Hardware and software setup

Is it possible to connect cable TV. How to independently connect and set up digital TV

How to connect cable TV for free is a question that many citizens face. There are several types of cable TV connection: paid and free; by applying to the appropriate branch in the city or independently. We will consider with you the method of independent free connection cable TV to all TVs in the apartment or house.


1. If you or your neighbors already have cable TV in your house, then it will be enough to competently carry out cable wiring work and then you will be able to watch cable TV on all TVs, enjoying beautiful channels. What is needed for this?

2. Traditionally, a satellite TV antenna is located on the roof of the house and has several channels for laying cables. If such channels are not "clogged", you can bravely proceed further.

3. The first thing to do is to purchase the right amount of cable and other devices, such as a splitter, multiswitch, diplexer and converter. All this can be bought on the market or in a specialized store.

4. The next step is wiring the cable. You should have three cables, green, yellow and red. A scarlet cable runs from the antenna to the shield, the one that is usually located on the site or at the entrance, and then from the shield to any required TV. This cable is used to acquire a satellite signal. The green cable follows the example of the first and serves to transmit the signal of the collective antenna, and the 3rd type of cable (yellow) runs from the shield to each TV in the rooms to be connected.

5. There are as many cables to the roof antenna as the number of independent points you plan to make, plus one cable (green) for the collective (terrestrial) antenna. In the future, with the help of a multiswitch, you will be able to increase the number of cables to the required one.

6. Thus, for example, for 3 TVs, you will need to run 3 cables one at a time from the roof antenna to the shield for your entire access point and plus 1 cable for the general antenna. At the same time, 3 cables should go from the shield to any point, that is, in total, 9 cables for 3 TVs. One cable for satellite signal, 2nd for terrestrial and 3rd for parallel connection.

As skill shows, in order to watch TV in any room of the apartment, it is sometimes unsatisfactory to get the TV itself. You may need an additional cable to TV, connect the one that is absolutely allowed on your own. To do this, it is not necessary to have a large reserve of technical skills behind you, because it is possible to cope with the connection by following primitive instructions.

You will need

  • television cable of the required length, fixing tools, plastic plinth (if you need to hide the cable).


1. Decide which method you will use to connect cable how many connectors you will need, and how you will hide the extra length.

2. Take cable with a connector attached to it, check the quality of the transmitted signal, perform the so-called connection diagnostics. Later, after everything is done, stretch cable to the required distance.

3. Strengthen cable special fasteners that can be purchased at a specialized store. For the cable, it is worth choosing those fasteners that will match the color of the room. Worth the stretch cable for connecting on a carpet or behind large pieces of furniture. Unable to place furniture on cable and allow it to be in a place where it will be continuously exposed to moisture, say, near flowers.

4. Hide cable into the plinth with a closed connection. Attach the plinth to the walls, then attach it to one of its parts (inner) with a special stapler cable to the plinth. Later, close it with the 2nd part. Such a plinth can be selected in accordance with the color of the floor or wall, it will last long enough. In addition, it is allowed to hide a long cable .

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If you want to connect a cable to a TV, you should pay attention to the possibility of throwing the cable from one room to another if necessary. Before connecting the cable, pay attention to the possibility of attaching several different connectors to its end, with the help of which it is possible to connect various devices to the TV.

Helpful advice
Remember that the cable that connects to your TV must meet numerous parameters. This is not only its cross section, the length that allows you to watch TV in every room of the apartment, but also the so-called aging of the cable. The fact is that approximately once every seven to nine years the cable must be changed, because there is a high-quality new leap in the development of television broadcasting special technologies. For this reason, the quality of the transmitted signal may drop, and the image may disappear and be lost during the transmission process. In addition, when connecting the cable, it is worth conducting diagnostics. Before you run the cable and connect it to the TV, you need to determine which connection method you will use - closed (in which the cable is hidden in the wall or under a special plinth) or open (the cable is primitively run under the carpet or along the walls).

Cable television is a model of television broadcasting in which the television signal is distributed with the support of a high-quality signal transmitted via cable. The development of television special technologies has led to the fact that there is a large selection of companies that provide this service.


1. To lead into your house cable TV, first of all, it is necessary to prefer a contractor company and conclude an agreement with it. Observantly study all the clauses of the contract, for example, does the cost of connection include laying a cable inside the apartment, setting up channels, technical assistance etc. Also pay attention to the order in which the contract is terminated.

