Setting up hardware and software

How to remove default settings. How to disable the default application on a HUAWEI (honor) smartphone? How to change default app settings on Android

Judging by the letters coming to our website, many beginners Android users often encounter such an unpleasant situation when, for example, I would like to see the content zip file or unzip it and instead it opens in the book reading app Cool Reader.

Or when photos open not in the gallery, but in Facebook Messenger. This state of affairs confuses many inexperienced users, despite the fact that it is actually very simple to correct the situation. Today I will tell you how to change default app in android in just a few clicks.

In general, the ability to select an application with which to open one or another type of file by default is one of the advantages of the Android operating system. Moreover, if the need arises, you can reset the defaults - make sure that every time you have the opportunity to select an application when opening a file (screenshot above) or set a new application that will open the file by default.

To do this, we first need to reset the defaults. To do this, go to the settings menu of your tablet or phone, to the “Applications” section, select a program from the list that opens files of the type we need automatically, and click on it.

After this, a window with the properties of this application “About the application” will open:

Scroll down the contents of the window until you see the "STARTUP AS DEFAULT" option. To reset the defaults, click on the " Remove default settings».

That's it, now after clicking on zip archive from the example at the beginning of the article, you will see the treasured dialog for selecting a program with which you can open this file. Now you can either set a new default program or select the appropriate application from the list each time.

Tip: When you see a dialog like this, to quickly select the right application, without then pressing the “Only now” button, double-tap on its icon:

Appearance of pop-up menus and application settings menus depending on the device and Android versions may look different, but the general idea of ​​changing the default program remains the same - at any time you can clear the defaults in the application settings menu, and then set them again.

Well, now you know how you can cancel or set the default program in Android. Is it really not difficult at all?

In the operating room Android system such a useful feature like setting the default application to open certain files or links. But what if you need to change/delete the default application?

Google is still earlier versions provided such an opportunity in mobile operating system Android as "Default Application". This function will allow you to use a specific application to open certain links, for example, you can assign a browser that will open when you click on a link in any application, or you can assign a specific application to open office documents, all thanks to “Default Applications”.

But what if you need to change the defaults and do a reassignment? For details on how to designate a default application and how to change/delete it later, read this article!

Set default application

Option 1

If you have several similar applications installed that do the same job, or if you have a service installed that runs at a specific address (twiiter is installed and you received a link to a twitter post), then the Android OS will display a dialogue about what to open or what to set as the main one. All you have to do is make your choice and click use " Always «.

Option 2

If you are in a file manager, then tap on the file and you will be prompted to open it through certain applications, and at the bottom is the “Set as default” item, by clicking on which, this dialog will no longer be shown and the program from the list that you select will be assigned.

How to change/delete the default application in Android?

Everything is very simple! You need to do the following:

Now you will again be able to open a file or link with a choice of applications or assign another.

Any user wants to make their device better and installs third-party launchers, music and video players, browsers and file managers. And so as not to choose every time favorite app to perform the next action, it can be set as default.

Other useful instructions:

In this article, I will talk about two ways on how you can select and remove the default application.

Method 1: Standard Android Feature

So, I recently installed a new launcher, so that will serve as an example. To make the application default, you need to perform some action. For example, in the case of a launcher, just press the home button. The system will prompt you to select an application to implement of this action. Select the desired launcher and click “Always” at the bottom.

I think you understand the principle. So, for example, if you want to set the browser Google Chrome by default, follow any link from Vkontakte, Twitter, Google Plus, your mail, etc., select Google Chrome and click “Always”.

So, we figured out the choice of the default application, but how to remove it? To do this, go to settings, open “Applications”, find the one you need, select it and click “Remove default settings”.

After this, you can make the application default according to the instructions above.

Method 2: Through Default App Manager

Above, I described how you can select and delete a default application, and if deletion in Android is well thought out, then to select an application you need to perform unnecessary steps.

But fortunately there is a wonderful application that makes it easy to choose the desired program default. It's called Default App Manager and you can download it for free from Google Play.

The application is really very cool. Once you open it, you will see two sections: “Category Wise” and “All Defaults” (default applications). To make your favorite application the default, open its category, after which a window will appear with all available programs. Click "Set Default", select an application and click "Always".

To remove the default application, click "Clear Default". You will be taken to the app settings where you need to click on “Remove default settings”. The “All Defaults” section contains all default applications. You can remove any of them by clicking "Clear".

That's all, I hope today's article was useful to you.

If you active user Android system and a fan of installing various applications, games and programs, then sooner or later you will face the issue that one necessary action can perform several programs that are installed on the device.

