Setting up hardware and software

JOdin3: flashing Samsung on Mac OS and Linux. Installing Snow Leopard on Samsung R560-BS02 Installing mac os on a Samsung laptop

If you are an advanced Android user, then you probably flash Samsung in Odin, but it only exists for Windows. JOdin3 flashing Samsung on Mac OS and Linux!

Mac OS and Linux are not suitable for installing firmware?

If you have Linux installed on your computer or you use a MacBook or iMac with Mac OS installed, then you are probably like many others Android users using Samsung smartphones or tablets, you probably know that it is impossible to flash these devices in these operating systems new firmware and have to look for a computer with Windows.

It turns out there is a way out! Using the cross-platform utility JOdin3, which runs in Java, you can easily flash your Samsung on Linux or Mac OS.

Flashing Samsung on Mac OS and Linux using JOdin3

First, let's look at how to use the JOdin3 firmware program on Mac OS.

Using JOdin3 on Mac OS

In order to use JOdin3 you need to download and install several utilities on your Mac:

  1. Java 8 (download and install)
  2. Heimdall (download and install)
  3. (download)

After you install Java and Heimdall on your Mac, launch JOdin3, and then use this program as usual.

The operating system from Apple is deservedly considered exemplary. And indeed it is. The combination of perfect appearance and amazing performance has always made the Mac OS much better than the brainchild of Bill Gates. And this is not discrimination at all, but a statement of fact. Microsoft operating systems have always lagged behind Macs in terms of design and performance. One fine day, Apple decided to switch to Intel processors. From now on, it became possible to install a Mac on a regular PC. However, not all so simple. Installing a Mac on a PC or laptop can result in a severe nervous breakdown, because not all hardware is supported by a Mac. And getting it under it is very problematic. But we'll try anyway. So, here are instructions on the topic “Installing Mac OS on a laptop.”

What are the risks when installing on a PC?

There are a lot of risks, because this operating system is not intended for our wooden computers.

  • First, some "vital" PC components may not be working. Whether they will be able to launch or not is unknown.
  • Secondly, installing Mac OS on a PC or laptop is accompanied by an increased consumption of nerve cells, which can lead to equipment failure (you won’t install anything the first time).
  • Third, installing a Mac on a computer other than the original Mac is a punishable crime. But if this doesn’t scare you, then go ahead.

And using a laptop always comes with risks - laptops for the most part are problematic devices for Macs. While on a PC you can somehow change the configuration to a compatible one, this trick won’t work with laptops. A full-fledged launch of a Mac on laptops is only possible with the help of numerous “crutches”. And the more “crutches” there are, the more unstable the system will behave. So, do you still want to try installing Mac on your laptop or PC? Then let's continue.

What you need for installation

First you need a computer with a compatible processor. Without this nothing will work. On this moment processors from Intel Core and Atom families are supported. The processor must support Ivy Bridge and the SSE instruction set. If you do not have such a processor, then it is better to immediately abandon this idea. Now about the owners of AMD processors. Theoretically, you can get a Mac to work on these processors, but stability is not guaranteed. Moreover, the probability of frequent crashes and reboots is very high, because AMD is in no way designed for the Mac.

If your laptop has a suitable configuration, then you can begin preparing a USB drive for installing the operating system. It is recommended to have a flash drive with a capacity of 16 gigabytes or more (in most cases, the image will be deployed to the flash drive installed system, and it “weighs” about 10 gigabytes). And the last thing you need to stock up on is free time and patience: installing Mac OS on a laptop from a flash drive (if you are doing this for the first time) will take 4-6 hours and will waste your nerves. The installation itself will go quickly, but not everything works out the first time. And setting up the system takes a lot of time. So, let's go.

Preparing a flash drive and distribution image

Since we will install the original "Mac" with small crutches, first we will have to download the system image from App Store. At the moment, the most sane version is Mac OS X Yosemite. We will install it. As practice shows, the best option creation bootable media is its creation from under the installed Mac OS. But not everyone has it on hand. This means you need to install it on a virtual machine (at least) and make bootable media underneath it. Let's assume that Mac OS is installed on the machine. What is the next step?

The next step is to download special programs (crutches) that will help deceive the system and make it believe that it is being installed on an Apple computer. These programs are called UniBeast and MultiBeast. Next, format the flash drive to Mac format OS X Extended (magazine). Then we launch UniBeast and click the Continue and Agree button everywhere until we get to choosing the OS version. Here we select our distribution and enable support for Support). After that, click Continue and Install. The image will be recorded within half an hour. Now let's move on to the next step in the instructions "on regular laptop".

