Hardware and software setup

Troubleshooting the most common internet connection errors. The Internet does not connect when reconnecting. The remote computer cannot connect.

The old joke, once invented about KVN TVs - “I bought it, turned it on, it doesn’t work” - is now increasingly remembered by the owners of wireless modems sold in abundance by cellular operators promising fabulous speeds, reliable communication even in the country or on a hike, and others the benefits of civilized places.

However, in practice, these devices often behave capriciously, not wanting to send their owner to the world wide web. This may result in various errors. The subject of this article will be instructions on how to resolve error 720 when connecting to the Internet.

What does

When registering on the network, you get the inscription "Error 720". Such diagnostics can be associated with a failure of protocols, and it says, rather, not about a modem malfunction, but about the fact that the operating system, which this moment stands on your computer, has its own "holes".

However, this is not a reason to rush into all serious and try to reinstall Windows. This option remains for the most difficult case: when the entire system is installed, in the language of system administrators, “crooked”. This is often referred to as a "failed build". By the way, there is a perfectly fair and reasonable warning not to change the system.

Important! Look at how many logical drives your "hard drive" is divided into. If several, then, most likely, getting rid of old system, you will not lose valuable data, and then only if you saved them strictly not to the system disk.

If you're following the beaten path, saving files to My Documents, My Pictures, etc., then it's not safe for you to reinstall your system. If you have another logical drive, move your data there first.

If all your HDD marked with a single letter "C", copy everything important to any other medium: a flash drive, portable "hard drive", CD or DVD, mobile phone.

But if you decide to fix the protocols without reinstalling Windows, then you can manage without these measures.

Attention! To be sure, you can create an image of the “C” drive, so that in which case you can simply “get up” from this image instead of reinstalling the system.

Possible reasons

As mentioned above, the most common cause Error 720 results in invalid PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) settings. Sometimes the wrong TCP/IP contributes. By the way, it is not always possible to replace it without getting rid of the WAN Miniport driver and reinstalling it.

In order to achieve an Internet connection, you have to reinstall this driver, and this is a separate science, since simply removing it and reinstalling it is only possible with the help of a series of knowledge.

Video: Error 720. No PPP control protocols configured

We solve the problem

The first thing that will be required of you is not to be afraid to make changes yourself. In this case, you have no way out. Even if nothing comes of your idea, a computer master will be able to help you out, to whom you will say that “everything was like that.” But if you manage to restore the Internet connection with your own hands, then you will simply save on paying for the service. Let's start with the simplest.

If you have exhausted all the tips on the operator's website cellular communication, who released the modem, and nothing worked out for you, then take the initiative into your own hands.

Driver reinstallation

Do you have error 720 when connecting to Beeline Internet? Each such device, when connected to a computer, requires the installation of a driver. You can either download it from the appropriate resource, or bring the laptop to the service department, where they will install it for you. It is possible that the corresponding programs are already on the modem.

In some cases, the driver may refuse to work outright, and not immediately, but after several launches. And then you have to install it again. Most importantly, do not make a mistake and download the driver specifically for your system. Not only the version must match, but also the bit depth - 64 or 32.

What else do owners of Beeline modems face? With the fact that the computer simply "does not see" them.

Then you have to do the following:

After these simple manipulations, the system should allow you to reinstall the drivers manually. It remains only to find the folder where they are contained and select the appropriate one. It is possible that you will have to do an overload. After it, the Internet connection should work as required.

Configuring PPP Protocols

Despite the fact that as a diagnostic, the computer often gives an error, referring to the absence or improper state of PPP, we are talking about lower-level protocols, which include ip-protocols or TCP / IP. Therefore, in many instructions, you will immediately find a transition to working with these protocols.

As for PPP, it is considered a secure communication channel, a variation of which can be PPTP - the so-called "tunnel" communication protocol. But let's leave all these differences in names and move on to specific actions.

Some of the steps below may help.

Reset ip-protocol and cache

You will have to work with the Windows command line:

  1. press Win + R or through the menu "Start" + "Programs" + "Accessories" + "Command Prompt". It must open;
  2. set the command: netsh int ip reset reset log.txt;
  3. set the command: netsh winsock reset;
  4. if necessary, create a new VPN connection.

