Setting up hardware and software

How to change mouse sensitivity. How to adjust mouse sensitivity: basic techniques

Each of us has a certain speed of movement of the mouse cursor. However, I noticed that no matter what the speed, you still get used to it after a while. True, this time can last either one day or several weeks. In order not to torture yourself, in any operating system it is possible to adjust the sensitivity of the mouse. This is exactly what I want to tell you about.

First of all, we need to get to the parameters section. To do this, go to the control panel by clicking on the “Start” button.

Then select the “Mouse” section.

A small window with settings will open in front of you. In the settings window, select the “Pointer Options” tab. At the top of the panel there is an item called "Move". Here you can also see a small slider with the inscription “Set the pointer speed.” Start moving the slider in one direction or another to change the parameter. If you move the slider to the left, the speed of cursor movement decreases, and if you move it to the right, it increases accordingly. Don't forget to click OK when this process is complete.

Be sure to check the box next to “Enable enhanced pointer precision.” In this case, the cursor moves much more accurately.

Among other subsections, you may be interested in the “Mouse Buttons” tab. Here you can exchange the assignment of the right and left buttons. This function may be needed, for example, by those people who often use their left hand rather than their right hand.

Much more interesting is the item “Double-click speed”. What is this anyway? This parameter tells you how quickly you need to double-click on a folder (or icon) for it to open. This parameter is very important for people who have only recently used a computer - if the double-click speed is high, then the user often simply does not have time to do this same double-click and the folder simply does not open. The lower the click speed, the slower you can click on the right mouse button when opening folders or launching programs. You can test your click speed right in this window - click on the yellow folder. When the process is complete, click OK.

The Wheel tab will allow you to adjust how lines scroll with one turn. By default, one turn of the wheel scrolls three lines and this is quite enough, but it may not be enough for someone. This is also a kind of sensitivity of the mouse, which allows you to work with this device faster and more conveniently.

That's all, actually. In principle, the setup procedure is simple, but it may take some time, since it is very difficult to achieve ideal parameters the first time. All comes with experience.

P.S. By the way, there are now mice on the market that allow you to adjust the sensitivity using a pair of buttons located on the body of the device. As a rule, these are gaming mice and quite expensive ones.

P.P.S. The described process is suitable for any version of Windows, including Windows 7, Vista, XP, 8.

If you use a desktop computer or laptop with Windows 10, then of course you use a touchpad or mouse - a4tech bloody, Logitech, razer, defender, SteelSeries and so on.

If you experience some inconvenience while working, then on Windows 10 you can easily customize mouse button control to suit your needs.

To properly configure the mouse buttons, first of all you need to set the optimal cursor sensitivity, movement speed, sharpness and, of course, “tighten” the wheel, the capabilities of which not everyone uses to the fullest.

In this case, special attention should be paid to inversion, right, left and, if there are side buttons, in particular to the response.

For maximum convenience, the mouse click itself can be configured as a single or double click (click).

NOTE: For the most convenient experience, it is best to use a wireless bluetooth/radio mouse with five (side) buttons.

Basic mouse button settings in Windows 10 on a computer or laptop

IMPORTANT: These settings are available for most devices, but the most advanced dedicated mice or touchpad may have many additional settings that appear in a separate properties window.

To configure these settings, read the instruction manual for your device.

To configure basic mouse or touchpad settings, you must go to the application settings.

To do this, open the “Start menu” by clicking on the button in the lower left corner of the screen. Then click the "Options" button.

Now go to the "Devices" section

In this window, the first item indicates the button that will be the main one - by default it’s “left” and almost everyone uses it except for left-handed people.

The second item defines the mouse wheel. Tap to choose between scrolling multiple lines at a time or scrolling across one screen.

The easiest way to check these parameters is to open any site (or use the one you are currently on) and see what works best.

If you select the wheel to scroll multiple lines, the slider below will become active and you can set the number of lines to scroll.

Just click on it and drag left or right to decrease or increase the scroll size.

In the third point, you can enable scrolling of inactive windows when you hover the cursor over them.

The last option only applies to the touchpad. Click the drop-down menu to select the touchpad delay time.

The longer the delay, the longer you have to press the touchpad when you're done writing on the keyboard.

You can choose long, medium, short, or turn everything off completely. Default value: medium latency.

Advanced mouse button sensitivity settings in Windows 10

If you want to see other mouse settings, click on the line: “Advanced mouse settings”. After this, “Mouse Properties” will open.

