Setting up hardware and software

How to disable automatic Skype updates. How to disable Skype updates How to disable Skype updates on windows xp

Good afternoon, dear readers and guests of the blog, I always tell you that in most cases, updates are good and they are only intended to improve software, but with Skype program, this is a completely different story, any new update can completely break it for you, there are many, many examples of this, I won’t go far and will give this one “Can’t start video broadcast when calling on Skype” and much more. Therefore, I want to show you how you can permanently disable skype update, in a minute.

How to disable Skype updates permanently

I think that the overwhelming number of people who use this messenger are already tired of its constant and meaningless updates, which either patch up holes or multiply them at an even greater speed. Lately I've been a little annoyed by this window:

That everything is ready for installation and most latest version Skype is ready to download and install

Not only does it pop up without my permission and try to force me to update, but it also eats up my Internet, downloading background 50 megabytes each. You can disable automatic downloading of the Skype installer, but it’s easier to disable everything altogether, especially since it can be easily updated during the installation of Windows updates.

In the settings themselves you will be reminded about Windows Update(Center Windows updates), so feel free to do the procedure described below and don’t worry about this issue.

How the service works Skype updates. Here everything is simple: in the background, from the site, it begins to pull out a new version of the offline installer and puts it in the temporary Temp folder. You can find the themes folder in two ways:

  • Go to the path C:\Users\your account name\AppData\Local\Temp
  • The second method is to press WIN+R and enter %temp% in the Run window.

In it you can find the file SkypeSetup.exe.

I usually delete it and create it in its place text file with the same name, resulting in the same exe file, but it weighs 0 kilobytes. If your file extensions are hidden, then you need to display them in order to create the file correctly, you can read about this. Make sure your SkypeSetup.exe icon is the same as mine.

Now, to disable skype updates, right-click on this file and select properties.

In the properties, go to the "Security" tab, then click the "edit" button, in the new window we select everyone who appears in groups and users and set it to prohibit full access. Let's apply our changes.

We confirm the operation.

Since an explicit prohibition is stronger than an explicit permission, everything will work and Skype will not be able to download the new version for you, but to be completely sure, I’m doing this. Click the Advanced button and on the Permissions tab, disable inheritance.

Remove any inherited permissions from this object.

In the end, you will either get it like this, or you will only have the system object.

Restart Skype, as a result, a window asking you to install a new version of Skype will not appear, and if you manually try to check, you will get a window like this. All of you were able to disable the Skype update, for which I congratulate you.

Many Skype users have already noticed that in the latest versions of the program the option to disable automatic Skype update. However, some people are not happy with this situation for several reasons, including: dissatisfaction with the interface of the latest releases, the lack of necessary functions or the presence of unnecessary ones, errors in the operation of new ones Skype versions, requiring large resources and the most latest updates in system.

The easiest way to avoid Skype updates- use the portable version of the program. In this case, even if the version of Skype installed on the system is updated, the contents of the Portable Skype folder will remain unaffected.

Another easy way to avoid automatic updates is to use Skype version - the latest version with the ability to configure program update management. If you are using Skype, just go to the program settings:

Tools - Settings - Advanced

uncheck " On exit new version Skype..." - “notify me” and “download automatically”, save the settings.

If you want to use one of the earlier Skype versions 5 or previous recipes do not suit you or did not help, you will have to follow more complex instructions:

1. Install the required version of the program. You can download.

2. Completely unload the program: right click on the tray icon (about the clock) - Exit.

3. Cleaning system folder Temp, which contains all temporary files and, possibly, the latest Skype distribution already downloaded.

The easiest way to find the temp folder is to run the command “ %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp": press simultaneously Windows key(Start) and R, in the window that opens, enter the command without quotes. Now in the window that opens, safely delete all files.

4. Find the profile folder Skype user. Again, we do this through the command: Win + R, enter in the window %APPDATA%\Skype, and go to the folder with the name of your Skype login.

5. Open the file in notepad config.xml

6. Now we just need to enter the value 0 (zero) into the directive UpdatesMajor. We look for the line containing “UpdatesMajor” and replace it with 0.

If there is no such line in the file, add the line 0 to the section

A little about UpdatesMajor values
0 - notifications about update releases and automatic Skype updates are disabled;
1 - you will receive notifications about the release of new versions, but the program will ask you about the need to update;
2 - Skype automatic updates are enabled.

Many Skype users have already noticed that in the latest versions of the program, the option to disable automatic Skype updates has disappeared. However, some are not happy with this situation for several reasons, including: dissatisfaction with the interface of the latest releases, the lack of necessary functions or the presence of unnecessary ones, errors in the operation of new versions of Skype that require large resources and the latest updates in the system.

