Setting up hardware and software

Peak Point delivery tracking. Computer program PickPoint - tracking shipments - “An application from the PICKPOINT delivery service for tracking orders

To track your parcel you need to take a few simple steps.
1. Go to home page
2. Enter the track code in the field with the heading "Track postal item"
3. Click on the "Track parcel" button located to the right of the field.
4. After a few seconds, the tracking result will be displayed.
5. Study the result, and especially carefully the latest status.
6. Forecasted delivery period is displayed in the track code information.

Try it, it's not difficult ;)

If you do not understand the movements between postal companies, click on the link with the text “Group by company”, which is located under the tracking statuses.

If there are any difficulties with the statuses on English language, click on the link with the text “Translate into Russian”, which is located under the tracking statuses.

Carefully read the "Track Code Information" block, there you will find estimated delivery times and other useful information.

If, when tracking, a block is displayed in a red frame with the heading “Pay Attention!”, carefully read everything that is written in it.

In these information blocks you will find 90% of the answers to all your questions.

If in the block "Pay Attention!" it is written that the track code is not tracked in the destination country, in this case, tracking the parcel becomes impossible after the parcel is sent to the destination country / after arriving at the Moscow Distribution Center / Item Arrived at Pulkovo / Arrived in Pulkovo / Left Luxembourg / Left Helsinki / Sending to the Russian Federation or after a long pause of 1 - 2 weeks, it is impossible to track the location of the parcel. No, and nowhere. Not at all =)
In this case, you need to wait for a notification from your post office.

To calculate delivery times in Russia (for example, after export, from Moscow to your city), use the "Calculator" target dates delivery"

If the seller promised that the parcel would arrive in two weeks, but the parcel takes more than two weeks, this is normal, the sellers are interested in sales, and that’s why they are misleading.

If less than 7 - 14 days have passed since receiving the track code, and the parcel is not tracked, or the seller claims that he sent the parcel, and the status of the parcel is "the item pre-advised" / "Received" email notification“does not change for several days, this is normal, you can read more by clicking on the link: .

If the status of the postal item does not change for 7 - 20 days, do not worry, this is a normal phenomenon for international postal items.

If your previous orders arrived in 2-3 weeks, and the new parcel takes more than a month, this is normal, because... parcels go on different routes, different ways, they can wait 1 day for shipment by plane, or maybe a week.

If the parcel has left the sorting center, customs, intermediate point and there are no new statuses within 7 - 20 days, do not worry, the parcel is not a courier who is delivering the parcel from one city to your home. In order for it to appear new status, the package must arrive, unload, scan, etc. at the next sorting point or post office, and this takes much more time than just getting from one city to another.

If you do not understand the meaning of such statuses as Reception / Export / Import / Arrived at the place of delivery, etc., you can look at the breakdown of the main statuses of international mail:

If the parcel is not delivered to your post office 5 days before the end of the protection period, you have the right to open a dispute.

If, based on the above, you do not understand anything, read these instructions again, and again, until you are completely clear;)

We all have at least once - just to try, but have purchased something in some online store. Of course, scammers are a dime a dozen, they are just waiting for an opportunity to “warm up” a naive buyer, but with a certain amount of caution, shopping in most Russian and foreign stores is quite safe.

Another disadvantage of any online store is the inability to turn the product in your hands before purchasing, touch it, try it on, try it, and so on. Can only be assessed appearance goods according to photographs provided by the seller.

The third disadvantage is related to delivery. Immediately after payment you will not be able to receive your purchase. Delivery can take from several hours to a month, or even two. And here a legion of services for tracking the treasured box with your purchase comes to the rescue. Many of these services have their representation in the huge “country” of Android. We will talk about one of these services.

So, PickPoint Russia, a software for tracking the delivery status of orders from online stores to parcel terminals and points PickPoint issuance.

Background The appearance of this software on my smartphone is straightforward. I needed to buy several signal boosters cellular communication for use in the field. In our province, after an exhausting search, only two amplifiers were purchased (not just any amplifiers were needed, but specific ones). I decided to buy two more in one of the online stores with delivery from our capital. So, what about delivery? Delivery by courier is expensive, the accounting department will swear. Delivery by Russian Post takes a long time, and the box can easily get wrinkled, and only the Chinese wrap their parcels in eight layers of bubble wrap. All that remains is delivery to a parcel locker or PickPoint pick-up point. I spoke with the manager of the online store, who assured that delivery to PickPoint would be the fastest: “Wait for an SMS with a delivery notification and code soon.” Although trusting managers means not respecting yourself. If you tell them that the slowest delivery is necessary, they will assure you that PickPoint is just a turtle.

