Hardware and software setup

DVD drive tray won't open. What to do if the disk drive does not open on a laptop

Despite the fact that the presence of a disk drive on a PC now looks a little archaic, millions of users still have such drives, and some still use them regularly. At the same time, the practicality of these devices is far from ideal. The mechanics wear out, reading data by the laser head is getting worse, there are also cases when the disk gets stuck in the drive, and the latter refuses to open at all. This material is devoted to the latter case, in which I will tell you what to do if the drive on the computer does not open, and what methods will help fix it.

Why the disk drive on the PC does not open

So, you inserted a disk into your drive, its cover slammed shut, and it seemed that data reading began. But the disc was never read (maybe you even heard some crackling sounds from the drive), and you decide to remove the disc from the optical drive. But that was not the case, the drive does not want to open, and pressing the eject button does not give any result. Next, I will tell you what could be causing this.

What to do if the drive on the computer does not open


If you do not have a drive on your computer, I recommend using the whole set of tips that I listed above. The most effective of all methods is the wire method - it helps to open even discs that are “tightly” stuck in the optical drive. If none of the things I described helped, then you should contact the service center - perhaps your drive needs a thorough repair.

Hello. I recently ran into a small problem. It all started with the fact that when opening the drive wedged and opened only after several attempts. This went on for a couple of months - there was no time to understand the reason, and, to be honest, reluctance. As a result, everything ended with the fact that the DVD drive stopped opening completely and then completely disappeared from the system (although it was determined in the BIOS).

At first, I did not connect these two phenomena in any way (well, the drive does not open, but it should be determined) and decided that the recent Daemon Tools update was to blame. To check, it booted under the second system (well, I have two of them - one on, the second on the traditional one), but the disk was not detected in it either. Everything is clear - it's in the drive itself.

What to do if the DVD drive does not open?

The first thing you can do is use the mechanism for manually opening the drive. To do this, we take a knitting needle with a diameter of 1 mm (needle, pin) and insert it into the hole on the front panel of the drive until it stops and press a little, the drive should open slightly, after which it can be safely pulled out by hand. In my case it looks like this:

But using this method is quite inconvenient, and in some cases this requires partial disassembly of the case, so let's move on to finding out the reason why the drive does not open.

The warranty for the drive has already expired for half a year, so you can take it apart for inspection and cleaning (maybe some gear is wedged). Disassembling the case comes down to unscrewing four screws and removing the front panel. To remove the panel (release the latches), an unnecessary plastic card is useful:

But the inspection did not reveal any jambs - everything was in perfect condition. I decided to see everything in operation and connected the disassembled drive, tried to open and close - everything works. If you have the opposite situation (the drive does not open), then first check the condition of the electric motor and drive belt:

If it is stretched and slipping, then replace it or rub it with rosin (a temporary measure). If the electric motor does not work, then you have a direct road to a service or a store. Where exactly decide for yourself - sometimes it's cheaper to buy a new one than to repair an old one. This node turned out to be serviceable for me and I continued the search. I will not bore you with a list of all the manipulations that I performed, let's move on to the result. The reason turned out to be that the mechanism for opening the DVD drive could not open the halves of the spindle that rotates the disc, between these halves the disc is fixed by attracting the neodymium magnet from the top of the spindle to the bottom. You can remove the upper half almost without disassembling the drive, to do this, remove the protective metal plate at the top of the drive:

Then pick up the plastic disk and remove it:

If after that the DVD drive opens and closes normally, then the easiest way to fix the problem is to leave the disc in the drive, and with the working side up (so the drive will not see it and will not start every time you start the system). This method did not suit me, because. the growing son-hacker often uses a DVD-ROM and can easily close it empty, and each time you don’t really want to disassemble the computer because of this. Therefore, I went in a similar but slightly different way, to increase the air gap (reduce the adhesion force of the magnets) between the halves of the spindle, I used ordinary electrical tape:

The quantity is determined empirically. In my case, two layers were enough.

I hope this note helped you if the drive does not open.

In addition, one utility that will allow you to open and close the drive without touching it (you can show off in front of your friends). For me, the drive button is not visible at all and this sometimes helps me. These are two files double click on which will bring the DVD drive to the desired action. You can download them by clicking on the link.

And finally the video

Usually, after a long, not very careful use, the drive opening mechanism wears out. You want to watch a movie from a disc or install a toy, but the disc drive won't open. What to do? In no case should you try to open it with a knife or other sharp object by putting it into the slot and turning it. So you can finally break the drive. And it would be more correct to carry out a manual opening. For this we need a thin knitting needle. A needle will do too.

You may not have noticed it, but every drive has a small hole on the front. It may be located differently on different models, but the fact is that it is there.

Click on the pictures to enlarge and view.

In order to open the drive you need to take a needle

Insert the needle into the hole on the drive.

Press down on the needle, it's better to use a thimble, but I found a coin instead. You can do everything with your bare hands if you are related to Chuck Norris.

If you did everything correctly, the drive tray will extend by about a centimeter.

Such an opening is used not only in the event of a breakdown or wear of the drive. This method is used when the electricity is turned off, and the necessary disk remains in the computer. Or even you disconnected the drive during parsing. I want you to understand that this method is purely mechanical and works without electricity.

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One of the most common malfunctions of DVD players is the inoperability of the disc loading mechanism (the tray does not open either on command from the remote control or using the button on the player's case).

Let's analyze this problem using the BBK DVP458SI player as an example.


The player turns on, the display works fine. When you try to open the tray, you can hear something inside twitching and stopping. It seems that something interferes with the tray purely mechanically. At the same time, the inscription "OPEN" lights up on the display, although the tray has not left.