2. Later, after you have entered into an agreement, you need to buy the required cable footage for laying it inside the apartment. Also get a splitter if you have several TVs in your apartment. You don't have to pay extra for this because you pay for the hotspot. The cable can be used both coaxial and fiber optic.

3. Lay the cable, it is advisable to “store” it under the plinth in order to avoid it in the future mechanical damage. Install splitters and connect the signal source to one output, and the cables that will be connected to the TV to the other.

4. If you have an add-on set-top box, connect it to your TV receiver as well. With the help of it, you can record a TV program, pause the program going to live, and continue browsing after a while from this place. Set up channels and enjoy watching.

5. It is also allowed to connect cable TV to your personal computer. Get a TV tuner. Connect it to the computer and mechanically install the right drivers. Combine TV tuner and set-top box with infrared transmitter. Next on the PC, go to "Start" and click "Run". Enter the command "Setting TV signal". In the dialog box that appears, the cable TV setup menu will be available. Program the channels you need, adjust the clarity and save. You can start watching.

Cable TV has already firmly entered the everyday life of those who like to "look into the TV box." It replaced the ethereal one, at one moment making obscene massive and clumsy television antennas. How to open your cable TV?


1. Realistically assess the prospects of opening cable television in your locality. If this is a small city, then, on the one hand, there will be virtually no rivalry, but on the other hand, the number of subscribers may be small, which will not cover all the opening costs.

2. Calculate immediately the approximate monthly fee, taking into account the pulling of the cable from the distribution center to the place of residence of the average subscriber. This distance should not exceed 4 kilometers.

3. Make a competent business plan and attract investors to your plan. But choose investors with caution. If you yourself want to manage the enterprise, and not let everything go on the brakes, transferring business management to them. Typically, such a business reaches a break-even point within 5-7 months, and building a network will take at least 3 months.

4. Register a legal entity with the tax authorities, receive statistics codes and an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Open bank accounts.

5. Conclude an agreement with a relay center in your city in case of failure satellite communications(anything happens). Sign an agreement with RAO UES.

6. Look for space for an office and editing room. It is better to rent an office space in the center. Buy all the necessary equipment, tools.

7. Interview applicants for office workers, administrators, and installers. When hiring installers, be sure to ask them to pass a small theoretical test.

8. Conclude agreements with local publications and representatives of national newspapers and magazines on the release of programs. If there is a free advertising and information publication in your city, try to negotiate with it.

It is rare that a family these days keeps one TV at home. But the antenna traditionally has one for everyone. To connect to one antenna up to 3 TVs is served by a special device - the so-called CRAB.


1. Purchase a CRAB device (Cable Splitter for Subscriber Household) from a hardware store that has one input and three outputs. Instead, it is allowed to purchase a similar imported splitter. Especially common among them are Polish and German.

2. When choosing a splitter, pay attention to the upper limit of its frequency range. Cable operators today often, due to lack of space, use the highest frequency channels in the UHF range. Not every TV is able to tune in to them, and the manufacturers of splitters may not be aware of the existence of these channels at all. The boundaries of the frequency range are traditionally indicated on the body of the device or in its instructions.

3. Run the cables from all 3 TVs to where the appliance is to be installed. Install antenna plugs at the ends of all cables on the TV side, but televisions don't connect them yet. It is also significant that the plugs are not connected during installation to any of their units, on the contrary, you can be hit by the current passing through the noise suppression capacitors of their power supplies. Select the very place of installation of the device so that the cable from the antenna reaches it.

4. Connect cables to the CRAB itself, depending on its design. Some of them have sockets designed for connecting ordinary plugs - then all cables must also be provided with plugs on the side of the splitter. Other devices (mostly German, by Luxmann) are equipped with screw sockets. In this case, first put a nut on the cable and only then strip it. After that, insert the central core into the hole of the screw socket, then screw the nut in such a way that the braid is pressed against the body by this nut. For the CRAB of a classic design, remove the cover, after which, depending on its model, solder the braids and the central cores of the cables into the pads prepared for them, or fix them with screws.

5. In all cases, connect the cable from the antenna to the input jack or combination of terminals, and the rest to the output.

