Setting up hardware and software

What to do if the flash drive has lost memory. Recovering a MicroSD memory card

Often, users are faced with a situation where the memory card of a camera, player or phone stops working. It also happens that the SD card begins to generate an error indicating that there is no space on it or it is not recognized in the device. Loss of performance of such drives creates a serious problem for owners.

The most common reasons for memory card failure are as follows:

  • accidental deletion of information from the drive;
  • incorrect shutdown of equipment with a memory card;
  • the memory card was not removed when formatting the digital device;
  • Damage to the SD card as a result of a breakdown of the device itself.

Let's look at ways to restore an SD drive.

Method 1: Formatting using special software

The truth is that you can only recover a flash drive by formatting it. Unfortunately, without this it will not be possible to restore its functionality. Therefore, in case of a malfunction, use one of the SD formatting programs.

You can also format it using command line.

If all of the above does not bring your storage medium back to life, there is only one thing left - low-level formatting.

Method 2: Using the iFlash service

In most cases, you need to search for recovery programs, and there are a huge number of them. This can be done using the iFlash service. To restore memory cards, do this:

The same applies to other manufacturers. Usually, instructions for recovery are provided on the official websites of manufacturers. You can also use the search on the iflash website.

Sometimes data recovery from a memory card fails because it is not recognized by the computer. This may be caused by the following problems:

If the memory card is detected on the computer, but its contents are not readable, then
Check your computer and SD card for viruses. There is a type of virus that makes files "hidden", so they are not visible.

Method 3: Windows OS Tools

This method helps when the microSD or SD card is not detected operating system, and when you try to format it, you get an error.

We fix this problem using the diskpart command. For this:

Now the SD card can be formatted using standard OS Windows tools or other specialized programs.

As you can see, recovering information from a flash drive is not difficult. But still, in order to prevent problems with it, you need to use it correctly. For this:

  1. Handle the drive with care. Do not drop it and keep it away from moisture, extreme temperature changes and strong electromagnetic radiation. Do not touch the contacts on it.
  2. Properly remove the memory card from the device. If, when transferring data to another device, you simply pull the SD card out of the connector, the structure of the card is damaged. You should remove the device with the flash card only when no operations are being performed.
  3. Periodically defragment the card.
  4. Do it regularly backup data.
  5. keep microSD in digital device, not on the shelf.
  6. Do not fill the card completely; there should be some free space left.

Proper use of SD cards will prevent half of the problems with card failures. But even if information on it is lost, do not despair. Any of the methods described above will help you get your photos, music, movie or other important file back. Good work!

Step-by-step instructions for USB recovery flash drives in which I will try to answer the question in an accessible language How to recover a flash drive independently and without much effort.

Sometimes you help a person, and then he will tell everyone that you are so good and there are already crowds of people thirsty for help. This is roughly what happened when I restored several flash drives colleagues.

Now the people bear not only their own flash drives, but also flash drives your friends, acquaintances and relatives. Well, at least someone else would bring a bottle of beer or a cookie.

It’s not difficult for me to help, but when I suggest you learn how to do all this yourself, you refuse. Next time I’ll just sew them off. If you don't want to study, pass by.

I’ll finish with the lyrics here and move directly to the topic of the post..

If your flash drive stopped be determined like a disk, doesn't want to formatted, does not allow you to write down information or something else happened to her, BUT she does not have mechanical damage, then know that all is not lost. Most likely a glitch controller and you will have to tinker with it a little. This procedure takes approximately 5 minutes.

I’ll say right away that there is no universal programs For recovery all varieties flash drives. You will need to find exactly the one that can work with your controller. flash drives.

First we need to define VID And PID non-working flash drives.

Determine VID and PID for flash drive recovery

Stick it in flash drive into your computer and run device Manager. StartExecute - mmc devmgmt.msc.

Then go to the section Universal Serial Bus Controllers.

We find ours in the list flash drive. Usually, everything flash drives have a name USB storage device.

Press the right button on the device and open Properties.

Go to the tab Intelligence.

Select the item from the drop-down list Instance code devices or Equipment IDs.

In this window we see PID And VID.

Finding a flash drive recovery program

We go to the website and enter the received VID And PID.

Click on the button Search.

In the results we look for your manufacturer and model of the flash drive. I have Kingston DataTraveler 2.0.

The right column will contain the name of the program we need or a link to it.

All. Now search Google for the program by name or download it from the link provided. Launch and follow the instructions. Usually, in similar programs For recovery There’s only one button, so you shouldn’t have any questions.

That's all!

If you have any questions, ask in the comments.

Lately it has become “fashionable” to buy large-volume flash drives at “fabulous” prices, which during operation begin to behave inappropriately, music gets stuck, videos crumble and files disappear. Most often, such symptoms indicate that the actual capacity of the flash drive is several times less than the declared volume, which is displayed in the drive’s properties.

Fraudsters who sell you such flash drives program small flash drives in a special way, which, when inserted into a computer, show a size 2-4 times larger, and therefore the operation of such drives is accompanied by errors.

How to protect yourself from this type of fraud?

  1. Don't buy smoked items at too low a price;
  2. If possible, find reviews about the device and the seller;
  3. Check the device immediately after purchase.

First method

How can I check if they sold me a Chinese miracle of 8 GB, with the declared 64 GB?

Fill your drive to capacity with files. Correctly remove it from your computer using the eject function. Afterwards, connect the USB flash drive to the computer again and copy the files to the newly created folder. Compare the files you downloaded to the flash drive with those you extracted. You can compare by size, by hash amount, or use video files, which you can then view. If the files are not damaged, then you are in luck.