Well, the order is placed, and while it gets to the parcel terminal closest to me, I will tell you about the PickPoint Russia mobile application. The application came to my attention when I was reading an information letter from the PickPoint service.

Launching the application, we admire the screensaver for a couple of seconds, and receive an offer to link the software to a phone number. There are no other binding options, and without the code sent via SMS, the software will not work.

After activating the application, we are taken to the main form. There are three large buttons, four small ones and a map with a GPS icon.

Without spreading my attention all over the screen, I immediately press the “My Orders” button.

There is only one order, I tap on it (its status is listed as “The order has been sent to the delivery city”) and I see the details:

Everything is clear: the store is such and such, there is no receipt code yet, the amount to pay is 0.00 (because I paid when ordering). One of the goodies: it is possible to change the delivery address, that is, choose a different parcel locker while the goods have not yet arrived. Here you can contact PickPoint if you suddenly have questions for them.

Let's return to the main form. Now I'm interested in the map. Of course, I previously found out the address of the nearest parcel terminal, but I wonder how the software could help me with this? The map itself is not “tapable”, but it is interactive: it can be moved, enlarged and reduced. But the icons on the map are just waiting to be clicked on. But we won’t rush yet, because, as it seems to me, the map “looks” far from Volgograd to me. Most likely this is Moscow. And the Jeepies icon suggests that it’s worth trying to activate it. We activate GPS and click on the coveted icon. Bingo! The map collapses into a point and unfolds in familiar places, because this is where I am at the current moment.

And if you zoom out, you can see the nearest parcel terminal. By the way, if you launch the PickPoint Russia application with GPS already activated, the nearest parcel terminal will immediately be displayed on the map. If you tap on the GPS icon to move to your location on the map, you can return to the parcel locker only when the application becomes active (the easiest way is to turn the screen off and on).

But now let’s not restrain ourselves and click on the icon of the found parcel terminal. Detailed information about the parcel locker opens: the address, what transport to get to it and how to find it in the building.

What care for the user, just think! What is missing? Yes, of course, the route from the current position to the nearest parcel terminal. But the developers of PickPoint Russia have provided for such a request. Swipe down the information window of the parcel terminal and find the transfer possible options payment at the selected parcel terminal and a bright “ON THE MAP” button.

The button is the very desired routing. The application offers you to choose the way to get to the parcel terminal: on foot or by car. In fact, it doesn't matter what you choose. The application assumes that in the second case you will get there by personal car, so it does not offer any public transport. Both the first and second methods give almost the same result, differing only in the cut corners in the pedestrian version.

What’s convenient is that the distance to be covered is indicated. You can estimate in advance how much effort, time and calories it will take to walk. When you click on the "NAVIGATION" button, you are prompted to launch either a navigation application or one of the browsers. The browser is not interesting to me, because it will open Google maps anyway, so I choose the 7ways navigator. The PickPoint Russia application cannot control the navigator, so there are no routes, but a simple point on the map: “Dig here.”

We return to the main form again. I skip the “GROUP IN VK” button - this is a link to the VKontakte group, nothing interesting. Although, maybe you would like to join? Then it's done here.

The "MAP OF POINTS" button again opens a map on which all parcel terminals and pick-up points for PickPoint orders are marked.

In the same way, you can zoom out or zoom in, view information about each parcel locker or delivery point, and determine your current location. You can build a route from the information form of any pick-up point. But there are some other functions that make it easier to find pickup points: you can display them all in a list and select them based on names or addresses.

Similarly, you can see all delivery points and parcel terminals on the metro map. In my case, unfortunately, the application regularly reported the impossibility of loading the metro map. This is understandable, because there is no metro itself, there is only a partially underground high-speed tram. Without using GPS navigation, you can select a city from the drop-down list.

Once again we return to the main form. There are four invisible buttons left: “About the service”, “Instructions”, “Feedback” and “Partners”.

“About the service” is a small piece of information for you and me: they say, PickPoint will not charge you a penny for delivery, it is paid for in the online store; The delivery time can be checked on the PickPoint website; The shelf life in the parcel locker is 3 days, because the parcel locker is not rubber.

