Hardware and software setup

The letters and numbers on the keyboard do not work. Why doesn't the keyboard work? Print button

Why doesn't my computer keyboard work?

Each computer user may have a problem with the keyboard, and in this case, you need to find the answer to the question: why is my keyboard not working and how to fix it. There are many different reasons that lead to a keyboard failure, but they can all be divided into two categories: software reasons and hardware reasons. In simpler terms, either the keyboard itself is faulty, or the problem is caused by a failure of the operating system settings. Consider the most common "symptoms" of the problem.

Dirty computer keyboard

It may happen that in general the keyboard works, but some of its buttons do not respond or stick. The reason for this is quite simple - computer keyboard polluted. The way out is obvious: the keyboard needs to be cleaned. To do this, you need to disassemble the device, and it does not matter what type it is (wireless, standard or USB). Just take the keyboard, turn it over, unscrew the screws to remove the bottom. Do all this very carefully. Carefully remove the bottom and examine the contents. You will find that each key "sits" on a pad of soft, thin rubber. This overlay may move out of place, resulting in the key not functioning. Just arrange the overlays and buttons in their places. If the lining is torn, it must either be replaced or glued very carefully. Dirty buttons need to be cleaned. Wipe them with any cleaning agent and reinstall.

In addition to keys and overlays, you will find a translucent film and a board. They should not be touched. Tip: in order not to confuse where which button is located, you either take a picture of the keyboard in advance (of course, its front side), or remove the buttons one at a time and do the next one only after the previous one has been cleaned and put in place. As for the overlays, they are all exactly the same, so you can arrange them in any order. Please note that these pads are very "quick" and crumble easily. Therefore, work carefully.

The keyboard on the computer does not work: a problem with the plug

If you have a regular, traditional keyboard that has a round plug (usually purple), then be aware that its thin legs can bend. This happens when the plug is pushed hard or incorrectly into the jack. When computer keyboard not working because of the plug, you can easily fix it by yourself. Take hard tweezers or thin pliers and straighten the legs.

USB keyboard failure

If you're having problems with your USB keyboard and you know for sure that it's not dirty, but still doesn't work when plugged in, the problem here is usually related to the BIOS settings, or SETUP. When computer keyboard not working what to do and what to do in this case? Fixing the problem with USB is also not difficult. You need to do the following:

  • when starting the PC, press Del (or F6);
  • find in the menu settings "CMOS Setur Utility - Copyright (1984-2888 Aaard Software)";
  • switch "Disabled" to "Enabled".

Everything is simple, except for one thing: you can’t use the mouse in the BIOS settings (SETUP), and therefore you can’t press Del (F6) at startup. The only way out is to ask a neighbor or friend for a keyboard for a few minutes.

Wireless keyboard failure

If you have a wireless keyboard, first make sure it's charged. If everything is in order, then the matter is different: for some reason, Windows is not able to install drivers for such a keyboard. In this case, you will have to look for drivers yourself - on the Internet.

But it may also happen that some software that you recently installed corrupts your keyboard drivers. This happens “unconsciously”, and most often the system itself restores “flying” drivers, especially when it comes to Windows 7. But it happens that the driver gets corrupted and cannot be restored, and the “freshly downloaded” driver does not work well. In this case, you can do one of two things:

  1. Restore the OS, "returning" it to the day when your keyboard worked fine;
  2. Go to "Device Manager", view the properties and diagnostics of drivers and update them.

You may encounter a situation where the buttons on your keyboard do not work in a particular program or game. You need to go to the settings of this game or program and study the button assignments. Usually, in games, keys are reassigned, and in programs there is a list of hot keys.

If your PC makes a characteristic sound three times when it is turned on, it means that the keyboard is not connected correctly. Remove the plug and carefully reinsert it.

can help you computer keyboard on screen, if you urgently need to type text or perform some other manipulations. The electronic keyboard has the same functionality.

If the keyboard has stopped working, it is advisable to test it on another computer device to make sure that the failure is in it (or not in it). After that, act accordingly.

Enjoy your work and good keyboard!

The problem when the keyboard does not work on a computer or laptop is not uncommon. This situation is faced by both beginners and experienced users who have been working at a computer for more than one year. Let's see how you can find a solution to the problem when the keyboard stops working, the keys stick or does not respond to pressing.

