Setting up hardware and software

Facebook my page social network login hope. Facebook “My Page” login

Want to sign up for Facebook to meet new people and have new experiences, but don't know where to start? - We will be happy to help you - registration on Facebook takes only a few minutes.

It is important to remember that the site does not charge no cash registration fees, so if you are asked to pay for anything, you are being deceived. It would also be a scam to ask to send a code from a mobile phone. The real Facebook address is (that's the only way).


Before registering, you need to create email, or use an existing one. Then, be sure to come up with a password, preferably a complex one (a-Я0-9#@%) to avoid unpleasant hacking of the page. Once you have an email and password, you can start registering:

Go to the website - and in the window that appears, enter the necessary data:

  1. first and last name;
  2. email address (twice);
  3. password (be sure to remember, or better yet, write it down somewhere);
  4. date of birth d/m/y;

Then click the “registration” button. Before clicking, make sure the information is correct, and also read the terms and conditions of working with the site (there will be a transition to the “registration” button).

Step one . Enter the password for your email account. After which, Facebook will offer to add your contacts from your email account as friends. It is also possible to skip this step and return to it later (after you have already registered).

Step two. Here you need to enter some personal information:

  1. First and last name in Russian (will already appear automatically from the beginning of registration);
  2. First and last name in English will also be provided automatically. Check - it should be like it is in the passport;
  3. Hometown;
  4. High school. If you studied at several schools, then choose for now the one from which you graduated;
  5. University If you studied at several universities, you will enter them later;
  6. Employer. Place of work.

You can skip this step, or, if you have entered data, then click the go button - “ save and continue».

Step three. Uploading a photo to the site. There are two ways to upload a photo.

  1. Upload a photo you already have on your computer;
  2. Take a photo via webcam (if you have one).

You can skip this step, or, if you uploaded a photo, click on the button - “ save and continue».

Your next step should be authorization. That is, you must go to your email inbox, find a letter from Facebook (if you don’t see it, look in spam) and follow the link. If there is no letter, then re-submit a request to send an email to authorize your account. This can be done on your Facebook page (in the window below - resend the message). That's it - authorization is completed.

So, the registration procedure is completed, now you can log in and enjoy communication.

Login to page

Don't know how to log into the site? Everything is very simple here. The main thing is not to forget the password and enter it correctly in this window (below).

Many beginners may have a question, where to get this window? From here (window below). Remember – this is the registration window, the very first one. At the very top there are windows for logging into the site.

Enter your address Email and password – login is complete.

If something doesn't work out for you, don't worry.

First, on the main page, try to enter all the data that you have not yet entered (during the registration process).

This way, you will find your friends faster, and they will be able to learn more about you.

Facebook - login to the site: or

Facebook my page - Login to

Facebook is the largest and most popular social network in the world. Logging into Facebook was previously available only to students at Harvard University, but then registration was opened to other universities. Since September 2006, the Facebook website has been available to all Internet users with mobile phone or email address.

Registration on Facebook ( is free and anyone can complete this registration without much difficulty. Facebook, like our social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, allows you to create a profile (your page) with a photo and information about yourself, invite friends, exchange messages with them, change your status, leave messages on your own and others’ “walls,” upload photos and video recordings, create groups (communities) based on interests.

The Facebook login page and My Page (your home page) are what you see when you log into Facebook. It includes your News Feed, a constantly updated list of posts from friends, Pages, and other connections you've made.

Video - "How to register on Facebook (Welcome to Signin/Login)"

Login and register on Facebook. Login to Facebook to communicate with friends, relatives and acquaintances... publish photos, videos and other information on your Facebook page.

Social network "Facebook"

Facebook is a global social network founded in 2004. On Facebook, you can create your own page with photos (which, in turn, are arranged in photo albums), invite friends, send messages to each other, write statuses that others will see in their feed. You can also join groups based on interests on Facebook, as well as create them yourself. There is also a wall on Facebook, familiar to many on VKontakte, on which you can leave messages. It is also important that you can configure what information will be visible to everyone, what will be visible to friends, and what will not be visible at all. Facebook comes from America, but it also has Russian, among many others.

How to log into Facebook?