If you check the box next to the line: “change button assignments,” the main one will change from left to right or vice versa.

The image on the right shows which mouse button is currently the primary one (in blue).

The last item on this tab is to enable and configure sticking. You can activate it by checking the box next to the line: “Enable sticky”, after which the settings options will become available.

To access mouse cursor settings, click on the "Pointers" tab at the top of the properties window.

How to adjust mouse button sensitivity on Windows 10

To access other cursor settings, such as cursor sensitivity, click the “Pointer Options” tab at the top of the properties window.

In it you can adjust the sensitivity and speed of cursor movement on the screen using the speed selection slider: move it left or right to reduce or increase the speed of the pointer movement.

There are several more settings on the same tab, but they are not so important that they need to be specifically described.

On the “Wheel” tab, you can specify how many lines the page of a website, book, or document should scroll.

The remaining options are intended for use by advanced users.

In the Windows 10 operating system, as in previous versions of Windows, you can customize every little detail of your mouse.

As you can see, Windows 10 settings are simplified and accessible, where you can configure basic settings and access the detailed mouse properties settings window, with a large number of options and the interface familiar to users of earlier versions of Windows. Good luck.

On computers running the Windows operating system, the main control device is the mouse. The principle of its operation is based on registering movements and transmitting them to the operating system to synchronously move the pointer on the screen.

At the base of optical-mechanical mice there is a rolling unit based on a ball, the rotation of which is transmitted to the measuring system. The measured value and direction of the device's displacement is transmitted to the computer.

Optical mice, unlike optical-mechanical mice, do not roll over the surface, but glide over it, uniformly illuminating it with a beam of rays. The reflected rays are recorded by a sensitive element. The mouse seems to “see” the micro-irregularities of the surface and registers its displacement relative to them.

The mouse family also includes other devices, such as trackballs and touchpads. The trackball is stationary, and its motion sensor - the ball - is rotated by your fingers.

Trackballs, like mice, are optical-mechanical and optical.

A touchpad is a touchpad. To move the pointer, you just need to drag your finger across it. Typically, touchpads are used in portable computers - laptops.

Buttons are used to issue commands using the mouse. A standard mouse has only two buttons: the main one (usually the left one) and the special one (usually the right one). If the mouse has other controls - buttons, wheels, etc. - they should be considered additional and optional.

To configure the mouse and its analogues, use the Properties: Mouse dialog box. To open it, double-click the Mouse icon in the Control Panel window (Start - Control Panel).

The most important mouse settings are adjusting its sensitivity and setting the double-click of the main button. The selection of optimal settings depends on the characteristics of a particular model, as well as on the usual working style.

The sensitivity of the mouse determines the amount of displacement of the screen pointer per unit movement of the mouse. Check if you can move the pointer across the entire screen diagonally without lifting your wrist from the surface of the table, that is, moving only your fingers. If this exercise fails, it means that the sensitivity of the mouse leaves much to be desired and needs to be increased. The reverse operation - reducing sensitivity - may be required when people who are not fully accustomed to the system's reaction to their actions, for example small children, work with the computer.

Adjusting mouse sensitivity

  1. Open the Mouse Properties dialog box: Start - Control Panel Mouse.
  2. Click the Index Options tab.
  3. Mouse sensitivity is set using the Set the pointer movement speed slider in the Move panel. The further to the right the slider is, the more sensitive the mouse, the further the pointer moves with a single movement of the device.
  4. Here it is recommended to check the Enable increased pointer accuracy checkbox. With this setting, the pointer first moves slowly and then accelerates. This increases accuracy over short distances, which is important in application programs, such as graphic editors. In action computer games where the mouse is used to aim a weapon at a target, this setting may have a negative effect by reducing the player's reaction speed.

A double click is recognized by the time interval that elapses between two consecutive clicks of the main mouse button. If it is too small, two clicks are perceived and processed by the operating system as one normal click. If the interval is too large, the system perceives two different clicks. The time interval at which the system registers a double click has a certain tolerance and can be configured.

Setting up a double click

  1. Open the Mouse Properties dialog box: Start - Control Panel - Mouse.
  2. Double-click options are configured in the Double-click speed panel. The folder icon next to it is the scan area. If two consecutive clicks are perceived as a double click, then the state of the folder changes - it opens or closes.
  3. The double-click interval is adjusted using the Speed ​​slider.

