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Beeline all for 0 details. Description and secrets of the current tariff zero doubt on Beeline

So, today we will try to sort things out for you with the Beeline mobile operator. “0 doubts” is a tariff that has recently attracted more and more customers. In general, this tariff plan It is commonly called “anti-crisis”. But why exactly? Is it worth switching to it? What advantages will Beeline give, “0 doubts” (tariff)? We have to find out about all this.

The big picture

But first you will have to form some general impression about today's product. After all, the client always has to be interested in something so that he begins to learn more about the tariff plan. And our current mobile operator succeeded in this. How?

The thing is that “0 doubts” allows us to communicate for free within the home region with other subscribers of this operator. In fact, this offer is very beneficial for those whose environment uses Beeline primarily.

Indeed, it is precisely this approach that can attract new audiences. True, you will have to pay for the 1st minute of conversation. Just 1.3 rubles. And then communicate as much as you want. Plus, this tariff plan has no subscription fee. Very interesting and profitable proposition, right?

Thus, it is within the coverage area of ​​this operator) allowing for virtually no restrictions on communication. But let's try to figure out how good the cellular plan we chose today is. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Within the home region

So let's start with you with the most important moment, which is worth discussing. It is he who, for the most part, makes us understand how profitable the tariff plan is for us. After all, we are talking about outgoing calls within your home region.

U offers us to communicate for free with other subscribers of this operator. As already mentioned, starting from the 2nd minute. For the first moments of dialogue you will have to pay only 1.3 rubles. It's not that much.

True, with other subscribers and operators mobile communications things are a little more complicated. In a minute you will have to pay 2.3 rubles. That is, y or any other city), as a rule, are aimed at those who use this particular operator. And collectively. The more friends you have on Beeline, the more profitable the tariffs are for you. This also affected “Zero Doubts”.

In principle, this plan is very good for the home region. Of course, if you do not plan to communicate with other operators 24 hours a day. IN otherwise It's better to choose something else. But this is not all that concerns our topic today. Let's move on and study Beeline's “0 doubts” (tariff).

Long distance calls

The thing is that modern clients very often call outside their city. Therefore, such an item as long-distance calls is also important for them. In fact, Moscow Beeline tariffs (and indeed any of this operator) offer their users very favorable conditions. Which ones exactly? Let's try to understand this issue.

The thing is that the “0 doubts” tariff plan allows you to call throughout Russia to Beeline for only 2.5 rubles per minute. And for other operators this plan requires 5 rubles. Calls to Crimea and Sevastopol (to Kyivstar numbers) will cost 12 rubles, and to other operators - 24.

As you can see, Beeline's call rates are quite reasonable. True, these are not all the positive aspects that can be encountered. Let's see what else today's tariff plan and the mobile operator as a whole can offer us. After all, we have forgotten many more decisive points regarding the benefits of a particular tariff. But now we will fix it.

For travelers

Intercity has already been mentioned. But Beeline (Russia) also has tariffs that allow you to communicate with other countries. And all this on fairly favorable terms. And for this reason, we will now try to deal with “Zero Doubts” regarding this issue.

The thing is that calls to the CIS countries to Beeline will cost you 12 rubles per minute, and to other operators - 2 times more expensive. Europe, the USA and Canada require 35 rubles per minute, North and Central America - 40 rubles each. But dialogues with all other countries will cost you 50 rubles per minute. In principle, it’s very profitable.

If we compare Beeline, “0 doubts” (tariff) with other cellular operators, then the same Megafon requires 55 rubles for calls within Europe, and 97 to all other countries. The benefits can only be counted and counted. Thus, as you can see, our current tariff is not only profitable calls within the network and home region. This is also a real gift for sociable clients, as well as travelers.

But there are also a number of quite important components that we have not yet learned about. What is it about? Let's try to figure this out.


Of course, now almost every subscriber uses the mobile Internet. After all, it is so important for us to stay in touch always and everywhere. And therefore it is impossible not to mention the Internet connection.

Beeline's "0 doubts" (tariff) is not much different from all other offers mobile operators. For 1 megabyte of downloaded data you will have to pay 9 rubles 95 kopecks. In truth, if you are thinking about changing your data plan to use mobile internet, That this option doesn't really suit you.

For example, Megafon with a similar tariff asks for 9 rubles 90 kopecks for 1 megabyte of data. It seems that the difference is small. However, if you plan to surf the Internet a lot from your phone, it will be more than noticeable.

Regarding the quality of communication, we can only say that customers are satisfied. There are practically no interruptions or failures. Sometimes they happen, but not for long. And mostly in the evening.


Well, Beeline (Russia) tariffs also allow you to communicate without using your voice. We are talking about sending SMS and MMS. It's pretty important components any modern communication. And clients pay special attention to their cost.

What does Beeline offer us? “0 doubts” (tariff) is what will help you always stay in touch. Even without any talking. After all, the cost of messages is quite reasonable.

If you subscribe to the “My SMS” package, you will be able to send virtual letters to mobile phones for free. True, only to local numbers. In the absence of this SMS will cost you 2.5 rubles. Long-distance “letters” cost 3.95 rubles. Just like international ones. In principle, quite humane and anti-crisis prices.

