Setting up hardware and software

Voicemail is welcome to turn off. How to turn off voicemail on Velkom

You don't know it, but you may be spending family money on voicemail even if you don't use it.

For MTS and velcom subscribers, by default (that is, almost all), operators have activated the “Voice Mail” service from a certain time. If someone calls you and you don't answer, the operator offers to leave you a voicemail. And for the one who heard the voicemail answering machine, money is withdrawn as per minute of conversation with you. Even if he didn’t give you anything, didn’t write it down!

Is this not necessary? Just dial the number ##002# and press “Call” if you are an MTS subscriber, or *441*1# and “Call” if you velcom subscriber. This will turn off voicemail.

It’s easier for life:) subscribers - the operator does not automatically connect their voicemail, the subscriber himself must connect it intelligently.

2. Choose the right tariff

The tariff that was ideal for you a year ago may now be terribly expensive compared to the operator's new tariffs or the tariffs of its competitors. Operators announce tariff changes on their websites, but how often do they read this?

A reliable means for automatic check There is no economy tariff, and online tariff calculators do not work reliably enough (for example, they underestimate additional packages of minutes or traffic). From time to time, you will have to independently review the details of costs over the past few months, calculate the average consumption of minutes and megabytes, and then study the operator’s websites.

True, it may not be worth running away from the operator for a couple of thousand a month: do not forget about the different coverage of the territory and the different network load of different operators, as well as your own need for calls within the network.

But also remember that you can escape from one operator to another by keeping your number.

3. Beat off the minutes

Android and some older phones have an option that will annoy some people, but save others from wasting money.

In the settings, find “Call settings”, then “Alerts on calls” (again, the names of the menu items may differ), and then turn on the minute minder.

Now, during a conversation, you will hear a beep every minute: it reminds you of the duration of the conversation.

On iOS there is such a function, for example, in the Call+Data Time Monitor program, and on Windows Phone- in Call Timer.

4. Save traffic on images

You may not believe it, but you can consume half as many megabytes on the mobile Internet. At the same time, you don’t need to deny yourself anything.

Enable image compression in Chrome (called “Bandwidth Reduction”), Opera (“Off-road” or “Opera Turbo” functions) or UC Browser (“data compression”). You will hardly notice a decrease in image quality.

It won't help if you're looking from mobile internet video, but in another case it will save from 20% to 80% of traffic.

By the way, in Windows Phone this function is “hardwired” into the system itself and the standard browser: in the “Data Control” program, find the “Saving information in the browser” item.

5. Don't call by phone

In the presence of unlimited internet via Wi-Fi for both interlocutors it will be more profitable to call via special programs like Skype or Viber.

True, when one of the interlocutors uses the mobile Internet, savings are in question.

However, it is better to conduct long conversations via the Internet if both interlocutors already have paid unlimited Internet.

What is true is that it is cheaper to make international calls to many countries around the world through the programs mentioned. For example, Viber allows you to call the USA for 200 rubles per minute, mobile operators a minute in the USA costs about 10 thousand.

6. Write SMS via the Internet

Interestingly, Belarusian operators allow you to exchange SMS for free through their websites.

Conveniently, the SMS will reach the subscriber even if he does not have internet.

The inconvenient thing is that the service for receiving SMS from the Internet still needs to be activated. And the number of such SMS per day is limited.

See details and send SMS on operator websites: MTS, velcom, life:).

7. Control traffic and free minutes

A separate item is the services included in the tariff plan: free minutes, megabytes and SMS. A handy thing if they exist. But noticing that they are over is not so easy.

You can find out how much free money is left using the same USSD codes: the same *100# in MTS, *100*1# in velcom, *105# in life:). You can also use the programs mentioned above.

Well, the hardest thing to track, Internet traffic, can be perfectly monitored on any smartphone.

On Android, go to settings, and there find the item “ Mobile traffic", "Cellular Data" or "Data Usage" (in different phones called differently) and set a limit and a warning about approaching the limit.

On iOS, there is a “Cellular Data” submenu in the settings where you can see how much data has been used, but you can only set a limit third party programs.

And on Windows Phone in standard program“Information control” you can set a traffic limit and prohibit background data transfer when approaching the limit.

And one more thing: if you connect or disconnect a service (for example, additional package minutes), wait for the operator’s confirmation so as not to start consuming services at the old price.

8. Don't fall for scams

This is not even advice, but a universal rule for all life, not just mobile.

"Send SMS to short number and win a million”, “your computer was blocked for watching porn, transfer the fine to such and such’s account”, “download Opera Mini for free from our website”... There are many ways of fraud, and there are many scammers...

Smartphones allow you to quickly receive all information about your balance through special programs, for example, BalanceBY for Android, BayBalance for iOS or My Balance for Windows Phone.