Modern mouse models have a wheel in addition to buttons. It is used for scrolling documents. If you are using such a mouse, a Wheel tab appears in the Mouse Properties dialog box. It will come in handy if the computer is often used for working with texts. By setting the scroll switch to the specified number of lines, you can set the number of document lines that correspond to turning the wheel one click. An alternative option is the Scroll one screen at a time toggle. In this case, turning the mouse wheel is equivalent to pressing the PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN key,

Recently, you can see more and more special models of manipulators. They are distinguished by an increased number of buttons, two wheels, or other unusual controls. Customization of these tools is provided by specialized drivers.

The responsiveness of a mouse in Windows often has a huge impact on the comfort of using a computer, comfort when surfing the web and navigating web pages, the speed of scrolling the wheel in dynamic games and when reading from the screen. It would not be amiss to say that in the “top ten” all these parameters can be flexibly configured, adapting and adapting the settings in accordance with your own personal preferences and needs. How to do this will be discussed in today’s material.

Mouse sensitivity– a rather subjective thing. Everyone has their own preferences for how quickly they can scroll their wheel, how quickly they can move their cursor, and how quickly they can press buttons twice. To adapt all this “for yourself,” the system has some mechanisms and tools.

How to change scroll speed when reading text?

When reading web pages or Word documents, you often have to scroll the text forward or backward using the scroll wheel. To customize the text scrolling speed, you can use a special slider available in the system settings.

Go to Windows settings using the Start menu.

As you can see, there is a slider that is responsible for the number of lines that will be scrolled in one go when the mouse wheel is scrolled once.

We set this slider to the desired position, simultaneously testing the set values ​​on one of the documents in the browser or in a text editor. Stop and close the window when the position of the installed indicator satisfies you. Go ahead.

How to adjust the speed of double-clicking the left mouse button?

When opening folders and launching programs, we often double-click. But sometimes it may not work. What could be the reason? If the mouse is not clogged and works properly, the answer to this question is the incorrectly set value of the double-click speed of the accessory. Let's configure this parameter. We go to the control panel by right-clicking on the start button in the lower left corner and select the appropriate item in the list that appears.

The interface of this section may differ slightly from what is available on your computer, but I can assure you that all options are reduction And increase Mouse sensitivities are concentrated here, and all you have to do is dig into the presented section of the control panel.

So, go to the first tab “Buttons”, and set the parameter corresponding to the speed of double pressing the main key of the controller.

We increase or reduce this indicator, accurately selecting the desired value on the scale and confirming it by pressing the “Apply” and “OK” keys.

How to adjust the speed of cursor movement on the screen?

Go to the tab for configuring cursor parameters. The first section on this tab is responsible for the speed of movement of the mouse pointer.

By dragging the corresponding slider left or right, you can change mouse movement speed exactly to the level you need.

How to change the appearance of the pointer?

If you like unusual designs and bright colors, you can change the appearance of the cursor to the one you like best. To do this, on the form responsible for setting up and configuring the mouse, go to the “Pointers” tab, and in the main mode field, by pressing the “Browse” key, you can select any indicator you like, saved in a graphic file on the computer’s hard drive.

Also within your power tune cursor diagram by selecting the topic you need from the list at the top (fortunately, they are installed in a set and applied automatically so that you don’t need to change or reinstall anything after that).

In this material I tried to outline all the ways mouse sensitivity settings. In addition, I touched on the topic of changing the appearance of the pointer, which I hope you will also like. Use your computer for your own pleasure - read books, study applications, play games. In a word, do whatever your heart desires. The main thing is that it brings benefit and moral satisfaction to you, your loved ones and friends, and may everything work out for you!

A computer manipulator, called a mouse, is part of almost any computer system and is a very convenient means of user interaction with a graphical interface. Even laptop owners, not to mention avid gamers, prefer to use a mouse rather than a touchpad. And here the question arises of how to adjust mouse sensitivity in a computer environment. This is necessary to make your work as comfortable as possible.

How to adjust mouse sensitivity on Windows 7?

On XP, 7 or 8 systems, all actions are performed in an almost identical way, only the names of the sections in which you can access these settings differ. In any case, it all comes down to using the standard “Control Panel” initially. It can be accessed from the main Start menu.

In the panel, in relation to the seventh version of Windows, you need to select the category of devices and printers through the hardware and sound section, where the mouse settings item will be located.

