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Satellite map of kirovo-chepetsk. Satellite map of Kirovo-Chepetsk - streets and houses of Kirovo-chepetsk from space map

On the page is an interactive map of Kirovo-Chepetsk from a satellite. Read more at +weather. Below satellite imagery and live search Google Maps, photo of the city and the Kirov region of Russia, coordinates

Satellite map of Kirovo-Chepetsk - Russia

We observe on the satellite map of Kirovo-Chepetsk (Kirovo-Chepetsk) exactly how the buildings are located on Nekrasov and Tereshchenko streets. Viewing the map of the area, highways and highways, squares and banks, stations and train stations, address search.

Shown here in mode online map of the city of Kirovo-Chepetsk from a satellite contains images of buildings and photos of houses from space. You can find out where the st. Industrial and Pine. Using the Google Maps search service, you will find the desired address in the city and its view from space. We advise you to change the scale of the scheme +/- and move the center of the image in the desired direction.

Squares and shops, roads and borders, buildings and houses, a view of Zavodskaya and Lenin streets. The page contains detailed information and photos of all objects of the area in order to show the necessary house on the map of the city and the Kirov region in Russia in real time.

Detailed satellite map Kirovo-Chepetsk (hybrid) and the region provided Google service Maps.

Coordinates - 58.5512,50.0422

Satellite map of Kirovo-Chepetsk. Explore the satellite map of Kirovo-Chepetsk online in real time. A detailed map of Kirovo-Chepetsk was created on the basis of high-resolution satellite images. As close as possible, the satellite map of Kirovo-Chepetsk allows you to explore in detail the streets, individual houses and sights of Kirovo-Chepetsk. The map of Kirovo-Chepetsk from the satellite easily switches to the mode regular card(scheme).

Kirovo-Chepetsk is a town that also forms a district that is part of the Kirov agglomeration. The population in the city is small - only about seventy-seven thousand people. It is located in, near the confluence of the Cheptsa River with Vyatka, twenty-two kilometers from the city of Kirov.

The city was founded in 1935, but it acquired the status of a city only after twenty years of existence. Currently, a decision is being made on the issue of joining the town to the city of Kirov, but so far this is only speculation.
The artistic life of the city is quite well developed: there is an art and history museum that reflects the life of the town, two cinemas, and much more.

Cultural life does not lag behind, for example, preparations for the celebration of the town's birthday are currently underway. The following organizations take part in the preparation of events: a leisure center, a center for children's creativity called "Rainbow", centers for mass events, music schools for children and a lyceum of arts and many other organizations. The city administration decided that this year the holiday of the town will be celebrated on the third weekend of the month.

Kirovo-Chepetsk will soon turn fifty-eight years old, and the celebration will take place over three days - from the twentieth to the twenty-second of September. The program of the celebration is still being discussed, it is planned to make adjustments to it, but the general concept of the celebration, of course, has already been approved.

> Kirov region > map of Kirovo-Chepetsk from Yandex

Below you will find a map of Kirovo-Chepetsk provided by Yandex. If the quality does not seem sufficient to you, switch to another from google. If it is of poor resolution, then the species best quality not freely available.

Attention!!! If the satellite map of Kirovo-Chepetsk is not displayed, click the "Search" button.

It needs to be known

Usually, on Yandex maps, information about house numbers and street names is more accurate. But on Google maps there are better aerial and satellite images (although not always). If we weigh all the arguments, then Yandex is better in Russia!

You can easily measure the distance by marking points along the route. To do this, use the ruler (it is located in the upper left corner).

Although the satellite map is centered on Kirovo-Chepetsk, you can see any city in the world.

Since there can be several cities in the world with the same name, it is desirable to indicate the name of the region. For example, in order to find a view of Kirovo-Chepetsk from a satellite, it is desirable to write: Russia, Kirov region, Kirovo-Chepetsk(although the country can be omitted).

You can also see larger objects such as regions, districts, countries, and even the entire globe.

When searching for some regions or regions, it is advisable to refine the request and indicate the country.

The map of Kirovo-Chepetsk makes it possible to find even a specific address. The more detailed it is, the more accurate the result will be.

She is interactive. This means that you can see not only the search object itself, but also the areas around it. interactive map Kirovo-Chepetsk is even more convenient because it allows you to explore the city on a different scale, as well as use different types review.

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