Have you tested the other one? good way saving on your phone? Share it in the comments!

Alexander Arsenov

For its subscribers, the Belarusian telecom operator offers many useful and convenient services. One of them is By connecting it, the client cellular company You can be sure that you won’t miss an important call, even if your mobile device stops working (for example, the battery runs out) or registers on the network. If you have already appreciated all the advantages of this service, but for some reason would like to refuse it, then the information in this article will be useful for you: we will tell you in detail how to disable the voice box on Velcom.

Description of service

The “Voicemail” option is available for connection on all tariff plans. At the same time, you will not have to pay for using it if we are talking about a standard service (without connecting to the Plus package). The principle of operation of the service is to set up forwarding from the subscriber's number to the Velcom service number. The client can choose the type of call forwarding independently: the number is busy, the SIM card is not registered in the network, the subscriber does not answer. In order for redirection to be carried out when all conditions are met, you can select the type - general redirection. How to disable the voice mailbox on Velcom and when might it be needed?

Forwarding: when should you refuse it?

We remind you that the “Voicemail” option operates on the basis of call forwarding. In some cases, even if the service is used regularly, it is necessary to disable it. You should clarify what we are talking about before talking about how to disable the service " Voice box"on Velcom. When you are in home region There is no charge for the fact of call forwarding. But in roaming, if conditional forwarding is available, you will have to pay twice - both for incoming and outgoing call. Thus, if you are planning a trip outside your region, you should temporarily disable the service. How to disable the voice mailbox on Velcom?

Option management

  1. Having access to the subscriber information service of the Velcom operator, you can adjust the list of available services on the number.
  2. Dial the request *441*1# on the keyboard of your gadget. The operator will notify you of the successful completion of the operation via text notification.
  3. In settings voice communication, which can be found in the main settings mobile device, it is also possible to disable forwarding.

How to disable the voice box on Velcom (Belarus) and reconnect it, for example, upon returning from roaming? To restore the ability to use your voice mailbox, you can use any of the previously described methods. In this case, you need to set up forwarding to the number +375296000210, selecting the condition under which it will be performed. Please note that if you are a new subscriber and you have activated the Voicemail service, then forwarding works by default if the number is unavailable or does not answer.

The Belarusian telecom operator offers many useful and convenient services for its subscribers. One of them is voicemail. By connecting it, a client of a cellular company can be sure that he will not miss an important call, even if the mobile device stops working (for example, the battery runs out) or registers on the network. If you have already appreciated all the advantages of this service, but for some reason would like to refuse it, then the information in this article will be useful for you: we will tell you in detail how to disable the voice box on Velcom.

Description of service

The “Voicemail” option is available for connection on all tariff plans. At the same time, you will not have to pay for using it if we are talking about a standard service (without connecting to the Plus package). The principle of operation of the service is to set up forwarding from the subscriber's number to the Velcom service number. The client can choose the type of call forwarding independently: the number is busy, the SIM card is not registered in the network, the subscriber does not answer. In order for redirection to be carried out when all conditions are met, you can select the type - general redirection. How to disable the voice mailbox on Velcom and when might it be needed?

Forwarding: when should you refuse it?

We remind you that the “Voicemail” option operates on the basis of call forwarding. In some cases, even if the service is used regularly, it is necessary to disable it. You should clarify what we are talking about before talking about how to disable the “Voice Box” service on Velcom. When you are in your home region, you do not pay for the fact of call forwarding. But in roaming, if you have conditional forwarding, you will have to pay twice - for both incoming and outgoing calls. Thus, if you are planning a trip outside your region, you should temporarily disable the service. How to disable the voice mailbox on Velcom?

Option management

  1. Having access to the subscriber information service of the Velcom operator, you can adjust the list of available services on the number.
  2. Dial the request *441*1# on the keyboard of your gadget. The operator will notify you of the successful completion of the operation via text notification.
  3. In the voice settings, which can be found in the main settings of your mobile device, there is also an option to disable call forwarding.

How to disable the voice box on Velcom (Belarus) and reconnect it, for example, upon returning from roaming? To restore the ability to use your voice mailbox, you can use any of the previously described methods. In this case, you need to set up forwarding to the number +375296000210, selecting the condition under which it will be performed. Please note that if you are a new subscriber and you have activated the Voicemail service, then forwarding works by default if the number is unavailable or does not answer.

The Belarusian telecom operator offers many useful and convenient services for its subscribers. One of them is voicemail. By connecting it, a client of a cellular company can be sure that he will not miss an important call, even if the mobile device stops working (for example, the battery runs out) or registers on the network. If you have already appreciated all the advantages of this service, but for some reason would like to refuse it, then the information in this article will be useful for you: we will tell you in detail how to disable the voice box on Velcom.

