Setting up hardware and software

My interlocutor can’t hear me on Skype: I need help. Eliminating background noise in Skype In Skype I hear myself, how to remove it

It has long and firmly entered the lives of many Internet users, helping to stay in touch with relatives and friends who are far away, conduct business negotiations without the need to travel thousands of kilometers by plane, and even study remotely. However, those who are just learning the basics of computer science often have questions about how to communicate on Skype. Let's try to understand this as simply and easily as possible.

What is needed to communicate via Skype?

So, in order to start communication, it is necessary, in addition to actually installing the program on your computer, to have the following components:

  • decent internet speed;
  • webcams;
  • microphone;
  • speakers (or headphones).

Step-by-step instruction

It's easy to communicate on Skype, however, first you need to perform a number of actions that will allow you to fully use this program:

  • connect the devices indicated just above to the computer and, if necessary, install drivers for them;
  • download the program from the official website, selecting the version that matches your OS, and install it on your computer;
  • launch Skype and click on the link " Register a new user", go through the necessary procedure;
  • log into Skype, make the desired settings (for example, changing the language) and test the connected equipment. This can be done by calling Echo/Sound Test Service, and then analyzing the data regarding the quality of the connection, opening the corresponding tabs in turn. If there are any problems with the equipment, you can find out how to solve them from the communication quality manual;
  • find friends using the search bar and add them to your contact list by clicking the " button Add contact" After the person confirms the request, you can fully communicate with him. If you have a Facebook account, you can import friends from this network to Skype.

Also when Skype help You can make calls to regular phone numbers, why it is present in the program special button. However, unlike calls between Skype subscribers, which are free, you will have to pay certain amounts for calls to telephone numbers (tariffs depend on the subscriber’s country), for which you need to pay in advance

“The person I’m talking to can’t hear me on Skype” is a problem that causes voice communication on the Internet becomes both impossible and meaningless. Let's figure out what the problem might be and restore the functionality of the application.

Why can't I be heard on Skype?

The main reasons for this failure are as follows:

  1. Something happened to the program settings (probably after an update);
  2. Faulty headset;
  3. Skype is incompatible with yours operating system and a microphone.

They can’t hear me on Skype: what should I do?

To fix the problem you need to check:

  1. Update the messenger version on your device and ask your interlocutor to do the same. Also make sure that the drivers are also updated.
  2. Internet signal quality.
  3. Is the microphone connected properly, is the input working - what if someone accidentally touched something?
  4. Disable programs that may interfere with data transfer. Browsers, games, file hosting services, etc. often conflict with Skype.

In theory, we have now diagnosed everything that is possible. But if the situation has not changed for the better, then it seems:

Some additional driver is required for the audio headset;

Critical conflict between OS and external device, and this difficulty can only be solved at a service center.

You will need

  • - ability to work with your own sound manager.
  • - skill in using a recording program in Windows or another OS.
  • - ability to check the sound settings in Skype.
  • - the skill of checking sound settings in your operating system environment.


The first reason is a poor-quality Internet connection.

Although it does not require a powerful communication channel, it may still happen that you have too much Internet for this program. The only thing that can be recommended here is to change the provider or switch to a different tariff.

The second reason is faulty equipment (physical malfunction).

Check your microphone for problems. Use any recording program and listen to the output.

You can use standard means systems. For example, in Windows XP, the path to the sound recording program looks like this: “Start” - “All Programs” - “Accessories” - “Entertainment” - “Sound Recorder”.

In Windows 7, the sound recording program is even easier to find - open the Start panel and type the word “ ” into the search field. By searching, you will quickly find this useful utility.

If noise or creaking is heard in the sound recording, then you need to deal with the microphone itself. If on this moment There is no way to replace it with a working one, try covering the microphone with foam rubber or putting a fur ball on it (like video reporters).

Also make sure that when talking, the microphone is located no further from your mouth than its sensitivity zone. If the microphone is too far away during a conversation, interference may occur. Sometimes quite strong.

The third reason is software problems.

If the microphone is working properly, but the sound quality is still not up to par, try reinstalling the drivers sound card, included with drivers for motherboard. You never know.

If you have drivers from Realtek (this company is found in most cases), then in the sound control panel select the “Microphone” tab, try turning on “Noise Reduction” and “Echo Suppression”. You can ask your interlocutor to do the same actions if you hear noise from his side.

You can also try lowering the sensitivity of your microphone. In Skype this can be done as follows. Go to the menu item “Tools” - “Settings” - “Sound Settings”. In the window that appears, you will see the “Microphone” item. Check that the volume is set within reasonable limits. Or check the box "Allow automatic setup microphone." Try saying something into the microphone. Opposite the “Volume” field you will see the results of the microphone.

In addition, you can check the recording volume level in the audio settings for your video card. In the case of drivers from Realtek, go to the “Mixer” tab and check the sound level for the “Recording” slider.

