Setting up hardware and software

Disable touch screen on Sony all-in-one PC. How to disable the touchpad on a laptop (random clicks occur when I work on a laptop with a mouse)

From time to time, laptop users think about how to disable the touch screen on a laptop. This term usually refers to touchpads - touch-sensitive panels on devices that replace work computer mouse. Only in some laptop models the touch screen is actually a display that responds to “manual” commands. Therefore, let’s take a brief look at disabling them. Let's focus on disabling touchpads on laptops.

Methods for solving the problem

How to disable the touch screen on a laptop?

The user can:

  • deactivate the touchpad using hot keys;
  • disable the control through the OS settings;
  • use additional software and drivers to implement the task.

Which is better to choose? There can be no clear answer to this question. For example, not all laptops have touchpad control buttons. And therefore, the first option will not work in the current situation, no matter how convenient it may be considered.

Lenovo and keyboard

How to disable the touch screen on Lenovo laptop? Devices from this company usually have hot keys.

Most often, users are offered the following combinations of buttons:

  • Fn + F5;
  • Fn + F6;
  • Fn + F8.

Important: if you need to disable the touch screen on Lenovo, and not the touchpad, you can use the combination Fn + F9 or F9.

By the way, the Fn + F5 combination works on most laptops. For example, on Samsung or Toshiba.

Asus and Acer

How to disable the touch screen on a laptop? You can refuse to use the touchpad on Acer and Asus without any problems by using the keyboard.

If we are talking about Acer, you should press Fn, and then, while holding the button pressed, click on F7. The touchpad will be activated in the same way.

How to disable touch screen on Asus laptop? Usually the combination Fn + F9 works flawlessly. Just look at the labels on the buttons. If one of them has a picture with a crossed out touchpad, you can use this key.

HP laptops

Unfortunately, HP laptops do not have separate buttons to turn off touch control, but the user can try to cope with the task like this:

  1. Double-tap the top left corner of the touchpad.
  2. Hold down the left corner of the touchpad for about 5 seconds.

Most likely, one of these tricks will work. If not, you will have to use the built-in capabilities of the OS.

Windows 10

How to disable the touch screen on a laptop if the user is running Windows 10? This guide will help:

  1. Open the "Options" menu item.
  2. Go to "Devices" and click on "Touchpad".
  3. Switch the toggle switch to the "Off" state.

That's all.

Additional software to help

Some laptops have Synaptics touchpads. This can work to the user's advantage. Synaptics has a number of separate drivers and a specialized application for configuring sensor parameters.

To disable the touchpad, you need to:

  1. Go to "Control Panel" - "Mouse". To do this, the “Small icons” option must be selected in the information display settings.
  2. Look at the "Settings..." section, next to which the Synaptics icon is drawn.
  3. Select the touchpad and click on the "Disable" button.

Important: in this window, users will be able to configure the operation of the sensor. For example, the ability to disable the panel using individual keys or after connecting a USB mouse.

Mobility Center

How to disable the touch screen on a laptop? The following technique is not suitable for everyone. Some laptops display touchpad and touchscreen settings in Windows Mobility Center.

  1. Right-click on the battery thumbnail in the system tray.
  2. Select "Windows Mobility Center".
  3. Find the blocks allocated for sensor control.
  4. Set the value to "Disable" in the appropriate sections.

Standard solution

How to disable the touch screen on a laptop? The last trick works for all laptops.

Instructions for disabling the sensor in Windows look like this:

  1. Open "Device Manager" in any known way.
  2. Expand the "Mice and Others..." tab.
  3. Find the touchpad/touch screen.
  4. Right-click on the corresponding menu item and select the “Disable” command.

The touch screen on Windows 10 is auxiliary program for printing text on gadgets that are equipped with a sensor. This application is called TabTip.exe. Often, it is used on devices such as tablets or smartphones. However, its use is also relevant on PC. Only it is controlled using a computer mouse.

How to enable Windows 10 touchscreen

Launch this program possible in several ways. The most convenient of them involves the following actions:

  • On a free space on the desktop, you need to right-click and select the “Show touch keyboard button” column.
  • Then an icon in the form of a keyboard will be displayed in the taskbar. When you click on this icon, the required utility will launch.

The TabTip utility can be launched using the search line:

  • Click on the magnifying glass icon and enter the name of the desired application.