Attention! After that, some programs that receive data from the Internet may not work. This behavior of the computer is the norm, its work must be restored by reinstalling these programs, and as a result, it should not scare you.

Restoring a Winsock Configuration

If the configuration of the Winsock specification is damaged, then you need to reset this specification, that is, repeat the 3rd item from the previous list.

To do this, we issue the command:

netsh winsock reset.

In doing so, we naturally return to initial settings system, that is, we lose some of the parameters that managed to register in the specification during the time when we managed to install on the computer antivirus programs, various agents and other products that work directly with the network.

If you find that one of them has stopped working, then reinstalling the product will help you painlessly start working with it in the previous mode. But at the same time, you will be able to communicate via modem by eliminating error 720. If such an operation did not help, then we can advise you to “demolish” the erroneous keys in the registry, as well as reinstall TCP / IP.

Removing erroneous registry keys

If damaged sections are found in the registry, this can also negatively affect the operation of the Internet connection. The registry is a kind of heart of Windows, so you need to handle it with care.

Attention! Do not touch anything else in the registry editor!

TCP/IP protocol

After such serious changes, the protocols must be reinstalled. For this:

  1. right click mouse click in network connection and select "Properties";
  2. looking for the "Install" command;
  3. select the "Protocol" item with the "Add" button;
  4. select the installation "From disk";
  5. in the line we enter: C: Windowsinf and confirm;
  6. when the list of protocols appears, we look for TCP / IP in it and “push”.

As a result, we will have TCP / IP installed. But if this is not enough for the Beeline, Megafon or MTS modem to work with your computer, then you will have to intervene in the WAN Miniport driver.

WAN miniport

If you reinstall this capricious driver, then success is likely to be ensured. However, when carrying out such an operation, you may encounter pitfalls. If problems may not arise with the removal, then it is not easy to reinstall this control program.

The problem is that Windows offers a list of drivers to choose from, and there is just no Miniport in it. WAN:

After these manipulations with the control flags, the system will not “know” which drivers should be installed and which should not. This will allow you to seamlessly reinstall the WAN Miniport.

After that, you can install TCP/IP again.

Error when connecting modem MTS and Beeline

When connecting the MTS and Beeline modems, various malfunctions may appear, in the article we analyzed a difficult case - error 720. It does not occur so often, but you do not need to be afraid of it, since the ways to overcome it are described above.


Similar methods can be used to diagnose problems when the computer gives other errors when trying to connect via a modem of any of the mobile operators. All these problems, including the drop in speed, are solvable.

And in conclusion, we add that it is often possible to encounter a hardware problem that occurs simply because the neighbor has an overly powerful Wi-Fi router that clogs the 3G / 4G signal of the mobile operator.

Also, the reception may be unsatisfactory if:

  • honeycomb is far away;
  • you are in the basement of a reinforced concrete house.

Error 720 "Unable to connect to remote computer. Might need a change network settings connection." occurs most often when trying to establish a VPN connection on Windows 8 and 8.1. The problem can also appear on Windows 7, 10 and other versions of the system when trying to connect to the Internet via a Megafon, Beeline or MTS modem.

Uninstalling and reinstalling drivers

Error 720 often occurs after uninstalling an antivirus. If you go to the Device Manager, you can see warnings about the inability to start next to three devices:

  1. mini port global network(Network Monitor).
  2. Wide area network (IP) mini port.
  3. WAN miniport (IPv6).

A yellow triangle is displayed next to these devices, along with error code 10 (unable to start). Usually the cause is the crashed drivers of the specified devices. To solve the problem, you must first remove the problematic drivers, and then perform a system scan (for Windows 8/8.1 and higher) for automatic installation or manually install the drivers again.