Before installation

There are a few useful things that you should know before starting the installation. First of all, we will have to tinker a little with the BIOS (if you do not disable some of its options, the installation will fail). So, go to the BIOS and disable AHCI support completely. Then we turn off the discrete video card (for those with Optimus), because it won’t start, no matter how much you dance. Well, we put booting from a USB drive in first place. Everything seems to be fine with the BIOS. Some may ask how to install Mac OS on ASUS laptop, if you cannot disable the video card in the BIOS. Answer: Just don't turn it off. It won't start on its own.

It will also be useful to check the memory and disk for errors before installation. "Mac" is a very capricious system. The slightest mistake can lead to dire consequences. Do you need it? If there are no errors, then you can begin the installation process by first inserting the flash drive into the slot on the laptop. Yes, don't forget before disabling AHCI and video card reset BIOS settings to standard. Believe me, it will be better this way.


First the Chameleon shell is loaded. She suggests choosing a method or with hard drive. We select the boot method from a flash drive, but with the installation log displayed. This will make it easier to understand what kind of error occurred (if it occurs) than in graphical mode. After loading the necessary kexts, the Mac OS installer will load. Now you need to format the partition. Select "Disk Utility", the desired partition and format it in "Mac OS X Journaled". Click “Next” and the installation process begins.

If nothing crashes anywhere, then after creating account you will be thrown straight to the desktop of the installed system. If the installation has stopped for some reason, it is important to find out what the reason is. In most cases, the installation is stalled due to the video card. Then you need to restart the laptop and, when choosing to boot from a flash drive, enter the GraphicsEnabler-Yes key. After this everything should go as usual. Many people are interested in how to install Mac OS on Acer laptop with hybrid graphics. Answer: exactly the same. By disabling the discrete video adapter.

After installation

If the installation went off without a hitch, then it’s time to start setting up the installed system. This is absolutely necessary. If this is not done, then after a reboot the system simply will not start due to the lack of necessary kexts. To set up a Mac, you need to run the previously downloaded MultiBeast utility. She is the one who will help us with the setup. How to install Mac OS on and then configure it? Similar. Although there are some features with Lenovo that will be useful to know. Some models are equipped with Wi-Fi transmitters that do not work under a Mac at all (BCM 4313). Only replacing the adapter will help here.

If we don’t have Lenovo, we continue setting up. MultiBeast requires us to select the drivers needed for our laptop. In addition, you need to select the DSDT sheet of the Apple laptop that best matches ours in terms of characteristics. Then all you have to do is click on the Build button, then Install. After installing the required kexts on the system, you need to restart the computer for the changes to take effect.

What you absolutely should not do when using a Mac on a laptop

First, do not try to update your operating system using Apple store. Since each new version you need your own kexts, your computer simply won’t turn on after the update. Secondly, if everything is working fine, don't try to experiment with kexts. Due to lack of experience, you will crash the system very quickly. You will have to again refer to the instructions “How to install Mac OS on an HP laptop” (or whatever kind of laptop you have). Third, never use for the second hard section disk NTFS system. It is not supported on Macs. And the programs that provide such support work unstable on Hackintoshes. Therefore, it is not worth the risk.

The process of cleaning Mac OS from unnecessary garbage using special programs. Remember, Mac is not Windows. There is no registry! And there is nothing to litter there. And programs like CleanMyMac can seriously damage the system. Next, don’t expect powerful software packages like ProLogic to run for you. As a rule, they have serious problems running on non-native Macs. You can simply kill the operating system. Well, don't install programs from unknown sources. Of course, there are few viruses for Macs, but they are very tough and can kill your system in one or two seconds.

What to read to familiarize yourself with the principles of installation and configuration

To understand how to install Mac OS on a laptop, some study of the hardware is required, because, as practice shows, no one can install the system with half a kick. Some mistakes are bound to happen. And it’s good if they’re not serious. In order not to fall asleep at the first funny mistake, you need to read information on hackintosh forums. These comrades have already eaten the dog by installing Macs on a PC. If anything, they can even help with some problems. Although they don’t really want to understand it.

