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How much can you earn on YouTube for views: real numbers. How much can you earn on YouTube, a short overview How much can you earn on YouTube views

Many Internet users are reasonably interested in the question of how much YouTube pays for 1,000,000 views. After all, this is perhaps the most popular platform on the Internet, on which, according to various sources, from 500 million to 1.5 billion videos are posted. Here you can find material on any topic, from animated films, music videos to various educational programs and socio-political talk shows.

It must be said that there are also plenty of fakes on this resource, and there is an explanation for this: people make money on YouTube both by watching their videos, which contain advertising, and by links to products or services of so-called partners. That is why many unscrupulous users do not hesitate to give their video files posted on their channels intriguing names, although in fact they have nothing to do with them.

Below we will describe in detail what profit is associated with.

What channel theme should I choose?

It must be said right away that no one will pay simply for viewing the material posted on your channel. The opportunity to make money always comes down to advertisers. You can interest them and attract them to cooperation if your video channel has regular subscribers and regularly gains, even if not the most a large number of views on YouTube, but at least what is necessary for cooperation. Videos should be useful, interesting and original.

Topics are designed for different layers and groups of the population:

  • finance and economics;
  • children's entertainment programs;
  • humor channels;
  • cars;
  • films and reviews of new cinema products;
  • sports and much more.

The most popular views on YouTube are usually humorous and music videos, but this does not mean that they are the most profitable.

Don't forget about the laws governing copyright protection. Please read it carefully before you start creating a channel.

How do they make money on YouTube for views?

First, you will need to create your Google account, under which you will then need to log in to the above-mentioned resource. Now you need to enable channel monetization. To do this you will need to do the following:

  1. In the upper right corner, click on your avatar and select “Creative Studio” from the list that opens.
  2. In the menu on the left, under Channel, select Status and Features.
  3. In the "Monetization" section, enable this feature.
  4. After reading, accept the terms of the Youtube affiliate program.

Now you need to link your channel to your AdSense account. All information on how to do this is described in detail on Youtube. You can familiarize yourself with it in the process of connecting all these functions. You need to create an AdSense account on the YouTube website, otherwise you will not be able to link the two accounts.

Go to and follow the instructions. Once you are redirected to the Adsense site, check if the address matches Email with the address of your account with which your channel is associated. After confirming the linking of one account to another, provide contact information and submit the application.

After this, you will be notified that the connection has been established.


Foreign advertisers, in particular European or American ones, pay much more for information posted about them than Russian ones. Important point: Only ad clicks or conversions are monetized. The more popular the video or the channel as a whole, the greater the chances you will have of concluding an agreement with reputable partners. For example, YouTube’s record for views will certainly not go unnoticed by advertisers. Hence the difference in cost. Among the people who talk about how much YouTube pays for 1,000,000 views, some earn 300 euros per 400,000, while others earn 100 euros per 1,000,000.

  • Monetize all videos on the channel.
  • Select the appropriate ad format and save the settings.

Similar projects

Apart from AdSense, there are other affiliate programs. For example, such as Air. This media network actively promotes your videos in “Related Videos” and really helps in many ways. The difference between this analogue and AdSense is that the user will be charged a percentage for the services.

By the way, it’s easier to make money on this platform if you additionally have your own website and develop it. You just need to leave a link to it under each video or insert an excerpt with its address into the video.

The QuizzGroup media network, for example, will take 20 to 30% of your ad revenue. Other affiliate programs work, as a rule, at the same rate and under the same conditions.

Pros and cons of media networks

Media networks have their positive aspects:

  • in case of controversial situations with YouTube, they will always be on your side and provide all possible support;
  • track those who plagiarize (saying in simple words, copies your videos) and blocks stolen videos;
  • They withdraw earned money starting from $5, while Youtube makes payments only when you reach 100 conventional units on your balance.

The disadvantages are that third party programs they take part of your profits and one of the terms of the contract you enter into with them is annual cooperation. That is, within 12 months you will not be able to terminate the contract with them.

How much does YouTube pay for 1,000,000 views?

To answer this question, you need to understand some of the features that shape your earnings.

