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How to add a photo to VK new design. How to add a photo on VKontakte

Many people post photos on the VKontakte social network only from a computer, but this is not always convenient.

For example, if the photos you need to add to VK are on your phone, you can immediately add them to your social network. network, bypassing the computer.

Also a plus this method, is that the user can add photos from the phone, anytime and anywhere, only an Internet connection is needed.

This is done quite simply, both in the application and in the mobile version of the VKontakte website.

How to add a photo to VK from your phone

How to add a photo to VK from a phone in the mobile version

1. Go to mobile version VKontakte from any browser, then click on the “Menu” icon in the upper left corner of the page.

2. In the drop-down menu, go to the “Photos” section.

3. Now we need to go to the “My Albums” section.

5. Since I don't have any albums yet, I'll create a new one, you can add photos to the existing album.

6. Select the place where you want to add a photo, for me it’s “Gallery”.

7. Select the required photo from the gallery.

8. Click on the “Upload photos” button.

9. We see that the selected photo has been successfully added to the VK album.

How to add a photo to VK from your phone in the application

1. Open the application menu by clicking on the icon in the lower right corner.

2. Select “Photos” from the menu.

3. Go to the "Albums" section.

4. Open the album to which you need to add a photo.

One of the possibilities of any popular social network– this is adding, viewing and commenting on photos. Such functions are available on Facebook, Twitter, Odnoklassniki and, of course, on the social network VKontakte, which is the most popular in Russia. VKontakte developers are constantly improving the function of adding photos, integrating new features, including for photo editing. In this regard, the process of uploading a VKontakte photo is becoming more and more difficult. In this article, we will look at how to add a photo to VK in a personal album or group, both from a computer and from a phone.

Table of contents:

How to add a photo in VK to your personal page from a computer

Most often, a user wants to add photos taken to his page from a computer, so we’ll start looking at this functionality from this scenario. To upload a photo to your page, do the following:

How to add a photo to a group on VK from a computer

VKontakte groups can have photo albums where you can upload photos. Any user can do this if the photo album is configured accordingly by administrators. To upload a photo to a group on VK, you need to do the following:

Please note that after uploading a photo, it is immediately published in the album, before changes are made to it using the editor.

How to add a photo to VK from your phone

Many users actively visit the social network VKontakte only with mobile phone or tablet. Most often this happens through official application VKontakte on Android oriOS. Let's look at how to add photos to your page from it:

This is how you add photos to VKontakte groups from your phone.

Today every smartphone is equipped digital camera, so more and more pictures are being taken with a phone. Using an application for iPhone or Android, it is very convenient to upload images to VK directly from your mobile phone.

There are several ways to add your photo via phone to VK:

  • attach a picture to a post on the wall,
  • download from the gallery on your device.

After this, the service will go to the device folder in which the pictures are stored. Check one or more of them and click the checkmark in the upper right corner.

To add a photo from your phone to a post, go to the “ New entry” and write a few lines or a couple of popular hashtags.

Now click on the camera icon and mark from 1 to 10 pictures that should be included in the recording.

In the same way, you can attach photos to your comments in groups or communities.

Images can be uploaded to an existing album. To do this, go to the “Photos” section in the drop-down menu on the left. Select the Albums tab and open the one you want. Next, click on the cross in the upper right corner. The system will prompt you to either select an existing image from the gallery or take a photo.

Add a photo from your smartphone without going into the application

After this, the device will display a list of applications through which you can send this photo to the Internet or to people from your contacts. Click on the VKontakte social network icon. Next, select where you want to upload the image:

  • to the album,
  • on the wall,
  • in documents.

You can also send the picture as a private message to yourself or one of your friends.

Photo images in VK can be duplicated from Instagram. To do this, you need to link your account in the settings by specifying your profile login and password. Now, when you post on Instagram, activate the VK link and the posts will be duplicated on this social network.

If you have just created an account on the popular social network VKontakte, then most likely you want your friends and relatives to be able to find you. Therefore, you need to know how to add a photo to VKontakte, because thanks to them the user will understand that he found exactly the person he was looking for.

In addition, you will have the opportunity to create various themed albums. For example, you spent your vacation on some picturesque islands and did a lot beautiful photos. Upload them to the server and add them to a specially created album - other users will also be able to admire the stunning views, and perhaps decide to spend their vacation in the same place you visited.

And this is just one example, in fact, you can add photos taken on holidays, on hikes, on business trips, in general, any photos that you would like to show to other users.

How to add a photo to VK. First way

So, if you are a novice Internet user who has registered on the VKontakte social network, then perhaps you do not yet know how to upload your photos to this site. In fact, this is very simple to do, you just need to use one of the methods. Now let's look at the first of them.

Open your VK page and go to the “My Photos” section, which can be found in the menu on the left. Now, if necessary, create a new album by clicking the appropriate link. After that, go to the newly created album and click the “Add new photos” button. Select the appropriate photos on your device and press Enter.

The final step is to write a description for the photos (optional) and indicate who can view and comment on them.

