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How to borrow money on Tele2. How to borrow on Tele2 Code in debt from body 2

Each person can get into an unpleasant situation: you need to urgently call or send SMS, and the balance is zero or gone negative. The promised payment service comes to the aid of subscribers.

It allows you to replenish your account for several days, and then return the debt along with the payment of a commission, which is indicated by the operator before issuing money. Let's try to figure out how and under what conditions you can use such a service.

Conditions for obtaining a loan from Tele2

Depending on the region and how long ago the SIM card was used, the conditions for providing the promised payment differ. Invariably, the only rule is that the client must deposit the amount of the spent debt into the account along with the agreed commission.

Important: if a person took a trust payment for 100 rubles, and spent 80 rubles, then after replenishing the account, you will not have to pay the unspent 20 rubles.

A subscriber whose debt has not been paid will not be able to use the services of the operator until the required amount is paid. The client who returned the loan will be able to take the new promised payment at any convenient time.

Important: customers of the prepaid settlement system (without the trust payment service activated on the number) can use the trust payment. Other conditions vary by region. The longer the consumer stays with Tele2, the greater the amount available for receipt. Having a balance below -30 rubles, using such a loan will not work.

How to borrow money on Tele2?

You can replenish your account using the promised payment as follows:

  • Enter a combination of symbols and numbers on the phone: *122*1# .
  • Press the "Call" key.
  • In response SMS will receive detailed instructions on further actions.

Important: the client will need to select the required amount - the available minimum is 10 rubles, the maximum is 500 rubles. Commission - from 10 to 250 rubles, terms of provision - from 1 to 3 days. The subscriber can find out the details for his region by dialing the combination *122# .

Summing up

In a situation where an urgent need to replenish the balance of Tele2, the client can always count on the support of the operator. It only takes a few seconds to apply for a loan and receive it.


For many subscribers, the question of how to borrow money in Tele2 if it runs out at the most inopportune moment is relevant, so the mobile operator has provided such an opportunity.

At the beginning of the mass distribution of mobile communications, there were few options for paying for the services of operators. The most common method was special express payment cards, later it became possible to pay at the box office, through terminals, as well as on the Internet. In addition, companies began to offer the opportunity to stay in touch, even if it is already negative, and there is no money in the account. One of the popular options was the opportunity to borrow money on Tele2. She remains in demand today. There are other services similar in functionality, for example, you can. Most other operators have such services.

How to borrow on Tele2

The amount available for the OP is minimum 50 and maximum 300 rubles, and the maximum value depends on the activity of using the number (that is, the frequency and size of payments), as well as on the duration of possession of this number.

You can find out what the maximum available amount will be by requesting *122# - the system will report the maximum allowable loan at the moment. It remains only to activate it.

The timing of the provision of funds varies, and depends on the size of the loan:

When using the service, it is necessary to return not only the borrowed amount, but also the commission on time. To replenish your account, you can choose any of the methods offered by the operator.

The opportunity to re-borrow in Tele2 appears only a day after the repayment of the previous loan.

Service control commands

The promised payments are available on all tariffs - not only on advance, but also on the so-called credit. In fact, it is possible with just two commands. *122# - to get acquainted with the maximum available loan amount. *122*1# - to process the promised payment. It is also possible to activate the service on the operator's website, in the Personal Account. These teams operate in the capital and the region, in other regions they may differ.

Who can borrow on Tele2

If the subscriber has run out of funds on his balance sheet, and there are no opportunities for replenishment right now, you can still stay in touch - for this you need to borrow money on Tele2 using the promised payment (OP), in accordance with the conditions established by the operator. Naturally, the use of debt service services is not available to everyone, and only a subscriber who meets certain requirements can use it. So, let's look at how to borrow in Tele2 and how this system works. The main conditions are:

  • The duration of service in the operator's network is at least 60 days, and the countdown starts from the day when the contract for a certain number was concluded. If the subscriber considers it, he will again have to wait two months (or another period, depending on the region) to use the OP.
  • Before you borrow money on Tele2, you need to familiarize yourself with the state of the account. If the debt exceeds 30 rubles, the OP will be unavailable. In this case, it remains only to use standard payment methods - for example, or in some other way.

If the conditions declared by the mobile operator are met, you can proceed directly to the registration of this service. Fortunately, there is nothing complicated in its use. You can read more about the service in our other article on the site.