How to adjust mouse sensitivity? You should use the pointer options tab first, as this is where the most basic settings are presented. At the top of the window there is a special slider, moving which left and right adjusts the speed of the pointer moving across the screen. After several experiments, you can determine the optimal parameter for yourself.

By default, the enhanced pointer precision option is enabled. It is better not to touch this line. As for the options for moving the cursor while leaving a trace, this is optional. But many admit that this effect causes discomfort, and sometimes simply distracts from work. You can enable cursor hiding when entering text from the keyboard. Again, it’s just as you like.

How to adjust mouse sensitivity on Windows 10?

Now a few words about setting up the manipulator in Windows 10. If anyone doesn’t know, in the tenth version of the system there is not one, but two “Control Panels” (one is standard, the second is the settings section). Based on this, you can use two options for customizing the mouse (although, by and large, you can only use the options menu).

So, how do you adjust mouse sensitivity through the options section? Call it from the main Start menu and go to the devices tab (second from the left). In the new window on the left side there is a line of mouse and touchpad settings.

The setup menu is different from the standard one. These are mainly the scrolling options and setting the main button. To access other options, you must use Advanced Settings. This is where the catch lies. When you follow this link or call the standard “Control Panel” (for example, using the control command in the “Run” console) and selecting the appropriate options, the same settings window opens, which many are accustomed to seeing in earlier systems.

Actually, all the standard settings are presented here, including the speed of cursor movement, scrolling with the wheel, and changing buttons or the pointer. All this is customizable at your discretion.

Configuring mouse settings in games

Finally, there is another problem of how to adjust the mouse sensitivity for playing computer games. Let us note right away that most modern games have this option (and with fairly fine settings).

Every gamer, for example, who prefers first-person shooters (FPS), knows that a second of delay can sometimes cost the life of his character. Therefore, you need to configure the mouse in such a way that the movements are as accurate as possible.


As you can see, the setup of the manipulator looks quite standard, not counting the special parameters in Windows 10. In addition, some specific devices were not considered here, the icon of which is constantly displayed in the system tray, from where you can access all parameters and options. But, as a rule, the settings windows are made in the image and likeness of Windows systems, so it is quite difficult to get confused in them, although in some cases you can find very unusual settings.

The responsiveness of a mouse in Windows often has a huge impact on the comfort of using a computer, comfort when surfing the web and navigating web pages, the speed of scrolling the wheel in dynamic games and when reading from the screen. It would not be amiss to say that in the “top ten” all these parameters can be flexibly configured, adapting and adapting the settings in accordance with your own personal preferences and needs. How to do this will be discussed in today’s material.

Mouse sensitivity– a rather subjective thing. Everyone has their own preferences for how quickly they can scroll their wheel, how quickly they can move their cursor, and how quickly they can press buttons twice. To adapt all this “for yourself,” the system has some mechanisms and tools.

How to change scroll speed when reading text?

When reading web pages or Word documents, you often have to scroll the text forward or backward using the scroll wheel. To customize the text scrolling speed, you can use a special slider available in the system settings.

Go to Windows settings using the Start menu.

As you can see, there is a slider that is responsible for the number of lines that will be scrolled in one go when the mouse wheel is scrolled once.

We set this slider to the desired position, simultaneously testing the set values ​​on one of the documents in the browser or in a text editor. Stop and close the window when the position of the installed indicator satisfies you. Go ahead.

How to adjust the speed of double-clicking the left mouse button?

When opening folders and launching programs, we often double-click. But sometimes it may not work. What could be the reason? If the mouse is not clogged and works properly, the answer to this question is the incorrectly set value of the double-click speed of the accessory. Let's configure this parameter. We go to the control panel by right-clicking on the start button in the lower left corner and select the appropriate item in the list that appears.

The interface of this section may differ slightly from what is available on your computer, but I can assure you that all options are reduction And increase The mouse sensitivities are concentrated here, and all you need to do is dig into the presented section of the control panel.

So, go to the first tab “Buttons”, and set the parameter corresponding to the speed of double pressing the main key of the controller.

We increase or reduce this indicator, accurately selecting the desired value on the scale and confirming it by pressing the “Apply” and “OK” keys.

How to adjust the speed of cursor movement on the screen?

Go to the tab for configuring cursor parameters. The first section on this tab is responsible for the speed of movement of the mouse pointer.

By dragging the corresponding slider left or right, you can change mouse movement speed exactly to the level you need.

