Setting up hardware and software

Supersu applications are not configured what to do. SuperSU: competent management of root rights on a smartphone

Many owners of tablets or smartphones that operate under operating Android systems, to run some applications you must have superuser rights, or as they are sometimes called, root rights. You can obtain such rights using some special programs, one of which is SuperSU for Android and its distinctive feature should be considered that it has a number of advantages compared to its analogues. Because of this, I would like to talk in more detail about its capabilities and how to use this program correctly.


First of all, I would like to talk about what advantages the SuperSU program has over similar applications and, first of all, this concerns the SuperUser application, which is standard for all devices running operating system Android. The main advantage should be considered the ability to temporarily disable superuser rights, and this feature allows you to run on your device without interference those applications that do not work with root rights. In addition, most users will certainly appreciate the ability to obtain full logs of those applications that requested superuser rights. And, of course, it should be noted that the SuperSU program functions perfectly in recovery mode even if Android is not launched correctly. As additional bonus You can note the speed of the program, which does not cause applications to freeze, unlike most analogues, as well as a convenient and informative menu and ease of settings.

Using the SuperSU program is quite simple, because, as mentioned above, its menu and interface are intuitive. After you have downloaded SuperSU and installed it on your Android device, its icon will appear on its screen. By clicking on it you will be taken to a menu that has three buttons, one of which is “Settings”. By clicking it, you will be taken to the settings menu, where you can manually change some program parameters, such as language, log storage time, notifications. However, first of all in this menu we are interested in the “Superuser” section, in which you should select the “Superuser allowed” tab and after saving the changes you will receive root rights on your Android device. Now you can run any applications that require superuser rights, and the first launch of each such application will be accompanied by the appearance of a program dialog box in which you can agree or refuse to launch it. If you need to run any application that is incompatible with root rights, then to do this, just go to the settings and temporarily disable the “Superuser allowed” tab and then launch the application.

In conclusion, it must be added that this moment there are paid and free versions SuperSU programs, while their differences are that the paid version allows you to protect your root rights using a PIN code, and also automatically restores them after updating the firmware.

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Today we will talk about the most common error that occurs when launching the SuperSu program. The problem itself appears in the form of a notification with the following content: “There is no SU and SuperSu binary file.” How to update a binary su file on Android? You will learn about this from our material.

SuperSU is a special administration application that allows for advanced management of all installed applications. In other words, with SuperSU you get complete control over your Android device. More details about the program:

So, when I launched SuperSU, the following message appeared on the screen:

It needs to be clarified here that the Su file is a fundamental component of the “Superuser” rights, so by deleting it you lose root rights. And even if you old version SuperSU, which does not exclude the possibility of working on it, then problems associated with performing any operations will definitely arise. Therefore, you will have to update, or rather, correctly install the Su binary file in any case.

To do this, we will need to download and install the Baidu Root program. This application is not available on Google Play, so you can open any browser and find this utility, or click on the link provided and download it directly from this page. After which the downloading of the ark file will begin, the process of which will be visible on the display:

Now we need to open the file and click the “Install” button. When asked for permission to install, click the “OK” button:

Then a window will open with information about the data to which the application will gain access, and a warning about the responsibility of the user himself. We agree with everything, and so, Baidu installation Root completed:

After installation, two buttons will appear at the bottom of the display on the right and left, click on the right one, after which a blue monitor will appear in the center of the screen, where your Android model will be indicated, and a blue button in the center (get root), click on it, after which a reboot will occur apparatus. Now we try to launch the SuperSU application. A request for Root access (Superuser rights) will appear from Baidu Root, we provide it. Next, a request will appear to update the SU binary file, click the “Continue” button:

Then the program will offer a way to install the SU file, select “Normal”. The installation process will begin, which the system will inform us about, and all our efforts are crowned again by a message from the system that the installation was completed successfully, click “OK”:

That’s it, the procedure is completed, and we can fully use the SuperSu program and use all the tools available in the program’s arsenal, including carrying out the so-called. temporary 'unroot' on your device.

