Setting up hardware and software

How does the Minelab Safari metal detector work? Review of the Minelab Safari metal detector

This is a new model of metal detectors from the Australian manufacturer Minelab. If you are not yet familiar with this metal detector configuration, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the main points in working with it on the website

The main distinguishing feature of this model is the new software, which allows you to process information much faster and study the search area with a 28-frequency signal, which increases the clarity of the received data on the location and quality of the underlying metal by an order of magnitude. Thus, a frequency range from 1.5 to 100 kHz is simultaneously used for data processing.

Despite new model, the metal detector interface remains the same, so for those who have already worked with Minilab metal detectors, it will not be difficult to master the new parameters.
So, among the search modes there are still 4 masks - Coins, Relics, Jewelry and All Metals. Each mask is indicated by a separate button on the Minelab Safari work panel. As soon as you turn it on, Safari is ready to go.

It should be noted that Safari does not have a manual primer setting; this is worth paying attention to when starting to work with it. All other settings can be adjusted manually, individually. For example, you can set your own search masks by saving them in the device memory using the "accept/reject" button.

In the same way, you can cut off metal debris by simply entering it into the device’s memory as ignored. When you encounter any object that is not the target of your search, but is common in the area search work, you can add it to the ignored ones using the same “accept/reject” button.
Despite the high search accuracy, thanks to 28 frequency processing, Minelab Safari, like most metal detectors, has a pinpointer function that can be used to detect a more precise location of an object.

In addition, Minelab Safari is equipped with:

    11 inch reel

  • Noise canceling button

    Sound designation of the target (3 tones)

    Volume control

    Headphone jack

The Minelab Safari power supply consists of 8 AA batteries. Also, the improved package may include a SlimPack battery and a charger for it, which allows you to charge from a regular 220V outlet. The kit may also include RPG headphones.

The Minilab Safari model is ideal for working with soils with a high content of iron debris, it is easy to handle, and a wide range of customizable functions will help you detect the desired object with greater accuracy and weed out side objects, thanks to the functions of ignoring and customizable search masks.

The Minelab Safari metal detector is an inexpensive detector in the class of professional metal detectors. Advantages of Minelab Safari, Minelab FBS multi-frequency technology, which allows you to search simultaneously on several frequencies. High accuracy in littered areas. Large search coil with increased depth and good sensitivity for coins, jewelry, and native gold. Simple enough for a professional metal detector, control and search with the detector as a whole.

Metal detector, ground metal detector with an S-shaped three-part rod. The metal detector unit is located on top. The power supply is placed in a separate section at the end of the upper rod and works as a “counterweight”, creating a good balance for the entire metal detector design.

Minelab Safari can be powered by 8 pieces of AA batteries (regular AA batteries). Removable battery cassette. You can also insert batteries into this cassette (similar to AA batteries). In the Klader store, the Minelab Safari metal detector can also be purchased with a branded Explorer series battery, which immediately has a charging socket (charging is included with the batteries).

The usual search time with a Minelab Safari metal detector on one charge is 14-15 hours (continuous operating time).

Minelab Safari Control

The Minelab Safari control consists of 11 buttons. Film panel with high protection against dust and dirt. Fast access to the functions: metal detector sensitivity, threshold signal, noise rejection (channels), response volume adjustment, variable display contrast and response speed adjustment for heavily littered search areas.

Minelab Safari screen

IN automatic mode The Minelab Safari metal detector will automatically select the most suitable settings for the current search. Frequency group, channel with the least interference, ground tuning. The user selects a search program with a metal detector.

In practice, searching with Minelab Safari, you can expect to go a little deeper than most other detectors. Large coin in the ground up to 35 centimeters. If the find is the size of a helmet and the bayonet of a knife, the depth of Minelab Safari will be up to 60-70 centimeters. The maximum depth of Minelab Safari for very large objects (for example, a tank turret) is slightly more than 1 meter.

Buy Minelab Safari

Buy a Minelab Safari metal detector in Ukraine, Klader store. The price of the metal detector has been reduced! Official Minelab metal detectors in Ukraine, with warranty and service Service Center. The entire range of Minelab detectors is in stock. Free shipping Minelab Safari in Ukraine. The best gifts for MinelabSafari, shovels, batteries with chargers, accessories for a cop of your choice.

Updating metal detectors is a common thing, but compared, for example, with car restyling, it often hides many surprises. The saddest thing is that they are revealed already during operation and do not make themselves felt at first acquaintance. The exception to this rule was the Minelab Safari modification. Reviews from owners who used the previous version indicate the preservation of external attributes and a radical change in the filling. Moreover, the internal changes exclusively benefited the detector, which, however, cannot be said about the price.

