Hardware and software setup

How to add pagination to pdf. Insert page numbers in PDF

page numbering in Word online (10)

If you have a large document (500+ pages) in Postscript and want to add page numbers, does anyone know how to do this?

you can just use

with this as the first command line argument:

Number(start=1, size=40, x=297.5 pt, y=10 pt)

Based on the suggested rcs solution, I did the following:

Converted the document to example.pdf and ran pdflatex addpages where addpages.tex reads:

\documentclass(article) \usepackage(pdfpages) \usepackage(fancyhdr) \topmargin 70pt \oddsidemargin 70pt \pagestyle(fancy) \rfoot(\Large\thepage) \cfoot() \renewcommand (\headrulewidth)(0pt) \renewcommand ( \footrulewidth)(0pt) \begin(document) \includepdfset(pagecommand=\thispagestyle(fancy)) \includepdf(example.pdf) % fitpaper & scale aren't always necessary - depends on the paper being submitted. \end(document )

or alternatively for double-sided pages (i.e. with the same page number on the outside):

\documentclass(book) \usepackage(pdfpages) \usepackage(fancyhdr) \topmargin 70pt \oddsidemargin 150pt \evensidemargin -40pt \pagestyle(fancy) \fancyhead() \fancyfoot() \fancyfoot(\Large\thepage) \renewcommand(\ headrulewidth)(0pt) \renewcommand(\footrulewidth)(0pt) \begin(document) \includepdfset(pages=-,pagecommand=\thispagestyle(fancy)) \includepdf(target.pdf) \end(document)

Easy way to change header fields:

% set margins for headers, won't shrink included pdfs % you can remove the topmargin/oddsidemargin/evensidemargin lines \usepackage(geometry)

Oh, it's been a long time since I've been using PostScript, but a quick dive into the blue book will tell you:) www-cdf.fnal.gov/offline/PostScript/BLUEBOOK.PDF

On the other hand, Adobe Acrobat and a bit of javascript will also work wonders ;)

As an alternative I found this: http://www.ghostscript.com/pipermail/gs-devel/2005-May/006956.html which seems to fit the bill (I haven't tried it)

#!/bin/bash clear echo echo This script adds pagenumbers to a given .pdf file. echo echo This script needs the packages pdftk and enscript echo if not installed the script will fail. echo use the command sudo apt-get install pdftk enscript echo to install. echo input="$1" output="$(1%.pdf)-header.pdf" echo input file is $input echo output file will be $output echo pagenum=$(pdftk "$input" dump_data | grep "NumberOfPages" | cut -d":" -f2) enscript -L1 --header="||Page $% of $=" --output -< <(for i in $(seq "$pagenum"); do echo; done) | ps2pdf - | pdftk "$input" multistamp - output "$output" echo done.

I wrote the following shell script to solve this problem for a LaTeX style beamer created with inkscape (I pdftk cat slides together into the final PDF presentation and then adds slide numbers using the following script):

#!/bin/sh # create working directory tmpdir=$(mktemp --directory) # read un-numbered beamer slides PDF from STDIN & create temporary copy cat > $tmpdir/input.pdf # get total number of pages pagenum=$ (pdftk $tmpdir/input.pdf dump_data | awk "/NumberOfPages/(print $NF)") # generate latex beamer document with the desired number of empty but numbered slides printf "%s" " \documentclass(beamer) \usenavigationsymbolstemplate( ) \setbeamertemplate(footline) \usepackage(forloop) \begin(document) \newcounter(thepage) \forloop(thepage)(0)(\value(thepage)< "$pagenum"}{ \begin{frame} \end{frame} } \end{document} " >$tmpdir/numbers.tex # compile latex file into PDF (2nd run needed for total number of pages) & redirect output to STDERR pdflatex -output-directory=$tmpdir numbers.tex >&2 && pdflatex -output-directory=$tmpdir numbers .tex >&2 # add empty numbered PDF slides as background to (transparent background) input slides (page by # page) & write results to STDOUT pdftk $tmpdir/input.pdf multibackground $tmpdir/numbers.pdf output - # remove temporary working directory with all intermediate files rm -r $tmpdir >&2

The script reads STDIN and writes the STDOUT output of the pdflatex output diagnostic to STDERR .

So just copy the above code into a text file, say enumerate_slides.sh , make it executable (chmod +x enumerate_slides.sh) and name it like this:

./enumerate_slides.sh< input.pdf >output.pdf

It should be easy to adjust this to any other kind of document by adjusting the LaTeX template to use the appropriate documentclass , paper size and style settings.

edit: I replaced echo with $(which echo) since ubuntu symlinks /bin/sh for dash which overrides echo command by default with internal shell interpret sequences and doesn't provide -E option to override this behavior. Note that you can alternatively escape all \ in the LaTeX template as \\ .

edit: I replaced $(which echo) with printf "%s" since in zsh , which echo returns echo: shell built-in command and not /bin/echo . See this question for details why I chose to use printf at the end.