What could be the causes of failure and their solutions

I decided to write an article in the form of paragraphs so that you can go through them and find out why the keyboard does not work.

There is information on the blog when the keyboard in the laptop refused to work: "".

  1. Novice users usually immediately panic and forget about the most banal things. The very first thing to check is whether the keyboard is connected to the system unit (directly to the motherboard).

  1. Unplug the keyboard for a while (5-10 seconds) and plug it back in.
  1. If your keyboard suddenly stops working, try restarting your computer. Sometimes restarting Windows helps.
  1. It is now very popular to use wireless keyboards and mice. If you've used wired keyboards before and now have a wireless one, I remind you that batteries do run low and need to be recharged from time to time.

  1. All modern keyboards are connected through a special connector called a USB port. If there is a free USB port, then try plugging a keyboard into it. In the event that all ports are busy, turn off the printer or any other device to check the USB port for operability by connecting a keyboard there.
  1. If you have children at home, then it makes sense to check for extra items in the connector or in the system unit itself (motherboard). Once I witnessed a situation when there was paper or chewing gum in the USB port, and therefore the keyboard stopped working.
  1. It is possible that the keyboard has already worked its way. To check if you have it working, you can go to your neighbors with a request to connect your keyboard to their computer. If the keyboard works, then something is related to your computer. Perhaps you have a spare keyboard, then connect it to your computer.
  1. If the keyboard does not print only partially, you may not be able to type the numbers that are on the right side of the keyboard. If so, then press the "Num Lock" button.

  1. What to do, the keyboard does not work, but have you already done all the methods described above? If you have an old-style keyboard called PS / 2 (pis in half), then pay attention to the legs. They may be bent or one of the legs may be missing altogether. These legs can bend when you connect the device in a hurry, they do not bend by themselves. If there are no legs, then you will have to change the keyboard, if it is curved, then you can correct it with improvised means, for example, a screwdriver or a knife.

For the future, you should know that the purple connector is designated as the keyboard, and the green one is the mouse.

  1. If there are food crumbs in the keyboard, or if you dropped it corny or hit it, then it makes sense to disassemble it. If you use the keyboard for a long time or if you hit it, the rubber band inside may slip off. When you disassemble the keyboard, you need to touch up and clean the elastic band, if necessary.

Wipe the rubber band with a dry cloth, and the keyboard itself can be wiped with a dampened one.

When disassembling the keyboard, it is important for novice users not to forget where all the keys were. In order not to get confused in the location of the keys, you can find a photo on the Internet that will be identical to your keyboard. Also, when parsing, you can put the keys on the table in the order they were or take a picture on a cell phone.

  1. If the USB keyboard does not work, then you can look in the BIOS to see if it is disabled. But there is one caveat, in order to enter the BIOS we need a keyboard that will work on this computer. There is an exit. You need to take a PS / 2 keyboard or an adapter from USB to PS / 2. Having connected PS / 2, you can now work with the keyboard. We go into the BIOS and switch USB Keyboard Support to Enabled (Enable). Also, make sure the USB Controller is Enabled.

  1. Another reason for the failure of the keyboard may be that the driver has stopped working on the computer, which is responsible for the correct functioning of the keyboard. In such a situation, there are a number of steps you can take to try and fix the problem yourself.

First, you can do a system restore or roll it back to the date when the keyboard worked fine. Strain your memory to remember the approximate date;).

Second, try updating your keyboard driver. To do this, go to the "Device Manager" and find our keyboard. Right-click and select "Update Driver Software..."

  1. If the keyboard came with a CD with drivers when you bought it, then you need to install them. Remove old drivers before installation.

When the keyboard does not work: what to do and how to find out the reason, you now know. Just in case, go over all the points, you may have missed some of them.

Keys do not work in a program or game

Users who love to play games sometimes encounter the problem when some part of the keys does not work.

If the keyboard works, but after entering the program or some game, some keys refuse to work. In this case, it will be appropriate to first look at the assignment of the keys. If you are not satisfied with how they are displayed, then look for their setting in the game itself. In some games, you need to save all changes, so do not forget about it.

Usually all hotkeys in programs are the same, but there are exceptions. To change them, find the key setting in the program itself. The part of the hotkeys that does not suit you, change to the ones you are used to.