There are also many resources that explain in detail how to install Mac OS on a laptop. It also describes ways to solve the most common mistakes. Finding these resources is very easy. Some craftsmen can even configure DSDT and kexts for you. Of course, for a fee. But it’s better to understand the installation and configuration process yourself. Moreover, it is not so difficult.

Which distributions should you not use?

Under no circumstances try to use distributions that are already prepared for installation on a PC. As a rule, they are very crooked, because they tried to make a universal one out of an individual system. But this doesn’t happen. It’s better to find out for yourself how to install Mac OS on a laptop and create a distribution kit for your machine from scratch. Stability will be much higher.

What to do if installation fails

If you have thoroughly studied all the information about how to install Mac OS on a laptop, studied all the errors and know how to fix it all, but you still can’t install it, then this means that your laptop is absolutely not suitable for a Mac. Switch back to Windows; you won't succeed with a Mac.


This instruction is not a reference one. It describes an approximate algorithm for installing Macs on laptops. The exact steps depend on your laptop model and configuration. So read Additional information you still have to. Take heart, future poppy growers - and everything will work out for you. Just remember to strictly follow the instructions “How to install Mac OS on a laptop.”

Apple computers are strong competitors for all other platforms. But unlike a PC running an operating system Windows systems, these devices cost several times more. Because of this, few users can . However, anyone, with due desire and availability detailed instructions, to your personal computer and use the original OS from the Apple company. What awaits you next step by step guide about how to install Mac OS on a PC, what pitfalls may be encountered along the installation path and what additional software is needed for this.

Hackintosh or CustoMac

Just a few years ago, operating room users Windows systems and couldn't afford to install Mac OS. Today, every user can not only test, but also fully use the Apple OS on their device. Such PCs are usually called Hackintosh. You are installing software from Apple on a computer from another manufacturer. Many, of course, will be concerned legal aspect in this situation. Installing Mac OS on a computer – how legal is it? Apple constantly sues the creators of such custom computers, but does not take any serious measures against them.

Further in the article we will talk about the complete installation. That is, you will be able to use the treasured OS on a PC without using Windows. Also on our website you can find instructions for installing mac OS using virtual machine. Let's start preparing with the hardware requirements for Hackintosh, without which you will not be able to install Mac OS on a laptop or personal computer.

System requirements

The main rule when choosing a configuration: the more similar your system is to the configuration of the original MacBook or iMac, the fewer problems you will have during and after installation. This rule is absolutely true, since OS differences lie in the support of different interfaces and so on. Let's figure out which configuration is suitable to install mac os x on a PC:

  1. 2-core processor (minimum) from Intel;
  2. separate internal storage with AHCI support;
  3. minimum 2GB of RAM.

To eliminate various suspicions and fears that installing this operating system on a regular PC will lead to any hardware malfunctions and so on, it is worth saying that the procedure is quite harmless and simple. To install Mac OS Sierra on a Windows PC or laptop, you will need the following components:

  1. the personal computer itself, suitable for its characteristics;
  2. Mac OS operating system distribution;
  3. bootable flash drive;
  4. Unibeast program.

Since the description is suitable personal computer presented above, you need to go to the operating system distribution for installation on your PC.

Where can I get Mac OS?

You have two options to choose from for obtaining a distribution kit for installing the operating system:

  1. downloading a hacked installer with the required assembly;
  2. downloading the official installer via the App Store.

The first option will have to be used by those who want to install this OS on a PC with AMD processor. In this case, it is advisable to download the modified distribution (Snow Leopard) and install it.

Everyone else can use the original installer. However, you can't get it for free. You will need either Apple account ID with purchased operating system, or the MacBook itself. You can borrow a laptop if you don't have your own. To install mac os x on windows pc, download the OS image from following instructions:

  • go to the App Store and log in with using Apple ID;
  • go to the OS page and click the “Download” button;
  • wait for the download to finish;
  • the distribution package will be saved in the “Programs” folder.

Now you need to create bootable media from which you will install a clean OS. The simplest and most affordable option is a regular flash drive.

Creating a bootable USB flash drive

Before installing mac os x on your PC, let's create bootable media:

Option if you have a MacBook

  • connect the flash drive to your MacBook. Its volume must be at least 16GB;
  • open disk utility. To do this, go to the Programs folder and go to the Utilities section;
  • then go to the Erase tab;
  • To install mac os on windows 10, you will need to format the flash drive in OS X Extended format.