  1. Go to the properties of non-working devices ("WAN Miniport (IP)", "WAN Miniport (IPv6)" and "WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)"). You can go to the properties by right-clicking on the device and selecting the appropriate item from the context menu.
  2. Next, you need to replace standard drivers devices to the "Microsoft KM-TEST Loopback Adapter". To do this, go to the “Driver” tab, select “Update”, click “Search for drivers on this computer”.
  3. Next, you need to uncheck the box "Only compatible devices", and then select the "Microsoft KM-TEST Loopback Adapter" driver. The system may issue a security warning - this is normal. You should agree to the changes - this is necessary for Windows to allow you to remove old drivers in order to install new ones.
  4. Next, you need to remove from the list all devices on which the drivers have been replaced.
  5. Now you need to do a hardware rescan so that the system reinstalls the removed drivers. This is done in the Device Manager through the command "Action" -\u003e "Update hardware configuration".

After Windows has finished scanning your computer and reinstalling any required drivers, the connection should be fine. The list of devices should no longer show error 10, yellow triangles, and inoperability warnings. Error 720 when connecting via VPN or using a modem from mobile operators should also disappear. To ensure that all drivers are working, you must restart your computer before attempting to reconnect.

Roll back Windows to a restore point

Rolling back the system to the last restore point is the easiest way to fix error 720 if the previous method did not help. To use System Restore, you need to make sure that given function has not been disabled. Practice shows that the restore function is often turned off on most Windows builds XP and often on Windows 7.

You can restore the system not for any day - restore points are created on a schedule. You must ensure that all necessary data created since the last date of archiving is backed up. IN otherwise all information created after the last restore point will be lost. After copying important files should follow the instructions.

  1. Press the "Start" button.
  2. Go to the tabs "Standard" -> "System Tools" -> "System Restore" (Or "Control Panel" -> "System and Security" -> "System").
  3. Select "Restore your computer to an earlier state" and click "Next".
  4. In the calendar that opens, select the restore point closest to the current date. Click "Next".
  5. Wait for the system to roll back files and reboot.

After Windows restart you can try to connect again. Error "Unable to connect to the remote computer. You may need to change your connection settings." should no longer occur.

Reset LSP Winsock

Returning the original configuration and resetting all LSP Winsock settings will allow you to restore the regular connection settings and get rid of error 720. To solve the problem in this way, you will need to perform a decent number of steps. Apart from this, there is a small chance of unforeseen consequences, so resorting to this method should only be done if the other methods of correcting the error did not help.

  1. Click "Start" -> "Run".
  2. Type cmd (or cmd.exe) in the search bar and press Enter.
  3. At the command prompt that opens, type netsh winsock reset to reset the Winsock directory.
  4. To restart a computer.

After the reboot, you need to try to re-establish the connection. If these steps did not help fix the error, there are several more solutions.

Reset IP interface configuration

Another easy way to get rid of the 720th error is to reset the configuration of the IP interfaces. All actions are also performed on the command line.

  1. Click "Start" -> "Run".
  2. Type cmd.exe and press "Enter" to open the console.
  3. Enter the command netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt , press "Enter".
  4. Wait for changes, try to establish a connection.
  5. If the connection is not established, restart the computer and try again.

Sometimes it happens that the error continues to appear after the system is rebooted. Moreover, one more error can be added to the 720th error, with code 691 (client authorization error). There is no need to be afraid of this - the following steps will fix the IP settings and should fix both problems at once.

It may also happen that the system refuses to perform an IP reset and displays the following message:
C:\WINDOWS\system32>netsh int ipv6 reset reset.log
Reset Interface - OK!
Reset Neighbor - OK!
Reset Path - OK!
Reset - failure.
Access denied.

Reset - OK!
Reset - OK!
A reboot is required to complete this action.

There is a solution to this problem - a program is required Process Monitor from the website Microsoft Windows Sysinternals. Process Monitor loads and runs equally well on any Windows.

Reinstalling the TCP/IP stack

This way of solving the problem is the longest and most dangerous in terms of risk. possible problems. Will have to change windows settings and registry entries. This is rare, but leads to serious system failures, especially if done incorrectly. It is desirable to have backup important data and first try out other ways to fix error 720 before proceeding to reinstall the TCP/IP wall. If other methods did not help and there is no choice, you should strictly follow the instructions.

