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Google Adwords budget planning. Family budget in Google Docs v3

Today we will figure out how to forecast the advertising budget of Yandex Direct and Google Adwords. And we will evaluate the attractiveness of these systems even before launching campaigns.

general information

Before launching any customer acquisition channel, you should think about its effectiveness at the very beginning. Unlike the good old offline traffic sources such as newspapers, flyers and billboards, modern online systems have a large amount of statistical data. This allows us to make a fairly accurate forecast of the average cost per click and advertising budget.

Knowing how many clicks you can get and at what price, you can understand the feasibility of investing in contextual advertising. You can read about how to estimate the optimal cost per click in this article. If the predicted cost per click is higher than acceptable, this is not suitable for you. If the volume of expected clicks is very small, it is not advisable to set up advertising.

Yandex Direct budget forecast

First, we will collect keyword masks, without information queries if possible. Then let's move directly to the budget forecast for these requests.

Selection of keywords

We go to and select commercial queries with enough high frequency demand. For example, for the request "PVC windows" almost all nested queries are targeted:

Don't forget to specify your region

To expand your coverage, you can look for synonyms and other parts of speech: windows and window are two different words and the demand will be different. And also look at a one-word query. We've identified a few more relevant keywords:

Finding additional subqueries based on a single word.

Seasonality of demand

When making traffic forecasts, it is worth remembering that demand can change throughout the year. To see the dynamics of interest in a product, specify the region and go to the “Request History”. For the window business, December to February is a clearly defined “off season”:

A drop in the number of impressions from 18,000 to 10,000. But there is still demand, which means the advertising works!

Budget forecast in Yandex Direct

Select the display region and currency you are interested in, list keywords:

After calculation, select the “Special placement” position. This means we are competing for impressions at the top of the page. This is where 80% of ad clicks come from.

Total for 30 days for window business: 1633.3$ behind 2726 clicks The cost per click will be: 1633.3 / 2726 = 0.6$ (without VAT). Cold February and a well-heated auction.

YAN budget forecast

The Yandex advertising network (YAN) is a “black box” and you can find out the cost of a click and evaluate the effectiveness only after launching an advertising campaign. Estimate volume target audience according to demand, you can focus on wordstat.

Google Adwords Budget Forecast

Let's look at the forecast in the new adwords interface. Click on the icon "Wrench" and shave "Keyword Planner".

In the next step, we specify a list of keywords and get “Indicators and forecasts for keywords”:

We set a maximum click price, above which you are not willing to pay. The average cost per click will be about 70% based on the results of ad impressions.

From the forecast we see that search clicks from Google Adwords are almost 30% cheaper than Yandex Direct.

11,000 clicks with website conversion into an application of 4% is 440 potential clients. Which is pretty good.

KMS budget forecast

As of February 2018, it is not yet available in the new adwords interface. Let's look at the old interface. Selecting a menu "Tools / Display Scheduler":

When you type a keyword, the planner also suggests topics and interests - you can select them too. We indicate the Russian language and the desired region.

The next step offers us a variety of targeting options. We are interested in keywords, topics and placements. We add everything that suits to the plan.

Please note that you can receive the forecast weekly or monthly. And the higher the max. cost per click - the higher the quality of the sites and the more traffic you will receive. But if it is too high, advertising will become unprofitable. Traffic from advertising networks, as a rule, is colder, so the cost per click should be lower than search.

If the coverage is small, we expand the “topics”:

Note: If you combine both keywords and topics in one group, the coverage will be sharply reduced, but the audience there will also be more targeted.


Thanks to the budget forecast, you can estimate the demand for your goods/services and find out the price of the application even before launching advertising. Remember - the market is alive, new competitors are constantly appearing and old ones disappearing. Therefore, the numbers may change. However, in order to plan growth, you need to rely on at least some indicators.

I wish you increased sales and profits. If you have any questions, want to learn how to set up profitable contextual advertising, or need a high-quality advertising campaign, I will be happy to help.

Keyword Planner is a free tool for those who work with contextual advertising and SEO. In this article we will focus on the keyword selection function for Google AdWords advertising campaigns.

What Google Keyword Planner Can Do

  • Select keywords and ad groups.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of keywords.
  • Determine competitive CPC rates.
  • Forecast traffic based on product, region and other parameters.

Selection criteria - relevant search queries, landing page and product categories. Focus on the number of requests and the planned number of clicks. These metrics measure how well your keyword list is performing at your current bid and budget.

The main tasks of the Google Planner are to clarify and expand key phrases.

Clarification - reducing the degree of discrepancy between search queries (search terms) and keywords (keywords) and bringing their ratio closer to 1:1. This is also called reducing the iceberg effect.