If you press the tray close button again, the message "LOAD" appears, and then, respectively, "NO DSK".

If you open the tray manually, it closes without problems. USB stick playback works fine.

What is inside?

Let's remove the cover and look at the device:

The heart of the circuit is the video and audio processor MT1389DE (128 pin). To control the motors, a driver on the SA5888 chip was used (see). The driver has analogues: CD5888, SA5888, AM5669.

By the way, in order not to go down the wrong path during the repair, you should keep in mind that on a working DVD player, the processor heats up quite a lot, and, apparently, this is the norm for it.

It was also noticed that two BR8550 transistors are noticeably heated, which generate voltages of 3.3 and 1.8 Volts (connected to pins 1 and 25 of SA5888, respectively).

Why won't the DVD drive tray open?

So, here the three most common reasons, due to which the drive in the DVD player does not leave.

Reason #1

The most common problem is food problem. Quite often, during the repair, a partial loss of capacitance of the filter capacitors in the power supply circuit (drying, swelling) is revealed. Sometimes defective capacitors are visible to the naked eye, but more often strong power ripples indicate their failure (an oscilloscope will help you).

This leads to buggy operation of the engine driver, freezes during playback (and the symptom begins to appear first of all on DVD discs), or even to the complete inoperability of the player.

Of course, the reason that BBK does not see the disk may be banal dust on the lens, but if the drive mechanism does not work, then it is not dust.

We change the capacitors to high-quality new ones (necessarily 105C). It is welcome to install an additional ceramic capacitor in parallel with each electrolyte, with a capacity of ~ 1 μF.

Reason #2

Second likely reason: failure of one of the engines. The player includes as many as three collector DC motors with a nominal operating voltage of 3 volts.

There is a high probability that some kind of trouble happened to one of the engines: rotor jamming, internal breakage or short circuit. Sometimes an open or short can only be detected by measuring the resistance while scrolling the motor shaft with your hands. Normally, it should lie in the range of 8-20 ohms.

It is noteworthy that the failure of even one of the engines can affect all the others. In particular, a non-working laser head positioning motor causes the DVD player to not open the drive. Engines can be changed to exactly the same in appearance, but designed for a voltage of 5.9V.

Reason #3

The third thing to check is serviceability of the sensor of the initial position of the carriage*.

*The carriage is the moving part of the drive on which the laser head is fixed. Moves on two parallel rails:

The carriage start position sensor is a mechanical limit switch:

In fact, this is a rather small and delicate button:

Over time, an incomprehensible greenish substance accumulates inside it, which, apparently, is a mixture of copper oxides and lubricant. This composition has some electrical conductivity, which leads to false alarms of the sensor.

Before giving a command to open the tray, the controller drives the carriage to its initial position (until the limit switch is triggered) and steps back a little. After that, the carriage, together with the laser head, goes down and the tray leaves. If the button is always pressed (due to dirt), the operation logic is violated, the controller concludes about some kind of error and stops the program.

You can verify that the button is malfunctioning by temporarily cutting the track. In this case, the tray will begin to open and close as expected.

The driver chip is protected so that the head position motor is only energized for a certain period of time. Regardless of whether the head has reached the predetermined position, or whether the limit switch has triggered, the motor will run for about 3 seconds and turn off.

The problem is solved by replacing the button. If a new button could not be found, then you can try to disassemble the old one and clean all the giblets with a toothbrush dipped in alcohol:

After such a bath, she will work for more than one year.

The last defect refers to the so-called "floating" faults, so it is difficult to identify. So, if you have a DVD BBK and the drive does not open, check the sensor button.

These were the most common BBK DVD player failures that I encountered in practice. If you have something to add, write in the comments.

Hello my dear readers. Today I want to talk to you about a specific problem. There are cases when the drive does not open on the computer, that is, you cannot remove the disc from the CD / DVD drive. This can happen for various reasons. For example, the electricity was cut off at your house, and some important disk remained in the drive, which they immediately demand to be returned.

The drive may also stop working due to a sudden power surge. It happens that the eject button from the drive is simply jammed, and it is not pressed.

I had cases on the old drive when the tray moved out quite a bit, buzzed for a while and moved back. I just helped it move out with my hands, pulling it out with two fingers.

All these problems, in fact, are solved very simply. To eject a disc in emergency mode, you will need some hard wire. If you do not find the wire, do not despair, use a needle, pin or paper clip - they will surely be at your fingertips.

On the front panel of any drive there is a small hole, in the figure below you can see it clearly. It is also intended for emergency extraction of disks from the drive.

So, we figured out why the drive does not open, now let me show you what to do when the drive does not open.

How to open the drive

Gently insert the needle into the hole until we feel that we have rested against the lever. Keep the needle straight to get on the lever inside the drive.

After about 1.5-2 cm, this very lever will be felt. You need to gently press on it with a needle. As you press down on the lever, the drive will slowly slide out. We continue to press until the tray can not be grabbed with fingers.

Now, by hand, we extend the tray to the end, calmly remove the disk from it and carefully push it back in, or you can press the button to close the tray. The most important thing when ejecting a drive like this is to be careful not to damage the drive mechanism inside.

I hope you will not need an article on how to remove a disk from a CD / DVD drive in emergency mode, but just in case, I told you about it.

If you have: recently repaired your computer, dropped your computer or hit it, then the cable from the drive may have become disconnected. You can read more about this in the article: "" (information is almost at the very end of the article).

See you soon!

P.S. : By the way, here's a good example of how to get a disc out of the drive:

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