After that, you need to re-open the properties of the Internet connection, select the "Install" button and repeat the steps described above to re-install the protocol. After that, you will need to restart your computer again for the changes to take effect. This should be enough to stop the connection error 720 from bothering you.

The Internet through the cable goes to the computer, the connection is established, the first time the connection goes fine, everything works, but as soon as you turn off the Internet or accidentally pull out the cable, you start connecting again, it doesn’t connect to any, it only writes about some different constant errors, for example "not unable to connect to the remote computer. You may need to change the network settings for the connection."


Personally, I have not encountered such a problem, but I think that this is a problem on the provider's side. Everything is very simple: if the first connection goes through, then after disconnecting, you do not change the parameters. Therefore, everything must be connected. And it does not connect, most likely for the reason that on the provider's side the first connection session has not yet ended. And the error "Unable to connect to the remote computer." most likely indicates that the problems are on the provider's side.

I can not say that this is so, but most likely. It would be nice, of course, to take another computer, create a connection on it, connect it to the Internet, disconnect it, and try to start reconnecting.

. Error 800 and Error 1232 - Problem Connecting to VPN

Possible reasons:

1. The firewall blocks outgoing requests for VPN connections, which in principle happens, but not so often.

2. For some reason, the request does not reach the server, i.e. perhaps the gateway of your segment does not allow the request due to the load or failure. That can also happen, but rarely.

3. The server sends a response about the inability to connect. There are currently a large number of concurrent connection attempts.

Possible solutions:

1. Check if it works the local network at this point in time.

2. Check the signal path ping command to your gateway, and then to your authorization server. Click the "Start"->"Run" button. In the line, enter the command: cmd and in the window that opens, type the ping command.

For example:

ping (IP address of your network card)-t

ping (IP address of your gateway) -t

ping -t where in this case - VPN server access. You can find out the access server and the gateway address in the "contract" or through the technical service. support.

If in the opened DOS-window you will see something like "Specified host is not available" or "Timed out for the request", then there may be problems on your computer or on the line. If there is a response from the host at the specified speed (usually this happens quickly and the window disappears quickly), then most likely the problem is in your computer. In any case, check the first point (1) and follow the steps below. paragraph (3).

3. Restart your computer.

Error 789 - occurs because the type of VPN connection on the Network tab (L2TP IPSec), which is located in the properties virtual connection, specified incorrectly. To fix error 789, you must use the PPTP connection type; by default, the connection type is set by the computer. To fix error 789 you must go to your settings, select the "Network" tab, then select "VPN type" from the list - "Automatic"

Error 735 - The requested address was rejected by the server. Possibly in settings. VPN connections any ip address is specified, it must be removed, since this address is issued automatically by the access server. How to do it: First, go to the Properties of the VPN connection, to do this, right-click on the icon and select properties. Open the network tab, then find Internet Protocol TCP/IP, select it and click properties. Check the box "Obtain an IP address automatically" and "Obtain DNS server address automatically", then click OK and try to connect.

Error 691 - The username or password is not recognized by the domain. You ran out of funds on your personal account, re-enter your username and password, or you need to re-create a VPN connection

Error 678- vpn occurs due to the fact that the remote computer is not responding, that is, the connection between your personal computer and there is no access server. Basically, error 678 vpn occurs due to the fault of the client, not the server. The above error can occur for the following reasons: Your network card is faulty. The connection is being blocked by an antivirus or firewall. If everything is in order on your side, then there are problems on the remote server, and you just have to wait until they are fixed.

Error 624 - When you create a new network connection, error 624 may occur. Let's see how this error is fixed.

Error 624 may occur due to the fact that the creation of a connection is prohibited. You can fix this as follows: Click Start -> Run -> gpedit.msc, and then everything is clear and you can figure it out yourself. Also, an error may occur due to the prohibition of access to the Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Connections\Pbk folder. In this case, you must open access to the folder. In addition, error 624 may occur due to glitches operating system.

Error 720: Unable to connect to remote computer. You may need to change your network connection settings...


