Setting up hardware and software

Christmas tree desktop wallpaper widescreen. Master class "Animated Christmas tree on the desktop"

Stepanova Olga Mikhailovna,
English teacher
first qualification category,
MBOU "Tsivilskaya secondary school No. 1
hero's name Soviet Union M.V. Silantyeva",
Chuvash Republic,

Animated Christmas tree on the desktop

1.Teach the sequential action of inserting an animated Christmas tree onto the desktop of those colleagues who
spends a lot of time at the computer, but does not want to deny himself the festive mood.
1.Share with colleagues personal experience on the proposed topic.
2.Assist UchPortfolio participants in creating a New Year’s atmosphere on their desktop.

Intended Product:

Step 1
I work on the website We type this address in the browser or click on this address. The following window appears:

Step 2
Move the mouse cursor down the page and find the Christmas tree that you like best. For example, we find this one - a Christmas tree with garlands in the lower left corner.

Click on the green button that says downloadunder the Christmas tree and we get the following picture:

Step 4
Above the Christmas tree there is a line where two words click here are underlined. We click on this place with the mouse and get the following picture (Don’t be embarrassed if the Christmas tree immediately starts to shine on your stand - it happens, but rarely. Therefore, calmly follow all the steps below):

Step 6
We click on the right side and get the following - functions appear on the desktop. Select Extract to the specified folder. I select English club on my desktop and click OK:

Step 7
I go to my desktop and open my English club folder. I open it and find a file with a Christmas tree icon:

Step 8
I double-click on the file with the Christmas tree icon and an animated Christmas tree appears on the desktop of your operating system:

Dear Colleagues!
The tree can be moved with the mouse to any place on your table.
It can be deleted with one click if you are bored with it. To do this, hover the cursor over the tree and click on Exit and the tree will disappear instantly.
If you would like to upload another Christmas tree
(there are plenty of merry Christmas trees on this site), follow the same steps,
but with a different Christmas tree, your desktop will always delight you with different Christmas trees
and other holiday drawings.
Experiment and delight yourself with holiday props more often!

A small free program for adding a cute Christmas tree to your computer screen. The set also includes garlands and almost real snow, which gradually covers the elements of the Desktop.

New Year is just around the corner! Despite the fact that the weather (at least here) is not at all like New Year's, the spirit of the approaching holidays is still felt. There are already garlands, balls, rain hanging in all the windows and, of course, there are Christmas trees everywhere! The latter, perhaps, are the main symbols of the New Year.

Surely, every year you dress up forest beauties, who with their appearance give you joy during all the New Year holidays.

However, many today spend most of their time at the computer and, accordingly, do not have the opportunity to see their decorated Christmas tree. Therefore, I want to dedicate today’s article specifically to those who lack the feeling of a holiday in the Workplace.

Today we will start decorating the desktop of our computer for the New Year. And the first (and even most important) thing we need is, of course, to put a Christmas tree on it. Like the real one, it should be beautifully decorated with colorful balls, toys and garlands. We can get exactly such a Christmas tree by installing the program on our PC ChristmasTree.

It is natural that similar applications there are quite a few, but ChristmasTree is different from its analogues big amount skins, settings, and most importantly, the presence of a timer that counts down the time until the holidays! The program's closest competitor is another free application Animated Christmas Tree for Desktop:

Comparison of the ChristmasTree program with its analog Animated Christmas Tree for Desktop

The only thing that the ChristmasTree program lacks is the ability to adjust the transparency of the Christmas tree on the Desktop. However, despite this, it has several ready-made translucent skins (for example, standard).

Installing the ChristmasTree program

To install a virtual Christmas tree on your desktop, you will need to run the file from the downloaded archive ChristmasTree17.exe and follow the wizard’s prompts, and in fact confirm all the installer’s suggestions by clicking the “Next” button ;).

Launching and working with the program

Once the installation is complete, this translucent Christmas tree will appear on your desktop:

Under the tree there is a timer, which by default counts down until Catholic Christmas (December 25). Since we are used to celebrating not Christmas, but New Year, the first thing we will do is reconfigure the timer. For this right click Using the mouse, call up the context menu of our Christmas tree and in the “Due Date” section, select the “New Year” item:

Now you can start setting up the tree itself. To do this, just go to the context menu again and in the “Skins” section select one of the options appearance our Christmas tree (although balls and even New Year's socks are also available here :)):

In the same section, pay attention to the very bottom item: “Edit skin font...”. With it, you can enter the menu for setting the appearance of the program timer and adjust the type and color of its font.

Setting up the sound

The final step in setting up ChristmasTree is choosing the soundtrack. The program allows you to play a piece of music of your choice every hour or half hour (three options are available). To configure it, go to the “Sounds” section in the ChristmasTree context menu:

Here the menu is divided into two parts: in the upper part the frequency of playback of a musical fragment is indicated (every hour/half an hour/never), and in the lower part the sound theme itself is selected.

Installing a garland

The decoration of the Desktop could be completed at this point, but we will not stop there! What's a holiday without sparkling garlands? Well, for example, at least these:

Do you want such a garland to appear at the top of your monitor? Then extract the Holiday Lights folder from the downloaded archive to your Desktop! Since the program was written back in Windows times 95, then unpacking it to the Desktop is the main requirement. IN otherwise the application will not start and will generate an error!