For example, depending on the age of the audience of your subscribers and the type of their activity, the channel can bring in $10 per thousand views (advertising!), or maybe $1. Bloggers covering global economic events and the like, of course, benefit in this sense. Even though their videos clearly do not have the largest number of views on YouTube. It is difficult for entertainment and music channels to compete with them in terms of interest rates per click on advertising.

On the other hand, channels aimed at children and youth audiences often receive thousands of times more views than the above-mentioned ones. Here you can already make a choice using simple arithmetic.

It turns out that in one case you will receive $1000 per million views on YouTube, and in the other - $10,000.

Keep your finger on the pulse

One way or another, you need to make an interesting and high-quality product in order to achieve success in this direction. Promotion and development of the channel will require time and, possibly, financial investments.

YouTube videos are constantly updated. Some videos become outdated and begin to lose the average number of views, while others are gaining momentum. Therefore, it is important to regularly add something new and original. There are many ways to promote your channel on Youtube. There is a lot of video material about this on the platform itself. Familiarize yourself with it, analyze it, be patient and act.

New record

In 2017, the YouTube record was broken for views of the video for the song of the Korean artist Gangnam style, which received 2,894,479 views. This time the winners were Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth with the song See you again. The video clip for their song was seen by 2,895,552 viewers. The current leaders have also surpassed the previous one in terms of the number of likes given to the video. At the moment, this particular video is the absolute winner on the platform.


In the last few years, blogging has become popular all over the world, including in Russia. People who run their own channel dedicated to a specific topic regularly produce new episodes. In them, bloggers talk about certain events, news that are of interest to niche subscribers. Today, a blogger is a full-fledged profession, since many devote all their time to this and have no other income other than from the channel. Some shoot stories about travel from different parts of the world, some prefer to delve into politics, which is already enough on television, while others make stories about sports, introducing viewers to the latest results or forecasts. Basically, you just need to choose something that you are really good at, and you can try yourself in this genre. The main condition here is that it should be interesting to you too. The question of how much YouTube pays for 1,000,000 views fades into the background in this case.

Returning to television, it is worth noting that recently it has been significantly losing ground. Youtube played a leading role in this, according to many, and continues to strengthen its position, little by little displacing TV channels from the perspective of the mainstream media.

If you still have any questions about how much they pay for views on YouTube, re-read the article again. Do you want to try your hand at making money like this? Then YouTube is waiting for you!

On Youtube? We will talk about the possibility of earning money for yourself common man, and not some famous video blogger.

1. Earnings on Youtube in numbers.

In three months of working with your channel, it is quite possible to reach the level of earnings or 1500-2400 dollars per month. Below I present a screenshot of the development of one of the channels, which just reached this level.

Stable positive growth dynamics allow you to confidently achieve an income comparable to the salary at a good offline job, where you work 5 days a week, 8 hours a day. And on YouTube you have much more freedom - there is no strict work schedule, you don’t have to get up early in the morning and drag yourself through traffic jams to the office, you don’t have to sit at work until 5 pm and listen to your boss’s nonsense. You manage your time and independently build a strategy for developing and increasing the efficiency of your channel.

Of course, this is not suitable for everyone; some are more comfortable working according to a ready-made schedule and fulfilling their duties clearly, from A to Z.

2. What is the maximum earnings on Youtube?

If we don’t consider top video bloggers, then it’s $200 per day or $6,000 per month. Of course, it is difficult to achieve such a level, and even more difficult to maintain it. However, if you take the bar lower, you can earn about $3500-4000 per month on Youtube.

Important: this will be stable, not episodic. Here's a screenshot of the earnings of such a channel.

You see a stable level of over $4,000 per month. Fluctuations in earnings within a month are not significant, there are simply a huge number of factors that affect the profitability of the channel and the total income is determined by the interaction of all these factors.

3. How much do other video bloggers earn?

You see a channel on YouTube and want to know how much the owner of this channel earns? This can be done.

In general, all YouTube channels can be classified according to their earnings level as follows:

  • Channels disabled from monetization, earnings 0.
  • Minimalist channels, formally monetization is included, however.
  • Small video bloggers or channels posting TV videos that violate copyright, income is approximately $1000 per month.
  • Average video bloggers and successful copyright infringers earn approximately $1500-2500 per month.
  • Large video bloggers, famous people, reviewers, showmen, they receive $3000-4500 per month.
  • Top YouTubers, these earn more than $10,000 per month and have an audience of millions.

