Hardware and software setup

VBA statements. VBA Comparison Operators Vba Negation

Brief theoretical information

1. Syntax and semantics of the VBA programming language

The syntax of a programming language is a set of rules that describe combinations of alphabetic characters that are considered a well-structured program (document) or its fragment.

The main syntactic principles of this language are as follows:

  • VBA is case insensitive;
  • to comment out the code to the end of the line, use a single quote (") or the REM command;
  • character values ​​must be enclosed in double quotes (");
  • the maximum length of any name in VBA (variables, constants, procedures) is 255 characters;
  • start of a new operator - translation to newline(semicolon, as in C, Java, JavaScript, is not used for this);
  • There are no limits on the maximum line length (although the editor only allows 308 characters per line). Multiple statements on the same line are separated by colons:
    MsgBox "Check 1" : MsgBox "Check 2"
  • for readability, you can combine several physical lines into one logical line using a space and an underscore after it:
    MsgBox "Message to user" _

The semantics of a language is the semantic meaning of words. In programming, the initial semantic meaning of operators, basic language constructs, etc.

Operator is the smallest unit of VBA code that can run. A statement can declare or define a variable, set a VBA compiler option, or perform some action in a program.

Arithmetic There are only 7 operators in VBA.

Four standard ones: addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), and three more:

  • exponentiation (^). For example, 2^3 = 8;
  • integer division (\). Divides the first number by the second, discarding (not rounding) fractional part. For example, 5\2 = 2;
  • modulo division (Mod). Divides the first number by the second, returning only the remainder of the division. For example, 5 Mod 2 = 1.

The assignment operator in VBA is the equals sign. It can be written like this:

Let nVar = 10
or even simpler:
nvar = 10

Don't confuse the equals sign with the equals operator here. The last expression means "set the variable nVar to 10", and if the line looks like this: If (nVar = 10) , then it means "if the value of the variable nVar is 10".

Comparison operators there are only 8 in VBA:

  • equality (=). For example, If (nVar = 10);
  • greater than (>) and less than (10);
  • greater than or equal (>=) and less than or equal (= 10);
  • not equal (). For example, If(nVar10);
  • comparison of objects (Is). Determines whether object variables refer to the same object or to different ones. For example, If (obj1 is obj2);
  • similarity (Like). Compares a string object to a pattern and determines if the pattern matches.

Comparison operators always return True(if the statement is true) or False(if the statement is false).

Very often, when checking several conditions, we use logical operators:

  • And - logical AND. Both conditions must be true;
  • Or - logical OR. At least one of the conditions must be true;
  • Not - logical negation. Returns True if the condition is false;
  • Xor is a logical exception. In the expression E1 Xor E2 returns True if only E1 = True or only E2 = True, otherwise False;
  • Eqv - equivalence of two expressions, returns True if they have the same value;
  • Imp - implication, E1 Imp E2 returns False if E1 = True and E2 = False, otherwise True.

Need to remember about And, Or, Not, other logical operators are rarely used.

Variables are containers for storing mutable data. Almost no program can do without them. For simplicity, the variable can be compared with a number in the wardrobe - you hand over some data to the wardrobe, in response you are given a number. When you need this data again, you "show the number" and get it.

Each variable has a name. A variable is referred to by its name. The rules for choosing names in VBA are the same for many elements (variables, constants, functions, procedures, etc.):

  • the name must start with a letter;
  • must not contain spaces and punctuation characters (an exception is the underscore character);
  • maximum length - 255 characters;
  • must be unique in the current scope
  • reserved words (those that are highlighted in blue in the code editor window) cannot be used.

When creating VBA programs, it is recommended to decide on the rules by which names will be assigned to objects - the naming convention. The most commonly used is the so-called Hungarian convention (in honor of one of the Microsoft programmers, Charles Simonyi, an ethnic Hungarian):

  • The variable name must begin with a prefix written in lowercase letters. The prefix indicates what exactly will be stored in this variable:
    str (or s) - String, character value;
    fn (or f) - function;
    sub - procedure;
    c (or all letters of the name are capital) - constant(a container for storing data that, unlike variables, does not change during the execution of a VBA program);
    b - Boolean, boolean value (True or False);
    d - date;
    obj (or o) - object reference;
    n - numerical value;
  • names of functions, methods, and each word in a compound word must begin with a capital letter:
    MsgBox objMyDocument.Name
    Sub CheckDateSub()

Data type are among the most fundamental concepts of any programming language. The data type defines the set of valid values ​​that a value (variable or constant) can take, and the set of actions that can be performed with this value.

