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How to change the font in a powerpoint presentation. Installing fonts for Microsoft PowerPoint

Spend a lot of time creating PowerPoint presentations? In this article you will find 10 life hacks that will make your life much easier. I warn you in advance that all this applies to the 2010 version of PowerPoint. IN previous versions it may be called differently and be in other places or not at all.

1. Remove the background from the image

Click on the picture whose background we want to remove. Select from the menu at top panel tools Working with pictures - Remove background.

Select the area you want to delete. We adjust if necessary. Click the checkmark. Ready!

2. Change the main palette

Few people know, but the standard dull colors with which we can paint the text and background on our slides can be changed. It's very easy to do. Go to the Design section and click on the Colors squares.

And you will be surprised what happens next with your presentation. You can change everything back at any time by selecting the Standard theme.

3. Add text to images

Let's say we have 3 photos to which we need to add text. Bringing photos into a single form and placing text can take quite a lot of time. However, we can do one trick:

1. Select all images with the mouse. 2. Click Work with drawing on the panel at the top 3. Select Layout of drawing 4. Specify the scheme we like

4. Crop the image

1. Select the image with the mouse 2. Select the Crop function 3. Indicate by moving the black edges which area we want to leave. 4. Click Crop again. Ready!

5. Make the text easy to read over the photo

Sometimes the text is hard to read in a photograph, because... partially merges with it. Here we will look at 2 ways to avoid this:

1. Paint over the background of the text. To do this: Right-click on the text area Select a fill from the menu that appears

2. Make the photo darker. To do this: Right-click on the photo Select from above Working with drawings Click Correction Select the darkest option

6. Change the font on all slides at once

There is no need to change fonts every time you go into each slide. You can go to the Design section and select a different font theme or create your own. The font will change on all slides. It will remain only in cases where you have previously specified a special font, for example, highlighting a piece of text in this way.

7. Install new fonts

A font is a file that is stored on your Windows in the Fonts folder in the Control Panel. You can download new fonts, for example, from the site Unzip them and put them in the Fonts folder.

8. Choose your slide structure in advance

On the main page, click Create slide and select its structure

Sometimes this is necessary. This can be done in a couple of seconds by selecting "Save as JPEG". And all slides in the form of pictures will be saved in a separate folder.

10. Link to Excel table

There is no need to waste your time every month copy-pasting new data from your Excel files. Embed your sign as an object and link it to a file.

#ee1d24;" >#ee1d24;" >Download this presentation on Slideshare>>> #ed008c;" >Read the blog about presentations >>> #9d0039;" > Subscribe to updates on Facebook >>> Lezhneva Ekaterina, presentation expert

When you create a PowerPoint presentation on your computer, you use fonts that are already installed on your system. Accordingly, when preparing a presentation for demonstration on other computers, you need to consider font compatibility.

IN otherwise There may be a situation when your presentation starts to look a little unusual. Namely, the sizes and styles of text blocks do not correspond to those intended. This, of course, worsens the perception of the presentation by participants and creates the impression of sloppiness in the work.

This happens when the demo computer does not have the fonts that were used to create the presentation. In this case, one of the similar available fonts is used. Therefore, the sizes of letters and the distance between letters and lines may vary.

However, there is a way to avoid the font problem. To do this you need to save PowerPoint document(Save As) based on certain requirements.

A familiar window will open for saving a new document with a choice of save location and name. To the left of the “Save” button you can see the inscription “Service” with a triangle. The latter indicates the presence of a drop-down list. You need to select "Save Options" from the list.

PowerPoint Options opens. At the bottom you need to check “Embed fonts into file” and select one of the saving options. Moreover, the second one is more preferable, since all characters from the used sets are implemented. This will allow you to make full changes to the text blocks of the presentation.

It's worth remembering that another computer cannot download fonts from a presentation onto its system for use. But can display them from in your presentation. Including specially processed text, such as .

In a well-known Microsoft program PowerPoint can create various presentations and other similar projects. Such works often use a variety of fonts. The standard package installed by default does not always fit the overall design, so users resort to installing additional fonts. Today we will tell you in detail how to do this and ensure that the installed font is displayed on other computers without problems.

Read also: How to install a font in Microsoft Word, CorelDRAW, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD

Now in operating system Windows mostly uses the TTF file format for fonts. They are installed in just a few steps and do not cause any difficulties. First you will need to find and download the file, and then do the following:

You will find detailed instructions on this topic in an article from another of our authors at the link below. We advise you to pay attention to batch installation, which can be useful when you are dealing with many fonts.

Embedding fonts into a file for PowerPoint

After you have set text styles using one of the methods suggested above, they will be automatically detected in PowerPoint, but if it was open, restart it to update the information. Custom fonts will be displayed only on your computer, and on other PCs the texts will be converted to the standard format. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow these steps.

Replacing the font in the entire presentation

1 On the menu Format select team Replacing fonts.

2 On the list Replace Click the font you want to replace.

3 In field On click the font to use as a replacement, then click the button Replace.

Insert text using the Caption tool

1 On the toolbar Drawing click the button Inscription .

2 To insert text that does not break to another line, click where the text will appear and type it. To insert text that does not break to another line, move the tool to the point where the text begins and type it.

Comment To replace the text field shape with any autoshape, select the field, click on the toolbar Drawing button Actions, point to the command Edit AutoShape, then select a category and click the shape you want.

Animatedtext design

Use the toolbar to create animated text effects Animation effects, as well as teams Built-in animation and animation settings menu Slide show.

