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Where can you find information about. Virtual espionage or how to find out everything about a person

The Internet is a source of a wide variety of information. In a split second, search engines are able to find the answer to even the most tricky question that will baffle an erudite. But how can you find out everything about a person via the Internet? How legal is this possible? We will present you with several useful services that will help you find out a little more about the person you are interested in without contradicting Russian legislation.

"Yandex. People"

How to find out everything about a person via the Internet? We suggest that you first turn to the popular search engine Yandex. Go to the main page of the service, click on the “People” section. Here you can find the page of the person you are interested in on popular social networks: Instagram, Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, LiveJournal, My World, Google +, etc.

The search can be carried out both by first and last name, and by pseudonym or nickname. You have the opportunity to enter such additional search filters as “Age”, “Place of work”, “Place of study”, “Location”.

How to find out a person's last name via the Internet? Enter a search in Yandex. People" by pseudonym or nickname. Perhaps the system will give you a page where the person you are looking for has indicated not only fictitious, but also real information about themselves.

To cover more options, use the Boolean operator "OR" (pipe). For example: “Masha Ivanova | Maria Ivanova | Mashenka Ivanova."

Social Searcher

Another useful service for searching for a specific person in the world of social networks. Unlike the Russian Yandex. People”, the foreign analogue searches not for the personal pages of users, but for the latest posts and publications of a certain person.

How to find out everything about a person via the Internet? Enter your friend's first, last name or nickname into the Social Searcher search bar. The service will display the latest publications of his authorship on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

But the service has two significant drawbacks:

  • Social Searcher is still at the development stage, so it does not store all the information about users of social networks in the world.
  • The foreign resource currently does not provide results for domestic social networks: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Moi Mir, etc.

Social Mention

We continue to study how to find out everything about a person via the Internet. This service will help you determine who the person you are interested in communicates with, who is interested in him, which users follow his posts and publications.

Search in Social Mention works simply - by mention in comments, posts (for example, “@MashaIvanova”). There is one difficulty: you need to know what nickname the person you are interested in has on Twitter or Instagram. After all, other users will mention it by this name in their messages.


How to find out a person's location via the Internet in a legal way? You need to find him on one of the social networks using one of the above methods. And after that, thoroughly “monitor” his page. Users often attach geotags to published photographs (they appear automatically in a number of social networks) or indicate their place of residence in their biography.

You can often determine the location of the person you are interested in based on what is shown in photographs. But the convenient Yomapic service will help you check whether you were wrong in your guesses. The system searches the Internet for images published near the geolocation you entered. Perhaps in the photographs of other users you will be able to see something interesting for yourself.

Base of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the region

How to find out a person's criminal record via the Internet? If a new acquaintance makes you suspicious, you can contact the website “Ministry of Internal Affairs.rf”. Select your region, from the main page go to “Search for children”. The page will contain photographs of missing minors, contact and identification information about their identities. Also numbers and telephone numbers you can call if you recognize someone you know in one of the children.

You can also find information about your missing child here by using the search form. In the filter you can enter his last name, first name, age. Please enter your email address. Information available to the police about the missing person will be sent to him.

On the same page there is a link “Attention, wanted!” Using it, you can view data on persons who are wanted by the police for suspicion of committing a crime (most often prosecuted under criminal law). Here you will see photographs of the suspects, their full name, date of birth, basis for the search, nationality, place of birth. In addition, the contact details of a police officer are indicated, with whom you can contact if you identify someone you know.

But information about a criminal record is confidential; the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not publish it publicly.

Base of the Federal Bailiff Service

How is this service useful? It allows you to check whether a person has an outstanding debt. Agree, valuable information if you want to check the honesty of your business partner. In addition, the data bank provides information to a third party about whether the citizen you are interested in should pay alimony.

To obtain comprehensive information from the virtual data bank of the Federal Bailiff Service, you must enter the following information: last name, first name, region of residence of the person you are interested in.

“Google. Images"

How to recognize a person from a photo via the Internet? Many enthusiastic users note that they were able to find the person they were interested in on social networks, having only his photograph in hand.

How to do this? Scan the photo or save it to your electronic device. Preferably those images where the face is clearly visible. Go to the main page of the search engine, click on “Search by image” (the image of the camera in the search bar). You can either drag a file onto it, provide a link to the image, or upload it.

Google will give you results with similar images. Using their address, you can find a page on social networks that belongs to the person you are interested in. It's that simple!

ICQ,, “”

As you know, social networks can tell a lot about the past and present of the person we are interested in. At the same time, not all people, having decided to leave a particular system, care about deleting their profile. Most often it is abandoned and forgotten. And the account continues to store valuable information.