The last two steps require maximum dedication and investment of effort into your channel and your business.

4. How can I start earning money?

Start by choosing a topic and creating your own channel. You should like the topic, be interesting, and not only interesting to you, but also to your viewers. You may not know how to shoot videos and edit them, however. Hundreds of YouTube channels do this. Of course, most of them are copyright infringers, but they live for many years, develop and earn money. I will talk about them in great detail later so that you have a good idea.

Apart from this, you will need a good understanding of how to properly run your channel, how to optimize your videos, and how to get maximum income from them. For this, I am preparing a video course, follow the news on my website.

For most of us, YouTube is a way to get information. However, the service also allows you to earn money from your channels.

Let's talk about how to monetize your content on YouTube, how much you can get for it and how to make your channel popular.

The principle of making money on YouTube

If you want to make money on the Internet, then you should learn the basic principle: where there is good content there is an audience, where there is an audience there is advertising, where there is advertising there is earnings. In the case of YouTube, the basic mechanism is as follows:

  • a popular video attracts many viewers;
  • inserted at the beginning of the video contextual advertising or video;
  • For viewing an advertising video and clicking on a video, Google receives money, which it shares with the authors of the video.

To receive money you need to become a member of the affiliate YouTube programs . It's not as difficult as it seems - just upload at least one video and confirm your copyright on it. This already gives formal grounds to sign a partnership agreement with YouTube (in fact, with Google). Google can now insert contextual advertising into your videos based on the region and interests of each individual viewer.

You can sign up for an affiliate program at this page. By this point, you should already have at least one video published.

Copyright is not just a formality. Even if your video contains music for which you have not purchased the rights from the copyright holder, you are taking a risk. The copyright holder may complain about you, and your video with the ill-fated composition will be removed from the channel. Of course, this does not always happen, but precedents are still known.

In addition to the opportunity to earn money, partnership provides several new degrees of freedom. So, you can upload videos in the highest quality and unlimited duration, as well as create your own design for your channel.

The first thing you need to do to sign up for an affiliate program is to confirm your account. To do this, just indicate your phone number in a special field and enter the code that will be sent to you via SMS. Then fill out the short form at the link above to apply for a partnership. If Google representatives find your proposal interesting and there are no formal obstacles, you will easily receive the status of a company partner.

You can see more about this in the following video:

We do not consider cases where you already have a main business, and the YouTube channel serves only as a tool for advertising it. It is much more interesting to use video hosting itself as a way to earn money.

How much does YouTube video views bring?

Of course, a video from a house party that will only be viewed by its participants will not bring you any income. Both the public and partners are interested in videos that are viewed by hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of viewers. The bigger, the better.

Deduction figures may vary, but as a rule they are 65-68 cents per 1000 views. Thus, 1,000,000 (million) views will bring the author of the video approximately $650-680.

You can calculate the amount of money that videos on YouTube brought, for example, to the Korean rapper PSY (more than two billion views for the main hit alone) or the Norwegian comedians Ylvis (about half a billion). Of course, only a global audience will give such results, but to the same PSY the language barrier didn't interfere. Make a powerful video that the world will want to watch. However, the Russian-speaking audience is quite large and gives a lot of views.

Who can make money easier on YouTube?

What is more profitable - producing or trading? The role of an intermediary between producer and consumer in the history of mankind has always been one of the most profitable. In the case of YouTube, channels that collect a variety of content can play this role.

Thus, not a single domestic musician, singer or band with their own channel (and there are quite a few of them) can compare in popularity with the Ello service, which publishes new videos from various artists. Even the official channels of individual games cannot compare with regular reviews, which cover various gaming news. Film studios, accordingly, cannot compare with channels where films are constantly reviewed: new releases, gossip, premieres, round dates, and so on.

Being a producer of secondary information in general, paradoxically, turns out to be more profitable than creating originals. But an even greater paradox is that even secondary information needs to be done in an original way, with the author’s approach and your own personality. The niche of reviews, video blogs, digests and news is so saturated that individuality is needed here more than anywhere else.