The ultimate goal is to increase CTR and reduce average cost per click.

Expansion - finding new key phrases that drive impressions, clicks and conversions. You expand the potential of current keywords and create new ones based on this.

Access the Keyword Planner

You can find Google Planner in any Google account AdWords by link. If you don't have an account, create it.

Open AdWords:

Fill in the blank fields:

From the Tools menu, select Keyword Planner:

A couple of seconds to launch - and you get access to navigation, which works wonders)

Beginning of work

There are four menu items in the welcome window:

Let's look at each in detail.

Searching for new keywords and getting query statistics

Search for new keywords by phrase, site or category.

This option gives a list of keywords by URL or main query. It is not necessary to fill out each field: Google will offer options based on the product name, page address or category.

Your product or service: You can write several options here so that Google can find synonyms and words with similar meanings.

Landing Page: Google crawls it and finds words that match your product/offer.

Important! To get options for the content of the site (and not just one page), you need to confirm ownership of the site. About a month after confirmation, you can use the planner to select words for this site.


Narrows results to a specific region, language, search location (Google only or Google and search partners - AOL,, etc.).

Add negative keywords to eliminate unnecessary phrases in advance. The main ones are “free”, “download”, “photo”, “watch”, “abstract”, etc.

Date range

A useful option if you want to get results for a specific period - for example, 2016. If you activate the “Compare” button, you can compare the results of two months - January and December:

Search options

Here you set the maximum average number of requests per month, as well as the bid per ad impression and the percentage of impressions received. Indicate the level of competition if this is important.

Keyword options - in this window you enable/disable additional filters:

Keywords in Consideration - Use this field if you want results that contain specific words.

Result: a list of potential keyword phrases.

Obtaining query statistics and trends.

This option is used to view historical statistics for a ready list of queries. For example, what you received in the previous step.

There are two input options: enter 1,000 queries manually line by line or separated by commas (Option 1) or upload a file with the list to txt format or csv (Option 2).

The filters are similar to those in the first step.

Clicking the “Find out the number of requests” button gives statistics of all requests in the form of charts and tables:

Statistics will help you determine which keywords to add and which not. To view them in ad groups, click the Ad Group Options tab.

3) Selection of keywords based on existing lists.

The next stage is a combination of thematic words in key queries and viewing statistics and traffic forecasts for them. A great way to process the results of a brainstorming session.

You have 3 columns for entering words:

Google collects phrases from them, which it then checks for frequency. The chart and tables show statistics of key queries.

Result: a list of relevant key phrases + bids on them.

Budget planning and forecasting

Enter or upload a list of keywords to get predictions

Similar to what you did before. The difference is you get a potential number of requests for the next 6 months. This gives incorrect results if you have seasonal traffic.

The forecast graph shows the combination of impressions and cost per click:

Select "Keywords from Account" in the left menu, then click "Select from Account" and add campaigns or keywords.

To view overall predictions, click All Keywords on the left side of the screen.

Pay special attention to the keyword match type. The accuracy of statistical data depends on this.

Broad match captures all possible word forms that include your phrase.

For example, for the phrase “Car batteries” the scheduler will show all the statistics of queries where this phrase was mentioned.

And “Car batteries”, and “Where to buy car batteries”, and “How to charge car battery", and "Selling a car battery."

With a broad match, enter the phrase without any operators (without parentheses and quotes), as is.

Broad match modifiers makes broad match keywords more precise and narrows their potential reach. On the one hand, this increases the relevance of the keys, on the other hand, it reduces the amount of traffic.

Ads are shown only for queries that contain words with a plus sign (for example, +masquerade +costume) or their close variants, but not synonyms (masquerade costumes), arranged in any order.

Phrase matching captures statistics on a phrase in all declensions, singular/plural.

Exact match shows a selection strictly according to a given word form. Exactly as you set it - for this we set square brackets- [Red summer dress], for example.

In this case, it is possible to rearrange the words in the phrase (summer red dress), add or remove function words, if this does not change the meaning of the phrase and the purpose of the request.

Saving a plan in AdWords

You've searched for keywords, filtered and narrowed the results. The next step is to add them to your plan or download them in CSV format.

When downloading, a window appears in which you select the file format - CSV (Excel):

More better option- AdWords Editor CSV format. You'll be able to instantly connect and edit your campaign and ad groups.

Keyword Planner Terms and Abbreviations

At first glance, the keyword planner resembles the cockpit of a spaceship: a lot of buttons and it’s not clear how to use it all)

A list of terms, abbreviations and abbreviations to help you:

A search term is what users enter in the search bar.

A keyword (phrase) is a word form that Google defines as relevant and similar to search queries. You use them in AdWords advertising campaigns.