That's all! Now you know how to add a photo to VKontakte, which means you can be easily recognized by friends and family.

How to upload photos to the VK website. Second way

The second option, which allows you to add pictures to your page on this social network, is a little simpler. In addition, you may accidentally delete the “My Photos” section from the menu, therefore, the first method will not work for you.

So, to upload a photo for VK, you need to click on the “Add photos” link on your profile page, under the user information. Now select the pictures you would like to upload, and then click the “Open” button. Write a description for the photo and set up access.

It is worth noting that in this case, the uploaded photos will be automatically added to your “Wall”. If it doesn't matter to you, then you can leave everything as it is. If you do not want the photos to be posted on the wall, then you can delete them.

How to change your profile photo (avatar)

Of course, in order for other users of the VKontakte social network to recognize you, you need to set a profile photo. This is very easy to do.

To the right of the menu, you will see an empty area where you need the “Put Photo” button. Click on it, a window will open where you will have two options for further actions:

    upload an image from your device by clicking the appropriate button;

    take an instant photo if you have a webcam installed.

Once the photo is uploaded, you will need to adjust its display and save the changes.

Now you have an idea of ​​how to add a photo to VKontakte and set it as an avatar.


Undoubtedly, advanced user After reading this article, you will not find anything new for yourself. However, if you are a novice “user”, then most likely you this information will come in handy.

Now that you have learned how to add a photo to VKontakte, relatives and friends will not be mistaken when searching for your page on the social network. By the way, it is recommended to set your photo as your profile image, because a picture, for example, with an animal can mislead the person who is looking for you.

Photos, pictures, music, videos and other multimedia files are an important component of any social network. Without them, many users would simply abandon their accounts, losing all interest in spending time on these sites. Therefore, the question of how to add a photo to VK is one of the most common requests in search engines. Uploading a photo is not difficult. You just need to prepare it and select an album to post. Read the instructions carefully: all the necessary information is described in detail and broken down step by step for your convenience.

Often, users prefer to upload new images from their computer. This is due to the convenience and ability to process it efficiently in a special editor.

Reference. You can add a photo column to the main menu for quick access to the photographs. Move your mouse cursor slightly to the left of the “My Page” inscription. When you hover over it, a gear sign appears. Click on it. In the window that opens, check the box next to “Photos”.

To upload an image from your computer, follow these steps:

  • If by chance you placed a photo in the wrong album, you can easily fix it.
    • Hover your mouse over the image.
    • Click on the button that looks like a list of three bars.
    • Select the correct album that this photo should be in.
  • Add to your profile wall. Just click on the big blue “Post to My Page” button. You will be redirected to your feed, where you will see the newly published post.
  • Add description. If necessary, you can write a couple of words as a description for each image you upload. These could be your thoughts or emotions about the photo you took, or a description of what is happening. You can also add hashtags to make the picture easier to find. You can print a description in a special field, which is located immediately below the thumbnail of the uploaded photo.
  • Rotate photo. If for some reason the loaded picture is displayed upside down or sideways, you can turn it over by pressing the button in the form of an arrow that goes in a circle. It will appear if you hover your mouse over the thumbnail of the picture.
  • If you accidentally uploaded the wrong photo, . Hover over the image and click the cross in the upper right corner. If you change your mind about deleting, click on restore.
  • To view a picture in full size, just click on its mini version.
    • You can correct your photo in the built-in VK photo editor. To get to the editor, click the button in the form of a half-filled circle. The functionality of this Photoshop from the VKontakte developers is very impressive. Here's what you can do with a photo card.
      • Add text. Press the "A" button to write the text.
      • Crop - crop an image or cut it out and save only some part of it.
      • Blur. After applying this function, some parts of the photo will be blurry. This tool can be used to focus attention on a specific part of the picture.
      • The sun-shaped button will allow you to make auto-correction. This function will select the optimal, from a VK point of view, colors and filters for your photo.
      • If you are not satisfied with the quality of auto-correction, you can adjust the settings yourself using the tools at the bottom of the image page.

    Important! After processing the photo, be sure to click the “Save” button. IN otherwise all work will be lost.

    How to add a photo to VK from your phone

    When adding photos from your phone, you won't have as many options as when working with a PC. The main convenience of this method is that you can immediately upload photos that were taken on mobile device. Step by step execution tasks:

    • Log in to your account using the official VKontakte application.
    • Go to the “Albums” section and select which one you will add the photo card to.

    Reference. You cannot upload pictures to the “Saved”, “Photos on my page” and “Photos of me” albums.

    How to add a photo to a group

    Adding images to groups from your computer and phone is done in almost the same way as uploading pictures to personal page. The only difference is that you first need to go to the community management section:

    • Go to your group.
    • Click the "Add Photos" button. It is located in the main community menu.

    As you can see, the procedure for uploading photos is very simple. It is much more difficult to perform high-quality processing and color correction to make the image as attractive as possible and get more likes. However, the built-in VK photo editor greatly simplifies this process. You can even optimize the image with the click of a button. Try posting and editing photos on the page. Only experience will help you take photos for social media. The networks are getting better and better.

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