6. Connect the plugs to those disconnected from the mains televisions(if VCRs, players and other devices are connected to them, disconnect them as well), and then plug them back into the network. Make sure that a good signal from the antenna is received by all three units.

Television is one of the most widespread means mass media available even in the most remote corners of our country. However, the act of carrying out television broadcasting is licensed in accordance with federal law"About connection".


1. If you decide to open cable television, be prepared for the fact that the first step is to acquire a license. This is an indispensable process for television broadcast operators. You can obtain a license for communication services for the purposes of cable broadcasting both for individual settlements and for entire subjects of the Russian Federation.

2. To purchase a license, contact the department Federal Service on supervision in communications, information special technologies and mass communications. This body is abbreviated as Roskomnadzor. They accept applications, consider them and issue licenses. Please note that only legal entities. If you are registered as an individual entrepreneur, you will have to register as a legal entity.

3. The process of acquiring a license for telecommunications services for cable television purposes is not too difficult. You need to submit the following documents to Roskomnadzor: - a certificate of state registration of a legal entity; - constituent documents; - an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities no later than 3 months; - certificates of media registration for a TV program or an agreement with a media founder; - payment documents for paying state duties; - an operator license (for communication services for cable broadcasting) or an agreement with such an operator. Copies of all listed documents must be notarized.

4. For the provision of a communication license for the purposes of cable broadcasting, you will have to pay a state fee of 2,600 rubles. Consideration of the application in Roskomnadozre is carried out within 75 days. After the decision is made, a notification will be sent to you, which will indicate the license number. From this moment you can start working. At ease the license form is produced within 45 days after the decision.

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Anyone contemplating setting up a cable television network has a lot of details to consider. Some of the points to consider lie on the surface, but many significant nuances can slip out of sight. In order for the plan to have a sensation and be in demand, start it with planning. An excellent business plan will allow you to quickly assess how profitable cable television will be.


1. Assess the demand for cable television in the area where you plan to create it. Interest in this type of service can today be shown by the inhabitants of small settlements, remote from regional centers and large cities. We are talking about rural settlements and urban-type settlements. The payback period for cable television traditionally ranges from 3 to 9 months.

2. Conduct a survey among the inhabitants of the settlement in order to find out their enthusiasm for the availability of cable television. Estimate the approximate subject matter of the proposed broadcast. Consider also the tier of solvency of the population, this will help to correct the section of the business plan related to financial planning.

3. Determine in the first sections of the plan what exactly the cable operator will offer subscribers, what are the goals and future prospects for organizing television. Consider the admissible metamorphoses in the special technologies of cable broadcasting, which can happen within the next 3-5 years.

4. Estimate the market size of the service. Answer the following questions: what kind of customer will cable broadcasting be aimed at, does the market have growth potential, are there competitors and what are your competitive advantages (low subscription fees, more choice of programming broadcasting and so on).

5. Determine how the service will be provided. How wide infrastructure will be required for the organization of cable television in these conditions? What is the approximate length of communication networks? Are there unremovable technical obstacles to the implementation of the plan? Try to take into account the largest possible number of acceptable "pitfalls".

6. Consider the sources of content for television channels. Determine what kind of equipment is required for this. Find out who will be able to provide communication channels for data transmission and telephony.

7. Determine the staffing needs of the plan. Appoint a person who will carry out the organization of the current affairs on cable television. Pick a person who will be able to deal with the technical side of broadcasting, including the elimination of permissible failures and malfunctions in the system.

8. Draw up an estimate for the television organization and include it in the financial part of the plan. Identify primary and secondary funding sources. Calculate the approximate payback period of the plan, taking into account risk factors and allowable force majeure, including the fall in demand for services and the origin of rivalry. Later, the data of the main points of the plan together proceed to its implementation.

Satellite TV provides an opportunity to watch a lot of Russian and foreign TV channels in high quality. The digital format, ahead of the usual analog broadcasting in every indicator, guarantees the acquisition of good picture and sound. The basic set of satellite television consists of an antenna, a connecting cable, a converter and a receiver.