How to change the appearance of the pointer?

If you like unusual designs and bright colors, you can change the appearance of the cursor to the one you like best. To do this, on the form responsible for setting up and configuring the mouse, go to the “Pointers” tab, and in the main mode field, by pressing the “Browse” key, you can select any indicator you like, saved in a graphic file on the computer’s hard drive.

Also within your power tune cursor diagram by selecting the topic you need from the list at the top (fortunately, they are installed in a set and applied automatically so that you don’t need to change or reinstall anything after that).

In this material I tried to outline all the ways mouse sensitivity settings. In addition, I touched on the topic of changing the appearance of the pointer, which I hope you will also like. Use your computer for your own pleasure - read books, study applications, play games. In a word, do whatever your heart desires. The main thing is that it brings benefit and moral satisfaction to you, your loved ones and friends, and may everything work out for you!

The first manipulators did not offer any customization options. An alphanumeric cursor was often used as a mouse pointer, at least this was the case before the advent of graphical window interfaces. With their emergence, the situation changed - multitasking or pseudo-multitasking operating systems with a graphical interface usually allowed flexible configuration of the manipulator.

Many of these peripherals essentially come out of the factory without a lot of settings, so it's up to the user to set things up the way they prefer. Explore some handy settings to get everything you need right at your fingertips! While some mice have advanced settings, this is not always the reality and largely depends on the make and model of the peripheral. But regardless, they all have some basic settings that can be very useful!

Open Control Panel and highlight Mouse Options. Adjust basic settings. The first option is useful for left-handers, or for those who for some reason want to use the mouse with their left hand. To make clicking easier, change the position of the buttons by checking the "Switch between primary and secondary buttons" checkbox.

It was possible not only to change the shape of the pointer, but also to adjust the sensitivity of the cursor to various user actions. Almost every competent user knows how to change the shape of the cursor, but not everyone knows how to adjust the sensitivity. Let's learn how to adjust mouse sensitivity settings on Windows 7, including on a laptop.

From this same tab, you can change the click speed, a super-handy setting to increase the flexibility of your peripheral and reduce the risk of accidentally double-clicking. When adjusting the speed, test the dough to the side. If it opens or closes, the speed is good.

Select and customize pointers. On the Pointers tab, you can change your mouse pointers and keep them personalized. There are packages you can download to further customize this setting. Select the cursor you want to change and click Search.

The modern user does not interact with the mouse directly (via firmware in the underlying I/O system). Today, a special driver is used for this purpose - a program included in the Windows system software that intercepts actions such as clicks on device buttons (including double-click sensitivity) or movement. This program has a large number of features, and there is an appropriate interface for setting them up. We will consider this further.

The next tab, Pointer Options, has some very useful additional settings, such as pointer speed. This is great for those who suffer from a "heavy" mouse, that is, when it seems to move very slowly. Speed ​​and behavior parameters.

Customize other options to suit your preferences by adding a trace to the pointer or adjusting the location of the cursor in the dialog box. A very useful setting is to make the cursor transparent as you type for easy viewing without disturbing or needing to move.

Mouse customization practice

To adjust the double-click sensitivity and other mouse properties, you need to go to the window, which is called “Mouse Properties”.

You can get to this interface by following "Control Panel"(via the Start menu) by selecting the group "All Control Panel Items" and clicking on the "Mouse" link. A window will open as in the figure below:

The next tab is one of the most important of these options. Adjust the behavior of the scroll wheel located in the middle of the mouse buttons. Scroll options. If you are having trouble with the number of rows that move at one time, whether the number is small or large, you can set it in the Vertical Scroll option, choosing the number that suits your needs. If necessary, instead of rows, set the mouse to skip the entire page using the scroll wheel.

Horizontal scrolling is not present in all models of this peripheral, but if so, you can also configure it the same way in the Horizontal Scrolling field. Customizing scrolling is a great way to make your mouse more personalized.

On different tabs of this window you can adjust various parameters:

  • Behavior of mouse buttons on single and double clicks.
  • Pointer behavior.
  • Wheel behavior.

Let's start with the "Mouse Buttons" tab - here you can adjust the sensitivity of the device's response to a double click. If you have reduced reaction time and want to increase the time between clicks when double-clicking, move the “Speed” slider to the left. If you are left-handed, then you will probably like the option of exchanging button functions - to enable/disable it, you need to check or uncheck the box “Change button assignments”.