1 – Title Animation (Title pops out from the top edge of the slide)

2- Slide text animation (Slide text appears line by line)

3- Drive-in effect (Text moves out from behind the right edge of the slide)

4- Flight effect (Text moves out from behind the left edge of the slide)

5-Camera effect (The effect of viewing text through the aperture of a photo lens)

6-Flash (The effect of text instantly appearing on a slide and then disappearing)

7-Laser effect (Text appears letter by letter from the top right corner of the slide)

8-Typewriter (Effect of text appearing letter by letter)

9-Reverse construction order (Text appears starting from the last lines or words)

10-Throw-in (Words of text are pushed out in turn from behind the top edge of the slide)

11-Effect order (This button is designed to create complex animation effects on slides that contain multiple objects)

12-Animation settings button

Toolbar Animation effects opens by clicking on the toolbar button of the same name Formatting or due to activation of the command of the same name in context menu toolbars. Panel Tools Animation effects are described in the following table.

Command Animation Settings

Toolbar Animation effects and team Built-in animation menu Slide show let you set text and other slide objects to one of PowerPoint's eleven built-in animation effects.

Using the button Animation effects And dialog box Animation settings, the user will be able to create new animation effects and apply them in practice. Some animation effects may have sound.

Note: Dialog window Animation settings also opens with the command Animation settings menu Slide show.

If animation effects for objects are not set, in the Animation Settings window, the names of all objects of the current slide are in the Objects without animation list (Time tab). Setting the enable switch in the Animation group moves the selected object from this list to the Animation Order list, in which all animation objects of the designed slide are listed in the order in which they will be played during the presentation. Object numbers in this list and in the Effect Order list of the Animation Effects toolbar are the same.

Arrow buttons next to list Animation order allow you to change the sequence of elements of this list, as a result of which the order of playback of animation effects when demonstrating a slide becomes different.

All custom animation effects are created by combining the values ​​in the Select Effect and Sound and Text Appearance areas of the Effects tab. Settings on the Effects tab are available if the object selected on the slide is not a diagram (animation effects for diagrams are developed on the Effects in Diagrams tab).

After compiling a list of animation objects on the tab Time go to the tab Effects.

In Group Select effect and sound select the desired animation effects, and in the group Text appears- the way text appears in the current slide object.

All slide objects appear in a preview box at the top right of the window. Button View allows you to see in this field how the presentation will look with the parameters specified in the window. To cancel the animation effect for the selected object, go to the tab Time and set the option switch off.

Displaying tab and retract settings

1 In Slide view, select the text for which you want to display tab and retract options.

2 View team Ruler.

The ruler indicates tab and retract positions for text within a given text object.

Comment If the selected object is not text, a slide ruler appears with a zero mark in the middle. It shows the dimensions for the entire slide.

Setting paragraph indentation

1 Select the text for which you want to set retractors.

2 If the ruler is not shown, select from the menu View team Ruler.

Spend a lot of time creating PowerPoint presentations? In this article you will find 10 life hacks that will make your life much easier. I warn you in advance that all this applies to the 2010 version of PowerPoint. In previous versions this may be called differently and be in different places or not at all.

1. Remove the background from the image

Click on the picture whose background we want to remove. Select from the menu on the top toolbar Working with Pictures - Remove background.

Select the area you want to delete. We adjust if necessary. Click the checkmark. Ready!

2. Change the main palette

Few people know, but the standard dull colors with which we can paint the text and background on our slides can be changed. It's very easy to do. Go to the Design section and click on the Colors squares.

And you will be surprised what happens next with your presentation. You can change everything back at any time by selecting the Standard theme.

3. Add text to images

Let's say we have 3 photos to which we need to add text. Bringing photos into a single form and placing text can take quite a lot of time. However, we can do one trick:

1. Select all images with the mouse. 2. Click Work with drawing on the panel at the top 3. Select Layout of drawing 4. Specify the scheme we like

4. Crop the image

1. Select the image with the mouse 2. Select the Crop function 3. Indicate by moving the black edges which area we want to leave. 4. Click Crop again. Ready!

5. Make the text easy to read over the photo

Sometimes the text is hard to read in a photograph, because... partially merges with it. Here we will look at 2 ways to avoid this:

1. Paint over the background of the text. To do this: Right-click on the text area Select a fill from the menu that appears

2. Make the photo darker. To do this: Right-click on the photo Select from above Working with drawings Click Correction Select the darkest option

6. Change the font on all slides at once

There is no need to change fonts every time you go into each slide. You can go to the Design section and select a different font theme or create your own. The font will change on all slides. It will remain only in cases where you have previously specified a special font, for example, highlighting a piece of text in this way.

7. Install new fonts

A font is a file that is stored on your Windows in the Fonts folder in the Control Panel. You can download new fonts, for example, from the site Unzip them and put them in the Fonts folder.

8. Choose your slide structure in advance

On the main page, click Create slide and select its structure

Sometimes this is necessary. This can be done in a couple of seconds by selecting "Save as JPEG". And all slides in the form of pictures will be saved in a separate folder.

10. Link to Excel table

There is no need to waste your time every month copy-pasting new data from your Excel files. Embed your sign as an object and link it to a file.

#ee1d24;" >#ee1d24;" >Download this presentation on Slideshare>>> #ed008c;" >Read the blog about presentations >>> #9d0039;" > Subscribe to updates on Facebook >>> Lezhneva Ekaterina, presentation expert

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