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My classmates page - tips and secrets. Useful tips Odnoklassniki useful tips for patients

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30 amazing tips for your irresistibility and health

1. To combat wrinkles, lubricate your face with honey.
2. It is useful to apply castor oil before going to bed.
3. For hair loss, rub burdock infusion into the scalp.
4. Lubricate your hands and elbows with the rest of the squeezed lemon.
5. If the skin on your hands is rough, rub starch into the rough areas.
6. A small amount of starch can be used as powder.
7. To dry oily hair, rub black tea into your scalp every day or every other day.
8. It is useful to exfoliate the body from coffee grounds, the required amount of which can be collected in a few days.
9. Freshly squeezed sea buckthorn juice is recommended as a mask for dry skin (1-1.5 tablespoons).
10. Hair will turn mahogany color if you add 3-4 tablespoons of cocoa to the henna package when dyeing.
11. For baldness, rub jojoba oil into the scalp every day.
12. An infusion of elderflower flowers whitens, softens and tones dry skin.
13. To moisturize dry and sensitive skin, apply jojoba oil mixed with a small amount of water to your face at night.
14. If your nails darken, regularly drink one tablespoon of cucumber pickle half an hour before meals.
15. To improve complexion, make masks from a mixture of honey and salt, which have a rejuvenating effect.
16. Lavender and tea tree essential oils are natural antiseptics that help fight acne.
17. Morning and evening, wipe your face with tea brewed in mineral water with a lump of sugar. Suitable for any skin.
18. Regularly drinking mint tea gives your facial skin a fresh and rosy tint.
19. It is useful to lubricate eyebrows and eyelashes with castor oil or a mixture of castor oil and rum.
20. For deep cleansing of facial skin, use beaten egg yolk and lemon juice. Apply to face in layers.
21. To soften your hands, rub a mixture of equal parts vinegar and vegetable oil into them.
22. Before going to bed, lubricate your face and hands with a mixture of equal parts olive oil and lemon juice.
23. To cleanse your face, use a mixture of dry oatmeal with water and plain yogurt.
24. A mask made from grated apple and a small amount of honey helps with acne.
25. During pregnancy, lubricate your belly with cocoa butter to prevent stretch marks.
26. Dilute fresh Kalanchoe juice with water (1:3) and make lotions for allergies.
27. Iranian folk remedy for strengthening hair - a mask of colorless henna diluted with warm kefir.
28. To strengthen hair, rub boiled buckwheat.
29. For thin hair, make a mask from one beaten yolk and a tablespoon of vegetable oil.
30. In case of hair loss, an hour before washing, rub a mixture of equal amounts of castor oil and rum into the scalp.

An effective way to combat hair loss at home

So, you will need:

1 ampoule of vitamin B6;
1 ampoule of vitamin B12;
1g. vitamin C (sold in bags);
2 tbsp. l. castor or burdock oil;
2 tbsp. l. honey (heat in a water bath);
2 tbsp. l. any hair balm.

Mix everything. Apply to hair 1 hour before washing, first to the roots, and then distribute evenly over the entire length. We put a cap on the head and wrap it with a towel (we achieve the “sauna” effect).

This mask washes off very well, the oil is easily washed out due to the fact that it contains a balm.

Give it a try. Let your hair be healthy and beautiful!

Tips and Secrets of classmates (

How to delete your page on Odnoklassniki

Hundreds of users daily social network classmates are asking the question “How to delete your page on the site?” Even after carefully studying all the menu items in Odnoklassniki, many still fail to achieve their goal. The reason for the failure is that the link to delete the page in Odnoklassniki is hidden from ordinary users. Nevertheless, there is still a way to delete your Odnoklassniki page.

Little Secrets of the odnoklassniki site

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How to find a star on the Odnoklassniki website - star catalog

It's no secret that hundreds of thousands of fans in Odnoklassniki search for their idols' pages on the social network every day. However, finding a star among thousands of clones is quite difficult, and therefore Odnoklassniki created a special catalog of stars.

How to protect your Odnoklassniki page from hacking

Paradoxical as it may seem, in 70% of cases, it is your own fault that your Odnoklassniki page is hacked. And all because you neglected simple rules security. So, what do you need to protect yourself from hacking?

How to create your own group in Odnoklassniki

Class button - classmates pleased the site builders!

Free gifts in Odnoklassniki

In this article we will look at the basic operations of “My Page” in Odnoklassniki, and also give some tips on working with it. In addition, we will tell you about the secrets of Odnoklassniki that you did not know about.

How to create your own page in OK

  • Enter in address bar or otherwise log in to home page this social network.
  • Next to the authorization form there will be a “Registration” button. Click it.
  • You are now on the profile creation page. Here you need to correctly (but not necessarily truthfully) fill out all the fields, from your first and last name to your created unique password. The password must consist of numbers and Latin letters. It should be quite complex according to the system.
  • Double-check the information you entered and click “Register.” As a result, the profile will be created, and you will find yourself on your personal page in OK.