There are two types of satellite dishes: offset and direct focus. From the diameter of the antenna, which can be from 60 centimeters to 3 meters, its probabilities depend, such as the quality of the received signal, the number of channels, the probability of receiving a signal from several satellites. A large diameter antenna will need to be bought for those who live in areas with poor satellite coverage, unable to provide a signal of the required power. The satellite dish should point south, so if your apartment is facing south, you can place the dish casually near the window. Everyone else will have to place an antenna on the roof of the house. In addition, in the direction of receiving the signal, the antenna should not be hindered by any obstacles, as it were, tree branches. The converter is a receiving device that converts the satellite signal and transmits it to the receiver via a cable. The converter, the combined parts of which are a highly stable local oscillator and a signal preamplifier, is mounted on an external bracket focused by a satellite dish. Receiving devices differ depending on the input frequency range, the type of polarization received, the number of outputs and the noise figure. The core functional component of the satellite television set is the receiver - a device that decodes the satellite signal and transmits it to a television device for display. To watch free channels, the simplest inexpensive receiver will be enough. More expensive models with card readers and a hard drive are designed to watch paid packages and record the programs you watch. In addition to the above devices, you will need to buy a connecting cable through which the satellite signal received by the antenna will be transmitted to the receiver. If the distance between the antenna and the tuner is less than 15 meters, any RG-6 type cable will work for you.

To date, the services of companies that provide cable TV connections are used by more and more people. Cable television itself is a model of television broadcasting, the signal of which is transmitted on high frequencies, but the signal itself is transmitted using a special cable .. If you do not need similar services more, then the procedure for terminating the contract is as follows.


1. Observantly read the terms of the contract (or contract), the one that was concluded when connecting cable television.

2. Call the office of the company that was involved in connecting cable television and put on the popularity of the administrator that you intend to refuse this type of service. Some companies allow you to terminate services casually over the phone.

3. Go to your cable company's website and download a special cable TV opt-out form. In this form, fill in all the mandatory fields (these are the last name, first name and patronymic of the person for whom the cable television connection agreement was drawn up, address of residence), if necessary, indicate the reason for the refusal.

4. Visit the office of the company that is the direct provider of the cable television connection and provision service and write a statement on the refusal to use cable television. Register the application in the journal of incoming documents.

5. After 3 business days after submitting an application to cancel the purchase of cable television services, verify that the provision of these services was actually stopped (to avoid penalties for non-payment).

6. Pay all applicable charges incurred by the operator (i.e. the company that provided cable TV connection services). Write a statement of refusal to use these services, and disconnection from cable television will be carried out no later than one business day from the purchase and registration of this announcement.

Helpful advice
Feel free to call the company a second time if it seems to you that the disconnection from the service did not happen. It's just respectful insistence of everyone.
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You should be aware that for any connection point you will need to buy an additional receiver + access card, which traditionally makes up a large part of the cost of each system. It is consequently appropriate to connect in one apartment - 1-2 TVs, because you will not be watching 5 or more at the same time.

Russia is actively moving from analog to digital TV. In principle, this is a completely natural process, since the improved signal transmission format allows you to broadcast the highest quality image. All users are concerned about how to connect digital television.

To begin with, this is an accessible standard, not some privileged feature. Note that today each user has access to about 20 free TV channels, depending on the region.

You need to set up digital TV broadcasting at least because you can watch your favorite channels with clear sound and high-quality images. However, first you have to purchase special equipment.

Channels in digital format are broadcast in packages, which are commonly called multiplexes. At this stage, Russian subscribers are offered 2 free multiplexes, each of which has 10 TV channels.

Benefits of Digital TV

Digital TV is a new signal transmission technology that delivers high quality images and pure sound. Connecting digital television opens up completely new opportunities for each user, for example, you can watch broadcasts in HD quality. Naturally, analog TV cannot boast of this.

The concept of the technology under consideration is as simple and clear as possible. Picture and sound are transmitted on radio waves as separate streams. In general, this process resembles the connection between a computer and the Internet. Therefore, digital TV can be compared with watching YouTube from a computer.

In addition, precisely due to this algorithm providers will be able to send much more TV and radio programs. A large number of channels is far from the only advantage. The functionality, in principle, has noticeably expanded, interactive TV has appeared. You can pause your favorite show or record to your hard drive.

The main advantages of the new television signal transmission technology:

  • high image quality;
  • clear and rich sound;
  • broadcasting of medical content in HD format;
  • available different language versions of one program;
  • blocking pre-selected TV channels.