Despite some primitiveness at first glance, Holiday Lights still has a sufficient number of different settings. You can call them by left clicking on the program icon in the system tray or from it context menu(item “Options”):

Setting up a garland

So that you don’t get lost in the numerous English-language settings, I specifically marked the key parameters in the screenshot. So:

  1. First of all (number “1” on the screen) we select the type of light bulbs. Standard snowflakes didn’t seem like a very good choice to me, so I advise you to install the “Normal” skin. Under the “Bulbs” list, I also advise you to remove the burnout effect (the “Burn Out” checkbox), then all the “bulbs” will work.
  2. The next step is to set the “light bulbs” switching mode (section “Flashing Mode” under number “2”). I can’t give universal advice here. For example, I liked the “Random” (random flickering) and “Alternating” (“running” lights) modes most of all.
  3. The third step will be to set the colors of the light bulbs (section “Color” numbered “3”). Here I advise you to choose either “Random” or “MultiColor”, based on the principle “the more (more colorful;)) - the better”!
  4. Now all that remains is to apply all the changes. To do this, click the “Apply” button and admire the result.

Additionally, you can configure the blinking speed of the “lights” (section “Flash Rate”), startup (checkbox “Startup Options”), etc.

You can also set background music, although only in MIDI format. To do this, you need to place a file with your favorite melody in the folder with the program. Then, in the “Music” section, activate the “Play Music” checkbox and select the song you added from the list below. You can download MIDI in a wide range, for example, .

Snowfall on desktop

The final touch in creating a New Year's mood for your Desktop will be launching the program from the downloaded archive Snow.exe. This application does not have any settings, but only one window with information about the title and author-developer.

Thanks to this program, “real” snow will begin to fall on your desktop, which will gradually “cover” all interface elements. To stop the snowfall, simply close the Snow window.

Now you can look at the results of our efforts:

To heighten the effect, of course, you can change the background image of your desktop to something New Year's. You can download beautiful New Year wallpapers, for example.


I hope that after all the simple manipulations I described above, the New Year’s mood will still come to you and will not leave you until the end of all the holidays! Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to everyone!

P.S. Permission granted to freely copy and quote. this article subject to indicating open active link to the source and preservation of the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny.

! New Year - the most magical and fabulous holiday! It's time to add a fresh touch and decorate your computer desktop with a beautiful sparkling Christmas tree, and think about a New Year's menu for the holiday table...

Christmas tree on your computer desktop!

I offer you several options for every taste: Classic and graphic Christmas trees with light animation of a blinking garland.

Attention! This set of Christmas tree gadgets is ideal for a Windows 7 computer.

The second set (just below) should suit everyone)))

How to install the “Christmas Tree” gadget on your desktop : After downloading, unzip the archive. Double-click on any of the six gadgets. A new window will open - click "Install". Voila! A sparkling beauty Christmas tree on your computer desktop. How to remove a gadget from your desktop: Move the mouse to the Christmas tree on the desktop, a button with a cross will appear - click on the cross and the gadget will disappear.

Another beautiful set "Christmas tree on the computer desktop." There are 3 Christmas trees, a snowman with a garland, a globe with a snowman (shows how many days are left until the New Year or Christmas - this can be customized) and a rotating snow-covered house with a Christmas tree.

Download !

How to install a Christmas tree on your desktop : After downloading, unzip the archive. Click on any Christmas tree and it will immediately appear on your desktop. How to remove such a Christmas tree : Move your mouse to the picture, right-click and in the drop-down menu click - exit .

Well, did everything work out: download and install the Christmas trees? Play around and choose what you like. Now the sparkling Christmas tree will delight you every day.

7Fon is a service that will help you easily find beautiful wallpaper on the desktop background. We have collected here more than 140 thousand pictures from all over the Internet, we carefully check each one before adding it to the site. More than a hundred new wallpapers appear on our resource every day. And if we find a better copy of the picture, we replace it. All this guarantees screensavers of excellent quality.

Ease of choosing wallpaper

The highlight of our site is a fast and convenient intelligent image search system.

Searching images by color is a unique feature on 7Fon. To search for photos of a specific color, click on the color circle in the search bar at the top of the page. Next, using a convenient palette, select the desired shade and click “Search”. As a result, our smart algorithm will automatically select wallpapers in which this color predominates. Be sure to use this tool - we tried :)

And of course, there is a text search for desktop wallpapers. We assign tags to each picture, which makes searching easier. By the way, we implemented it in 7 languages, including Ukrainian and Russian. Enter into the search field what should be shown in the picture, the language will be automatically detected.

Selecting screensaver size and editing

On the picture page, there are dozens of resolutions of the most popular monitors. You can download the wallpaper in original size or select the one you want before downloading. Using the crop frame, the image can be pre-cropped.

Another feature of ours is photo editing using an online editor. To the left of the “Download” button there is a button with a palette, this is where this monster is hiding. In terms of its capabilities, it is very similar to Photoshop - your imagination will have plenty of room to run wild!

Wallpaper for phone

Using the QR code, you can download phone wallpaper. This is very convenient, because by finding a picture from your computer and then scanning the QR code, you can instantly download it to your smartphone or tablet for a screensaver on your home screen.

We are sure that 7Fon will become indispensable for you when you decide to download wallpapers for your desktop!

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