Popular topics for YouTube channels

Although many videos of a very different nature are uploaded to YouTube, from educational films to sketches with mobile phones, we can highlight the most popular video directions:

  • Humor. Various This is Okay, +100500 and other humorous reviews are incredibly popular.
  • Music. Both platforms like Ello and the author’s channels of various musicians collect many millions of views. Of course, to do this you need to have a certain name.
  • News. It would seem that this is the prerogative of television channels and news agencies, but individual journalists can also create their own channels and gather an impressive audience. The main thing is to guess the requirements of the audience, touch on a sensitive topic, and have an original style.
  • Video blogging on different topics. From video games to politics (although the latter partially overlaps with the previous point).

For example, if the video is about disassembling tablets at home, then contextual advertising offers to buy displays or boards for the same tablets. In a video about construction, the topic of advertising could be the sale of building materials or tools. Such videos, as a rule, are watched not for entertainment, but with specific educational purposes, and advertising turns out to be aimed at a viewer who is obviously interested in it.

Viewers of entertainment shows most often strive to close or skip advertising. But now, when more and more people watch YouTube not on a computer, but on a TV or tablet, it is easier for the viewer to watch the advertising introduction, and the advertising at the bottom of the screen is not particularly disturbing.

What channels are popular in Russia today?

If we talk about Runet, then entertainment channels are in first place in the ranking of channels. The first two places are shared by the above +100500 And This Is Good, then come the official service channels GetMovies and TV programs KVN. In fifth place is the social movement "StopHam", known for its sharp, scandalous actions.

Animated series are popular "Masha and the Bear", "Fixies", "Luntik". New series of cartoons regularly appear on the channels, which makes life easier for young viewers and their parents.

Video blogs are a youth topic. It is worth noting such outstanding girls as Katya Clapp and Sasha Spielberg: they manage to collect millions of views out of the blue. The stronger sex competes with them in the form of such representatives as Frost, Super-Eugeha and, of course, the most controversial character on the Runet - Roma Acorn.

Gaming themes are in great demand among viewers. The most popular video channels are dedicated to the game, which has become a real obsession - World of Tanks. However, other games are also in demand. Basically, video blogs dedicated to games do not concentrate on any one area and cover all the news from the gaming world or just interesting new products.

The musical theme is presented rather sparingly. The top 100 channels include, say, the pop channel ELLO, the official channel of the rap label "Gas holder"... actually, that’s all, except Semyon Slepakova.

A peculiar situation with sports: channels dedicated to active sports are popular, but fans who just like to watch clearly prefer regular TV.

We can also highlight unusual projects of a social nature, such as the sensational Mr. Freeman.

How to find your niche? On the one hand, choosing some super-popular topic means facing enormous competition. On the other hand, a narrowly focused topic initially means focusing on a small part of the audience. I can give only one piece of advice: whatever you dedicate your video channel to, do it expressively and with soul.

Technical equipment is not so critical these days. It’s common to see a video clip or report on television that was shot on a smartphone camera.

Main - correctly find the angle, process the video, ensure its expressiveness. It is not so much the quality of the picture that matters, but its content. Especially if you liberally insert fragments of other people’s videos or broadcasts into your stories. However, be sure to control the quality of the final video. If key plots are too blurry and voice-overs are hard to understand, it won't help your popularity.

If you want to make a name for yourself and, therefore, money on YouTube, there are a few valuable tips to keep in mind:

  • If you create entertainment content, then its emotional side is the main one. When in the frame, be expressive in both your presentation and facial expressions. Editing, selection of shots, effects should also capture attention. Focus on emotionality and brightness.
  • The viewer really appreciates it when the author and presenter of video materials present their stories personally and subjectively. Yes, not everyone will like it. Yes, many will fundamentally disagree with your position. But if there is no position at all, then there will be nothing to agree with and nothing to argue about.

There are several more rules, but we will limit ourselves to one piece of advice. Have fun creating your product. If you make it with disgust, it's unlikely to connect with an audience. And a video created with inspiration can attract even viewers who are indifferent to its topic.

Not everyone knows what's popular YouTube service You can not only watch various videos and clips, but also earn good money. To do this you need to create interesting video, which users will watch, and connect to it affiliate program. Each view will bring you a few cents - if your channel is popular, you can earn a good monthly income.