Settings are created directly from the control panel, just browse your device in Device Manager to find additional settings that vary by model and brand. Adjust the sensitivity to the average value. This high value will result in inconsistencies and errors when moving the mouse. Muscle memory builds slower and will likely never reach its potential. Reproduction with high sensitivity is like rejecting a deficiency. Keep in mind, the lower your sensitivity, the larger your mouse pad will be.

Having figured out how to set up a double click, let's find out how to set the proportion between the speed of moving the mouse on the table and the speed of moving the cursor across the screen. That is, how to adjust the sensitivity of the manipulator to movement.

You can remove the cursor from running too quickly across the screen on the tab "Pointer Options" by moving the slider "Set the pointer speed". For precise cursor positioning, check the box. "Enable enhanced precision".

It is important to be able to move freely without reaching the end of the mat. As shown in the photo, especially lateral movement can be large and therefore require a lot of space. Most competitive and professional gamers don't like mouse acceleration. And they have a good reason not to. Mouse acceleration will make your mouse move faster depending on how fast you move the mouse. So basically every step with the mouse is different. It's not a huge difference, but it is noticeable and to make it worse, some mice have more acceleration than others.

On computers running the Windows operating system, the main control device is the mouse. The principle of its operation is based on registering movements and transmitting them to the operating system to synchronously move the pointer on the screen.

But why is there so much drama about certain pixels? Okay, let me explain: muscle memory does great things, but the important word here is memory. So every time you go to the map and play, your body learns how many mouse movements are needed to achieve the goal. Now, with mouse acceleration, your hand and arm movement will change all the time, thus making it harder for the player to build their muscle memory, resulting in slower progress or even stagnation.

In fact, there is a small percentage of players who enjoy acceleration, but it is important to understand that it will look better to look better. The safest thing to do would be to get a mouse with standard acceleration. Don't forget that the OS itself is accelerated. You can disable it in the mouse settings.

At the base of optical-mechanical mice there is a rolling unit based on a ball, the rotation of which is transmitted to the measuring system. The measured value and direction of the device's displacement is transmitted to the computer.

Optical mice, unlike optical-mechanical mice, do not roll over the surface, but glide over it, uniformly illuminating it with a beam of rays. The reflected rays are recorded by a sensitive element. The mouse seems to “see” the micro-irregularities of the surface and registers its displacement relative to them.

The lift distance is the value at which the mouse sensor is still able to control its movements. Generally, a short height distance is preferred. Some driver rats still allow you to customize it. If you can't configure it via software and you're not happy with it, not all hope is lost.

If you have an optical sensor that can be reduced with a duck. The laser is new, but the old one is gold. Optical sensors are still the best way. Laser is more sensitive and has more general surface imperfections in play. Although this may seem excellent on paper, in real life every experienced player can tell the difference. Here is a short informative video on the topic.

The mouse family also includes other devices, such as trackballs and touchpads. The trackball is stationary, and its motion sensor - the ball - is rotated by your fingers.

Trackballs, like mice, are optical-mechanical and optical.

A touchpad is a touchpad. To move the pointer, you just need to drag your finger across it. Typically, touchpads are used in portable computers - laptops.

People have greatly underestimated the impact of having to change your surface because you qualified for a major tournament. Now we have a problem because all those hours you spend training in preparation for this moment, you did it on the wrong surface, Oops! Therefore, if you plan to save this table, you better take it with you to the LAN. Don't worry about that little money in your pocket and your well-deserved two hours of fame are on their way someday. You just bought a new mouse, and after connecting it to your computer, you had the following surprise: instead of the cursor moving normally as usual, it flies from one side of the screen to the other, preventing you from clicking where you want and often , the white “small set” can hardly be seen.

Buttons are used to issue commands using the mouse. A standard mouse has only two buttons: the main one (usually the left one) and the special one (usually the right one). If the mouse has other controls - buttons, wheels, etc. - they should be considered additional and optional.

Setting the mouse speed. Relax, your new mouse has no problems. This is because mice from different models have different levels of sensitivity, making it necessary to adjust the mouse settings on the mouse. Next steps. Click Start and go to Control Panel.

Then, in Classic View, click Mouse to display options. In the window that opens, select the “Pointer Options” tab. Below Motion, drag the slider along the bar to set the speed. Repeat “Step 1” and change the display mode to “Large Icons” in the Control Panel.