If the keyboard does not work for you, and you have tried everything that has been said here, then you can buy the most ordinary keyboard, since their cost is not high.

Do you like to eat on your laptop? Then this video is for you:

Why the keyboard does not work: the main causes, symptoms, ways to fix it.

Keyboard failure symptoms

To fix the problem, you need to establish its cause, which means, to figure out why the keyboard on the laptop does not work: due to mechanical impact or spilled liquid, after visiting dubious sites or installing new software. Or maybe the malfunctions began to appear suddenly, without any reason. .

Also should be checked individual buttons on the keyboard do not work or it is completely out of order, and if so, whether it stopped working in the operating system or in the BIOS too.

Symptoms of a broken keyboard:

spilled liquid

Water, tea, coffee, soup, alcohol got on the keyboard

If you spill any liquid on the keyboard, switch off immediately laptop: by holding the power button for a few seconds or simply removing the battery. At the same time, try to hold it so that the liquid does not seep under the keyboard, inside the computer. This may cause a malfunction of the motherboard and other components.

After turning off, blot the keyboard with a dry cloth and disconnect it from the laptop. This is done quite simply: it is enough to press something thin on the latches located above or on the sides Their location varies depending on the manufacturer and laptop model..

be careful: a thin cable connects the keyboard to the computer, try not to damage it with an awkward movement. Now you need to wipe the keyboard with an alcohol wipe and leave to dry. You can speed up this process with a hair dryer, but only with cold air.

When the keyboard and laptop are completely dry, put it back in and try turning it on. There is a possibility that now everything will become as before, however, if any malfunctions appear, there is only one way out: replacement with a new one. If the laptop has stopped turning on at all or is unstable, feel free to take it to the workshop. With such breakdowns, a simple user cannot cope on his own.

Some buttons on the keyboard do not work

Keys do not respond to pressing, or print the wrong characters

If for no apparent reason any buttons on the keyboard do not work, while others continue to operate, then you should check, firstly, if you have Num Lock turned off. If this is the problem, then the numbers are on the right on the keyboard will not work, instead the computer will see the arrows . Find to the left of them (in the upper right part of the keyboard) the "Num Lock" button and press it. On some laptop models, you need to press one of the hot keys (F3, F11, etc.) along with the function (fn) key.

If a other buttons stopped working, check to see if dust has accumulated under them, which prevents them from being pressed. In this case, you should either blow the keyboard thoroughly with a special can that you can buy in a store, or remove the keys by gently prying them with something thin (for example, a screwdriver) and wipe the keyboard manually.

All keyboard not working

None of the keyboard keys respond to pressing.

If for no apparent reason the keyboard on the laptop does not work at all, try rebooting it and entering the BIOS. If the keyboard works before Windows boots, then the problem is in the system, and you will not have to spend money on a replacement.

Most likely, your computer got a virus that removed or damaged the corresponding driver, which was the reason why the keyboard does not work. Perform a full scan with your antivirus, and when finished, update the keyboard driver manually by installing it from the disk that came with the laptop,
or automatically: by allowing the system to download it from the Internet.

In the first case, you just need to insert the disc into the drive and follow the instructions of the installer. In the second - right-click on the shortcut "Computer", select "Properties", in the window that opens in the upper left corner, click on the item "Device Manager". In the manager, find the line "Keyboard", open it and you will see the corresponding device. Double-click on it with the left mouse button, or right-click and select the "Properties" option. In the new window, open the Driver tab and click Update.

If this does not help (no virus was found or the system did not find a more suitable driver, and the keyboard still does not work), you should try to restore or reinstall Windows.

In case even Keyboard not working in BIOS on a laptop, the easiest way is to take it to the workshop, especially if you have never repaired computers yourself and have no idea how this is done. Not only because by acting randomly, you can damage your laptop even more, but also because not every store can find exactly the keyboard that your laptop needs. In our workshop, we will select the necessary device ourselves and install it correctly.

However, if along with the keyboard you have touchpad not working and USB inputs, then be prepared for the worst: this is a clear sign of a motherboard malfunction. Its repair or replacement requires much more time and money, and here you certainly cannot do without the help of professionals.

If the computer does not work, we start having problems, because our own PC has replaced a lot of functions for us today. First you need not to panic, especially for beginners, a computer is a technique that tends to break down. Try to identify what exactly is not working.