How to earn money

So, how to make money on Youtube and what are they even paid for? A YouTube channel can be compared to a website. If you fill it with quality content, then you will quickly form a thematic audience. And for the target audience, you can always choose an advertisement that will be shown while viewing.

It’s easy to start making money on YouTube from scratch - you only need a smartphone and the Internet

That is, the principle of making money on YouTube is as follows:

  1. You create your channel and add interesting videos to it.
  2. Users view it, “like” it, it becomes popular and attracts new viewers.
  3. You connect contextual advertising to your profile.
  4. Advertising is shown to the user before or while watching the video.
  5. You are paid for viewing or clicking on an advertisement from Google.

Google acts as an intermediary - it receives money for ad impressions from advertisers, and then shares it with the authors. An advertisement can be either a banner with certain text and a link (appears after viewing), or a filmed video that plays at the beginning of your clip.

In order to start earning money, you don’t need any investments - you can even shoot an interesting video on your phone or digital camera. Upload it to your channel, confirm your copyright (YouTube bans for plagiarism), and enable the affiliate program in the settings. Advertising will be added to the video according to your location (that is, Chinese videos will not play in Russia) and the topic of the channel. You can enable the opportunity to earn money on the tab “Monetization” parameter.

Note:Respecting copyright is very important. If you use someone else's video or music, you may be blocked due to a complaint from the copyright holder and all videos will be deleted.


The partner account is very different from the “basic” account. You can upload videos of unlimited duration and maximum quality. You can also design your channel: set a cover, wallpaper, etc.

To make money on YouTube, upload videos to your channel and turn on “monetization”

To earn money on YouTube for views , you need to verify your account. By clicking on the “Monetization” button, you will open the confirmation panel for your profile. Here you will need to enter your phone number, receive an SMS or call to it, and enter the code in the appropriate field. Then you will need to fill out a form with some information. After this, you will receive the title of “partner” and can start your own business.

How much can you earn?

How much can you earn on Youtube with 1000 views? If you have a thematic channel and a lot of subscribers, then 5-6 dollars per 1000 is quite easy to collect. Moreover, high-quality videos will be watched not just once, but constantly.

How to earn more?

The basic rule of business is that the intermediary is more stable and earns the most, not the manufacturer. What does this mean? The fact that you physically cannot constantly produce high-quality thematic content. Therefore, you can simply collect it or create general thematic videos. A simple example is a channel dedicated to a game. It uploads videos once a month, which collects views from only 40% of the audience for this game. At the same time, there is a blogger who reviews all new games that come out. Even if he posts a review once a month, he will have more views due to the popularity of the topic.

You can view all statistics on views, video popularity and income in your personal account

This principle works everywhere: a film studio cannot compare with the audience of a channel about movies and celebrities, and a performer cannot compare with a music channel. Therefore, producing secondary information is more profitable than creating original content.

Note:There are a lot of people making money from YouTube. This means that you will have serious competition from the very beginning. Therefore, you need to choose the right niche - it should be interesting to both you and the audience.

Selection of topics

It is best to make a video on a topic that you understand. If you are a fisherman, make videos about gear, bait, fishing methods, travel equipment, etc. If you sell phones, then do reviews of new products, tests, comparisons with other popular phones. Be sure to look at how your competitors do it: think about where they make mistakes, what you would like to add to the video or remove.

The most popular topics on YouTube are:

  1. Humor. This includes various popular bloggers and programs +100500, KVN, This is Good, etc.
  2. Music and videos. Making money here is more difficult, since the authors can complain about the video and demand its removal.
  3. News and reviews of the situation. There is a lot of room for creativity here, but you always need to keep your finger on the pulse of events and have your own style.
  4. Blogging. This is a description of various games, films, events, etc. Partially echoes the third point, but if analytical thinking and understanding of the situation are needed to review news and politics, then blogging can be done by almost anyone. This is the easiest way make money on YouTube from scratch.