To configure the mouse and its analogues, use the Properties: Mouse dialog box. To open it, double-click the Mouse icon in the Control Panel window (Start - Control Panel).

The most important mouse settings are adjusting its sensitivity and setting the double-click of the main button. The selection of optimal settings depends on the characteristics of a particular model, as well as on the usual working style.

Then find the Mouse option and click on it. In the new window, select the Index Options tab and repeat Step 4. It has a robust settings menu. In it, players can customize various features of the game. This includes keyboard and mouse commands such as key mapping and character motion sensitivity.

All settings can be found in the Options menu, which is located shortly after the header is executed. Settings work both online and offline and can be loaded while the game is loading. From the game's main menu, click "Options".

The sensitivity of the mouse determines the amount of displacement of the screen pointer per unit movement of the mouse. Check if you can move the pointer across the entire screen diagonally without lifting your wrist from the surface of the table, that is, moving only your fingers. If this exercise fails, it means that the sensitivity of the mouse leaves much to be desired and needs to be increased. The reverse operation - reducing sensitivity - may be required when people who are not fully accustomed to the system's reaction to their actions, for example small children, work with the computer.

You can also adjust mouse sensitivity. Simply zoom in or out to make your mouse move faster or slower. You can also change each key of the game, such as the commands for walking, jumping and squatting. If you want to restore the original settings, simply click "Restore Defaults".

For example, you can change the size and location of the dock, choose a desktop wallpaper, and much more. The options are located in the settings. Click the icon to open the preferences panel and view options.

By default, preferences are organized into rows by category.

Adjusting mouse sensitivity

  1. Open the Mouse Properties dialog box: Start - Control Panel Mouse.
  2. Click the Index Options tab.
  3. Mouse sensitivity is set using the Set the pointer movement speed slider in the Move panel. The further to the right the slider is, the more sensitive the mouse, the further the pointer moves with a single movement of the device.
  4. Here it is recommended to check the Enable increased pointer accuracy checkbox. With this setting, the pointer first moves slowly and then accelerates. This increases accuracy over short distances, which is important in application programs, such as graphic editors. In action computer games where the mouse is used to aim a weapon at a target, this setting may have a negative effect by reducing the player's reaction speed.

Each settings panel contains options that you can customize. Most panels have an interactive Help button to display information about options.

They are indicated by a lock icon at the bottom of the panel, and their options become grayed out. If you want to change a setting but don't know where it is in System Preferences, use the search box at the top of the window. Options that match your search appear in a list, and the preference panes where they are located are highlighted.

A double click is recognized by the time interval that elapses between two consecutive clicks of the main mouse button. If it is too small, two clicks are perceived and processed by the operating system as one normal click. If the interval is too large, the system perceives two different clicks. The time interval at which the system registers a double click has a certain tolerance and can be configured.

Did you know that you can quickly hover your mouse so you don't have to move your hand to move it around the screen? You can also do the opposite: if your mouse cursor is too light, you can reduce your mouse sensitivity to make it easier to aim accurately.

But since it can be difficult, we will help. Select the "Devices" option. In this menu on the left side, go to "Mouse and Touchpad". Here, at the bottom of the menu, click "Advanced mouse options." In it, select the “Pointer Options” tab. You'll see a "Motion" option here and, underneath it, a bar that says "select pointer speed." Playing the panel on the left leaves the pointer slower, i.e. you need more of a hand to get it to cross the screen, but will have more precision when using a mouse.

Setting up a double click

  1. Open the Mouse Properties dialog box: Start - Control Panel - Mouse.
  2. Double-click options are configured in the Double-click speed panel. The folder icon next to it is the scan area. If two consecutive clicks are perceived as a double click, then the state of the folder changes - it opens or closes.
  3. The double-click interval is adjusted using the Speed ​​slider.

Modern mouse models have a wheel in addition to buttons. It is used for scrolling documents. If you are using such a mouse, a Wheel tab appears in the Mouse Properties dialog box. It will come in handy if the computer is often used for working with texts. By setting the scroll switch to the specified number of lines, you can set the number of document lines that correspond to turning the wheel one click. An alternative option is the Scroll one screen at a time toggle. In this case, turning the mouse wheel is equivalent to pressing the PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN key,

Recently, you can see more and more special models of manipulators. They are distinguished by an increased number of buttons, two wheels, or other unusual controls. Customization of these tools is provided by specialized drivers.