Connecting a digital TV antenna is at least because everything modern models TVs are designed to play HD content. Ordinary analog air is simply not capable of transmitting such data. At a minimum, there are enough free multiplexes. Therefore, you do not have to pay to watch your favorite channels.

What you need to connect digital TV

In order to connect the "digit" to your TV and fully use the main advantages of this format, you first need to spend a certain amount of money on the purchase of appropriate equipment.

The situation will be noticeably simplified if you use a TV with a built-in T2 adapter. As a rule, only modern models are equipped with them. In other cases, you have to additionally buy a receiver, and sometimes change the antenna. In order for all elements to work correctly, they must be connected with a cable.

How is digital television connected through a TV? Where to begin? If you live in a multi-storey building and are connected to a collective television antenna, then you first need to find out if it is adapted to receive a digital signal.

Ask your neighbors - it is likely that they are already enjoying all the main advantages of the “numbers”. In this case, the collective antenna is suitable, and you do not have to change it. It remains only to purchase a set-top box and set up a home television network.

What is needed to connect the "digit"? We list in detail the necessary equipment.


If you live near a television tower, then you can receive a signal using the most ordinary indoor decimeter antenna. AT otherwise you will have to change the wave receiver, give preference to a simple directional model. In addition, it is very important to correctly position the antenna on the tower for high-quality DVB-T2 reception.


In the process of choosing an antenna, questions will arise regarding the appropriateness of signal amplification. If you have previously used amplifiers, then you should not refuse such a practice even if you connect the “numbers”. A good amplifier will provide high-quality signal reception even in places that are extremely far from television towers.

Broadband antennas amplify not only the power of the T2 band, but also all radio waves with similar frequencies - sometimes this prevents the desired signal from being decoded. Therefore, if the reception is good, then the amplifier should not be used. Sometimes his connection is harmful, not beneficial.

When connecting digital channels, many people buy amplifiers with a 12 V power supply. However, in accordance with T2 standards, latest models receivers give out a voltage of 5 V. Therefore, in active antennas that are designed for the DVB-T2 format, the amplifiers operate on a voltage of 5 V when directly connected to the set-top box. This is a budget and practical solution. First of all, an additional power source is eliminated.


The set of equipment for digital TV must necessarily include a receiver. This device performs the functions of a decoder. Tuners are characterized by maximum practicality and ease of operation. Basic buttons are located on the front panel, but the main tool for controlling the device is a remote control.

The decoder functions correctly together with the TV. In order to qualitatively set up the broadcasting of channels and connect the device, it is necessary that the decoder be equipped with an HDMI interface and support the HD format. Otherwise, even HD channels will be no different from standard analog quality.


Connecting equipment for viewing digital TV is carried out using a cable, so it is also an integral element of the whole structure. Receivers are connected to old TVs via an RCA tulip or Scart input, and to modern TVs via an HDMI interface. Therefore, in any case, you will need a cord with the appropriate connectors.

To get a high-quality image with high resolution, you need to connect the TV to the set-top box via HDMI. RCA and Scart connectors do not support HD format, therefore, the picture will be the same as with analog TV. In some situations, an HDMI cable is included in the basic package of the tuner, but still more often you have to buy it separately.

The antenna is connected to the receiver using a coaxial cable, again, you can find it in absolutely any store. We connect the coaxial cable through one of the available connectors: RFIN, RF-In, RF imput. Fasten the plug well at the end of the wire, the quality of the broadcast image depends on it.

Connecting digital terrestrial television

If you use an old TV, then you will need a special receiver to connect the "numbers". The new models are equipped with T2 adapters, we have already talked about this earlier, therefore, you do not need to buy additional equipment for them. Be sure to check if the built-in module works according to the MPEG-4 standard, which is valid in Russia.

To learn how to connect digital terrestrial television, you first need to select a signal reception method.

  1. Connecting the "numbers" through the most common common antenna, which is installed on the roof of your house or in the entrance.
  2. You can also watch TsETV by connecting cable TV. This service is provided by many providers.

We will first consider the first option, since it is more practical and less expensive. If you do not have a common antenna, proceed to the next step in choosing and buying an antenna.

Digital terrestrial television allows you to set up about 20 free channels - 2 multiplexes. Of course, the cable TV provider will offer much more, but you will have to pay for it.