The easiest way to avoid updating Skype is to use portable version programs. In this case, even if the version of Skype installed on the system is updated, the contents of the Portable Skype folder will remain unaffected.

Another easy way to avoid automatic updates is to use Skype version - the latest version with the ability to configure program update management. If you are using Skype, just go to the program settings:

Tools - Settings - Advanced

Uncheck the “When a new version of Skype comes out...” - “notify me” and “download automatically” checkboxes, save the settings.

How to disable Skype 5 update

If you want to use one of earlier versions Skype 5 or the previous recipes do not suit you or did not help, you will have to follow more complex instructions:

1. Install the required version of the program. Can be downloaded here.

2. Completely unload the program: right click on the tray icon (about the clock) - Exit.

3. Clear the system Temp folder, which contains all temporary files and, possibly, the latest Skype distribution already downloaded.

The easiest way to find the temp folder is by running the command “%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp“: press the Windows (Start) key and R at the same time, in the window that opens, enter the command without quotes. Now in the window that opens, safely delete all files.

4. Find the Skype user profile folder. Again, we do this through the command: Win + R, enter %APPDATA%\Skype in the window, and go to the folder with the name of your Skype login.

5. Open the config.xml file in notepad

6. Now we just need to add the value 0 (zero) to the UpdatesMajor directive. We look for the line containing “UpdatesMajor” and replace it with 0.

If there is no such line in the file, add the line 0 to the section

A little about UpdatesMajor values
0 - update notifications and automatic Skype updates are disabled;
1 - you will receive notifications about the release of new versions, but the program will ask you about the need to update;
2 - automatic Skype updates are enabled.

7. Save the file, launch Skype and live quietly without updates.

Hello, dear friends! Today we will talk about disabling Skype updates. Why turn it off, you may ask me. The fact is that sometimes Skype releases new versions, and they are a little buggy, and sometimes it’s serious. For example, after the next update.

Usually, to get rid of glitches, you have to download more old version and disable automatic Skype updates. We'll figure out how it turns off now.

Before you get started, make sure that the version of Skype you have installed is normal and you will not be updating it in the near future

Disabling updates in program settings

Launch the program and click on the “Tools” button in the top menu. From the drop-down list, select “Settings...”.

In the settings that open, select “Advanced” in the left menu, then “Automatic updates”:

We look at the right side of the window and click on the button “Turn off automatic updates”

In principle, everything could be left as it is, but a window will constantly pop up asking you to upgrade to latest version. If you are satisfied with it, then finish the practice. If it’s annoying, let’s continue to try to make sure that the window doesn’t bother you.

Ending the Skype process

Click right click mouse on the toolbar and from the drop-down menu select “Launch task manager”.

We terminate the Skype.exe process. To do this, in the processes tab, right-click on it:

Delete the SkypeSetup.exe file and create a new one

First we turn on the display hidden files and folders. Open any Explorer folder. In the top menu, click on “Service” and from the drop-down menu select “Folder Options”:

Now we go along the path C:\Users\User_Name\AppData\Local\Temp. We find SkypeSetup.exe there and delete it. Then we just create a new one. You can just create a regular one Text Document in notepad and call it SkypeSetup.exe.

Add a couple of lines to the hosts file

We find hosts along the path: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. Open it with notepad.

In Skype settings, turn off automatic updates if it is enabled. (it is turned off in the screenshot):

As practice shows, disable updates in Skype settings is not enough, and the notification about an available update will still show every time Skype loads.

In order to disable the update pop-up notification, you need to do more complex work:

1. Enable display of system and hidden files in Windows.
2. Go to the Temp folder: %USERPROFILE%\ AppData\Local\Temp\
3. Find the file " SkypeSetup.exe" and delete it.
4. Next first option :

  • Create a new text file in the same location (in Temp folder) and rename it as "SkypeSetup.exe" (along with .exe).
  • For the newly created file, change the access rights: go to the file properties (right-click on the file -> Properties). Go to the “Security” tab. Click the “Change” button and set a Full Access Deny for each user.

Click the "Change" button

Or second option if the first one doesn't work:

  • Create a new text file on the Desktop and write in it: del /Q %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\SkypeSetup.exe
  • Rename this file to SkypeUpdateDEL.cmd(together with .cmd) and move the resulting batch file to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\.

What should you do if your Skype has been updated and it is not possible to download the official previous version, because... Is only the latest version downloaded from the Skype website?

You can actually download previous version Skype ( 5)

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