However, with MMS things are a little worse. Any such message will cost the client 9 rubles 95 kopecks. Not exactly expensive, however, there are also tariffs that will allow you to send MMS for 5 rubles.

Description of the “Zero Doubts” Tariff from Beeline

Are most of your interlocutors connected to the Beeline operator? Are you looking for favorable tariff with transparent prices? Then switch to the “Zero Doubts” tariff plan from Beeline and you will receive a huge amount of communication for a minimum payment.

The tariff is prepaid, billing is per minute, there is no monthly fee (except for the Moscow region).

How to activate the “Zero Doubts” tariff on Beeline

To become a user of the “Zero Doubts” tariff, you can use one of three connection methods:

  1. Make a call to the number 067410222 and, after listening to the instructions in the voice menu, act according to the recommendations given.
  2. Use the services of the Beeline website, log in Personal Area and activate the “Zero Doubts” plan for your number.
  3. Contact any Beeline consultation center, where qualified specialists will help you set up your tariff.

Cost of services according to the tariff

If you switch from the old “Zero Doubts” tariff plan to the new one, not a penny will be charged from your account.

If you switch from any other tariff to “Zero doubts”, then you will have to pay 150 rubles. for Moscow and the Moscow region, 100 rubles. for St. Petersburg, and for Krasnodar - 50 rubles.

At the same time, for the Moscow region a monthly fee of 3 rubles per day is charged, but for other regions it is not provided.

Sending MMS on the tariff costs 9.95 rubles.

Calls in your home region

Call your interlocutors on local Beeline numbers and pay only 1.3 rubles per minute for the first minute of conversation. in Moscow and 0.50 rub./min. in other cities. The second and subsequent minutes will be free.

It is also quite profitable to communicate with interlocutors connected to other operators in the connection region; for Moscow, one minute of conversation will cost 2.30 rubles, and for Krasnodar this price will be only 0.29 rubles/min. Sending SMS to home region paid 1.5 per message.

Calls to other cities

You can call Beeline numbers throughout the country for 2.50 rubles/min. Communication with other operators is charged at 5 rubles/min. SMS are sent at a single price of 3.95 rubles. for the message.

Calls abroad

The cost is indicated for Moscow and the Moscow region.

Calls within the CIS to Beeline SIM cards are charged 12 rubles per minute, and to numbers connected to other operators - 24 rubles per minute.

A conversation with friends from the USA and Canada will cost 55 rubles per minute, and with other countries in South and North America - 40 rubles per minute.

You can call the rest of the world for 100 rubles per minute.

Sending SMS in international format costs 3.95 rubles. for the message.

Internet at tariff

The tariff does not have a prepaid Internet traffic package, so each MB will be paid for 9.95 rubles. The user should also know that when he uses his first megabyte of Internet on the “Zero Doubts” tariff from Beeline, the “Highway 1 GB” service will be activated for his number.

This option provides for a payment of 7 rubles, regardless of whether the Internet was used or not. The option can be disabled using the USSD command * 115 * 030 #.

Modern mobile operators offer many tariff plans that differ in the cost of calls, SMS, and Internet. Each user can choose a tariff plan that suits him best.

The mobile operator Beeline also offers various tariff plans, the “Zero Doubts” tariff is one of them. This tariff is intended for those who like to talk a lot and have most of their friends on Beeline, but who do not use the Internet and SMS messages much.

Conditions of the Beeline “Zero Doubts” tariff plan?

This tariff does not include monthly subscription fee, no additional services are provided unless you activate them yourself. It is simple and suitable for those who talk a lot online.

  • Local communication: the first minute for Beeline subscribers costs 1.3 rubles, subsequent minutes are free. You will be able to communicate almost limitlessly with your friends and loved ones. A call to other operators or local numbers costs 2.3 rubles; 
  • Long-distance communications: calls to Beeline numbers – 2.5 rubles/min, to landline numbers, numbers of other mobile operators – 5 rubles; 
  • Republic of Crimea, Sevastopol: a call to the number of the mobile operator “Kievstar” costs 12 rubles, for others mobile operators– 24 rub.

Cost of messages in the “Zero Doubts” tariff Beeline

  • Local messages: SMS – 2.5 rubles, one MMS – 9.95 rubles; 
  • Long-distance and international: one SMS costs 3.95 rubles, one MMS – 9.95 rubles. By activating a service such as “My SMS”, you can send messages for free.


For one megabyte of Internet traffic in the Beeline “Zero Doubts” tariff you will pay 9.95 rubles. Paying for Internet access is still fraught with pitfalls: after using up 1 megabyte, the service provided for in the tariff, “Highway 1 GB,” is automatically activated. Of course, you can refuse this option by typing the following combination: *115*030# and a call key.

You will also automatically be connected to a service with a subscription fee “Be in the know +”, which costs 0.5 rubles/day. To disable this service, you need to dial on your phone: *110*1062# and call or dial the number 067 401 062.