Method number 1. Reset settings and restore initial configuration LSP Winsock, to do this, click START-> RUN, enter the cmd command and get into the system console. Enter the command to reset the Winsocks directory: netsh winsockreset. We restart the computer, check the network connection settings and VPN settings, start the VPN connection.

Method number 2. We reset the configuration of the IP interfaces, for this in the system console (key combination win + r) we write the command - netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt. We restart the computer, if necessary, configure the network connection. Let's start the connection.

Method number 3. Reinstalling the TCP stack. Delete two registry keys associated with Winsock. To do this, press the key combination WIN+R, in the window that opens, type regedit. In the registry editor window, look for and delete branches HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Winsock


We restart the computer. After reboot, open the folder WINDOWS\INF and looking for a file nettcpip.inf. Be sure to make a backup, then open the file in notepad and edit:

; TCPIP has properties to display Characteristics = 0xA0 ; NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_NOT_USER_REMOVABLE

Change the line Characteristics so that the following

; TCPIP has properties to display Characteristics = 0x80 ; NCF_HAS_UI

step 1. Go to Control Panel section select item select "Properties" and press the button "Install". In the window that opens, select the item "Protocol" and press the button "Add". Next click "Install from disk". I go to the folder WINDOWS\INF and choose a file nettcpip.inf, press "OK" and close all windows.

step 2. Go to Control Panel chapter "Network Control Center and public access" select item "Change settings network adapter" . Right click on "Local Area Connection", choose "Properties" ->. If everything is done correctly, then the button "Delete" will be active. Remove the TCP / IP protocol and restart the computer.

step 3. Reinstalling "Internet Protocol Version 4"(see step 1)

Registering a computer on a network...

Error: 720: Unable to connect to the remote computer. You may need to change the network connection setting. Click the "Advanced" button or contact the Support Center for assistance with the error number.

Description of error 720:

Error 720 means that there are no PPP control protocols configured.

Reasons for error 720:

Error 720 occurs when PPP control protocols are missing, misconfigured, or corrupted.

Most users who encountered error 720 have noticed that error 720 in many cases appears after the incorrect removal of the Avast antivirus program! (not confirmed).

Possible solutions:

Method one:

Restoring the operating system to a date (restore checkpoint) when the connection error 720 was not detected on the system. In order to roll back, you need to press the key combination WIN + R and in the window that appears, enter rstrui.exe and press Enter.
The operating system recovery program will start.
Next, following the prompts, select a date and select a restore point.

The system will roll back to the specified time and reboot. This method is not always effective and in most cases error 720 reappears. If this way did not help get rid of error 720, go to the next step.


Attention! The following items require some skills and knowledge of the operating room. Windows systems. If you are not confident in your abilities, ask for help from more experienced users or contact a specialist.

Method two:

This method is to restore the Winsock configuration. To do this, press the key combination WIN + R and in the window that opens, enter cmd and press Enter.
In the opened window command line enter

and press Enter.

After executing this command, restart your computer.

Using the netsh winsock reset command may cause some programs that use the Internet or control network connections, will not work correctly or will not start at all. Such programs will need to be restored or reinstalled (in the uninstallers of some programs, in addition to the uninstall item, there is a Repair - Repair item).

Method three:

If the first two methods were ineffective, try the following: press the key combination WIN + R and enter the command regedit and press Enter. On the left side of the Registry Editor window that opens, find and delete the following registry keys responsible for Winsock:

  1. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Winsock
  2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Winsock2

Then restart your computer. The operating system will re-create the deleted partitions on startup.

Reinstall the TCP/IP protocol. To do this, open Control Panel and find in it Network and Sharing Center. In the window that opens, click on the link "LAN connection". In the window that opens, click the button <Свойства> .

Note: In Windows XP, simply open the Network Connections folder. Right-click the network connection and select Properties.

Click the button <Установить> .

Select Protocol and press the button<Добавить>.

Click the Install from Disk button.

Enter C:\Windows\inf\nettcpip.inf and press the button<ОК>.

Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) from the list of protocols and click the button<ОК>.

Method four:

If all of the above options did not help, try reinstalling the operating system.

Remember! Mishandling the operating system + your inexperience or negligence = failure of the PC or operating system.

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