"Instructions" - that's what they are. Even video instructions are included (viewing through a browser, that is, this is a link).

“Feedback” is an opportunity to write to PickPoint or call them at the federal number.

“Partners” is a list of all online stores that offer PickPoint as a delivery method. I was surprised to see AliExpress on the list. It’s been a while since I ordered anything from this Chinese trading platform, I need to improve...

There is search and filtering, so you don’t have to mindlessly (and madly) look through the entire list in search of your favorite store.

The wait is over - I have to go get it!

How did I know about this? Firstly, I received an SMS from PickPoint. And secondly, the order status has changed in the PickPoint Russia application. Thirdly, a letter from PickPoint was sent to the post office with an offer to receive the order and detailed information about the place of receipt. But there are no notifications in the application - this is a big minus, which is to some extent offset by e-mail and SMS notifications. The code for receiving the order is indicated in the SMS, in the letter, and in the application.

So, put your feet up and go ahead to order. The photograph of the building in which the parcel terminal I needed was located turned out to be reliable. And the mark on the map helped to avoid unnecessary wanderings (I’ll walk the path I’ve covered twice the third time even with my eyes closed, but the new terrain makes me get lost). A detailed description (in the attachment) of the route inside the building to the parcel terminal also made my life easier. And this is what it looks like, this parcel locker:

This is my first experience of receiving an order at a parcel terminal, but in reality everything turned out to be extremely simple. I clicked the “Get order” button, entered the code (sent via SMS) and saw an arrow pointing in the direction of “my” cell and the “Open cell” button. He pressed the button and heard the click of the lock opening. He looked up in the direction of the arrow and saw the cell door slightly open. I took out the box with the order.

That's it, the order has been received. Let's see what has changed in the application. Naturally, the status of the order has changed, and now it is final. Here, on the order screen, you can view the order history and evaluate (for yourself) the speed of delivery.

Until the order was received, it was possible to extend its storage in the parcel locker. To do this, in the window with information about an order that has not yet been received, you must click the “Extend” button. You can only extend it once and for a maximum of three days.

This is where the app's capabilities end. Through the parcel terminal itself, the order can be sent back to the online store if the product has any defect or does not suit you in some way. But this is a separate story, not related to the application. Although, perhaps, the status of the order will change again and in the history it will be possible to track the path and chronology of delivery.

IN conclusion I will say that I liked the PickPoint Russia application. It does not belong to the category of those applications that should be on every smartphone. It's clear. But if you order a certain product from a certain online store and arrange delivery to a parcel locker or PickPoint pick-up point, then this application will be your faithful assistant. I checked. And I recommend it to you if you happen to encounter PickPoint delivery.

The app has no downsides for me. Perhaps the lack of notifications about the order delivery status can be criticized, but SMS does arrive. Maybe the developer deliberately did not duplicate it? Well, you can’t do without a phone number; you won’t even be able to log into the application. What, you don't have a phone? Then you have a great opportunity to install the PickPoint Russia application on the smartphone of your best friend (girlfriend, child, acquaintance, neighbor, local police officer - underline as appropriate), order a phone from your favorite online store (better, of course, a smartphone) and arrange PickPoint delivery. When choosing a phone, rely on reviews from other people. And if you are reading these lines, then you know where the best, interesting and truthful reviews are - here, on Helpix.

Eat well and don't get sick. Read Helpix. Enjoy life.

Smartphone applications

If the user is interested in tracking his orders, the PickPoint Russia application will quickly help him with this. Thanks to the creation of this program, its owners have the opportunity to remotely control their online orders.

Order management is available at any time and while the goods reach the Post Office or PickPoint delivery points, the user can track the status and delivery process of the ordered products, receiving all the necessary information.

To the list of partners regarding new program includes more than seven hundred famous online stores throughout Russia, which is why PickPoint Russia acquired its big amount fans in the markets App Store And Google Play.

Upon first boot, the system will require registration of the subscriber’s mobile number with confirmation via an incoming SMS password.

After successful registration, full-fledged work with the program becomes available, which includes the functions of the history and delivery status of completed orders to the entered phone number, as well as options for a detailed description of the location of Post Offices and pick-up points throughout Russia with detailed description work schedule, payment options and real photographs of the locations of the items required by the user.

Pros of the PickPoint Russia application

  • Extensive database of online stores.
  • Possibility of tracking the required goods.
  • Convenient order data system.
  • Simple and quite convenient controls.
  • All locations of Post Offices and PickPoint delivery points are available.