Now let's move on to working with the BootDisk utility, which we will need when working in Windows:

  • We insert our flash drive into the computer and click Format Disk

  • After formatting is completed, the flash drive will be divided into 2 sections

  • Click Restore Partition

  • Select a system image in .hfs format

  • Click OK

  • We are waiting for the bootable media to be created

The whole process will not take more than 10 minutes. After that, download the MultiBeast program to the flash drive, which will be useful later to install os x on a laptop or PC.

PC preparation

Now we need to produce BIOS settings. Set mode work hard AHCI drive, and the mode BIOS operation– Optimized Defaults. After this, restart your computer.

How to install mac os sierra on windows pc: installation process

Connect the flash drive to your computer via USB port 2.0 and boot from it when you turn on the device. Clover Boot will appear on the screen. Select Boot Mac OS X from USB. Next, follow the steps described:

  • select the language of the future system;
  • disable sending diagnostics to Apple. remember, that this method unofficial
  • therefore, developers may not “appreciate” your initiative;
  • Erase all information from your hard drive using Disk Utility. It is recommended to use separate media so as not to uninstall Windows (in case the installation fails);
  • select the partition where you want to install the OS;
  • wait until the process finishes and restart your computer.

How to install mac os x instead of Windows on a laptop or PC: post-installation

When you turn on your computer, go to the startup menu again and select the USB flash drive. Complete the system installation and install MultiBeast. In the program menu, click the Quick Start button. Next, select sound options and network card. To save your settings profile, click the Save button. Finally, click the Build and Install button. Now restart your computer.
Ready! You received working Mac OS on PC.

How to turn Windows into a Mac OS?

If you cannot install Mac OS on Windows 7, but want to change appearance your system, then use special program to change themes.
You can make Windows look like a Mac OS using themes. Themes are downloaded from various thematic sites. For example, or The mac theme for windows 7 makes Microsoft's OS as similar as possible to its competitor, without changing the structure itself software. Great option for those who are only interested in the appearance of Apple products.

Mac OS X software is designed for Macintosh computers. This system has unique branding and a user-friendly appearance. In this regard, many are trying to find various loopholes for installing Mac OS X on a regular PC. For this, experts have developed a step-by-step strategy.

1) According to programmers, Mac OS X has many advantages. Hackers rarely exploit system bugs, so it is much less likely to be attacked by viruses. Several processes can operate in it at once, which will not affect productivity. Many high-quality applications have been developed for Mac OS X. Games run on this system intended for Windows. Mac OS X users claim that the system is of very high quality and rarely crashes.

2) Mac OS X is quite difficult to install on a regular laptop. To do this, your computer must have parts compatible with it - certain types of processors, video cards, chipsets, etc. Practice has shown that Mac OS X can only run on a laptop with a processor that supports SSE3 and Core Image, Quartz Extreme, GL video cards. Convert partitions in NTFS format to FAT32. If this translation is not carried out, the file system will simply crash.

3) If you are going to install Mac OS X, select versions 10.4.6 or 10.4.7. These systems are installed very easy. Download the system from the Internet in ISO format - just burn the image to disk. You can also download it in DMG format. In this case you will have to convert system to the previous format using the DMG2ISO utility. After this, copy the program to the media. You now have the software disc and you can begin the installation process.

4) Insert the disk into the drive and restart the laptop. At the same time, press the “F8″ button. After a few more seconds, enter the letter “Y”. This will allow you to enter a text-based installation. You can work with graphic ones, but text ones are more convenient. If you see that the program is not is installed and a message appears on the screen about waiting for parts to be installed, which means that some parts of the computer are not suitable for Mac OS X. If a different message is displayed on the screen, try to find another system option, since this one is most likely not suitable.

5) If the system starts up normally and the screen turns blue, you can proceed to further installation elements. Select the language and format the partition where you plan to install Mac OS X. Remember that the section must correspond Mac OS Extended Journaled. If you fail format section, please use Acronis programs. Set the program to manual mode and create the required area in FAT32 format. Open the context menu and set the partition type to “OxAFh”.

6) Agree with the rules, select installation section and main elements. Select only those patches that suit the program. Remember that they must fit SSE2 or SSE3. Install the software and reboot

Now you know that it is possible to install Mac OS X on a regular PC. If you are well versed in technology and utilities, there should be no problems. But remember that Mac OS X is designed only for Macintoshes, so if you experience glitches from time to time, be prepared for that.

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