (the value of the name attribute of the select tag) and the value will be yes (the value of the value attribute of the option tag). Accordingly, the browser will generate a “type=yes” pair.
Now we will place this form on the forma.php page.

Form for transmitting data using GET and PHP methods

Enter the number

Do you have a PC?

Your comment:

Enter any values ​​in the form fields and click the "Submit" button. After clicking the button, the browser will open another page (script.php) and the data you entered will be displayed in the browser window. I think it’s clear why: the browser will pass the data to the script.php script, and in the script this data will be processed and displayed on the screen.
POST method Now let's look at how the method works POST.
To send data using POST you need to use HTML forms. As we remember, the method attribute of the form tag is responsible for the method of sending form data. Therefore, you need to specify the value POST in the method attribute of the form tag. Otherwise, the form can be the same as for the GET method. Let's change our form, which we have already used to transmit data using the GET method, to transmit using the POST method.

Enter the number

Do you have a PC?

Your comment:

As you can see, the form remains the same except for the method and action attributes. The data will now be passed to the script_post.php script. Let's place our form on the forma_post.php page.

Form for transmitting data using POST and PHP methods

Enter the number

Do you have a PC?

Your comment:

Now we need to write a script that will process our form data.
To receive data in a script using the passed method POST need to use built-in array $_POST. The keys of this array will be the names of the parameters. In our case we need to use $_POST["num"], $_POST["type"],$_POST["v"]. These array elements will contain the values ​​of the transferred data. As you can see, the difference from using the GET method is expressed only in the use of the $_POST array. Therefore, it will not be difficult for us to write the script_post.php file:

Validating the POST method in PHP

echo ($_POST["num"]."
echo ($_POST["type"]."
echo ($_POST["v"]);

Now open the forma_post.php file in your browser. Enter some data into the form fields and click the "Submit" button. Now, you probably noticed the difference between the POST method and the GET method - the form data did not appear in the address bar of the browser. Data by method POST cannot be transmitted through the browser address bar. This is a significant difference to remember.
IN PHP Regardless of how the data was sent - the POST method or the GET method - you can receive the data using the $_REQUEST array. Comparison of GET and POST methods When using the GET method, data is transferred by appending to the URL. Thus, they will be visible to the user, which is not always good from a security point of view. Also, the maximum amount of data transferred will depend on the browser - on the maximum permissible number of characters in the browser's address bar.
When using the POST method, the data will not be visible to the user (not displayed in the browser address bar). And therefore they are more secure, and, consequently, the program processing this data is more protected in terms of security. Also, the volume of transmitted data is practically unlimited.
When choosing a data transfer method, you need to take into account the above features and choose the most appropriate method.
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