It happens that you registered on a website, but you can’t log into it, like Facebook. For example, if you forgot or lost your address and don’t know how to get to your page or home page (otherwise it is called "login page"). Another option is if you want to access the site from someone else’s computer, but everything there is not the same as at home. And then they often search on the Internet for “login to the Facebook site,” “my Facebook page.” But there is a way to log into the site that is much easier.

Login to Facebook site

To quickly log into Facebook, a “Site Login” has been created. This is a very simple site from which with one click you can access not only Facebook, but also other social networks, mail, dating - all major sites. You can set it as your starting (home) page so that you can quickly access any site next time.

Now you can go to the main page to Login to Facebook:

Is Facebook a free site?

At this moment - yes. Its creators promised that it will remain free. Perhaps Facebook will introduce paid accounts that will not have ads (i.e. you can pay not to be shown ads, but free option use of the site will also remain). This is indirectly indicated by the fact that in 2013 the company received a patent that describes this method of earning money.

Facebook login problems

If you can't log into Facebook, read the article Can't log into Facebook? What to do? . The solution to the main problems is described there.

If you were kicked out of Facebook, your page was blocked, read this: Your page was blocked on Facebook. What to do? , and if they require you to show an ID, then this: Facebook requires an ID. What to do?

We also have quick function checking if the site is working: What happened to Facebook? Checking if Facebook is currently working.

Registration on Facebook

If you're not on Facebook yet, it's easy to do so. Do you already have an email? Sign up for Facebook and come back here. If you don't have email yet, that's not a problem either. You can register with the mail and get your address quickly and for free - for example, on

Deleting a page from Facebook

One user tells a funny story about himself and Facebook:

February 28 is World No Facebook Day. The origin of the holiday and date is not entirely clear. The goal is to combat addiction to Facebook, as well as demonstrate that a social network without its users is nothing.

Home page Login

To log into your Facebook page, use Login (website) right now! This is especially convenient if you need fast access to mail, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki or other popular sites.

See also

  • Instagram, website and social network have been part of Facebook since 2012. What can you do there and how to enter

Here we explain registration in an accessible and understandable way, so that everyone can easily create a Facebook page.

To register on Facebook you only need an email or phone number.

If you don't have an email account, get one for yourself. tells you how to do it quickly and easily.

So, let's begin.

Come in here. If this opens someone else's page, just click on the arrow in the upper right corner and then "Exit".

Please note that the address of the page that opens begins with If you have already opened a page where you can register on Facebook, but its address is different from the one indicated, then most likely you are on a copy page and it is very possible that you will be asked to send an SMS. If this is the case, get out of there, let us remind you once again that Facebook registration is always free.

Fill out the registration form.
It is not necessary to indicate your real name, surname, or date of birth.
Then, click the "Registration" button.

ADVICE. You don’t have to enter your email address a second time, it’s easier to just copy it

ADVICE. On the one hand, it is better to make the password more complex. On the other hand, it should be such that you yourself can easily remember it. Be sure to remember your email and password! To write a good password for Facebook, you can do this: switch your keyboard to English language, then enter some word in Russian. For example, the word zatupilaru would be written as pfnegbkfhe. This password is easy to remember and very difficult to crack.

STEP 3. Free registration on Facebook.

So, actually, you managed to register on Facebook. Now you need to go to your email that you specified during registration.

You should receive an email from facebook.

Many users, having finished using the social network Facebook, simply close the browser tab, mistakenly thinking that the session is completed and exiting does not matter. But, unfortunately, this opinion is not correct, since if other users also use your computer, then when they go to the Facebook website, they can get to your page. Therefore, by correctly logging out of your account, you can protect your profile data from changes by other users and maintain their confidentiality. It should be noted that logging out to end a session and deleting an account are different functions and when logging out you will be able to access your profile after entering email address and the password that was used during registration.

In this step by step instructions With photos you will learn how to log out and log in to the social network Facebook.

Step 1

How to properly log out of your Facebook profile

Start by clicking on the “triangle” in the upper right corner of the page and selecting “Exit” by left-clicking on it.

Step 2

Step 3

How to log into your Facebook page (account)

Now let's move on to how to enter your account on Facebook. Start by entering the email address and password you used to create your profile. Next, you can check the box next to “Do not log out.” This will allow you to continue using the social network without re-entering your email address and password the next time you log in. Now click on the “Login” button.

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