How to install the Su binary file on Android using custom Recovery

Did the method described above not solve the problem? Well, this is possible, especially for HTC models. In this case, you will have to use custom (alternative) recovery. And if you don’t have it installed yet, but you still have the desire to become an advanced user of the Android OS, then you will have to install it sooner or later. Because this tool will allow you to perform many necessary operations: create backups, install system updates or reflash your Android with a different version of the operating system (ROM), etc.

We will not tell you now how to install custom Recovery, because this is a topic for a separate conversation, and if you are interested in it, write, and we will tell you in detail how to perform this operation.

Now we will assume that you are on topic and return to our question. That is, if you have a custom recovery (or you know how to install it), then look at the last screenshot, and instead of the button “ Fine", click " CWM/TWRP" After completing the procedure, we reboot the smartphone, after which, along with the system update, the Su binary file will also be updated.

How to install SU file via command line

If both methods did not help install (update) the SU file, then the situation becomes more complicated, although not fatally. The next method that we will talk about is aimed at fairly advanced users who have experience working with command line and are familiar with the Android OS file structure.

So, our actions:

Download the Terminal Emulator for Android and Root Browser applications. Then, download the archive, unzip it and move the folder updaters to SD card or internal memory your Android device.

Now let's launch Root Browser, go to the folder updaters and copy following files: (.has_su_daemon) (.installed_su_daemon) ( to a folder /system/etc

After this, we need to set the correct permissions for these files:

Then we need to go to the next folder, namely /system/bin and create a folder .ext and set permissions for it:

The next step is to copy the su file located in the folder /system/xbin to the newly created folder ( /system/bin/.ext), rename the su file, putting a dot (.su) in front of the name and set the rights for it:

All we have to do is run the Terminal Emulator application for Android and enter the following commands:

Now we reboot and again try to update the su binary file using the “Normal” button in the SuperSu program (see above).

What are Root rights on a smartphone or tablet? Android control? Without going into technical details, this is access to system files operating system. Such rights allow you to significantly expand the capabilities of your Android device, as well as customize it for yourself, remove unnecessary software, or, conversely, make a backup of all applications and settings. However, after getting Root, the user must install an application to manage requests. The most popular and convenient is Super SU. This utility intercepts requests from all programs to grant Root rights, after which you can either allow or deny access.

Super SU launches as usual. After installation, you need to open the list of all installed software, where you can find the corresponding hash icon.

The program will ask your level of knowledge. To get full functionality, click the "Expert" button

Now let's look at the functionality of the Super SU program. In the very first tab “Applications” you can find all the programs that have requested Root rights for all time. You can also see which programs you have allowed access to and which you have denied access to.

A request for Root rights occurs when performing certain actions or when opening programs that require them, and it looks like this:

If you have once denied Root access for an application, then repeated requests will not appear. You will need to manually launch Super SU, open the "Applications" tab and edit the rights of a particular program. Next tab Logs, as you might guess from the name, saves a complete history of what actions were performed by the program.

The last tab "Settings" is the most interesting to us and contains a large number of options that will be of interest to users. We will describe only the basic customizable functionality.

  • Allow Superuser - enables or disables Root rights on the device.

  • Re-authentication - whether to require a second request to provide Root access after updating the application.

  • Default Access - You can configure Super SU to grant Root rights automatically when an application requests it.

  • Enable multi-user mode - if your device has two accounts and one of them requires Root, then this item will activate this feature.

  • Complete Root removal- completely and irreversibly removes Root from your smartphone or tablet.
  • Having installed root rights on your Android smartphone or tablet, almost any user feels the need to special application to manage them. Until recently, one of the most familiar and widespread among root users was an application called Superuser. It helped display a menu where the user would grant superuser rights while launching various root applications for the first time. The program was so embedded in the market and used by a dominant number of users for such a long time that no one could have imagined the appearance of any product with updated functions. Contrary to this opinion, Chaifire decided to surprise all users by offering a new application with a wider range of functionality. The name of the application sounds like SuperSU (short for the full Super SuperUser, which clearly hints at its capabilities).

    Features this application become:
    - request access to root rights
    - root access log
    - notification configuration
    - notification about access to root rights
    - deep detection process
    - temporary shutdown on the device
    - works from non-standard shell locations
    - works in the field of restoration
    - works when there is an error in loading Android
    - always functions in ghost mode
    - trusted ADB connection
    - wake up after request

    It is standard, as in many other applications, that SuperSU has paid and free versions. The user will find even more features in the paid version, which is called SuperSU Pro. Let's take a closer look at what is paid a new version differs from the standard free one.