How much can you earn on YouTube and how much do bloggers who have already become famous earn? How to calculate earnings per 1000 views and how are the channels of famous Internet personalities monetized? About all this in our new material on the site

How much do top YouTube bloggers earn?
Name Subscribers Views Income in $
12,000 thousand 2 5000 thousand from 13,000 to 152,000
8,800 thousand 1,296 thousand from 9,400 to 149,800
8,500 thousand 1 6000 thousand from 5100 to 82200
3,500 thousand 70600 thousand from 7700 to 123100

Making money on Youtube is beneficial because most people find it easier and more convenient to receive information in the form of videos rather than text. It’s better to watch once how to fix headphones or cook a dish than to study a long text and try to understand it.

This psychological feature of people allows owners of YouTube channels to receive about $500 monthly. If a person is able to think creatively, is determined and persistent, this figure can easily be increased several times.

How to monetize your Youtube channel

After creating, designing and filling your video blog with videos, people will start subscribing to the channel, and the number of video views will gradually increase.

The main source of income on video hosting is watching videos, during which users will be shown advertising.

There are several ways you can monetize your channel.

  • Selling your goods/services. If a channel owner makes workout videos and exercises, he can increase the number of his clients in the fitness center. A manicurist makes educational videos in the hopes that viewers will be interested in the services.
  • Advertising and promotion of your online store. To do this, you need to film current product reviews to attract an audience, and leave a link to your store in the description of the video. In this way you can increase target audience and increase conversion.
  • The third option is direct advertising. Before the start of your video or at the end of it, there is a promotional video about the service or product that the advertiser ordered. Owners of channels about smartphone reviews can order an advertising video about a recently released model.
  • Product placement is hidden advertising. The advertiser orders the display of a product in the video, but there will be no emphasis on it. Thus, the video is dedicated to how to renovate a bathroom, and the frame will show tiles from a certain manufacturer.
  • AdSense is a large contextual advertising network that, together with YouTube, belongs to the same company. For this reason, it is integrated with the video hosting itself. According to statistics, advertising that appears on top of a video has a high CTR. After the video is viewed 10,000 times, you can apply to monetize your channel on AdSense.
  • There are other advertising media networks, video hosting affiliates, that are similar to AdSense, but have more advantages. They support withdrawal of money to Yandex.Money and WebMoney, they have no limits on minimum amount to the conclusion. They also have Russian-speaking support, which you can always contact and get advice.
  • Finally, the last method is CPA affiliates. The channel owner advertises goods/services, and the advertiser transfers a certain payment for all attracted clients. To find a suitable offer for your channel, you need to familiarize yourself with the list in the offer catalogue.

How much can you earn for 1000 views on YouTube?

It’s impossible to give a specific figure, since earnings depend on the monetization method, audience activity, channel topic and a number of other factors.

Income largely depends on the topic of the channel, since earnings mainly come from contextual advertising.

    Auto-moto is a popular topic

    videos about tuning, car repair, reviews of recently released models, test drives get a lot of views. Advertising in this area is expensive – you can get from $1 to $6 per thousand impressions.

    A video channel on a financial topic usually does not have many subscribers and does not get enough views.

    Real estate news, reviews of modern construction technologies and new buildings

    Beauty, personal care, treatment, health

    They always attract a lot of attention. Therefore, the owners of such channels receive a good profit, despite fairly average advertising prices - $0.25-3.

    Funny, funny videos, entertainment and humor

    Game reviews and let's plays

    A topic that is not profitable, but you can make money on it if you record videos using the most popular games. For 1000 views you can get $0.5-2.

    Musical topics (amateur video clips, original recordings)

    The usual rate in this segment will be in the range of $0.4-2.

How much do they pay for 1000 views in 2019

The number of bloggers on YouTube video hosting is growing every day, but this profession is still full of secrets and mysteries. At least for the average person. What does the author's income depend on? How do video bloggers make money from views? You will find out this and much more in this article.

Making money on YouTube: what does it depend on?

The most common myth regarding making money on the popular YouTube platform is that every blogger has a stable monthly income.

Such “legends” often mislead newcomers.

In reality, everything is completely different. We recommend not to live in illusions, but to immediately prepare for the harsh routine of such a fashionable profession.

Blogging really opens up a lot of unique opportunities for a person, but this is not a given, but the result of daily work.

A video blog brings different dividends, even if the channel author produces the same amount of content per month. No one can predict how many users will click on an advertisement in a video, and how much this click will cost. The amount of income is determined by many factors.