It is likely that a third multiplex will appear soon, which will also be free, but for now this question is up in the air. Firstly, the Russian infrastructure is not designed for a very large broadcast range. Secondly, there are certain problems associated with the lack of frequencies. Experts believe that 2018 will be a turning point in the issue of abandoning analog television. Accordingly, the number of free channels will be finally fixed.

Now consider the intricacies of the transition from analog to digital television. Conventionally, the process can be divided into 5 stages, consider each of them.

Antenna selection and installation

If you plan to independently set up a connection to digital television, then you need to start with the choice of an antenna. First, remember that there is no single universal solution, so the model should be bought based on the individual characteristics of the house / apartment. Secondly, you can always install an antenna that can receive a signal even in remote regions.

The most attractive option is an ordinary indoor antenna, but as practice shows, its power is not enough. Predominantly, interference occurs, which will appear every time trucks pass near the house.

Even if a powerful integrated amplifier is used, it will be extremely difficult to achieve high-quality reception, since obstacles dampen the waves. indoor antennas can only be used if you are in an ideal location - near the tower, and the window is directed to the repeater.

External signal reception is a more efficient solution, especially compared to an indoor antenna. The wave range passes through the walls of the house, but the signal quality suffers significantly because of this. An external antenna will provide a strong signal.

Which antenna is better to choose: active or passive? To answer this question, you need to consider how far it is from the DVB-T2 tuner. Practice shows that a passive model is often enough. It is not equipped with an auxiliary amplifier, although the cable length is very short. Active antennas are equipped with a built-in signal amplifier.

Determination of the location of the television tower

To find the nearest tower, you need to study the map of digital TV in Russia. Add the name of your locality through the search menu, and then estimate the distance and direction to the nearest signal transmitter. Naturally, you also need to take into account the parameters of broadcasting.

Setting the equipment according to signal reception quality

Reception zone - maintaining a high quality of signal transmission, regardless of third-party factors:

  • weather;
  • solar Activity;
  • season;
  • temperature;
  • air humidity level;
  • Times of Day.

If the transmitter is in the line of sight, then reliable signal reception is guaranteed. The main thing is to direct the antenna correctly.

As for the remote zone from the TV tower, there are often problems with signal transmission. Outside the sure zone, radio waves are obscured by the earth's surface, so it is difficult to tune in to a TV broadcast.

According to official data, the problem is solved by the correct placement of transmitters, in other words, new towers are being built. In any case, in an area far from the transmitter, the quality of the signal will depend on the weather conditions. Therefore, it is so important to fix the antenna in the right direction and fix it securely.

To receive signals over a long distance with minimal loss of quality, use large antennas that differ from analogues in a more complicated design. Subscribers located in a remote area must select the optimal equipment design, guided by the maximum gain. At the same time, the dimensions of the structure should remain minimal. Usually the problem is solved by using directed models.

Setting up antenna and television equipment

To complete the digital connection, you first need to connect the equipment with a special cable. After that, you can connect the TV and receiver to the mains. Position the antenna away from the nearest transmitter.

The process of setting up the decoder is simplified as much as possible, so there will absolutely no problems with connection or control. On average, all work takes about half an hour, for a correct connection, follow the recommendations prescribed in the instructions.

After the first launch, the “Autoinstall” assistant menu will open, here the installation of the most important parameters that determine the operation of the receiver. The labeled buttons on the remote control will help you step by step setup equipment.

Once the antenna is pointed and connected, and the receiver is set up, you need to make sure that all cables have been connected correctly. Then turn on the TV.

Channel search (automatic or manual)

Most users prefer to tune channels automatically. To do this, open the menu and go to the "Auto Search" section. Do not turn on the equipment until the scan is complete. If channels are not found, then the receiver is not receiving a signal from the antenna.

Try moving the antenna, and then start the auto scan process again. Check the signal quality by changing the position of the antenna. Do this until you have tuned the TV channels of the desired multiplex.

As for alternatives, it's worth returning to the main menu, and then going to the "manual search" section. On some models of equipment, this function may be called a little differently. A list will be displayed on the TV screen, in which you need to manually enter data on television broadcasting, frequency, then you must confirm the search. Properly performed manual tuning - the presence of 20 free channels in excellent quality.