The first manipulators did not offer any customization options. An alphanumeric cursor was often used as a mouse pointer, at least this was the case before the advent of graphical window interfaces. With their emergence, the situation changed - multitasking or pseudo-multitasking operating systems with a graphical interface usually allowed flexible configuration of the manipulator.

It was possible not only to change the shape of the pointer, but also to adjust the sensitivity of the cursor to various user actions. Almost every competent user knows how to change the shape of the cursor, but not everyone knows how to adjust the sensitivity. Let's learn how to adjust mouse sensitivity settings on Windows 7, including on a laptop.

The modern user does not interact with the mouse directly (via firmware in the underlying I/O system). Today, a special driver is used for this purpose - a program included in the Windows system software that intercepts actions such as clicks on device buttons (including double-click sensitivity) or movement. This program has a large number of features, and there is an appropriate interface for setting them up. We will consider this further.

Mouse customization practice

To adjust the double-click sensitivity and other mouse properties, you need to go to the window, which is called “Mouse Properties”.

You can get to this interface by following "Control Panel"(via the Start menu) by selecting the group "All Control Panel Items" and clicking on the "Mouse" link. A window will open as in the figure below:

On different tabs of this window you can adjust various parameters:

  • Behavior of mouse buttons on single and double clicks.
  • Pointer behavior.
  • Wheel behavior.

Let's start with the "Mouse Buttons" tab - here you can adjust the sensitivity of the device's response to a double click. If you have reduced reaction time and want to increase the time between clicks when double-clicking, move the “Speed” slider to the left. If you are left-handed, then you will probably like the option of exchanging button functions - to enable/disable it, you need to check or uncheck the box “Change button assignments”.

Having figured out how to set up a double click, let's find out how to set the proportion between the speed of moving the mouse on the table and the speed of moving the cursor across the screen. That is, how to adjust the sensitivity of the manipulator to movement.

A mouse is a manipulator that controls the pointer (cursor). The double-click speed and sensitivity settings can be considered the most important in the settings of this device. The amount of cursor displacement per unit mouse movement depends on its sensitivity. It is necessary to select the optimal settings depending on your usual work style and the characteristics of your manipulator model.

What is sensitivity?

The sensitivity indicator is called resolution. By changing the resolution, you adjust the speed of the cursor. This is necessary, for example, for actions that require increased precision - in computer games or when working with graphics. Reducing sensitivity is necessary when small children work on the computer and cannot fully control the system’s reaction to their actions.

Before reducing the sensitivity of your pointing pad, try moving the cursor diagonally across the entire screen. At the same time, do not lift your wrists from the surface of the table. If it works, then there is no need to reduce the sensitivity. Modern models of manipulators are equipped with additional controls: two wheels and a large number of buttons. Some new models are equipped with a special button. For them, the issue of mouse sensitivity is easily resolved. How to reduce it? This can be achieved with the click of a button.

If you have a regular model that does not provide sensitivity adjustment, then this can be done programmatically in the operating system.

How to reduce mouse sensitivity in Windows 7?

Let's look at how to configure the mouse in Windows 7. This setting allows you to change the assignment of buttons, mouse pointers, its sensitivity, double-click speed and other functions. But first things first. The dialog box you need to go to to get started is called “Properties: Mouse”. This is done very simply. In order not to go far through any control panels, select “Start” and write “mouse” in the search bar. Select the result that appears. We find ourselves in the window we need, which has several tabs:

  • pointer parameters;
  • mouse buttons;
  • signs;
  • equipment;
  • wheel.

In the “Pointer Options” tab, in the “Movement” section, we see a slider with the labels “Below” and “Above”. The higher the sensitivity, the faster the mouse moves across the screen. The further to the right the slider pointer is, the more sensitive the mouse is. The optimal position for many users is slightly to the right of the middle. Since we are faced with the question of how to reduce the sensitivity of the mouse, then, accordingly, we drag the slider towards “Lower”. Then click “Apply” and Ok.

Windows 10 OS

Many people do not know how to reduce mouse sensitivity in Windows 10. So, we have practically studied this issue. The next point will be how to reduce the sensitivity of the mouse in the “ten” range. Open the properties settings dialog box: “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Mouse”. The settings window that appears is slightly different from its counterpart in Windows 7. But the main options remain the same. Therefore, we proceed according to the following scheme: “Pointer Options” - “Move” - “Below” - “Apply” - Ok.

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