Literally 10-15 years ago, one could not even dream that mobile operators would lend money. Remember for yourself, before everyone used plastic cards with a certain denomination and there were simply no other ways to replenish the account. Progress does not stand still, and in the wake of the cards, terminals appeared with the help of which it was possible to replenish the balance for the desired amount. Today, there are often situations when the balance is 0, but it is very necessary to call. The operators decided to provide the Promised Payment service, Tele2 was one of them. Borrowing money on Tele2 is quite realistic, but as always there are nuances that we will discuss with you.

The Tele2 service "Promised Payment" is an opportunity to get a certain amount of money in debt due to which to stay in touch. Today, this is a great opportunity that saves at the right time. Replenishment of the Tele2 balance occurs at the expense of borrowed money, which the operator provides for a certain period. On your part, during the provided loan, it is necessary to repay the debt within a certain time frame, otherwise you will be blocked outgoing calls. You can also use the service to receive the promised payment.

Remember that debt implies the fact that you are obligated to repay the borrowed money. It is better to always follow this rule and use Tele2 services without any difficulties.

Money in debt is provided not to every subscriber, there are certain conditions. Under what conditions and how to borrow money on Tele2 I will break it down into points below.

  1. You must own a SIM card and be a consumer of Tele2 operator services for at least 120 days. If you have another operator's SIM card, then it has nothing to do with the new number. The term for calculating the connection of services is considered the date of conclusion of the contract for a specific SIM card. There are no exceptions in this matter.
  2. In order to take a loan on the balance of your SIM card must be positive and be at least 10 rubles. If your balance has overcome the minus mark, then you can forever forget about the possibility of borrowing money on Tele2, well, or until your account is replenished with the missing amount.
  3. You can borrow amounts ranging from 50 to 200 rubles, depending on the period for which you use communication services (have entered into an agreement with the operator). The size of the loan provided is also affected by how often and how much you top up your phone account. To find out how much you can borrow, you need to dial the command * 122 # on your device. After sending the request, you will receive a message with the specified amount that Tele2 can lend you.

If the amount suits you, you can confirm the operation. If the loaned amount is not enough for you, just ignore the message received.

How long is the loan

  1. If your loan amount is 50 rubles, then you need to repay the debt within 5 days.
  2. The amount multiple of 100 rubles is given for a period of 7 days during which it is desirable to repay the debt.
  3. Loans exceeding the threshold of 150 rubles are provided for a period of 10 days during which the amount of a multiple of the loan or more must be deposited on the balance sheet.

Remember that interest is charged for the provision of the service. On average, this is 10% of the amount you borrowed. You can use the “Promised Payment” service a day after the debt is repaid, including the stipulated interest.

How to borrow on Tele2 - number

If you meet the conditions for the provision of the "Promised Payment" service and have 10 rubles or more on your balance, then the matter remains small. Dial * 122 * 1 # on your phone. In order not to re-search for information on how to borrow on Tele2, I recommend that you add this number to your phone directory.

Video instruction

Staying connected is always easy, even when your mobile bill is close to zero. The Promised Payment service, which Tele2 provides to its customers, is an opportunity to restore a positive balance in a matter of seconds and make calls, send messages and go online again. How to quickly borrow on Tele2, and when is it necessary to return the “mobile loan”?

How to borrow money on Tele2?

Forgot to put money on your phone account on time? Tele2 cares about its subscribers and gives confidence by providing the opportunity to receive a special loan - "Promised Payment".

The size of such a loan for all subscribers is different - it depends on the region of Russia, your subscriber experience in the company and the period for which you want to borrow. To find out how much trust payment you can take, it is easy to find out using the *122# call command.

You can borrow on Tele2 by dialing the command *122*1# call - the request makes it possible to instantly activate the Promised Payment service.

The service allows you to borrow on Tele2 for a period of 1 to 20 days, after which the loan amount, taking into account the commission, will be debited from your account. If during this time you do not have time to deposit money into your account to pay off the promised payment, your number service will be suspended. Having returned the promised payment, you can immediately borrow money again on Tele2.

The promised payment from Tele2 is provided to all subscribers on a prepaid payment system.