Tip: When creating an account, you must accept Terms of use and give the go-ahead and use of credentials. You can deliberately create a profile with someone else’s first and last name, the social network allows this. But then your friends won’t be able to find you in OK using search. And this is exactly how people look for old friends on Odnoklassniki.

How to change your profile photo

If you are tired of your avatar photo in Odnoklassniki, replace it. This is done in a couple of clicks.

  • Hover your cursor over the photo in the upper left corner of your personal page. A line will appear at the bottom of the photo with links to comments and the words “Change photo.” Click on the inscription.
  • In the window that opens, you can select a new photo from those already uploaded to your profile.
  • If you don’t like anything from this list, then click the “Add Photo” button. A browser window will open where you can select and upload a photo from your own PC or mobile device. Choose a photo good quality.
  • The image you select will be automatically cropped to a square size. If you are satisfied with the cropping result, click “Close”. If the photo was cropped unsuccessfully, then click “Edit”.
  • In the window that opens, drag the square frame to crop it properly. In the window next to you you can evaluate the appearance of the photo on the page.

How to restore access to the page

If hacking is suspected, the profile is automatically blocked. This is done in the interests of the OK user and the safety of data on his page. You will learn about problems when trying to log into your own account: you enter the correct password and login, and the system prompts you to go through the password recovery procedure.

The recovery procedure depends on which method you chose. If according to phone number, then an SMS with a code will be sent to the number specified in your profile in 3-5 minutes. If you use an email, a recovery link will be sent to it. By following this link or entering the code, you will be able to change the hacked password.

How to delete a profile in Odnoklassniki from a computer and Android/iOS mobile phone/tablet

The algorithm for deleting your own account depends on whether you are doing it from a desktop PC or from a mobile device.

Removing an account from a PC

  • Log in to your own profile. Find the “Regulations” link at the bottom of your page. Click.
  • You will be on the page license agreement. At the very bottom there is a link “Refuse services”. Click it.
  • In response, a window will appear where you will be asked to select the reason for deletion. Select one of the reasons and enter your own password below. Then select "Delete Permanently."

Deleting an account in OK from a mobile device

Blocking and deleting a profile from a smartphone or tablet is a bit of a problem because mobile versions, regardless of Android or iOS, do not have a deletion function. But you can go from mobile version to a landline. To do this, open the navigation menu on the left of the page and select “Full version of the site.” After full version will load, proceed as described above.

If you are using mobile app OK on your mobile device, then you need to delete this application before complete removal profile. For this

on Android:

  • go to the “Settings” panel. In it, open “Applications”. Select the "OK" application you are interested in.
  • Sequentially click “Stop”, “Erase data” and “Clear cache”.
  • To the system’s question “Delete the application?” answer positively.
  • Confirm deletion.

On iOS:

  • Tap on the OK application icon located on the desktop. Hold it.
  • When the icon “moves”, press the cross.
  • Confirm deletion.

How to restore an account in OK after deleting it from PC and mobile

When deleting a profile, you are warned that this process is irreversible. But in reality, of course, the profile can be restored. After all, it could have been deleted by mistake or without your knowledge. So, if your OK account was:

  • hacked,
  • blocked by the administration,
  • deleted by you, after which you regretted it,

then try to restore it. In each case, you need to contact the resource administration for assistance.

If you deleted your account yourself, then you will have to pretend to the support service that hackers did it. Write a request to the support service, in which you indicate the email for contact and describe the problem in the “Text of the request”. You need to select “Profile deleted or blocked” as the topic. And in the text of the ticket, be sure to write that you did not delete the account and you don’t know who deleted it. If the administration then refuses to restore the profile, then start creating a new one.

If the account is blocked by the administration, then you also need to create a request to technical support describing the problem. You need to act as in the previous case.

If you cannot log into your profile as a result of hacking, then you need to go through password recovery. Naturally, for this you need to know the email, phone, login used in OK, Old Password. Go to the password recovery page and follow the instructions there.

How to create, edit, administer and delete a group in Odnoklassniki from PC and mobile

To get started, go to the “Groups” tab, which is located in the menu on the left of your personal page. You will find there all the groups that you have personally subscribed to. On the left under the site header there is a button “Create a group...”. Click and select type:

  • Public page
  • Company or organization
  • Enterprise, institution, place
  • Interest group, for friends,
  • Famous person
  • Event.

The process differs slightly depending on which type you choose. In fact, there are only two creation algorithms: “for business” and “for interests.”

Creating a page “by interests”

A form opens to fill out, where you need to enter:

  • Name,
  • A succinct description (200 characters) of the group being created,
  • Conditions of participation (open or closed),
  • Logo picture.