Connecting the service

You can activate the service very easily - make a call to the number 0674 0 1062, also using “”. The cost of the tariff plan is 150 rubles.

How to disable the “Zero Doubts” tariff

You can, if you wish, cancel this tariff at any time by switching to some other tariff plan.

Mobile operators show great flexibility, creating a variety of tariffs aimed at a variety of categories of subscribers. For example, for the most active and talkative people, tariffs are created that already include all kinds of services. They provide a subscription fee, the amount of which depends on the composition of the tariff plan.

If the subscriber does not need such a surprise, you can enable the option disable by dialing *115*030#. There are no more subtleties here. The only thing that can be added is that the “Zero Doubts” tariff from Beeline can be slightly modified by connecting additional options. For example, you can activate the “My SMS” service and write messages in unlimited quantities, bombarding other subscribers with them.

By the way, when you switch to the “Zero Doubts” tariff plan, the additional service “Stay informed+” from Beeline will automatically be connected to your number, for which 0.5 rubles per day will be debited from your account. To disable this additional option dial *110*1062# or call 0674 0 1062. You can also add some Internet options that reduce the cost of traffic.

How to connect “Zero doubts” on Beeline

In order to connect “Zero doubts” on Beeline, you need call the service number 0674 10 222. After confirmation of the application, it will be accepted, and the subscriber number will be switched to service at the “Zero Doubts” tariff. You can make the transition via "Personal Account", which is much more convenient.

If you have not changed your tariff in the last 30 days, the transition will be free. Otherwise, its cost will be 150 rubles, so don't forget to top up your Beeline account. If you buy a new SIM card with a tariff in communication stores, then the entire amount for the connection will remain on your account.

How to disable Beeline tariff “Zero doubts”

To disconnect from the “0 doubts” tariff, you just need switch to any other tariff. The most convenient way is to go through

Subscribers interested in saving money constantly monitor the latest offers from the operator. One of the most interesting for clients was new Beeline tariff Zero Doubt. This is a slightly modified package created in 2014. The tariff helps reduce costs for calls within the region and international communications. Transparency and the absence of hidden fees add to its attractiveness.

Tariff description Zero doubts from Beeline

The service package allows you to save on domestic calls and communications with other operators, even foreign ones. Particularly attractive in Zero Doubts Beeline is the description of the tariff associated with internal prices. The client will pay only 1.3 rubles when calling the numbers of his operator. However, this price does not apply to “bee subscribers” from other areas.

Prices for international calls also attract attention. The user will be able to call:
  • USA, Canada or Europe for 35 rubles/min.
  • CIS countries for 12 rubles on Beeline and 24 rubles on other operators.
  • American countries for 40 rubles/min.
  • Other states for 55 rubles.

The price of messages is similar to other tariffs of the company. Sending SMS to Beeline in your region costs 2.5 rubles, and MMS 9.95 rubles. The fee for messages to other regions and countries is 3.95 rubles.
The Internet in the package is expensive, the price of 1 MB is 9.95 rubles. After the first megabyte is consumed, the “ ” option is activated. Although the service helps save money, it is activated without the consumer’s knowledge. Otherwise, everything is transparent and extremely simple.

How to connect “Zero Doubts”

Before connecting the Zero Doubt tariff on Beeline, you should study the conditions in detail. Go to new package services are available in three ways:

Contact the office. The application can be left by consultants in one of the operator’s branches.
Call the company. By dialing the number 067410222 , the user will be able to create a request to connect the package.
Self-activation. The company's client is able to add a tariff using.

The transition to “Zero Doubt” is free if the user has not changed the service package for a month. In other situations, activation of “Zero Doubt” costs 150 rubles. Before switching to a new package, you should make sure that the required amount is in your mobile account. Along with the package, the “Stay informed+” option is added to the number with a monthly fee of 0.5 rubles. You can refuse it with the command *110*1062# .
The active service can be improved. The client, having connected “My SMS”, will receive an unlimited number of messages.

Features and conditions of the tariff

Subscribers are constantly looking for ways to save on communications by exploring the most transparent service packages. However, finding a suitable offer among the operator’s packages can be difficult. The user needs to decide what is more priority for him, free calls in the Beeline network, reasonable subscription fee or cheap communication with landlines Russia. Before switching to Beeline's Zero Doubt tariff, you should find out the terms of the package.

The operator offers:
  • Attractive price online. When calling a Beeline number, only the first minute of the conversation is paid. The cost of the entire conversation, regardless of duration, will be only 1.3 rubles.
  • Calls to any numbers in the region cost 2.3 rubles. A conversation with Beeline subscribers from another region costs 2.5 rubles.
  • Cheap long-distance communication. A call to a mobile or landline phone in a neighboring area costs 5 rubles per minute.
  • Economical calls to Crimea and Sevastopol. For communication with Kyivstar subscribers, 12 rubles per minute is charged, and with other Ukrainian operators 24 rubles per minute.

How to disable the Zero Doubt tariff from Beeline

In order to stop using the services of the current tariff, the subscriber simply needs to activate a new tariff plan. This can be done in a virtual account, a company office, or by leaving a request at 067410222

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