Digital cable TV connection

To connect cable TV in the "figure", you should use a universal receiver. In some situations, users buy a digital cable box. Such devices are equipped with an additional PCMCIA connector for connecting the CAM module, which contains a pay TV access card. Naturally, one must first choose one of tariff plans offered by the provider.

Many modern smart TVs are already equipped with a built-in PCMCIA slot, so there is no need to purchase additional equipment.

To correctly read the CAM board, it is desirable to use a high-quality card reader, however, devices of this type are used much less often, since users often prefer hybrid digital receivers.

To connect digital TV to your TV, just follow the instructions from the provider. As for channel settings, you can use the recommendations given earlier. Mostly receivers work on a similar principle, problems should not arise. The only difference is that when connecting digital cable TV, it is not the RF wire that is used, but the provider's cord.

Connecting two or more TVs to one set-top box

The ideal option is to connect one TV to one set-top box. Therefore, the best solution would be to purchase separate receivers for TV devices. Naturally, this will not be the most budgetary way to solve the problem. The user connects a cable to a splitter, and then from each input it goes to separate receivers. The connection scheme is as simple and clear as possible.

If you wish, you can connect a second TV to one set-top box, for this you just need to use all available interfaces. For example, through HDMI we connect the first device, and with the help of "tulips" the second.

Connecting digital TV according to this principle is not the most the best way because both TVs will receive the same signal. In other words, the picture is synchronized, you cannot watch different TV channels at the same time.

An additional solution to the problem is to purchase an RF modulator that will feed individual decoded signals to the TVs. However, the cost of such a device is much higher than the price of a conventional receiver.


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Features of the Personal Account

Easy access. You do not need to waste time specifying your data for the initial registration in your Personal Account: the Internet provider of Moscow and the Moscow region (Vidnoe, Razvilka, State Farm named after Lenin, Moskovsky, etc.) the site provides the necessary information (login and password) in the registration card when connection to the Internet, digital television or cable broadcasting. To gain access to the Personal Account, you additionally need to enter only an email address. If you have not indicated passport data in the registration card, you will need to fill in the appropriate fields at the entrance.

Wide range of services. In the Personal Account, subscribers can view information about the balance, the history of operations with the account (credits, debits of funds). Internet provider in Moscow and the Moscow region (Vidnoye, Razvilka, State Farm named after Lenin, Moskovsky, etc.) the site provides you with the opportunity to pay for home Internet and digital television services bank card, via mobile phone, download empty payment orders, and also offers the following services: "Promised payment", adding traffic, connecting the Parental Control package, contacting the technical support center, financial and subscriber departments.

Currently, many citizens of the country have cable television. Those who do not yet have cable TV would probably like to connect it. After all, thanks to it, you can increase the number of channels to a hundred or more, among which there are specialized channels, for example, "Hunting and Fishing", the HD Traveler travel channel and many others. In this regard, we will tell you how you can connect cable TV.

Do-it-yourself cable TV connection

By connecting the cable to the TV yourself, you can not only save money, but also gain an interesting experience. In order to connect the cable, you just need to connect it to the TV connector. Please note that the cable must already be ready for connection. As a rule, the finished cable has an f-connector connected.

There are more complex cases of connecting cable television. Its essence lies in the fact that you will not have one cable, but three: yellow, green and red.

  1. The red cable will need to be run from the antenna to the shield. After connecting this cable to the shield, you will need to lay it further to the TV.
  2. The green cable must be laid in exactly the same way.
  3. The yellow cable goes only to the TV. If you want to connect several TVs to cable TV, then you will need a special device called a multiswitch.
  4. Please note that if the cable length exceeds 100 meters, then you will need a signal amplifier. Also, experts use a special converter that converts the analog signal to digital. Usually the cable can be hidden behind the baseboard or fixed along the wall.

Connecting cable TV provider

To begin with, you should find out which companies serve your home. We are talking about provider companies that provide a cable TV connection service. When choosing a company, pay attention not only to the price, but also to the package of services provided.

Many providers that connect cable television may provide different service packages. Some of them, in addition to cable TV, connect both the telephone and the Internet. Plus Additional services from company.

Moreover, the user cannot refuse any particular service included in a particular package. Typically, providing cable connection occurs at fixed rates or subscription fees. Also, do not forget that when choosing a contractor, you need to pay attention to customer reviews.

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