5 reasons why the keyboard does not work on the computer

If all devices responded, but the keyboard is silent and does not respond to our actions, then it is worth excluding the most popular 5 private reasons:

    1. Incorrectly connected the cable to PS / 2, or USB.
    2. Perhaps the port of one or another keyboard connector burned out.
    3. The keyboard has failed.
    4. If we have a wireless option, we check the availability of the necessary drivers and utilities, as well as whether the battery is working.
    5. The presence of a virus code that blocked the keyboard.

What to do

Fix the above problems.

Check the correct connection to the system unit.

Check the integrity of the cable for kinks and breaks.

You can verify that the keyboard is working properly using another PC.

Sometimes, due to inexperience, negligence, it happens to bend the antennae on PS/2 connectors , they must be aligned with tweezers or a knife. When, nevertheless, at least one broke down, it is necessary to change the cable entry or the entire input device. Try to remember: purple the color indicates the keyboard cord, and mice in green.

PS/2 connectors.

It must be remembered that the battery, as well as rechargeable devices, tends to be discharged, then it is necessary to replace the power source or fully charge it.

In addition to the problems described above, which are solved quickly and are called “typical”, there are also more significant ones.

Buttons are pressed but do not respond

There is a classic version of the keyboard and its multimedia version. To carry out their work, you can configure the necessary drivers. These programs may change or fly off» when setting up the OS. Such keyboards are rare, most manufacturers install drivers without our participation, in automatic mode.

It happens that the user simultaneously clamps several buttons or a combination of them. In this case, they sink and none of them respond. Make sure that the operation of the keys is not obstructed by foreign objects. Crumbs often fall, and the gum that is inside also slips. It is recommended to wipe the gum with a dry cloth, and the keyboard can be wet. When everything has been tried and the issue is not resolved, it's time to think about buying a new peripheral.

There is a situation that the keyboard is not fully functional, it is not possible to dial the numbers placed on the right. To do this, check the keystroke "num lock".

Keyboard not detected by computer.

In this case, you need to restart the PC, there is no result - go to the control panel. Calling the context menu of the icon" System". Go to "Properties" and click "Equipment". Finding an item "Device Manager", select the keyboard character from the list and delete it. After that, close this window. Next, select the menu"Equipment installation"and put the driver on the keyboard.

These steps will help you troubleshoot software issues with your input device.

Checking connectivity in BIOS settings

When such methods did not work, then you need to turn off the PC and turn it on again. Before OS boot start the BIOS. Buttons are responsible for this. Del, F2 or F10 depending on the configuration (you will find out more precisely when loading at the bottom of the screen)

The problem of failure of the keyboard of a stationary PC is not difficult to solve. It is enough to change the device to a new one or, having disassembled it, try to clean it. In the latter case, you need to unscrew a few screws securing the bottom panel and remove it. Next, carefully remove the dust that has appeared between the films with contacts applied to them in the form of tracks, or moisture. Even the hair or hair of a pet can be inside. Such an independent repair is within the power of almost any user. But what to do if the laptop keyboard is broken?

The complexity of this situation lies in the following: the keyboard of a portable device is an integral part of the design. In order to bring it into working condition, you need to disassemble the laptop. If the user does not understand this well, the only option left is to visit a specialized center where specialists will solve the problem. But there is no need to rush into making hasty decisions. Worth a try for a DIY repair.

Sometimes you can hear statements about the existence of a certain “black” list of manufacturers producing laptops in which keyboard failures are a common thing. No. Such a list does not exist, and to believe in such fairy tales is to deceive oneself. Any device that is both a budget model and worth a lot of money can break down. The breakdowns of the laptop keyboard, which you can try to fix with your own hands, include:

  • Software failure;
  • Oxidized or pressed contacts of the loop;
  • Liquid spilled on the computer.

Incorrect operation of the software

One of the possible reasons for the failure of the keyboard of a portable device is a failure in the drivers, leading to errors in the functioning of the Windows OS. A possible way out of the situation is to use the BIOS. The sequence of actions here is as follows:

  1. We restart the computer;
  2. When loading, hold down the Del key;
  3. We are trying to navigate through the menu items in the BIOS.