2. Basic VBA Data Types

VBA provides the following data types:

  • numeric:
    bytes- an integer from 0 to 255, needed for storage 1 byte memory;
    Integer- an integer from −32 768 to 32 767, 2 bytes ;
    Long- a large integer from −2 147 483 648 to 2 147 483 647, 4 bytes ;
    Currency(currency) - big decimal number with 19 positions, including 4 decimal places
    (from -922337203685477.5808 to 922337203685477.5807), 4 bytes,
    used to store numbers when precision is critical, as is the case with currency calculations;
    Decimal- an even larger decimal number with 29 positions (after the decimal point, you can use from 0 to 28 positions), 8 bytes;
    Single and Double- floating point values ​​( 4 and 8 bytes)
    (from -3.402823 10 38 to -1.401298 10 -45 for negative values ​​and
    from 1.401298 10 -45 to 3.402823 10 38 for positive values ​​for Single, and
    -1.79769313486232 10 308 to -4.94065645841247 10 -324 for negative values ​​and
    from 4.94065645841247 10 -324 to 1.79769313486232 10 308 for positive values ​​for Double);
  • string ( String variable length (up to approximately 2 billion characters) and fixed length (up to approximately 65,400 characters));
  • date and time ( Date- from 01.01.100 to 12.31.9999), 8 bytes;
  • boolean ( Boolean- can only store True values and false), 2 bytes;
  • object ( Object- stores a reference to any object in memory);
  • Variant- a special data type that can store any type of data, 16 bytes +1
The data type notation is keywords language (and highlighted after typing in the VBA editor). Above various types data, various operations are allowed. There are three main types of operations in VBA:
  • mathematical, performed on numbers, their result is numbers;
  • relational operations can be applied not only to numbers, their result is a value of a boolean type;
  • logical, used in logical expressions and their result is boolean values.

3. Priorities of operations

Priority Operation
Function call and brackets
- (sign change)
*, /
+, –
>, <, >=, <=, <>, =

4. Math functions

Function Return value
abs (<число>) Modulus (absolute value) of a number
atn(<число>) Arctangent
Cos (<число>) Cosine
exp(<число>) Exponent, i.e. the result of raising the base of the natural logarithm to the specified power
Log(<число>) natural logarithm
Rnd(<число>) Random number from interval [, Title]


Message - obligatory argument specifying the displayed informational message in the window. May consist of several text lines joined by the sign & . Usage in this argument Chr(13) causes a line break when outputting information.

Buttons - the value of this argument determines the categories of buttons that appear in the window. The value of the button argument also determines whether an icon appears in the window. If you do not specify which buttons to display in the message box, the default value corresponding to the OK button is used. In table. 3.1 shows possible combinations of buttons and icons in the message window.

header - sets the title of the window.

Function MsgBox returns an Integer indicating which button was clicked in the dialog box.

Table 3.1. Valid Button Variable Values



OK button

OK and Cancel buttons

Yes and No buttons

Yes, No and Cancel buttons

Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons


Redo and Cancel buttons.

information sign

Question mark

Exclamation mark

for instance. Display a message about the current date.

MsgBox "Today on the calendar" & Date , "Attention"

As a result, the following window will be displayed (Fig.3.1).

When the OK button is clicked, the message box will close and program execution will resume from the statement immediately following the MsgBox call.

3.3.2. Function InputBox

Function InputBox performs input of variable values ​​using the input window and has the following syntax:

Variable_Name = InputBox(Message[, Title] )


Message is a required argument. Specifies an informational message in the window, usually explaining the meaning of the input value

header - sets the title of the window.

for instance, Enter the value of the variable N from the keyboard, providing a default value of 10.

You can use the following operator for this:

N = InputBox("Enter N", "Input data",10)

As a result, the following window will be displayed for entering the value of the variable N (Fig.3.2).

If the default value is suitable for the user, then after clicking the OK button, the input window will close, the variable N will be assigned the value 10, and program execution will resume from the statement immediately following the call. InputBox.

If the default value does not suit the user, then before clicking on the OK button, you must enter the desired value for the variable N.

3 .4. Conditional IF statement

To implement a branching computational process in VBA, the operator is used If…Then…Else, which is the simplest form of condition checking. It has the following syntax:


OPERATOR_1 is performed if CONDITION true, otherwise executed OPERATOR_2. In this case, the If…Then…Else statement is written in one line.