Description of service

The “Voicemail” option is available for connection on all tariff plans. At the same time, you will not have to pay for using it if we are talking about a standard service (without connecting to the Plus package). The principle of operation of the service is to set up forwarding from the subscriber's number to the Velcom service number. The client can choose the type of call forwarding independently: the number is busy, the SIM card is not registered in the network, the subscriber does not answer. In order for redirection to be carried out when all conditions are met, you can select the type - general redirection. How to disable the voice mailbox on Velcom and when might it be needed?

Forwarding: when should you refuse it?

We remind you that the “Voicemail” option operates on the basis of call forwarding. In some cases, even if the service is used regularly, it is necessary to disable it. You should clarify what we are talking about before talking about how to disable the “Voice Box” service on Velcom. When you are in your home region, you do not pay for the fact of call forwarding. But in roaming, if you have conditional forwarding, you will have to pay twice - for both incoming and outgoing calls. Thus, if you are planning a trip outside your region, you should temporarily disable the service. How to disable the voice mailbox on Velcom?

Option management

  • Having access to the subscriber information service of the Velcom operator, you can adjust the list of available services on the number.
  • Dial the request *441*1# on the keyboard of your gadget. The operator will notify you of the successful completion of the operation via text notification.
  • In the voice settings, which can be found in the main settings of your mobile device, there is also an option to disable call forwarding.
  • How to disable the voice box on Velcom (Belarus) and reconnect it, for example, upon returning from roaming? To restore the ability to use your voice mailbox, you can use any of the previously described methods. In this case, you need to set up forwarding to the number +375296000210, selecting the condition under which it will be performed. Please note that if you are a new subscriber and you have activated the Voicemail service, then forwarding works by default if the number is unavailable or does not answer.

    Operators cellular communications in Belarus they take care of their subscribers and provide them with many necessary and useful services, one of which is “Voice Box” on Velcom numbers. After connecting it, the company’s client does not have to worry about missing any important calls, even if the phone turns off, or there is simply no way to pick up the phone in this moment. If a subscriber used the option for some time, and then wanted to disable “Voicemail” on Velcom, this is his choice and right. The information on how to disable Velcom’s “Voice Box” presented in this material is specifically for such clients of the company.

    A function called “Voicemail” is available to subscribers using any Velcom tariff offers. You can use it for free if the standard option is intended, that is, when the client has not activated the “Plus” package.

    The service works according to the following principle: the subscriber number is redirected to the Velcom company service phone. The user can choose the forwarding type independently: SIM card is not registered, subscriber does not answer, busy. For the call to be forwarded subject to all mandatory conditions, you can set the general type.

    Why disable

    Sometimes even a Velcom client who uses Voicemail all the time has to disable this service. For example, while you are within your region, calls are not charged per person for call forwarding. However, if he finds himself in roaming, and if he has a conditional forwarding, you will have to pay double the cost - for both incoming and outgoing calls. This means that when a Velcom subscriber plans to go abroad for some time, it is better for him to disable Voicemail.

    How to refuse Voicemail

    In order to disable the option (it does not matter whether it is disabled temporarily or permanently), you need to cancel all forwarding on your phone. Instructions on how to disable “Voicemail” on Velcom:

    1. A user with access to the subscriber information system Velcom can change the list of connected functions and disable what is no longer required.
    2. Send the combination *441*1# from your mobile phone. If the operation is successful, the operator will disable the function and send an appropriate alert.
    3. In the voice settings, which are located in general settings devices, it is also possible to disable and cancel the use of Voicemail.

    Connecting to the service and listening to messages

    If mail was disabled for some time, and then the subscriber decided to reactivate it, you need to access the Welkom option menu by sending the same USSD combination *441*1. After this, all that remains is to set up call forwarding to the Velcom service number +375296000210 according to the conditions described above.

    Important! Also, the phone owner can leave a greeting or appeal to callers no longer than a minute long in “Voicemail”. You can do two, but the duration remains the same: for example, one will last forty seconds, and the second – twenty.

    How to listen to messages

    Messages are listened to in one of two ways:

    1. Make a call to the service number.
    2. Call the number public access– +375296000201, and then indicate a unique code with “#” to the authorization information and telephone number.

    The described services are also available to those who are roaming.

    Once the message has been listened to, the Velcom client can:

    • save it by pressing button 3;
    • remove by pressing button 5.

    Email messages are deleted only after you finish working with Voicemail. Because of this, the subscriber has the opportunity to familiarize himself with them again by going to the optional menu.

    Managing Voicemail on Velcom is quite simple: you can connect and disconnect it remotely, and you don’t need to submit any applications to the company’s office. If you do not want to use this function in principle, you can refuse it immediately after purchasing and installing a SIM card in your mobile device.

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