If the device is functioning (moving through the menu items occurs), you should try to boot the computer in safe mode in order to test the system for the keyboard to work with a minimum set of services and without drivers.

If the OS is Windows XP, 7 or Vista, you can boot your computer in safe mode as follows:

  1. Press F8, hold while loading;
  2. In the menu that appears on the display, select "Safe Mode without running drivers."

If the laptop is running Windows 8 or 8.1, you need to make some preliminary settings in order to gain access to launch in. For this we go:

If the input device is functioning, then the problem lies in the incorrect operation of the drivers.

If the keyboard does not work in safe mode, the BIOS responds to input, the problem lies in the OS itself.

Important: depending on the model and configuration of the portable device, other keys (F2, F1, Esc, F10) or combinations of them may be used to enter the BIOS. To clarify this detail, you should refer to the instructions or other available sources of information.

How to enter characters when the device is not working, install or update drivers

Having determined that the problem can be fixed by updating or installing drivers, we proceed to carry out this operation. It is necessary to start the computer in normal mode, and then proceed with further actions: searching for and downloading software, installing it. But here the question arises: how to enter characters in the search bar if you need to find the necessary software components on the network? The answer is simple: we use the mouse and the on-screen keyboard.

What is the on-screen keyboard and how to use it

We click on the “Start” button, select “Ease of Access”, then click on “On-Screen Keyboard”, thus launching a standard application that emulates a physical keyboard.

In any area of ​​the open window of the running program where you can enter characters, or in the search line, set the cursor, click on the on-screen keyboard, entering information using this method. If necessary, the application can be customized "for yourself" in order to increase the degree of comfort in work.

The functionality of Windows 8 and 8.1 in this regard is somewhat wider. In addition to the regular application, you can also use an alternative option here - a touch keyboard for laptops and tablets. This is a sliding window with large buttons. If the operating system used is “eight” or 8.1, click on the taskbar with the (right) manipulator button, calling the context menu, select “Properties”. Further:

After the manipulations, a shortcut will appear in the system tray, clicking on which launches the application.

Using a USB Keyboard and a Bluetooth Device

You can connect a USB keyboard to your computer's USB port to enter information. There is another alternative option - connecting the device via Bluetooth, if possible.

Download drivers

The process of searching and selecting the necessary drivers can be done manually, but there is an option to make your life easier. You just need to install a special application on the laptop - “driverpack”. What does it give? The program automatically scans the system, determines the drivers required in a particular case, removes them from its database, and installs them. The most popular applications of this plan include:

  • Slim Drivers;
  • Driver Pack Solution.

The software can be found on the net and downloaded absolutely free of charge in a DVD image with a driver database, but it is preferable to use a software client. In the latter case, the downloaded and installed software itself will find on the network and install on the computer only the necessary drivers of the latest versions.

If after all the manipulations the keyboard does not work, you should reinstall Windows or upgrade it to a later version.

Problems with loop contacts

During the operation of the laptop, the contacts of the cable may oxidize or wring out. This is one of the possible causes of equipment failures. To eliminate such malfunctions, the device will have to be disassembled. If you are not confident in your abilities, refer to the instructions for the laptop. Guides can also be found online. These are books, instructional videos.

Having disassembled the computer, having reached the keyboard cable, you should pull it out of the connector and carefully examine it. The presence of obvious damage implies the replacement of this component.

In the absence of defects, the contacts should be wiped with an ear stick previously moistened with alcohol. Another option is a regular eraser. Upon completion of cleaning, the cable is installed back, the laptop is tested.

Spilled liquid or burnt microcontroller

In fact, the cause of the breakdown can be actions that occurred some time ago - coffee or tea spilled on the keyboard. Over time, this led to the oxidation of the contacts, the failure of the keyboard. If it happens that liquid is spilled on the laptop, you must immediately do the following:

  1. Turn off devices;
  2. We take out the battery;
  3. We dry the laptop with a hair dryer, setting the gentle hair drying mode.

If the hair dryer model has a cold air supply function, you need to use this particular mode. Such actions can slow down the process of oxidation of boards, microcircuits, contacts. But if the computer stopped working precisely for this reason or the microcontroller failed, a visit to a specialized center cannot be avoided. Conclusion: liquid and technology are incompatible. Save your money and nerves, don't drink coffee over your laptop.

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