CONDITION is a Boolean expression. The result of an expression is always of boolean type. The expression can be simple or complex. When writing simple conditions, all possible relational operations indicated in Table 1 can be used. 3.2.

table3 .2. Logical Relations





True if A is equal to B

True if A is not equal to B

True if A is greater than B

True if A is less than B

More or equal

True if A is greater than or equal to B

Less or equal

True if A is less than or equal to B

Complex conditions are formed from simple ones by applying logical operations and parentheses. The list of logical operations is given in Table. 3.3.

table3 .3. Boolean operations





logical AND

Logical OR

In a conditional statement, you can use a block of statements instead of any of the statements. In this case, the conditional operator looks like:




End If

Multiple conditions can be tested in a conditional statement. In this case, the conditional operator looks like:







Example 1. Write part of the program for the algorithm in fig. 3.3.

Example 2 Write part of the program for the algorithm in fig. 3.4.

3.5. Select Case statement

The Select Case statement is convenient to use when, depending on the value of some expression that has a finite set of valid values, you need to perform different actions. It also applies to conditional statements, but has a different form:




caseVALUES_ 2


. . .



[ caseElse


End Select

EXPRESSION_CHECKED can be of any scalar type except real. VALUES consist of an arbitrary number of values ​​or ranges, separated from each other by commas.

A type VALUES must match the type EXPRESSION_CHECKED.

First computed EXPRESSION_CHECKED. If its value matches one of the values VALUES_I, then OPERATORS_I End Select. If its value does not match any of the values VALUES_I, then ELSE_OPERATORS and control is transferred to the operator standing after End Select

For instance. Write part of the program for the algorithm in fig. 3.5, which determines the value of the variable S depending on the value of the variable n.

3.6. Loop statements

To implement a cyclic computational process, i.e., multiple execution of one or more operators, the cycle operator is used For…Next, which has the following syntax:





For…Next loop iterates through the values ​​of a variable COUNTER, which is a loop parameter, from start to end value with the specified change step. This ensures that the block of statements of the loop body is executed with each new value of the counter. If stepSTEP is absent in the construction, then by default it is considered that the step is equal to 1. According to the operator Exit For you can exit the loop statement before COUNTER reaches the last value.*

To iterate over objects from a group of similar objects, such as cells from a range or array elements, it is convenient to use the loop operator For…Each…Next.

For EachElementInGroup




In VBA, other loop statements are used to organize loops with an unknown number of repetitions in advance:

loops with precondition - DoWhileloop,


loops with postcondition - DoloopWhile,


Following is the syntax of these loop statements:

" Loop with preconditionDo While loop




" Loop with preconditionDo Until loop




" Loop with postconditionDo loop while



loop whileCONDITION

" Loop with postconditionDo Loop Until




Operator DoWhile…Loop ensures that a block of statements is repeated many times until CONDITION is observed, and the operator

Other news

A VBA program is a sequence of statements.

There are a number of conventions to be followed in programming. So, you can place several statements on one line. A colon is placed between statements on the same line.

Any line can be split into two by placing the characters "Space" + "Underscore" (_) at the end of the first, in which case the second line will be considered a continuation of the first.

Comments are used to make the program easy to read. There are two ways to enter comments in VBA: using an apostrophe (‘), which can be placed anywhere in a line, and using the reserved word Rem instead of an apostrophe.

1. Dim Operator is for declaring variable types.

Dim A As Integer - variable A is declared as an integer, i.e. it will store only integer values .

Dim D As Date - variable D is declared to store dates.

· Dim Surname, Name As String – variables are declared. Surname and Name, intended for storing text.

Dim B(12) As Integer - a one-dimensional array (vector) is declared, consisting of 12 integers, and by default the first element of the array will be B(0), and the last B(12).

Dim B(3,3) As Single – a two-dimensional 3x3 array (matrix) is declared, consisting of real numbers.

If the variable type is not specified, then the Variant type is used by default. However, specifying a specific variable type makes the program more reliable and speeds up its work, because VBA doesn't have to spend time recognizing an undeclared variable each time it is accessed.

If the size of the array M is not known in advance and is determined during the program, then when describing the array, the number of elements is not indicated, and the array is defined as follows:

Dim M() As Integer

After determining the number of array elements, for example, N, you need to write the operator

2. assignment operator is used to assign a value to a variable.


Variable (or object property) = expression.

a=5 - variable A to assign the value 5 ;

b="Manager" - variable b assign meaning "Manager";

Address=Sheets("Organizations").Cells(2,2) – assign the contents of cell B2, which is located on the Organization sheet in the current workbook, to the Address variable;

LastName=UserForm1.TextBox1.Text - variable Last name to assign the contents of the TextBox1 field of the user form UserForm1.

