Setting up hardware and software

How to send a message with a timer. How to Send iMessages and SMS on iPhone on a Schedule

Deferred publications on VKontakte are a wonderful and most convenient option, which allows you to set up timed recordings.

In other words, right now you can create a post in your own community or a post on the wall that will be posted in the future (tomorrow, in a month, in a year, at any time you specify).

The VKontakte timer is a special tool that can be used by every member of the social network. A timer is attached to your recordings, just like photos or videos, surveys or documents, and goes off at exactly the specified time.

The only condition is that the platform for delayed publications must be yours, and not someone else’s. That is, you will not be able to create a pending post on a friend’s wall or in someone else’s group where you are not an administrator. The VKontakte timer also does not work in personal messages, in other people's communities, on other people's pages, but this does not in any way diminish its importance.

If you run your own group or public VK page, the timer should become your permanent tool, since with its help you can plan a publication schedule for the entire next week in 1 hour!

It is with the help of deferred publications that the administration of popular VKontakte communities ensures their frequent updates and regular publication of posts and news. Without a timer, a person would have to stay on the social network for days, without sleep or rest, ensuring the release of new entries.

In this step by step instructions site site (Copy Ru) we will learn how to quickly create delayed publications, which themselves will be published on a designated day, at a given time.

We believe that this information will be useful to all VKontakte users, even to understand how their favorite communities work ().

Postponed publications on VKontakte: step-by-step instructions

Step #1

As an example, let's create a post on our own wall that will appear at the time and date we need. Let's go to our page, to our profile, to start working with the wall of our account.

Step #2

Place the mouse cursor in the window for posting messages on your wall and select the “More” - “TIMER” option.

Step #3

If everything is done correctly, the “Publication Time” block appears under the message line, where you can independently indicate the Date and Time of publication of our entry. By clicking on the date, we open the calendar grid, where we can change both the date and month. By clicking on the time, we open the tape with hours or minutes.

Publication time:

Posting date:

Step #4

So, in this step-by-step instructions, we have chosen a time and date for delayed publication: February 1, 2017 at 10 hours and 56 minutes. Now that the VK timer is set, we simply create standard notation, which will be published at the designated time.

You can also add to this entry:

  • text entries;
  • videos;
  • audio recordings;
  • links (internal and external);
  • documents and files;
  • photographs and pictures;
  • notes, surveys and maps.

In fact, you can add anything you see fit to a deferred post, but it will be published within the time specified on the timer.

To start the delayed time option, click the “Queue” button.

Step #5

To view the added timer entries, click on the “Delayed” line (this line also indicates their number, in our case - one):

To edit the VK timer and edit the created entry, click directly on the publication date, a window will appear, and click “Edit”:

Or move the cursor to the upper right corner of this note - then the “Edit” option will appear. We tried to note all this in the screenshot below:

Clicking on “Delete Entry” will simply delete your entry along with the timer. In the same way, you can delete a pending publication from the editing page.

IMPORTANT: there can be many records with a timer. Their main condition is that the publication time does not overlap, so that one entry does not overlap in time with another. And so - create at least 10, at least 100 of them for the whole next month!

VK group administration

That's how, with this simple option, you could schedule adding news on your wall or on the wall of your own group where you are an administrator. By the way, these same functions are also used to make money on a social network when you manage other people’s communities or public pages.

You can easily get hired to work in some group and start updating it for some monetary reward. There is a lot of such work today, and every person can cope with it.

And how to delay the publication of your post for certain time.

It often happens that a written post should not be published right now, but should be postponed for a certain time. This is especially true when you run your own group, where you regularly post at the same time. Therefore, a timer is a great opportunity to schedule the publication time of your posts.

How to make a delayed entry in VK

You can delay the publication time for posts on a user’s page, as well as on a community wall or public page. The essence and principle are the same. Let's look at applying a timer to a post on a user's page.

1. Write a post of any content, then select “More” in the attachment panel, and select “Timer” from the drop-down list.

3. You can activate the lock icon (), and then your post after publication will only be visible.

4. After the date and time have been set, click the “Add to Queue” button. Will appear on the wall at the top new inset“Delayed” with a counter, opening which you can see the deferred post. Here in the settings you can delete the post or select the “Edit” item, where you can change the contents of the post and the date and time of its publication. The “Publish Now” function is also available - if you suddenly change your mind about waiting for your designated publication time.

5. You can create as many deferred publications as you like. At the same time, the bookmark counter displays the number of planned publications.

You can postpone an entry in a VK group in the same way. Precisely in communities and on public pages this function is especially relevant and is used more often.

VKontakte message timer

There are often questions online: is it possible to set a timer? The site does not yet have such a feature, and the timer function can only be applied to posts on the wall of a group or user. Perhaps in the future the development team will implement such an opportunity.

SMS is a convenient and useful thing. Without them it’s like without hands. But do you always send short messages on time? Have you ever, in a hurry, confused the recipients, or, even worse, completely forgotten about the need to send? The Delayd app aims to solve this problem.

The startup Tinyyo Limited has developed a messaging service that allows you to set the sending time for SMS messages and publications in in social networks. The main feature of the program is the ability to pre-set the time for sending regular SMS or multimedia messages with photos and videos to contacts in the address book. The user sets the time and date of sending, the text of the message, and selects one or more recipients. It is possible to edit scheduled messages.