  • In the window that opens, select the application and left-click on it. When you right-click, you will be offered options to launch it.

Open virtual keyboard You can also do it through the catalogue. You should go this way: “Program Files” - “Common Files” - “Microsoft shared” - “Ink” - “TabTip”.

How to disable the touch screen in Windows 10

You need to go to the Start menu and go to Settings. Here you need to take Accessibility from the list and in the window that appears, in the keyboard section, move the slider to the position you need.

You can also enable and then disable this feature on the lock screen. Here in the lower right corner there is an icon with special features. You need to select a touch keyboard from the list and it will start when you log in.

In addition to opening, you can find a lot of settings in the program that will allow you to select the most optimal parameters for comfortable use on-screen keyboard. It does not take up much space on the monitor screen. In addition, it can be located in any part of it.

All of the listed options for launching the Touch Screen application are easy to use and take little time. Such a program on a PC with Windows 10 installed can help out if the standard keyboard is faulty or missing. In addition, it is convenient to work with when entering a small number of characters. For example, it is great for printing short messages when correspondence.

There is a very useful thing in the Windows operating system. It's called "Device Manager" or something else. Device Manager.

How to access device manager?

To find Device Manager in Windows, right-click on the " My computer" and select the item " Control".

Next in the side column of the window " Computer management"we are looking for an item" device Manager" and click on it. In the central area of ​​the window we will see what equipment the computer consists of. We can say that this is the anatomy of a particular computer.

Here you can see which HDD installed and how many of them are in the system, which CPU used, the video card model is indicated, the presence of network adapters (network cards) is shown, and much more.

Alternative way to open Device Manager: Button " Start", Further " Control Panel", then select " system and safety", then in the window we look for the section " System". It contains a link to " device Manager", she looks like this.

How can Device Manager be useful?

For laptops, one of the main problems is energy saving, since offline mode Power is provided from the battery. To reduce energy consumption, you can use various software utilities, which, as a rule, are installed on any laptops and desktop PCs.

But there is another way. You can turn off unused or rarely used devices. You can disable, for example, the built-in video camera, wired or wireless network card,host controllers of unused interfaces (e.g. IEEE 1394 host controller). All these devices are real electronic devices, which consume battery power even when they are not in use and are in " sleep mode».

Another example.

Many modern all-in-one computers are equipped with a touch screen. Using operating system In Windows 7, the presence of touch controls is not always convenient, and sometimes even undesirable. Some touch screens are very sensitive and even react to insects (flies, midges, spiders, etc.). So, for example, I had to disable the touch screen on the candy bar Sony Vaio VPCL14S1R, since random alarms from insects created inconvenience. You can rummage through the settings, but the easiest way is to disable the device that is responsible for touch input. In a specific case Touchpad registered in the dispatcher as NextWindow 1950 Touch Screen In chapter " HID devices (Human Interface Devices)".

How to disable a device in Device Manager?

You must select the device you want to disable. For example, I want to disable a wired network card because I only use a wireless one. Find the item " Network adapters ", click on the arrow so that the tab opens and all devices belonging to this category appear. As you can see, I have two network cards on my computer:

    Wireless– Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter, and

    Wired– Intel (R) 82567V-2 Gigabit Network Connection (We will turn it off).

Right-click on the device name and click " Disable".

A message will appear stating that the device will not work when turned off.

Please note that the main devices (hard drive, processor) cannot be turned off - point " Disable" is simply not in the drop-down menu. Yes, this is not surprising.

After disconnecting the device, an arrow in a circle will appear on its icon, indicating that the device is not currently working.

The question is, how can you then turn on a previously disabled device? What if we need it? Everything is done in the same way, but select the item " Engage". After this, the device will turn on again and will work the same way as before it was turned off. In some cases, you may have to restart the computer for the programs to work correctly.

If you are still a novice computer user, then do not disable devices in the manager unless absolutely necessary, otherwise you may encounter the fact that some programs will refuse to work. In any case, there is nothing wrong with this, since a previously turned off device can be turned on again. Therefore, if difficulties arise, there is no need to panic. You just need to find the disabled device in Device Manager and enable it.

How else can Windows 7 Device Manager be useful?