To place a picture, select it in advance, click on the camera image and select the prepared logo in the browser. When you see the logo in the corresponding window, click “Create”.

Tip for preparing the picture: it should be square and small in size. The optimal size is 200x200 pixels.

We create a page for commercial purposes

If you select the type “Enterprise...”, or “Public page”, or “Company...”, the form to fill out will be longer. It includes the items “Type of activity” and “Category”. It is also suggested to fill in the field with contact information. There you can enter the address, website, email, phone numbers of the organization.

Adjusting settings

On the group page, on the left under the header, there is a small settings panel. It includes the items “Basic” and “Publicity Settings”. In “Basic” you can change all previously entered parameters, including type, logo and description. In “Publicity Settings” you can allow/prohibit users to set a topic, upload videos, add photo albums, etc. Go there immediately after creating a group. Allow video downloads. For privacy, check the “Hide administration” and “Publication author from admin” checkboxes. indicate group"

The group is ready, and now it should be filled with interesting information and promoted in every possible way. You are an administrator. You can change its settings in the corresponding menu, change the logo and conditions, create and delete photo albums. If you run a closed group, then your concern will be sending out invitations to new people. You can also appoint moderators or delete your group.

Once there are more than 10 thousand participants, you can set a “homemade”, completely unique theme for it. Until then, you'll have to be content with one of the standard themes.

How to change status on WAP

Do you want to prank your friends: show that you logged into OK from a tablet or mobile phone, when in fact you are sitting at desktop computer? We'll tell you how:

In the browser line where the address is, enter After that, press enter and wait for the authorization request. When you log into Odnoklassniki again, it will appear as if you did so from a mobile device.

How to view someone else's private profile

I really want to look into someone else's closed profile. What to do? Try creating a clone page under someone else's name. Add the person whose page you want to see as a friend of the clone. If that doesn't work, try something more complicated:

  • Make a private account, log in,
  • Remove the network cable from the board, turn off the Internet for 15 - 20 minutes,
  • After connecting to the network, disable profile locking. In this case, a long address will appear in the address field. Add =open to it at the end. Now try to log into the private profile of another user OK.

How to give everyone a 5+

The only way to do this is to purchase the corresponding service on OK. Then you can give the highest score to at least all your friends without exception. And they will reciprocate your feelings.

How to find out the user registration date

Want to know how long a person has been registered with OK? Then log in from a mobile device or simulate it (see above). A WAP connection makes it possible, after authorization, to go to the Profile of the user you are interested in and see there his date of birth and date of registration in the OK social network. Naturally, this person should be added to your friends. It is also necessary for the person to have an avatar in their profile. Otherwise nothing will work.

Favorite “secret” cutlets My whole family loves my cutlets. But the fact that our grandson fell in love with them is a mystery to me! He's such a picky eater. At any time of the day, he doesn’t refuse only sweets and grandma’s cutlets! So I want to offer you my own version, it has its own “zest”. It will be delicious! Ingredients: 1-1.5 kg of minced meat (I have pork + beef) 3-4 medium potatoes (raw) 3-4 onions 1 bun (or white bread) 1 egg milk salt, pepper, mustard, vegetable. oil Preparation: Grind the potatoes and onions in a blender (can be passed through a meat grinder). Break the bun (bread) into pieces and soak in milk until they are completely covered. Allow the bread to swell and absorb the liquid. Without squeezing the milk, add the bread to the minced meat, I even pour all the milk with the crumbs here. Add the egg, contents of the blender, salt and pepper to taste... but do not oversalt... I add 1 more tablespoon of mustard. But don’t overdo it either...the amount depends on the strength. For me it is not spicy, medium spicy. Knead the minced meat well, adding 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. And you can let it rest a little (like the dough). At least 10 minutes. Heat a small amount of vegetable oil. With wet hands we form cutlets, place them in a frying pan, then reduce the heat and fry our cutlets. When they are browned on one side, turn them over and cover the pan with a lid. Now our cutlets are fried (the second side) and stewed. Previously, I fried them, and then stewed them in gravy. Now this is no longer necessary. The cutlets turn out soft and juicy!


Classes 590

KOREAN BEETS* UNCOMPETITIONAL APPETIZER This appetizer could be a hit in your kitchen. It is prepared from beets and is a storehouse of vitamins. We need: 3 raw beets 1 onion 1 piece garlic 3 cloves cilantro seeds 1 teaspoon ground red pepper quarter teaspoon vinegar 1 - 0.5 tablespoons Grate the raw beets, add a little salt and add vinegar. Leave to marinate for 2 – 3 hours. After which, drain the resulting juice. Fry the onion in vegetable oil until dark golden brown and remove from the pan (we no longer need it). You need to pour this oil, still warm, over our pickled beets and immediately add chopped garlic (preferably put through a press), red pepper and ground cilantro seeds. You can add just a drop of sugar for a brighter taste. Bon appetit!