Description and terms of use of the "Promised payment" service

To be able to take the promised payment, you just need to be a Tele2 subscriber. There is a credit system here, like in a bank: the longer you are a Tele2 client, the more they trust you:

  • If you use your number for more than 7 (in some regions - from 15-30) days, you can borrow up to 50 rubles;
  • If you are a Tele2 subscriber for more than 120 days, you can take a trust payment in the amount of 50 to 450 rubles, depending on the connection region.

Comparative table for the provision of the "Promised Payment" service from Tele2 in some regions of Russia:

Detailed information about how much and under what conditions you can borrow money on Tele2 in a particular region is available to subscribers by free service numbers 637 and 655, as well as on the Tele2 website.

Other Ways to Stay Connected at Zero

When the “Promised Payment” service is not available for any reason, or it is impossible to borrow money on Tele2 on the phone, because the promised payment has already been exhausted, there are several alternatives - the “Top up my account” and “Beacon” services.

The "Top up my account" service is activated by the command *123*phone_number# call . The recipient will receive a free message from you asking you to top up your account.

If you don’t want to borrow money on Tele2, you can use the Beacon option. To do this, enter the command *118*phone_number# call . The recipient will receive a free message "Waiting for a call" from you.

In both examples, “phone_number” is the number of the subscriber to whom the message will be sent, it is indicated together with the first 8, for example: 89501234567.

To avoid "zero" on the account and not take a loan, it is enough to activate the "Auto payment" service. You can temporarily disable or permanently remove any of the services in your account on the Tele2 website.

You have run out of money in your account, but you need to make an urgent call or send a message. Familiar situation? Fortunately, the mobile operator Tele2 has a solution to this problem in the form of a loan for mobile services. How to get a loan on Tele2, how to use it and to whom it is provided, we will tell in this article.

What is it for

Currently, the services of mobile operators are especially popular, which allow you to continue using cellular communications with a zero or negative balance. When, for various reasons, it is not possible to immediately replenish the subscriber's balance, "" comes to the rescue - a service that allows you to borrow from the Tele2 operator funds credited to the subscriber's number for a certain period.

The borrowed amount of funds will be debited from the subscriber's account a few days after crediting. Reuse of the service will be possible only after the loan is repaid, not earlier than in a day.

Ways to borrow money from Tele2

You can use the promised payment in one of three ways:

Terms of Service

The service does not require prior connection, it is included in the standard set of services from the operator. But the opportunity to use it is not provided to all subscribers. To borrow money from Tele2, the amount of funds on your number should not be less than 10 and more than 30 rubles. If you are a Tele2 subscriber for less than 60 days, then, unfortunately, this type of service will not be available to you. The possible amount of the trust payment increases with the increase in the period of use of the services of the Tele2 operator:

  • more than 60 days: the maximum borrowed amount of money is 50 rubles;
  • more than 120 days: the maximum borrowed amount of money is 100, 200 or 300 rubles.

The debt is written off automatically either after a certain term for the provision of the service, or at the time of replenishment of the account for an amount equal to or greater than the debt. Write-off occurs in any case, even if after that the subscriber's number will have a negative balance.


Activation of the service is free, no subscription fee is charged for its use, however, there is a commission, which is 10% of the borrowed amount and is charged at the time of writing off the debt along with the principal amount (5 rubles for a loan of 50 rubles, 10 - for 100, 20 - for 200, 30 - for 300 rubles).

Terms of debt

Minimum trust loan amount:

  • 50 rubles is issued for a period of 3 days;
  • 100 rubles is given for 7 days;
  • and 200 and 300 - for a period of 10 days.

After the expiration of the term, the money borrowed from the operator, taking into account the commission, will be debited from the balance of your number, even if after that the balance becomes negative. Therefore, before the end of the specified period, it is necessary to deposit funds to the phone in an amount equal to at least the loan, taking into account the commission.

Questions from subscribers

How to take 50 rubles. on credit?

50 rubles is the minimum amount of a possible loan, therefore, to activate it, dial *122*1#. If this type of service is available to you, the money will automatically come to your balance in 1-2 minutes.

How to take 100 rubles. on credit?

To do this, you need to make sure that you can receive this amount. Dial the command *122# . If among the trust payment options offered by the operator there is the required amount, follow the instructions for receiving it indicated in the message.

This type of payment is essentially an emergency measure that helps to stay in touch with a negative or close to zero balance.

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