Model features

The model continues the concept of the Quattro metal detector, demonstrating an example of successfully unlocking the potential of its platform. Externally new version The only difference is the color scheme, which is quite justified, since the developers decided to leave the usual completely ergonomic control scheme. As for the operating properties, the functionality of the device, the processor, and the ability to search in problematic conditions among garbage were improved.

The fundamental difference between this device and the previous model, which even an inexperienced seeker will feel, is the processing speed. AND new processor, and updated software ultimately reduced the response time to the signal, and also increased the clarity of detection target object. The expansion of the frequency range also affected more effective differentiation, which made it possible to distinguish between unwanted objects and the desired metal. The type of soil cover does not matter - in this regard, the device is universal. More detailed review The Minelab Safari metal detector will help identify other differences from the previous generation, and will also demonstrate the new capabilities of the device.


There are two configuration packages available. The standard set is rather intended for experienced amateurs who do not plan to solve problems of increased complexity. The expanded package gives the model more robust search capabilities, which sophisticated professionals cannot do without. So, in the “standard”, in addition to the structural parts of the device, the owner receives a box for batteries, an 11-inch coil, protective covering, fasteners with washers for fixing the coil, instructions and warranty. In addition to all of the above, the Minelab Safari metal detector in the professional configuration is also provided with a 1600 mAh nickel-magnesium battery, charger and RPG headphones for 6.35 mm jack.

As for the actual performance qualities, the package does not change them - both packages offer identical devices. That is, if desired, the user of the standard kit can improve his device to a professional level only by purchasing additional equipment. Another thing is that the initial purchase of the extended package will cost less.


It is worth paying tribute to the creators of the model, who did not chase the consumer, attracting him with bright, but not always useful options and special design solutions. The updated Minelab Safari metal detector, the characteristics of which are presented below, is primarily valued for its practical technical and operational qualities:

  1. The coil operating algorithm type is FBS.
  2. The supported frequency spectrum is from 1.5 kHz to 100 kHz.
  3. Number of frequencies - 28.
  4. The number of discrimination masks is 4 with the possibility of correction.
  5. Type of sound identification - multi-tone.
  6. Display type - monochrome liquid crystal.
  7. The main power supply elements are 8 AA batteries.
  8. The operating time of the battery pack is on average 7 hours.
  9. The permissible temperature range for operation is from 0 to 50 °C.
  10. The rod adjustment range is from 110 to 140 cm.
  11. The weight of the complete device is 1.7 kg.

Functionality and search depth

For search different types metal there are four discrimination modes. They allow you to focus your search directly on coins, jewelry, lead alloys and relics, as well as the detection of any and all metal objects. There are buttons directly accessible on the control panel that allow you to include finds in the “black” list, switch between discrimination modes, and tune out the device from electromagnetic noise. By the way, the pinpointer mode is also provided in the Minelab Safari device. Reviews from owners indicate the accuracy of its operation and the low coefficient of surface fixation of inappropriate objects. This mode designed for in-depth search in a specific area, allowing you to determine the value of a recorded object even before excavation.

As for the detection depth, it depends on the size and location of the object. For example, as treasure hunters themselves note, small silver coins can be found at a burial level of 15-30 cm. Metal helmets and objects of similar size are located at 80-100 cm. The maximum detection depth is approximately 200 cm, but this will most likely not object, but a dimensional structure.

Setting up the device for operation

You should start adjusting with sensitivity. For large areas, you can use close to the maximum level to ensure wide coverage. In specific areas with point search, a minimum sensitivity level is justified, but it is important to maintain a balance with respect to noise. Practice shows that the optimal solution for universal search the values ​​will be 15-20. Next, a threshold tone is set - a sound indication that allows you to acoustically distinguish between types of metals. In this part, we should start from the 9-11 indicator, at the level of which even materials cut off by discrimination will be perceptible. Further, depending on the success of the search, this value can be increased. Then you can move on to noise rejection, which will depend on the conditions in which the Minelab Safari metal detector is used. Reviews in which owners recommend activating this function when the apparatus is raised 30 cm from the surface, they occur very often. After 20 seconds, the device will reconfigure and will operate stably with minimal noise intrusion.

Positive reviews

The device turned out to be successful in terms of functionality and basic performance qualities, as noted by users. Let's start with detection depth and modes. Almost all reviews of the Minelab Safari metal detector indicate stable and high-precision operation at a level of up to 30 cm. Moreover, unlike analogues, this model has a small mass, correctly distributed throughout the structure.

With regard to modes, the possibility of their detailed correction is emphasized, as well as the reflection of the features of each search format in auxiliary options. For example, setting the search mode for all metals or individual coins automatically adjusts the Minelab Safari to the corresponding characteristics and sound indication. Owner reviews also indicate a solid package. Not every device of this class already receives protective covers for the reel as part of the standard package.