I eventually got it to work, but first I got this error:

pspdftool: xreftable read error

The original file was created with pdfjoin from pdfjam and contained a bunch of scans from my Epson workforce as well as generated tag pages. I couldn't find a way to fix the xref table so I switched to ps with pdf2ps and back to pdf with pdf2ps. Then I could use this to get nice page numbers in the bottom right corner:

Pspdftool "number(start=1, size=20, x=550 pt, y=10 pt)" input.pdf output.pdf

Unfortunately, this means that any text searchable pages are no longer searchable because the text has been rasterized in the ps transform. Fortunately, in my case it doesn't matter.

Is there a way to fix or clear the xref table of a pdf file without losing which pages are searchable?

I assume you are looking for a PS based solution. There is no page level operator in PS that will allow you to do this. You need to add a footer in the PageSetup section for each page. Any scripting language should help you.

I used to add page numbers to my pdf using latex like in the accepted answer.

Now I've found an easier way: use enscript to create blank pages with a title containing the page number, and then use pdftk with the multistamp option to put the title in your file.

This bash script expects a pdf file to be the only parameter:

#!/bin/bash input="$1" output="$(1%.pdf)-header.pdf" pagenum=$(pdftk "$input" dump_data | grep "NumberOfPages" | cut -d":" -f2 ) enscript -L1 --header="||Page $% of $=" --output -< <(for i in $(seq "$pagenum"); do echo; done) | ps2pdf - | pdftk "$input" multistamp - output $output

Select all of your files for which you want to add page numbers. Set the options for adding page numbers and start the process. In a few seconds you will be able to download your new PDF files with added page numbers.


You can customize page numbers thanks to the large number of options provided by this utility. From template, position, padding to color and transparency, there are a lot of options you can change.

Easy to use

We've made adding page numbers to PDF as easy as possible for you. You don't need to install or worry about any software, you just need to select your files and start the process.

Supports your system

You don't need any special system to add page numbers to PDF files. This utility runs in your browser and therefore functions on all operating systems.

No installation required

You don't need to download or install any application. The page numbers are added on our servers in the cloud and therefore your computer's resources are not consumed.

Safety is important to us

The Page Adder does not store your files on our servers for longer than necessary. Your files and results will be deleted from our server after some time.

A very important feature. Often you have to send different multi-page documents with the same type of content for printing. And inevitably, when collating, there are difficulties with the correct arrangement of sheets. If we can put in the original program numbering- very good, but what if we only have a ready-made pdf file in front of us ... Here our wonderful plug-in for Adobe Acrobat will help us. So let's consider numbering using Quite Imposing Plus.

Numbering instruction finished pdf file using the program Quite Imposing Plus. Initial data - a Microsoft Word document consisting of 500 pages, in which the author forgot to put page numbers. What a trifle, but when assembled into a booklet, this trifle can result in a huge problem, especially if this lecture on the philosophical perception of reality in the early writings of Aristotle, for example. Put numbering using Word of course it is possible, but it will necessarily entail re-layout, shifting paragraphs, the appearance of hanging lines. We do not need such hemorrhoids, so we immediately make a PDF document from Word, with which we will directly work. I just found some tedious work on history on the Internet, and we will work with it.

We open it in Adobe Acrobat. If you installed Quite Imposing Plus correctly, then you have in the menu plugin there should be a new item Quite Imposing Plus. Choose Stick on page numbers...

A new dialog box appears in which we indicate numbering options. Now we will analyze all the fads in order.

Number of pages to process:

The number of pages to put the number on (starting from the current one). As a rule, you don’t need to put numbers on the first, second and last page, so we stand on the third page in the layout and set the number of pages on which we need numbers. By the way, the number of pages is considered by the program automatically, but it can be easily changed.

First number to add:

The first number that needs to be put, all subsequent ones will be more by one. If the checkbox is checked no numbering, no number will be placed on the current page, the numbering will start from the next one.

Text before and Text after- text before the number and text after the number, respectively. An excellent replacement for the fucking Word footer. Here we can write the title of a book, for example, or the title of a chapter in a book, or anything at least copyright.

Next block Appearance dedicated to fonts. Font - number font, Size - number font size. If we check the box next to Use registration color rather than black- it will be possible to use a number color other than black.

The next block is devoted to the position of the number on the page. Accordingly, Top is the top of the page, Bottom is the bottom of the page. Left - on the left, Center - in the middle, Right - on the right.

The next two fields allow you to set the horizontal and vertical offset from the selected position. The offset is set in millimeters.