Disadvantages of the application "PikPoint Russia"

  • The menu interface is quite inconvenient for a beginner.
  • The presence of periodically pop-up advertisements.
  • Crashes may occur during the management of the utility.
  • For correct operation it is required permanent connection to the network.
  • There are rare slowdowns.
PickPoint Russia gives its owner the ability to remotely monitor the transportation of the ordered goods.

The application is capable of providing detailed information about the location of the Post Offices and PickPoint pick-up points, in addition, the user can build his own route to the marked Post Office.

The updated version of PickPoint Russia has added a function for extending the shelf life of orders in Post Offices.

1 step

Step 3

Order delivery to a parcel locker or pick-up point

On the online store website, select the delivery method to the parcel locker or PickPoint pick-up point

Select the address of the parcel terminal or pick-up point that is convenient for you on the map or in the list of points.

Indicate your mobile phone number to which an SMS message with the individual code of your parcel will be sent to open a parcel locker.
(We advise you to indicate your personal mobile number so that the individual parcel code does not fall into the wrong hands).

After confirming your order in the online store, your goods will be delivered to your chosen parcel locker or pick-up point.
Check delivery times in the online store.

Pick up the goods at a post office or pick-up point

You will receive an SMS message and an e-mail* with a unique parcel code
to receive the ordered goods at a post office or at a pick-up point,
as soon as your order is delivered.

*If you indicated your e-mail when registering an order in the online store

The SMS message or e-mail will indicate:

  1. Unique parcel code for receiving an order at a parcel locker
    or point of issue;
  2. Address of the parcel terminal or pick-up point where the parcel is located (selected when registering an order in the online store);
  3. The shelf life of your order at the parcel locker;
  4. Amount to be paid* for the ordered product.

    *If, when ordering a product in an online store, you chose a different payment method (prepayment for the product), then upon receipt of the parcel no payment will be made, and the amount payable will be 0 rubles.

Within the period specified in the SMS message, you need to drive up to the selected parcel terminal or pick-up point to pick up your order.

Receiving an order via PickPoint parcel locker

  1. In the parcel locker menu, select the operation “Receive orders”;
  2. Enter the order code sent to you via SMS or
    by email;
  3. Choose a payment method: cash or plastic card,
    if the order has not previously been paid for;
  4. You pay for the ordered goods and receive a receipt;
  5. Pick up your order from the opened cell. Close
    please reserve the cell after receiving your order.

Receiving your order at a PickPoint pick-up point

  1. Contact a pick-up point employee to receive your order;
  2. Tell the employee the code sent to you via SMS or e-mail;
  3. Pay for your order in cash or by credit card*;
  4. Receive a payment receipt and sign the delivery note upon receipt of the order;
  5. An employee will issue your order.

    *If the point of issue allows payment by plastic cards. Please check this information in advance.

If for some reason you cannot personally pick up your order at the post office or pick-up point, another person to whom you trust to receive your order can pick it up.

To receive orders at the post office you must:


2. Provide the address and opening hours of the parcel terminal where the order was placed;

3. Transfer the required amount for payment if your order has not been prepaid earlier.

To receive orders at pick-up points you must:

1. Pass the individual order code to your authorized person, who can pick up the order for you;

2. Provide the address of the pick-up point where the order was placed;

3. Transfer the required amount for payment.

If you deleted an SMS message or e-mail with an order code

An individual order code is sent only to you via SMS and e-mail messages.

You can independently duplicate an SMS message from the “Send SMS again” functionality on the website or from which you can install on your phone or tablet (for Android, for).

You can also call the PickPoint support center at 8-800-700-79-09 and an SMS message with a code to open the cell will be sent again to the mobile number specified when registering an order in the online store.

Payment for ordered goods

You can pay for the ordered goods in cash or with a plastic card.

Cash payment

Please note that when paying in cash at a post office, change is not issued, but you have 4 options for managing the change amount:

1. Credit the change amount to mobile phone;
2. If desired, receive change in cash at the PickPoint office;

3. Transfer the amount to the Charity Fund account;

4. Transfer the amount to your Yandex wallet.

Payment by plastic card

You can pay by plastic card Visa, Visa Electron, MaterCard, Maestro, MIR and PayPal.

Please note that if you pay for your order at the post office, you need to select additional method receiving a check.

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