3. With/End with statement saves the programmer from a large number of repetitions of the name of the same object.


With object




For example, instead of a sequence of statements

UserForm1.TextBox1.Text = Date

UserForm1.TextBox2.Text = " "

UserForm1.ComboBox1.Text = " "

can be written like this

TextBox1.Text = Date

. TextBox2.Text = " "

. ComboBox1.Text = " "

REM On sheet Sheet1 in column A, starting from the second line, the ‘rates of employees’ are recorded. Populate the ComboBox1 combo box in the UserForm1

‘The first line of the program is on sheet Sheet1 in column A ‘the number of filled cells is counted, the result is ‘assigned to the variable N




TextBox1.Text = Date

. TextBox2.Text = " "

. ComboBox1.Text = " "

. ComboBox1.Rowsource = "Rates"

4. Conditional If/Then/Else Statement- allows you to check a certain condition and, depending on the results of the check, perform one or another action


If condition Then operators1 [ Else operators2]

If the condition is true, then statements1 are executed, otherwise statements2 are executed.

It is also allowed to use a complex conditional operator, which is written as a block:

If condition1 Then


ElseIf condition2 Then

VBA Operators: Arithmetic, Boolean, Comparisons, Assignments

Operator is the smallest unit of VBA code that can run. A statement can declare or define a variable, set a VBA compiler option, or perform some action in a program.

There are only 7 arithmetic operators in VBA. Four standard ones: addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/) and three more:

  • exponentiation (^), for example 2^3 = 8 ;
  • integer division (\). Divides the first number by the second, discarding (not rounding) the fractional part. For instance, 5\2 = 2 ;
  • modulo division (Mod). Divides the first number by the second, returning only the remainder of the division. For instance, 5 Mod 2 = 1.

The assignment operator in VBA is the equals sign. It can be written like this:

Let nVar = 10

or even simpler:

nvar = 10

In the second case, don't confuse the equals sign with the equals operator.


nvar = 10

means "set the variable nVar to 10", and if the line looks like this:

If (nVar = 10)

it means "if the value of the variable nVar is equal to 10".

If you need to assign an object to a variable, then this is done in other ways.

There are only 8 comparison operators in VBA:

  • equality (=), for example, If (nVar = 10);
  • greater than and less than (> and<), например, If (nVar > 10);
  • greater than or equal to and less than or equal to (>= and<=), например, If (nVar >= 10);
  • not equal (<>), For example, If(nVar<>10) ;
  • comparison of objects (Is). Determines whether object variables refer to the same object or to different ones, for example, If(obj1 is obj2);
  • similarity (Like). Compares a string object to a pattern and determines if the pattern matches.

Comparison operators always return true or false - true if the assertion is true and false if false.

A little about comparing string values:

  • when comparing string values, case is sensitive;
  • spaces in string values ​​are also taken into account;
  • when comparing text strings by more/less, by default, just binary character codes are compared - which is more or less. If you need to use the order that goes in the alphabet, you can use the command

Option Compare Text

A little more about the Like operator. Its general syntax looks like

Expression1 Like Expression2

In this case, Expression1 is any VBA text expression, and Expression2 is a template that is passed to the Like operator. You can use special wildcards in this pattern (see Table 3.1)

Tab. 3.1 Wildcards for the LIKE operator

Very often, when testing several conditions, logical operators are used:

  • AND - logical AND, both conditions must be true;
  • OR - logical OR, at least one of the conditions must be true;
  • NOT - logical negation, returns TRUE if the condition is false;
  • XOR is a logical exception. In an E1 XOR expression, E2 returns TRUE if only E1 = TRUE or only E2 = TRUE otherwise FALSE;
  • EQV - equivalence of two expressions, returns TRUE if they have the same value;
  • IMP - implication, returns FALSE if E1 = TRUE and E2 = FALSE, otherwise TRUE.

You need to remember about AND, OR, NOT, other logical operators are rarely used.

Almost every VBA program uses concatenation operators. There are two of them in VBA - + or &. It is recommended to always use & because:

  • when using &, the automatic conversion of numeric values ​​​​to strings is performed - there is no danger of making a mistake;
  • when using the + operator, adding a string value to a value of type Null yields Null.

MsgBox "Message to user" & vUserName

The order in which operators are applied can be controlled using parentheses.

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