You may need a device manager when upgrading your computer hardware (upgrade). In Device Manager, you can see which driver is used to manage the hard drive. So, for example, in the tab "IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers"we see that a controller driver is used to control the hard drive Intel (R) ICH10 Family 4 port Serial ATA Storage Controller 1 – 3A20. Your controller may have a different driver. We also see that other adapters and controllers for interacting with SD memory cards and Memory Stick are registered in the same tab.

Also using " Device Manager"You can update the drivers specific devices, and also view the parameters and properties of the equipment through the item " Properties".

How to enable touch screen on Asus laptop

Everyone is already used to touch phones And touch tablets and technology does not stand still. Asus has created laptops with touch screens. This allows you to perform various operations much faster, but at the same time, this screen is very sensitive.

Most laptops have a touchscreen setup by default. The first time you turn it on, you can start using it. However, sometimes you may encounter the problem of the screen sensor being turned off. Very often you may turn it off accidentally, or it may turn off when you reset all settings. In this case, consistently follow the instructions in our instructions, if still unsuccessful, the technical engineers of the Asus service center will be happy to help you.

Instructions for enabling the touch screen on Asus laptops running Windows 8

  1. Go to the “Start” menu and click on “Control Panel”, which is located in the second column.
  2. Find “Pen and Touch” among the list of icons and click on it.
  3. In the new window, find the line called “Touch Input” and check next to the line “Use your finger as an input device.”
  4. Next, select a method for setting up the touch display. To do this, find and click on “Tablet PC Settings”.
  5. In the window that opens, select “Screen” and click “Calibrate”.
  6. All that remains is to choose the touch input that suits the position of your laptop.
  7. Ready! Settings touch screen was successful.

Now your screen needs to be customized for you:

Click "Search" and enter "Calibrate the screen for pen or touch input."

Click on the found element.

The parameters of your laptop will open in front of you.

In the “Display” line, select and click on the name of your screen.

Click “Calibrate”.

Ready! The display setup is complete.

If you only need to enable the touch screen, skip screen calibration.

ATTENTION! The operating system vendor removed the option we mentioned above from Windows versions 8 Release Preview and disable it as follows:

Open Device Manager through the start screen and there find the second position in the HID list, which is the input device responsible for the touch screen. Right-click to activate it by selecting Confirm Action.

Now you can use both the keypad and the screen itself to fully utilize your laptop. This screen takes some getting used to, but soon you won’t imagine how you worked without it before.

Operating system output from Microsoft Windows 8 marked not only the transition to a new “tiled” design, but also the addition of a number of new features. One of them was the ability to control the interface and enter text via the touch screen.

So, if you have a candy bar with a multi touch display, then you can install and immediately get this functionality. It will be useful for designers, architects, video editing specialists, etc. However, not always this function useful. And users are looking for a way to disconnect. It wouldn’t hurt to figure out how to configure touch input: turning it off and on.

How to disable touch input?

If you have installed early version OS Win 8, then the procedure will not be difficult for you. To do this, go to the control panel and find the “Pen and touch input” item. Through it you can disable the touch Windows screen 8, just do it flexible setup functionality:

  • configure touch and hold actions;
  • enable or disable gestures;
  • customize your pen settings.

And much more. Also from this menu you can calibrate the display and input device. In other words, no difficulties.

Alternative way to disable the touch screen

If you have updated your OS, for example, to 8.1 (or purchased a tablet/laptop with an RTM version), then it will be somewhat more complicated. The fact is that Microsoft, for some reason, removed this item from the control panel. And therefore in a standard way it is not possible to switch off. But there is an alternative. You need to do the following:

  • open the device control panel ( right button mouse on the computer icon);
  • find the Human Interface Devices tab;
  • in the list that opens, find the HID-compliant touch screen item;
  • disable it and confirm the action.

In some cases in this list There may be no item called “touch screen” and all controls will be called “HID-compatible device”. In such a situation, it is necessary to disable each element one by one and check whether it worked. But be careful because HID also includes the keyboard, mouse, and other input devices. How can I turn it back on? Just go to the same menu, expand the HID list, and you will see the disabled items highlighted. Turn them on, and touchscreen will work again.


You should not disconnect it immediately after installing the system. After all, the Windows 8 touch screen is a convenient and sometimes very useful input method. But even if you don’t use it, it still won’t interfere. But disabling it can lead to malfunctions of many programs. Therefore, check everything first and only then carry out the procedure. And be careful not to accidentally disable the mouse or keyboard - the basic input devices on any PC.

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