Well, the last important thing is the choice of pages for numbering. All pages in range - number all pages, Odd only - put numbers on odd pages only, Even only - put numbers on even pages only. Well, that's actually all with the numbering. Through trial and error, consensus can be easily reached. Quite Imposing Plus remembers the last used settings, so you can set it up once and then only change the numbering font. And, by the way, if something went wrong with you and the numbering result does not suit you, then Quite Imposing Plus allows remove page numbers, unless of course they are supplied by this plugin and the document has not yet been saved. To do this, select from the menu Peel off page numbers... and select the range of pages from which you want to remove the number.

I also really like Quite Imposung Plus with this. I did something wrong, removed it, and since the settings are all saved, we accordingly open the numbering again, change something, check again, and so on until the result of the numbering satisfies us.

current page- remove the number from the current page

Entire document- remove numbering from the entire document

From page numbers- remove numbering from the range of specific pages.

By the way, in order to avoid confusion - Quite Imposing Plus considers the number of the page in the Adobe Acrobat, that is, even if you put the number 100 on the first page, for the plugin it will still be the first page. Be careful in this matter.

Well, it looks like numbering in PDF document all good work!

I decided to make a small addition to the numbering.

We are now able number, but the problem often arises remove numbering or some other elements in the finished pdf. Let's say I have a ready-made Pdf file in which a caring author carefully put pagination and put his great name in the footer. And this, well, does not fit in with the general concept of my order, and I need to remove it. So how come paint some areas in the finished pdf file. To do this, we again resort to our tool Print Shop Mail, or rather to the menu item Stick on Masking Type.

When you click on this menu, the following window appears.

What do we see here. We can select the current page Current Page, whole document Entire Document, or a specific range of pages in the current document From page number. After we have decided on the range, we can choose which pages to mask areas on. All pages in range - all pages in the document, Odd - odd pages, Even - only even pages. After we have decided on the masking range, we need to select area. If you crawl out of the window, some kind of krakozyabra appears, which for some reason is not inserted through the print screen, and therefore I cannot show it. So with this shorthand we select the part of the text that we need to hide, for example, the page number or some kind of title, or just a piece of the page. Once selected, this selected area becomes a white square with a red stroke.

This square will be filled with white in our entire document or in the part of the document that we have selected. Click apply, Then Done and enjoy the absence of the presence of an element we do not need, for example, a page number crookedly displayed in Word. After that, with a clear conscience and a calm soul, we set numbering in the finished pdf document the way we need. That's actually all.

P.S. If you have any questions, ask in the comments.

Helps you create conveniently structured documents. This is a great tool for newbies and experienced users. Very user friendly interface suitable for any skill level. The program does not offer anything extra, having only the necessary file processing functions in its set of options. The program combines any number of PDF pages created in different programs.

If you purchase PDF Combine, you will be able to:

  • Merge small PDF documents into larger ones
  • Combine PDF files and add pagination, data, footers, macros
  • Create content.

How to Merge PDF and Add Pagination

Linking large PDF documents together and adding pagination is easy:

  1. Find the folder with documents and click on it in the list of folders on the left. A list of the files it contains will appear on the right. Place a check mark next to each required document. If you mark several files at once, they will all be merged into one document. If you need to merge all files into one, click the Mark All option at the bottom of the list.
  2. Click the "Combine" to PDF button at the top of the program window.
  3. The settings menu will appear on the screen, from which you can select the desired options. In particular, you can add page numbers. To do this, select the Header or Footer tab and specify the number from which to start numbering in the future document. You can position the page number on the left, right, or center of the header.
  4. After specifying all the parameters, click Start. To perform all operations in one command, use command line.

If you are, you can use it for 30 days. With , the user is provided with free technical support for 1 year. Please share your impressions of the program with us and express your suggestions for further improvement!

The continuous numbering feature is very useful for the work of lawyers and lawyers, because it allows you to create a unique number to mark each page in a PDF file. Using iSkysoft PDF Editor 6 Professional for Mac, you can easily add and remove numbering in PDF files.

1 Adding continuous numbering to PDF

Open the PDF file in the program, go to the menu “Edit” (Change) > “Bates Numbering” (Through numbering). Select the "Add" option. The control panel will open on the right side of the screen. After that, click “Next”, go to the “Header” (Header) and “Footer” (Footer) section and click on the “+” button. Use the "Insert Bates Number" option to add continuous numbering to the PDF file.

2 Removing continuous numbering from PDF

In the first step, you need to open a PDF file with continuous pagination. Open the menu “Edit” > “Bates Numbering” > “Remove”, then confirm the removal of the continuous numbering by clicking the “Yes” button in the pop-up window.

3 Batch delete or add continuous numbering

Open the main menu of the application and select the “Batch Process” tab, then click the “Bates Numbering” button. Import the PDF files you need in the window that opens and click “Next” to go to the settings panel located on the right side of the program window. Now you can follow the steps above to add or remove through numbering in multiple PDFs at the same time.

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