If you are eager to learn interesting facts from your friend’s past, we recommend turning to the once popular services: ICQ, Asku, Perhaps the person registered there under his first and last name, a nickname that he still uses today.


How to find out a person's registration via the Internet? It is difficult to do this legally. Alternatively, you can try to find out information by mobile phone number. No, we do not suggest hacking the operator's database. You just need to go to the GSM-Inform website and enter a friend’s mobile phone number. The system will show in which city it was registered. As a rule, most often people register a mobile phone number in their home region.

IP Address Geographical Location Finder

How to find out a person's address via the Internet? One option is this:

  • You need to receive an email from the person you are looking for.
  • In your email agent, right-click on the text.
  • Select "Show original" from the pop-up menu.
  • In the text that appears, you will need to find the user's IP address. By the way, many people know about this possibility, so your friend can hide it in one of the many available ways. The provider could also take care of its security.
  • If the IP address is found, then you need to copy it.
  • Go to the main page of the IP Address Geographical Location Finder service.
  • Paste the address into the search bar.
  • If everything is successful, the system will show the location of the person you are looking for (geolocation from where he sent you an email).
  • Youtube

    Let's tell you how popular video hosting can help you in your search:

    • Enter the nickname, last name and first name of the person you are interested in in the search bar. This way you will find video files with his participation.
    • You can determine whether a friend is running a channel on the service. What do I need to do? Put a filter on channel names.

    How to find out a person's number via the Internet? Often people indicate this combination of numbers for cooperation not only on YouTube, but also on Instagram, VKontakte, etc.

    "Sberbank Online"

    How can this popular banking app help? Sberbank Online can tell you which apartment the person you are interested in lives in. Interesting, isn't it? Especially if you want to organize an unexpected gift delivery to your home.

    However, there are two things. First: you must know his home phone number. Second: know on which street, in which house the person lives (the application will only show the apartment number).

    Now you just need to go to the bank’s mobile application, select a service provider in “Housing and communal services and home telephone” (most often it is MGTS). Now all that remains is to indicate the phone number and some amount for payment. The friend's apartment number will be displayed in the data verification window.

    You are convinced that on the Internet you can find out a lot about the person you are interested in. In this case, it is enough to be armed with only a minimum of information: first name, last name, nickname. In some cases, for a productive search you only need a photo of the citizen you are interested in.

    Contacts with distant relatives or school friends are often irretrievably lost, but the desire to communicate sometimes arises. In the age of social resources, it is becoming easier to find a person, but not everyone is registered there and actively uses them. In addition to the Internet, there are more conventional ways to find out the coordinates of a wanted person.

    How to find out a person's address by first and last name through the address table

    Passport services of any city provide services for searching for information about the registration of citizens; employees can find, among other things, information about deceased people. If you know some additional information, for example, date of birth, it may be useful in case of finding namesakes. Observing just a few points will help you find out the address by last name and first name in the address table:

    1. If you want to find female acquaintances or relatives, try to remember if they changed their maiden name.
    2. You need to write an application to search for information in the city in which the person presumably lives. Think about whether he was planning to change his place of residence.
    3. It may take a long time to wait for search results; in some cases, the process may take about a month.

    Searching for people by last name through Internet services

    With the advent of specialized network portals, finding a person has become even easier: there is no need to stand in queues and requests can be made from any city in Russia. You can find people by last name and first name for free through any of the popular social networks. You will have to find out the address personally from the person, since they are not publicly available there. To make a search query, you need to enter your first and last name in the fields provided, select the country and city. Even if there are namesakes and namesakes, it will not be difficult to recognize an acquaintance from a photograph.

    If the method does not produce results and the attempt is unsuccessful, you will have to resort to the help of other sites and programs. The most popular database remains, even though it contains information not about residents, but only about apartment owners. However, by selecting a city and writing the last name and first name, you can obtain information about a person’s residence. This will work if the person has not changed his place of residence recently. Among paid methods, address databases sold on disks are common. Such programs need to be purchased from a trusted place, specifying the year of release.

    How to find a person’s address by first and last name through the Federal Migration Service

    The FMS can carry out registration by first and last name. The difference between this method and others is that before giving an answer, the Federal Migration Service will have to obtain the consent of the person being sought. To contact the service in person, send an application by registered mail, or register on the government services website, you will need:

    1. Know the full name of the person you are going to search for. His date and place of birth will not be out of place. Without this data, consideration of the application may be delayed or you may receive a refusal.
    2. The FMS must provide the reason for requesting information about the person. Here you can report lost contacts with relatives and friends, and your desire to renew relationships with them.
    3. To send a response, you need to provide the same information about yourself, supplementing it with the series and passport number.