The blogger uploads a video to the channel, adding accompanying advertising to the main content. Exactly one month later, the author receives a monetary reward for views and clicks. Then the video blogger can cash out his earnings in any suitable way (media networks or Google Adsense).

The rate for every 1000 views under a video depends on its topic, quality of content and geolocation of the author. Users from any country can access the channel, but the added advertising is not relevant for each of these people. Why show it just like that? The hosting administration adds advertising content depending on the location of the blogger.

  • Ukraine – $0.63;
  • Belarus – $0.66;
  • Estonia – $1.17;
  • Lithuania – $1.20.

It is noteworthy that a video blogger’s earnings depend on seasonality. The fact is that large companies and brands launch advertising campaigns closer to the end of the calendar year. For the rest of the time, relative calm reigns. During this period, bloggers receive minimal dividends.

How much do popular bloggers earn in 2019?

Knowing the income of famous bloggers will contribute to motivation and desire to develop your channel. YouTubers do not disclose how much they receive, but there are some services that allow you to lift the veil of secrecy.

  1. The WhatStat service operates on the basis of Social Blade data, but focuses primarily on Russian-language video hosting channels. The site has the TOP of the most popular channels, as well as the ability to sort them by the number of videos, views and subscribers. This information collected in separate ratings, as well as in the overall TOP-500, 250 and 100.
  2. Another service is On it you need to enter the name of the channel or the name of its owner, after which information about the number of views and subscribers will be displayed. This service allows you to find out the amount of earnings (approximate figures) and what network the channel owner uses to monetize it. You can also get information about changes in the number of subscribers, views and income.

According to information taken from these services, it is possible to compile the top most popular Russian-language channels.

Ivangay (EeOneGuy) started with let's plays in 2013, and then added funny parodies, sketches and videos about his life.

As a result, his audience quickly reached 12 million subscribers. Users of the video hosting site have viewed YouTuber’s videos about 2.5 billion times.

The approximate monthly income of Ivan Rudsky on YouTube is from $13 to $152 thousand.

Yuri Yaniev's educational channel SlivkiShow was created in 2012.

The first publications are videos with interesting facts and how everything works. After that, Yuri began making videos where he revealed useful life hacks. The number of subscribers is 8.8 million people, the number of views is 1,296,000.

On average, Slivki Show earns from $9,400 to $149,800 on YouTube.

The AdamThomasMoran channel from the show +100500 by Maxim Golopolosov contains funny entertaining videos.

A well-known YouTuber back in 2010, he decided to retrain from couriers into video bloggers and created a channel, filming funny videos and commenting on them. The total number of subscribers is about 8.5 million people, views are 1.6 billion.

On average, Max +100500 earns from $5,100 to $82,200 monthly on YouTube.

There is a huge range in the earnings figures above. The fact is that a YouTuber has many opportunities and ways to monetize a channel. The simplest, most reliable, but low-income method is contextual advertising. If you work with advertisers directly, use CPA affiliate programs or advertise your own goods and services, then every thousand views will bring much more more money than a few dollars.

If you think that to get a big income you need to tell the details of your personal life or act like a clown in front of the camera, then you are mistaken. Thus, video blogger Lindsey Stirling is a famous American violinist and dancer. She posts her videos on video hosting, the beauty of which attracts many. The total number of subscribers to her channel is about 10 million people, views are 2 billion. On average, Lindsay earns from $7,900 to $126,900 monthly using the Maker Music affiliate program.

Today on Wylsacom there are many videos about cars, devices running on Android. Valentin’s video channel has collected 3.5 million subscribers, and the total number of views is about 706 billion. On average, a YouTuber receives from $7,700 to $123,100 every month.

So, the largest video hosting in the world allows you to earn huge income by uploading your videos. In the summer of 2017, the YouTube audience reached 1.5 billion people monthly. Also, the advantages of free video hosting include many niches and ease of use, which allows everyone to join the business.

To create a video, it is not necessary to buy expensive equipment - just free programs for video editing and recording. The main thing in this business is the interest of the audience. If you offer her a useful and unusual idea, you can soon become one of the famous masters of video hosting.

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