How to configure application execution

Quite often, such a window (see the picture below) can be seen when, for example, you have several browsers installed when you try to open a web page. Or office programs when opening a document or spreadsheet Excel.

In a word, when one action can be performed by several applications installed on your smartphone or tablet, the system will ask you to make a choice and ask you to do it once or always.

It happens that you want to try this with a new program and accidentally select the “Always” item; in this case, the selection window will no longer appear, and you need to return it.

How to change default app settings on Android

To solve the problem described above, you need to change the default Android application value settings, and this can be done in two ways: standard and using the program Default App Manager. Let's look at two ways.

Standard change of default values ​​in Android

For each Android application, the system keeps a certain “log” of its actions and stores some temporary files, which in its opinion are necessary for fast and correct operation; you can access them and reset them as follows:

1. Go to the settings section;

2. In the “Device” section, select “Applications”; a list of all programs installed on your device will appear on the right;

3. Select what you need and click on the “Delete default settings” button, thereby you will reset all the values ​​that the system has remembered, and when you do it again, it will again ask you what to use.

Change using Default App Manager

First, we need to download Default App Manager from the official website using this link, after the installation procedure, open it. In the application we will see two tabs:

Category Wise - a list of all standard actions that the system performs, indicating the standard;

All defaults – list of applications that have already been configured with default settings. By clicking on the “Clear” button you will reset the values.

Bottom line

It is up to you to decide which item to use; remember that this procedure cannot disrupt the operation of the system.

Google has done a pretty good job with the functionality of Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, as well as appearance both systems and programs. However, this does not prevent manufacturers of smartphones and tablets from “finishing” the system with manic persistence, quite seriously changing its various aspects. If we talk about customization by the user, then Android seems to be one of the most flexible (if not the most flexible) mobile systems.

The material below will be of interest to those who have recently become acquainted with Android, in particular version 4.0. We will consider the methods using an example Highscreen Alpha GT, which has features uncharacteristic for dual-SIM devices good characteristics And current version Google systems. For those who have been using the system for a long time, let us remind you that the process of installing and managing programs by default has remained unchanged since the days of Android 2.3.

So, we have read tips on choosing a powerful video player, PDF viewer, SMS manager and any other program. Next, we went to Google Play or downloaded the installation APK file from a site like 4PDA. How can we make our program default to a specific action? Let's take a PDF viewer application as an example. So we already have Adobe Reader, but I would like, without deleting this development, to open files only using PDF programs Reader.

Method one, banal. Launch the file manager and tap on the right magazine. Since Adobe Reader now has a “competitor,” we will see a pop-up window labeled “What should I use?” (or something similar, there may be options here) and a selection of programs available for opening the file.

If we wish to permanently link to PDF format, you should first check the box next to “Default for this action” at the bottom and indicate PDF Reader. Everything, with minimal effort new program default for PDF viewer given.

Method two, retribution for inattention. Let's say the program selection window appeared, we checked the box, but accidentally specified not PDF Reader, but Adobe Reader. It’s too early to get upset, we will correct the mistake. We call the system item “Settings” (I hope there is no need to explain how to find it), “Applications” and click on Adobe Reader to call up the settings of this program. Scroll down the list to the “Run as default” heading. Here we see the item “Delete default settings”.

Click and thereby reset the binding to PDF files. Now, when we try to open a PDF magazine, we will again be offered a list of programs, where we will select PDF Reader. Profit.

Particulars. I note that in the list of installed Android applications leads full list system programs, so there should be no problems either when choosing a PDF viewer or when replacing a gallery, dialer or launcher. The first particular point is the dialing and contact management program. The default setting there means automatic start instead of standard application at incoming call. However, forgive the banality, if you need to dial a number, then you need to manually tap on the icon alternative application. So just drag its shortcut to your desktop or replace the icon with it standard program on the bottom panel of the desktop.

Another particular– replacement of the standard keyboard. After installation new keyboard go to “Settings”, “Language and input”, activate it with a checkmark opposite and at the top click on the button to select the default keyboard.

Another way is to call up the “Select input method” item while entering text at the very top of the screen with a sliding motion from top to bottom. As you can see, nothing complicated.

Finally I will say that Google Play naturally has special program management managers by default. As an example, I’ll point to the free Default App Manager Lite. This program provides a list of popular tasks such as browser, camera, music and others, and the currently selected application is immediately shown. By tapping the item, we get a list of programs available for action, then a) easily/casually click “Clear Defaults” b) in the window that appears, uncheck the familiar “Delete default settings” item c) press the return to previous screen key d) click “Set” Defaults" e) check "Default for this action" and select the desired program.

We have studied the basics, if you have any questions, write in the comments, we will sort it out.

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