    How to find an address by last name through telephone directories

    Familiar thick books with phone numbers were once a common thing and were found in almost every home. Puzzling over how to find an address by last name, people have always resorted to using the telephone directory. Now the search process is similar. To do this, do the following:

    1. Using the table of contents, find the first letter of the last name of the person you are looking for.
    2. Once you open the desired page, scroll through the directory to the name you are looking for. It is likely, especially if the surname is common, that more than a dozen people will be listed under it. In this case, you can identify the desired person by patronymic and first name. If these data coincide, you will have to call everyone.

    As a result of the search, your registration address and . There are no guarantees that a person lives at this address. You can find out by calling the phone number indicated next to your name. Thick telephone directories with updated information appear on sale every year, so the obsolescence of information is reduced to almost zero.


    Faktrum publishes an excellent article from on how to get this information.

    1. How to find a person’s pages in all social networks at once?

    Several years ago, Yandex launched a service to search for people’s personal pages. It is available at Currently, the search is carried out on 16 social networks:

    You can search not only by first and last name, but also by nickname:

    If you are in doubt about how a person identifies himself on the Internet, you can use the logical OR operator (indicated by a vertical bar):

    2. How to find a person’s latest posts on all social networks at once?

    12. Does ICQ store any interesting information about your stormy youth?

    14. How to find out location by IP?

    The method does not guarantee the accuracy of the information. After all, there are many ways to hide your real address, which are used by both providers and users. But it's worth a try.

    1. Take a letter from a person and look at its original text:

    2. Find the sender’s IP address in it:

    3. Enter it into the form on the service:

    15. How to find out a person’s apartment number using their home phone number?

    The last trick makes a lasting impression on women:

    1. Accompany the new girl to the entrance. You casually ask for her home phone number;

    2. In between times, go to the Sberbank mobile application and go to the section for paying for MGTS services;

    3. Enter the phone number and find out the apartment number;

    4. Before saying goodbye, you tell about your second cousin who participated in the “Battle of Psychics” and offer to guess her apartment number;

    In the modern world of people who actively use the Internet and social networks to communicate, finding lost friends, former colleagues, or simply finding out information about the girl you like is much easier than, say, just fifteen years ago. Then the only option to find out information about a person was to use information from the competent authorities and a very limited circle of people could do this. Currently, any person can, with a high degree of probability, obtain information of interest about the right person in an absolutely legal way, without going anywhere, and without waiting for the data to be generated and issued. To do this, you just need to skillfully use the power of the Internet.

    The thing is that people, spending time on the Internet or communicating on social networks, inevitably leave traces by which they can be easily identified. And built-in search functions on many sites help you quickly find people and obtain information about them.

    Let's look at the most effective ways to find out information about a person on the Internet.

    1. It is best to start your search from sites that are intended for this - from the search engines Yandex and Google. You don’t even have to waste your time on other search engines, since they either use the results of the largest companies mentioned above or have much worse search databases, which significantly reduces the likelihood of finding the required information.

      Enter a query in the search bar in the form of your full name enclosed in double quotes, or simply your last name and first name in quotation marks if you don’t know your middle name. For example, “Sidorova Lyudmila Alexandrovna” or “Sidorova Lyudmila”. After the quotes, you can refine your search by adding the year of birth or city of residence of the person you are looking for.

      The chances of obtaining the necessary information increase the more actively a person spends time online and the more original combination of first and last name he has. For the combination “Ivanov Ivan” it will be very difficult to find the necessary information.

      As a rule, if the necessary information is not found in the first 5-10 pages of search results, then it will not be found further. You can move on to the next stage of information search without wasting time.

    2. Turn to popular social networks for help. Thanks to this fashionable trend, people communicate with each other on the Internet and... with their own hands and of their own free will, they post “dossiers” on themselves in them.

      We will briefly tell you how and in which social networks you need to search.
      This social network should be given preference if the person you are looking for is already old enough, has graduated from school and, possibly, a secondary specialized or higher educational institution. This logically follows from the focus of this social network.

      Go to the site using your username and password. In the search box in the upper right corner, enter a search query in the form “Last Name First Name City” without quotes. A list of found people who match the entered query will immediately appear. Based on the photos, you can easily find the person you are looking for if he is registered on this site.

      If the person you are interested in is found, but you cannot view the necessary information due to the page settings, since it is only visible to his friends, then create a request to be added to friends and after approval you will see the necessary data.

      To search for information about a person on the service Log in to the site with your username and password. In the search box located in the upper left corner, enter the person's last name and first name. Found people will be presented in the form of a list with photographs, based on which you can find the person you are interested in and information about him.

      The largest social network in the world, but not in our country. It is used mainly by those who for some reason are not satisfied with VKontakte. The number of registered users is only 5 million versus 100 million for VKontakte.

      To search for information about a person using Facebook, you need to log in to

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