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Buzova lost consciousness during the concert. Youtube video: Buzova lost consciousness at a big love show concert

Published 02/10/17 23:51

Olga Buzova lost consciousness during her performance on the Big Love Show. One of the dancers caught Olga in time and carried her in his arms to the dressing room, where Olga received medical assistance.

According to the singer’s representative, everything is fine with her now, but doctors have prescribed the artist strict bed rest.

YouTube VIDEO: Buzova lost consciousness at the Big Love Show concert

Later in his Instagram Olga thanked all those who were intkbbach and is next to her.

“Ice, thank you for being with me today. This is my first big concert... and, of course, I was very nervous... My legs are still shaking... there are no words to convey what I felt when you all I saw... I am grateful to everyone who came. Tears of happiness from the impressions I experienced... Forgive me for my emotions, but I don’t know how to do it any other way... Your Olga Buzova. I love you," Buzova wrote.

Earlier, Olza Buzova could not hold back her tears when reading a story called “Home.” The star spoke for the first time at the traditional Pioneer Readings, where she spoke about her bitter life experience. “Pioneer Readings” is an event held by the Russian Pioneer magazine. The entire star elite gathers there, where they read out their sayings and stories.

One can treat the TV presenter and the newly minted singer in different ways, but one can hardly argue with the fact that she is a true workaholic. Having removed the extreme, the celebrity immediately began to prepare for a performance at a big concert in St. Petersburg, Big Love Show 2017. But something happened to her right on stage.

A few hours before my performance at the concert, I couldn’t find a place to rest with excitement. After all, the Big Love Show 2017 took place in the singer’s native St. Petersburg, where all her relatives live.

As Olga Buzova managed to write on her Instagram, her closest people will be in the auditorium - mom, dad, grandmother and best friend. Unfortunately, the performance of Buzova's hit "" was overshadowed by her fall right on stage. The unconscious celebrity was immediately picked up by one of her ballet dancers.

Behind the scenes, Olga Buzova was given first aid. As the singer’s representative told reporters, everything is fine with her now.

Granny and daddy. They cried when they looked at me... It’s good that my grandmother didn’t understand what happened. Pa, I promise to eat and sleep!

However, doctors prescribed Olga Buzova strict bed rest so that the star could regain her strength.

Doctors say the cause of the star’s poor health is overwork. Later, having recovered a little, Olga Buzova thanked everyone for their support on Instagram.

Ice, thank you for being with me today! This is my first big concert... And, of course, I was very nervous... My legs are still shaking. There are no words to convey what I felt when I saw you all... I am grateful to everyone who came! Tears of happiness from the experiences experienced. Forgive me for my emotions, but I don’t know how to do it any other way... Your Olga Buzova. I love.

Now they are also actively discussing the news that it is scandalous.

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