During a conversation in Skype program it is not uncommon to hear background and other extraneous noise. That is, you, or your interlocutor, can hear not only the conversation, but also any noise in the other subscriber’s room. If sound interference is added to this, then the conversation generally turns into torture. Let's figure out how to remove background noise and other sound interference in Skype.

First of all, in order to minimize the negative impact of extraneous noise, you need to adhere to certain conversation rules. At the same time, both interlocutors must comply with them, otherwise the effectiveness of actions is sharply reduced. Follow these guidelines:

  • If possible, place the microphone away from the speakers;
  • Be as close to the microphone as possible;
  • Keep the microphone away from various noise sources;
  • Make the volume of the speakers as quiet as possible: not louder than necessary to hear the interlocutor;
  • If possible, eliminate all sources of noise;
  • If possible, use a specialized plug-in headset instead of built-in headphones and speakers.

Adjusting Skype settings

At the same time, to minimize the impact background noise, you can adjust the settings of the program itself. We go through the menu items sequentially Skype applications– “Tools” and “Settings...”.

Here we will work with the settings in the “Microphone” block. The fact is that by default Skype automatically adjusts the microphone volume. This means that when you speak softer, the volume of the microphone increases, when you speak louder, it decreases, and when you become silent, the volume of the microphone reaches its maximum, and therefore it begins to pick up all the extraneous noise that fills your room. Therefore, uncheck the “Allow automatic microphone setup” setting and move its volume control to the position you need. It is recommended to install it approximately in the center.

Reinstalling drivers

If your interlocutors constantly complain about excessive noise, then you should try reinstalling the recording device drivers. In this case, you only need to install the microphone manufacturer's drivers. The fact is that sometimes, especially often when updating the system, the manufacturer's drivers can be replaced standard drivers Windows, and this has a rather negative effect on the operation of devices.

Original drivers can be installed from installation disk device (if you still have one), or download from the manufacturer’s official website.

If you follow all the recommendations described above, this is guaranteed to help reduce the level of background noise. But, do not forget that sound distortion may also be caused by problems on the side of the other subscriber. In particular, it may have faulty speakers, or problems with the computer's sound card drivers.

Skype today is a popular communication tool, with it you can long time talk with friends or conduct business negotiations with partners. But sometimes some problems arise in the program. For example, I recently encountered the fact that during a conversation on Skype, an echo was heard, which interfered with a normal conversation. If you sometimes hear an echo on Skype, you are probably very interested in how to remove it. Before fixing this problem, it is important to find out on whose side the echo is occurring - on the other side or on your side.

Determining where the echo is coming from

During a conversation, when you hear an echo, ask the other person to reduce the volume on the speakers, if he uses them. Then you can ask to lower the volume level in the computer settings. Finally, restart the program and make another call. If the problems continue after this, then most likely the problem is with your computer and its settings. Therefore, it is you who needs to determine how to improve Skype so that echoes are not heard during a conversation.

Skype itself has a built-in echo canceller that can detect and reduce echoes. And if during a conversation you hear your own voice, then the problem is coming from the responding side. When the other person hears his own voice, the echo is caused by your computer.

How to solve this problem?

After identifying the source and determining why there is an echo in Skype, the problem can be resolved by performing the following steps:

  1. When using speakers, turn down their volume. The echo may be caused by their sound being too loud;
  2. Also, when using speakers, place the microphone at a large distance from them. Remember that when the distance from the speakers to the microphone is less than 20 cm, the echo becomes clearly audible;
  3. . Communication in the program with the release of new versions becomes better. In addition, there is a possibility that Skype settings have been reset. So instead of searching for the problem and how to fix it, you can get started using new version programs;

    Important! You need to download Skype from the official website of the developer.

  4. even more in a simple way to get rid of annoying echo is to use a headset instead of speakers;
  5. You should also “conjure” with the settings of the Skype program. Find the section that is related to the microphone and experiment there, especially if there is no visible reasons to create an echo. You can also do the following:
    in the folder C: Documents and Settings/Windows Username/Application Data/Skype/Username/Skype, find the config.xml file, open it in Notepad or Wordpad, find line 0 in General and replace 0 with 1, or 1 with 0;
  6. Check through what mode Skype is working in. The following may be included: “Scene”, “Opera”, so you need to uncheck them and select another mode in which echo will not occur in Skype;
  7. You should also know that echo suppression is available in the settings of your computer's sound card. Almost always configured in Windows this function you can use the Control Panel, but there is an option to use the program that comes with the drivers for the sound card.
    Go to the Start menu/Control Panel.

Select the volume control, this or a similar window will open (depending on the OS), in which you can make settings:

If you are using a stereo mixer (in addition to other audio input devices), it must be disabled. To do this, go to Options/Properties and check the box at the bottom right (under Stereo mixer).

So, by working on the volume settings on the computer itself, turning down the volume on the speakers, or putting on headphones, you can quickly deal with echo in Skype. Let your conversations be clear and pleasant!

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