Negative reviews

Criticism of the device concerns the high cost (on average 45-50 thousand rubles), certain ergonomic nuances and the ability to search at great depths. The fact is that the device made a big technological and functional leap, standing out noticeably against the background of the same Quattro device. This has led to increased interest in Minelab Safari. Reviews point out that the capabilities of this version should be compared with full-fledged professional models, since the cost of 50 thousand raises the requirements to this level. And the criterion for the quality of detection at great depths below 30-50 cm will be far from being in favor of Safari.

Comparison with competitors

First of all, many compare the capabilities of the device with the Garrett AT PRO. They have roughly similar search capabilities, but differ in design. “Garrett” is for the most part a monoblock device, and is equipped with an ellipsoidal coil. As practice shows, there is no difference in comparing these two coils - round form sensitive organ "Minelab" gives the same effect. Although it is believed that the ellipse performs better in conditions of separation of closely spaced objects. Many are faced with a choice within the line - “Minelab Safari” or “Terra 705”. Reviews from owners often point to the fact that the first model is a professional one and therefore placing the detectors in one row is inappropriate. But if we compare the real possibilities, then experienced seekers give preference to the Terra model, which, although it does not have a multi-frequency spectrum, guarantees high accuracy in basic ranges.


The model is more likely to suit users who are already familiar with previous versions of this family- with the same “Quattro”. The concept of the series is quite original and will not disappoint those who are ready to put up with the individual operational nuances of Minelab Safari. Owner reviews, in addition to performance qualities, also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the configuration of the control unit in more detail. It has some features that make it different from most other models. And do not forget that the weak points of the device are compensated by wide functionality and an optimized lightweight design, which is also important.

MY MINELAB SAFARI AND ITS BEST DEPTH SETTINGS Six months have passed since I purchased the new Minelab Safari metal detector, and I must say, it was an amazing six months! When I changed the device, using old places I had visited many times, I began to make quite interesting finds - silver coins, gold rings, chains and various other objects. To say that I am impressed with Safari's work is an understatement!

My Minelab Safari is ready to start searching. I have always said and believe that it is very important to know your metal detector thoroughly, to know all its signals that notify you of various targets. And that it’s not the detector that’s important, but skillful hands and experience. But with Safari it was as if I had ascended to a new stage of evolution. Or even two. When I was just planning to purchase Minelab Safari, I read a lot of reviews about slow speed recovery and the great difficulty of using this metal detector in areas littered with iron. But after conducting tests with my own hands, I discovered that Safari shows excellent results on soil literally filled with iron trash. The most littered area I checked was the beach on the banks of a local river. There is so much here - nuts, bolts, nails, and fittings - greetings from the bridge builders. The soil there is pebbly, rocky, and there is dirt everywhere. I took a metal detector there and discovered that if you move the coil slowly and don’t wave it from side to side like a catechumen, there are no problems with the recovery speed. All the colored targets next to the iron ones were heard - very clearly and clearly. I even managed to dig up a very beautiful silver ring on this shore.

I also realized that Safari was simply magnificent when I walked out into the meadow, which simply revealed to me the secrets of the Middle Ages! I walked through this meadow for three years or so (the meadow is close to the house) and the finds were only 18th century, but not older. Within the first four months of purchasing the Safari I found a medieval heraldic pendant, two amazing early medieval buckles, also my first 12th century silver coin! Previously, my metal detectors simply could not see to such a depth.

Here is a photo of the booty from one of the trips. A small treasure from the time of George III. I did not find any disadvantages in the metal detector at all, and realized that Safari is good on any soil, in any environment. Particularly good on beaches, unplowed meadows, and in the foothills. I had a little difficulty searching in one of the plowed fields, but maybe because I have not yet fully mastered the settings - it’s hard to say. I still made a lot of finds, at least that day. Minelab Safari on wet sand One of the reasons why I bought this particular metal detector is that I was terribly tired of looking at reviews of metal detectors that work in conditions of highly mineralized soil - on sea beaches, and give a greater detection depth at the same time. Until the end of the year I could not get to the sea coast to check out the Safari there. Exclusively because I was delighted with how it works in other places. But the season of winter storms arrived, and on December 25 I went ashore. Minelab Safari once again left me in awe. Excellent work, without interference, stable, on wet sand, and even super finds - several heavy antique silver coins! I will also share my depth settings for Safari. I use them almost everywhere. sensitivity - auto mode “All metals” notch from - 10 to +40 threshold - 11 instead of noise reduction, I check the place several times, bringing the coil closer to the ground. I hope you find these settings useful too! Andy Baines

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