As a result, you don’t have to worry about forgetting to wish a friend or relative a happy birthday if you configure Delayd in advance to send SMS greetings on specific dates. Did you find that you've run out of milk and your missus is at an important meeting that ends at seven? Instruct Delayd that the message “Honey, don’t forget to buy milk” should be sent after seven o’clock. The SMS will not distract her from her work and will arrive just in time.

In the same way, you can wake up a friend who asked for this with your SMS or distribute congratulations in advance before the holiday. There can be many reasons, but there is only one solution – Delayd.

Messages can be divided into groups: birthdays, anniversaries and social group. Apparently, they meant generally accepted holidays and some absolutely everyday nuances. You can also specify whether the offer should remind you to send a message, and whether the newsletter should be sent on some cyclical basis (every day, week, month, year).

The application continues to work even after rebooting the iPhone. All data is stored on the service, so scheduled messages will be sent even if the smartphone’s battery is completely drained.

Overall, the idea behind the app is very interesting, although not innovative. The interface is simple and visually very pleasing. Main disadvantage service is that Russia is not yet on the list of countries in which Delayd operates. It is supported in the USA, UK, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Brunei, Canada, China, Gambia, India, Israel, Pakistan, South Africa. But the developers promise to regularly expand the list of regions, so Russian users should in any case download the application to immediately find out about the release of the corresponding update.

Delayd is free and offers 50 free SMS. Messages over the limit are charged separately: $0.99 for 50 messages, $1.99 for 100 messages, $2.99 ​​for 250 SMS and $3.99 for 500 SMS.

: different effects, stickers, large emojis, link previews and much more. But one must-have feature is still missing: the ability to send scheduled messages.

There are times when you don't want to send a message right away, but instead want it to be delivered on a specific day and time. For example, tomorrow is your friend's birthday and you don't want to forget to congratulate him on time. In this case, you could easily set the message on a timer and it would automatically be sent at the right time.

iOS users have repeatedly asked for this feature, but Apple has yet to respond to their requests. If your phone is jailbroken, then you are in luck. Kairos 2 – is a jailbreak tweak that allows you to set iMessages and SMS messages on a timer.

Using the tweak is quite simple. Once you install it, open the Messages app and the conversation in which you want to write something. Now enter your message and click on the send button. The message will not be sent, but instead a screen will pop up asking whether you want to send it immediately or later.

If you want to send the message immediately, click on the Send Now button. Otherwise, select the date and time you want it to be delivered. Once done, click on the Select button and the timer will be set. The message will be stored on your device until the set time, and then sent automatically.

This tweak even allows you to view all your messages that are on the timer. On home page In the Messages app, you'll find a calendar icon in the top right corner. Click on it to see a list of all your messages on the timer, along with the dates and times they will be delivered.

Kairos offers several other features that take timer messaging to another level. These include:

  • Smart Airplane Mode: If the tweak tries to send a message while in airplane mode, it will automatically turn off for a while and then reactivate when the message is sent.
  • Smart Battery Send: When you enable this mode, Kairos will automatically send messages within an hour if your iPhone's battery level drops below a preset level.

The tweak also has a settings window where you can configure several application configuration parameters yourself. There you can turn it on or off Smart modes Airplane and Smart Battery Send, and choose how you want to time messages. This can be done by double click on the send button or by pressing the Digital Touch button. You can also choose to blur the screen so that the timer setting window appears in the background.

Kairos provides the feature that iOS users have been waiting for for a long time. If you've ever wanted to put a message on a timer, then you'll definitely love this tweak. It works great and comes with several additional functions, which will make the process of using it even more enjoyable.

You can buy Kairos 2 for $2.99 ​​from Cydia's BigBoss. It is supported by all devices with iOS 10. If you decide to try this tweak, write your impressions about it below in the comments.

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SMS scheduler a couple of lifesavers when sending congratulations. I always forget to congratulate someone on their birthday or some other holiday. This is because I am now constantly at home with a small child, and sometimes I not only forget what date it is, but I also don’t remember the day of the week. And remembering when and who’s birthday is not so easy, of course, if these are not your closest people. But with an SMS scheduler, this problem disappears - you wrote down a congratulation, scheduled it for a specific date and time, and you can forget about this problem.

SMS scheduler helps me myself to complete any tasks. As a rule, I write down what I need to buy, do, and schedule SMS to be sent to my number at a certain time. Sometimes the SMS scheduler helps me out this way. For example, we often forget to buy salt, sugar, etc. in the store, despite the fact that we walk around the store and look at it (maybe I’m just that absent-minded). You can pre-schedule an SMS “buy sugar” for the approximate time of your stay in the store, and the SMS scheduler will help you remember to buy such little things.

SMS scheduler It also helps you take care of yourself. In the morning I planned to make a face mask in the evening, and the SMS planner will help remind me. Well, or, for example, you can remind them to take medicine, do something, etc.
Of all the SMS schedulers, I chose this one because it is easier to use. There is no need to remember phone numbers, as is done in others similar programs. It is very convenient that when you send an SMS, the program asks you to send the SMS now or postpone it. Thanks to the author for the program.

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