Comments 8

Classes 341

GARLIC TINCTURE FROM HUNDRED DISEASES. Place 12 cloves of garlic in a transparent bottle, each divided into 4 parts. Pour three glasses of red wine. Close and place on the sunny side of the window for two weeks. Shake 2-3 times every day. Then strain and pour into a dark bottle. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day for a month. A miraculous remedy to remove salts from the body, increase efficiency, cleanse the blood, improve immunity, and strengthen blood vessels. It greatly strengthens the heart, cleanses the blood and tones the body. Removes excess fats and improves metabolism. Indispensable for women's diseases and inflammations. Gently cleanses the entire body of harmful deposits.

Comments 6

Classes 394

Every year I harvest currant leaves - this is an excellent medicine for the kidneys and joints. There will be no rheumatism or gout! A large amount of vitamins C, K, P make black currant unique for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis, especially of the aorta. In this dry list, the unique property of black currant is to stimulate the adrenal cortex when their function is impaired by Addison's disease, and these disorders are not easy to correct even with powerful hormonal agents. An infusion of currant leaves, when properly dosed, removes excess uric and oxalic acid, which makes the treatment of gout and rheumatism effective. For those suffering from kidney disease, I advise you to pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into 3 tablespoons. chopped blackcurrant leaves, strain after 15-20 minutes, squeeze out the leaves, bring the infusion to a boil, add 2 tbsp. currants and let steep until cool. Drink 0.5 cups, eating berries. Drink it all in a day. Prepare fresh infusion daily. The course of treatment is 1 month. You will improve not only your kidneys, but your entire body. Neuralgia recedes if 4 tbsp. Mix dried blackcurrant leaves thoroughly with chopped zest of 1.5 lemons and 3 tbsp. dry lemon balm herb, pour 500 ml of boiling water over the mixture, leave for 6 hours, strain and drink 100 ml half an hour before meals. Rheumatism, gout. The following infusion gives results: pour 10-12 pieces of leaves with 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave until cool. Drink half a glass 4-6 times a day. Addison's disease, stimulation of the adrenal cortex. Grind thin stems and leaves. 2 tablespoons per 2 cups of boiling water, leave until cool. Drink a third of a glass 5-6 times a day 30-40 minutes after meals. Tuberculosis of the lymph nodes. Pour 3 tablespoons of crushed leaves into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours, strain. Take a third or half a glass 4 times a day. The treatment is long-term. People often ask for advice on treatment for tinnitus. The causes of tinnitus can be various infectious diseases, atherosclerosis, metabolic and blood diseases, intoxication with drugs, nicotine, alcohol, mineral poisons, noise and surgical trauma. Doctors usually prescribe vitamins B1, B2, A, nicotinic acid, iodine preparations, aloe extract and other remedies for this ailment. But there are also traditional methods of treating this disease. For example, you can mix currant leaves, lilac flowers or leaves, black elderberry flowers or leaves in equal parts by weight, chop, and then 2 tbsp. pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the mixture and boil in a water bath in a lidded container for 20 minutes. Be sure to stir. After this, leave at room temperature for 10 minutes and strain. Take 70 ml 15-20 minutes before meals 3 times a day until recovery. BEFORE USING ANY DRUG, METHOD OR TREATMENT METHOD, ALWAYS CONSULT WITH YOUR DOCTOR!

Comments 16

Classes 550

Universal “freezing”. It can be put in all first courses, side dishes, meat, fish, and many other places. The color of the soup becomes colorful and the smell is summery. Everything is done very simply, you get a lot of dressing - one serving makes a 4-liter saucepan. Ingredients: Onions - 1 kg Carrots - 1 kg Bell peppers (preferably different colors) - 1 kg Tomatoes - 1 kg Lots of greens Don't be confused by the presence of tomatoes, they become a little different when frozen, but they give a wonderful taste. Everything needs to be cut into strips and cubes. Pass the carrots through a food processor using a medium grater (almost like a Korean grater, but you can grate it as you wish), cut the pepper into strips. Cut tomatoes and onions into medium and small cubes. Just chop the greens finely. Mix everything. We put them in regular plastic bags and twist them into “sausages” (it’s more convenient to then break off as many as you need). You can freeze them in lunch bags, they are small - 15X20, just enough to fill a dish for 1 or 2 times. You can also freeze in plastic containers, but it is not very convenient to remove portions from them and, importantly, they take up much more space in the freezer. IMPORTANT! Start this freeze when everything is ready. If this is the first dish, then put it in the freezer, wait for it to boil and immediately turn it off. And if it’s the latter, then put it in the freezer, mix it and turn it off after a couple of minutes.

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