    The most important thing, perhaps, is the ability to temporarily disable root in SuperSU Pro. This will allow you to run applications that previously could not be installed and run on rooted devices. For those who have moved beyond the standard consumer, becoming an Android application developer, they will undoubtedly like the fact that with the help of this program you can get a full log of superuser rights requested by different applications. The program operates not only in the standard mode of operation of the operating system, but also in recovery mode, if the system starts incorrectly. Another feature offered by the paid version of the SuperSU Pro application is the ability to restore root rights after updating official firmware; protected by a PIN code.

    The program boasts an exceptionally high rating on, which fully justifies the bet that talented developers have made on expanding the functionality of a familiar and familiar application. You should also pay attention to the fact that the emphasis on functionality has in no way affected the design of the program, which has become convenient, stylish, clear interface devoid of unnecessary elements. The pleasant combination of colors does not tire the eyes. All these factors cause the number of SuperSU Pro fans to increase every day.

    You can download SuperSU Pro for Android using:

    Installing super-user rights on a mobile device is a unique opportunity to gain access to unlimited customization, optimization and configuration capabilities. This includes the ability to deeply scan the gadget for the presence of malicious files, and identify, analyze and isolate the virus, and install and configure wireless network, even in the case where the application developers did not provide such a possibility, and customizing the appearance.

    Program description

    When root rights have already been obtained, the user will need a very powerful, flexible and universal tool that allows him to control applications and processes that use root in their work. Exactly such software instrumental means is one of the most best utilities in its own way - SuperSU. How to use this program? What can she do?

    Utility features

    If the user is working with big amount programs, often installs and uninstalls various applications, and also delves into and understands in detail the options of the Android operating system, it is very difficult to keep track of all rights and requests.

    When installing SuperSU, you can always be aware of which application needs root rights and which one system processes at the same time it starts. The user will be able, based on his own preferences and priorities, to allow or deny access for a specific application, thereby controlling the activity software as well as ensuring safety.

    Working with the SuperSU program

    How to use the utility? Since its installation on mobile device it immediately begins to exercise control over processes that request root rights. As soon as the program accesses a process, the user sees a form in which access can be denied or allowed. The waiting time for a custom solution is 10 seconds. This parameter can be changed without any problems in the SuperSU program settings. How to use it has already become clear. In the case when the user gives confirmation, all requests are recorded in a log file. This approach allows you to study the request history in great detail without using any external tools, which is very convenient.

    In the log file, each item is marked with hash marks of different colors. Those applications whose requests were successful are marked green. They gained access to super-user rights. Red color means that these processes were

    How can I use SuperSU more optimally? The first tab of the utility, called “Applications,” contains a list of programs that have access permission. It can be customized. By clicking on the selected application, you will see that the corresponding form with parameters will appear.

    For example, you can set each application its own access level. It is provided by default. You can select an item where each time a form will appear asking for access to some certain time, complete refusal, temporary refusal, and access only by PIN code. These are the main features of the SuperSU program. How to use it? It's not difficult at all.

    Utility settings

    The last tab contains all the parameters of this program. Here we have:

    • Enabling re-authentication, in which you will need to confirm access to root rights every time you update the application or reinstall it.
    • Default access that applies to all applications.
    • Settings for recording to a log file (what exactly will be recorded, the period for storing files in the device memory).
    • Waiting time for a response to a request, after which access will be automatically denied.
    • Configuring the utility interface (selecting a language, launch icon and graphical shell).

    There are also some specific parameters, including:

    • Enable protection against interception of screen taps.
    • Turn on survival mode.
    • Using the utility as a system program.

    Except free version, there is also a paid one - SuperSU Pro. How to use this version? Exactly the same as free. The only difference is in the wider list of settings.


    According to the developers of the utility, it is a tool of the future. And this cannot be called an exaggeration. After all, all analogue programs are significantly inferior to it in terms of functionality. AND this situation has been observed for quite some time. The program is very popular all over the world.

    Now it’s clear how to use SuperSU. At the same time, Android will bloom with new colors, and the user will receive a huge number of opportunities.

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