Second method

You can use free program. If the flash drive shows the wrong size, the program allows you to restore the real value.

How to use the program:

  1. To work with the program, administrator rights are required.
  2. Download and install the program.
  3. Format the USB Flash or SD Card.
  4. Run the AxoFlashTest program, allow administrator rights.
  5. Select the drive you want to scan and restore by clicking on the folder icon with a magnifying glass.
  6. Click on the “Test for errors” button and wait for the results of checking your flash drive (check time depends on the drive). The report will contain the card size declared by the manufacturer, the actual size (if the card is fake, it will be smaller), and the information necessary to restore the functionality of the USB-Flash or SD card, if you want to use third-party software for this.
  7. Click on the “Test speed” button and wait for the results of checking the speed of your flash drive. In the report you will see the read and write speed, as well as the speed class in accordance with the SD specification.
  8. If the flash drive does not meet the specified specifications, present them to the seller and demand money or exchange for a working drive.

Many people who work with flash memory cards (flash drives), such as photographers, sometimes encounter a problem - the flash drive has decreased in volume. Moreover, this can happen unexpectedly - imagine the situation - you insert a USB drive and instead of the expected 4Gb of memory you see that you have only 56 Mb on the flash drive.

How was it not strange to decide this problem can be standard using Windows. It is worth immediately taking into account that situations are different. This method is not 100% accurate. But he can really help. Let's take this situation as an example. A 16 GB flash drive has lost 50% of its memory. After which only 8 GB became available on it!

As mentioned earlier, there is a solution and it’s quite simple. Almost anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation will be able to restore the full capacity of their flash drive in just a minute.
So, let's begin. First, let's open the disk manager. For this:

  1. Open Control Panel (Start\Control Panel).
  2. Open Administration.
    • If you have Windows 7, 8, 10, then enter the phrase “administration” in the search bar (top right), and the corresponding item will appear in the control panel.
    • If you have Windows Vista, then switch the control panel to "classic view" in the menu on the left if you haven't already done so.
  3. Open Computer Management. (also steps 1 to 3 can be completed even faster - to do this you just need to press right click mouse on the desktop on the “My Computer” shortcut and select the “Manage” menu item).
  4. Click on “Disk Management” in the tree on the left.

So, we see that the flash drive (in our case it is EOS_DIGITAL J:) is divided in a very strange way. Half is occupied by the active partition, and half of the flash drive is simply not partitioned. We click on the active partition and see a sad picture - we can neither delete this partition nor expand it to the entire volume of the flash drive.

We click on the unmarked area with the right mouse button and see an even sadder picture - we cannot do anything with the unmarked area. (to put it simply, if you imagine a flash drive as a bottle with two compartments, then in this case there is water in one compartment, and the second is completely closed from filling with water).

Okay, it's time to repair the flash drive. Open the Start menu and enter “cmd” in the search bar. Then right-click on “cmd.exe” and then “Run as administrator”. You can also press the key combination Win+R (or Start \ Run...) and enter there cmd and press Enter. This will open the command line - a console with which you can perform many operations and run any system programs with additional options.

In the black window that opens, enter diskpart and press Enter. This will open a disk utility that can do more than standard interface Windows.

Then enter LIST disk and press Enter. You will see a list of drives connected to your computer. Now the most important point, you need to understand which disk is your bad flash drive. The best guide is volume. To make things easier for yourself, extract all the others. removable media from your computer - memory cards in a card reader, USB flash drives, external hard disks and so on. So this list will be much smaller.

So, we look at the list and remember that our flash drive is 16 GB (as it says on the box). Disk 0, 1 are not suitable, they are 698 GB each, which is clearly more, that’s two hard drives. Disk 2 is not suitable, it is only 1886 MB, which is less than 2 GB, this is, for example, a flash drive in the built-in card reader. We skip disks 3 and 4 - they are not connected, leaving disk 5 - 15 GB - this is our flash drive. You may ask: “Why? After all, our flash drive is 16 GB, and here it’s 15!” This happens due to the fact that manufacturers actually indicate a larger volume on the packaging than what actually is. The computer believes that 1 GB is 1024 MB, and flash drive manufacturers, when indicating its volume, mean that 1 GB is 1000 MB. This is a known fact.

So, you have determined your disk number. In our example, this number is 5. Enter SELECT disk=5 and press Enter.

Thus, we inform the program that disk 5 is selected. The next step is to delete all partitions from the disk and, therefore, all data on the disk will be lost. If there is something on your flash drive that you want to save, then it’s time to copy the files you need from the flash drive to HDD computer. Remember: even if you forgot to copy data from the flash drive before wiping it, there is always a chance to recover the lost data. How to do it? For example, using the R-studio utility. But more on that in another article.

To clean the flash drive, enter CLEAN and press Enter.

The program reports that disk cleanup was successful. Go back to the standard dispatcher Windows drives and click the “Update” button. We see that our flash drive is now unpartitioned (using the example of a flash drive, like a bottle - now two compartments are combined into one, and there is no water in them). Right-click on the unallocated space and select “Create simple volume...”.

We set the necessary parameters. If it is a flash drive for a camera, video camera, TV, etc. then it's probably better to choose file system FAT32. Cluster size is default. It is better to keep the volume label as it was before formatting. In the example there was a Canon camera, so the volume label is EOS_DIGITAL. Although, in principle, you can write whatever you want there :) Check the “quick formatting” box to make the process go faster, and click “Next”.

After formatting was completed, the properties of the flash drive became as they should be.

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