Average Monthly Searches - The average number of searches for a keyword based on what filters and targeting you set up.

This chart shows the breakdown for each keyword. By default, you see metrics for 12 months.

Level of competition (here: AdWords only, not organic traffic): Multiple advertisers use the same keywords in context. This is a subjective metric for Google, as sometimes highly competitive keywords (usually short words) yield minimum costs for conversion.

The level of competition does not always depend on conversion costs. Calculation: The ratio of the number of advertisers who use this word to the total number of keywords on Google.

Recommended bid is another subjective metric from Google, as the search engine offers the highest CPC based on historical data. When calculating, Google takes into account the cost per click that other advertisers pay to show your ad in the location you specify, as well as your search network settings.

The percentage of ad impressions received is the percentage of site impressions when searching for a keyword. Calculation: the ratio of the number of requests for which the site was shown to the total number of requests for this keyword.

How to interpret the results

Now you can get keywords, view the dynamics of requests and predicted traffic. Let's take a look at the results page.

The filters are duplicated on the left side. If you notice that some of the suggested words are out of place, adjust the filter and targeting fields.

Please note that there are two tables on the results page - “Ad Group Options” and “Keyword Options”.

Don't ignore ad group options - there are relevant keywords there. They are especially helpful when you create ads using the Single Keyword Ad Groups principle (one keyword per ad group).

Visual reports

You will find them at the top of the results page. The list offers seven reports:

1) Dynamics of search query volumes (by default) - the histogram shows the number of queries by month.

2) Dynamics for mobile devices - the ratio of requests from mobile devices and general request statistics.

3) Break down by device - the percentage of requests from each type of device: computers, mobile devices, tablets.

4) Break down by location - if you are planning geographic expansion, sort the number of requests by city and region. You will identify those in which users search for your phrases more often.

5) Account/plan coverage - the percentage of keywords from your campaigns that are included in the current plan. If the percentage is high, expand the semantics.

6) Compared to competitors' domains - your percentage of impressions received and data on competitors' domains in the product categories to which your key phrases relate.

7) In comparison with the domains of the market leaders - your percentage of impressions received and data on the domains of the five market leaders.

  • Number of queries: If you don't have much time to create new ad groups for different phrases, use keywords with maximum number requests.
  • Multi-Target Keywords: It is important to understand which keywords are needed at each stage of the conversion funnel. The temperature of PPC traffic varies. For example, let's take a group:

First picture: “The gearbox is broken.”

Second: “How much does my car cost?”

Third: “Sell the car.”

As you can see, users have different goals. Should you send everyone to one landing page? Obviously not.

  • Check your competitors' landing pages in the planner to see their forecasts.
  • Blogs (including competitors' blogs), forums, news sites: check URLs through the planner - you will receive additional groups of keywords that will increase impressions.
  • Use keyword match types to more accurately estimate your traffic.


Keyword Planner is a simple and effective tool for creating and growing Google AdWords campaigns. It allows you to select keywords for PPC advertising as accurately as possible, evaluates their effectiveness and helps determine the optimal cost per click.

Pay special attention to keyword match types. The accuracy of statistical data depends on this.

The whole algorithm Google settings See AdWords in the new interface.

In order for your contextual advertising to work as it should, it is important to assess your capabilities in advance and reserve the appropriate budget. But how can you determine in advance how much it will cost to click on a particular key, and also predict the approximate number of clicks? To solve these issues, Google offers its own budget forecast service.

What is the Budget Forecast tool?

There is a convenient user tool that allows you to see in advance approximate statistics of advertising impressions and financial costs for established key queries. It is based on statistics that the advertising service constantly collects and can show the approximate number and maximum cost of a click for selected settings: key phrases, display regions, time limits, etc.

But you should know that this forecast from Google Adwords is only approximate, and real numbers may differ from the predicted result. To figure out how significant an error can be, we tried to calculate the Google Adwords budget forecast. Here's what we got:

After preliminary calculations of the Google AdWords budget, we launched a real advertising campaign and after a couple of days we studied the statistics:

As you can see, there are slight differences from the preliminary forecast of Google Adwords, and this error must be taken into account (set aside funds for advertising “with a reserve”). However, the forecast is an accurate enough tool to understand what costs await you.

Moreover, this was a simple example in one highly competitive topic (buying a car in Moscow). If you conduct a preliminary analysis of a niche with little competition and analyze a larger number of key queries, then the results of such a forecast will be much more accurate.

How to get forecast results

To get an Adwords budget forecast that is close to reality, you need to:

  1. Make a list of suitable keywords.
  1. Load them based on the selected match modifier (broad or exact)
  2. Indicate all necessary negative keywords.

In the window that appears, we click on the right item:

Here we load the pre-collected “keys” and indicate the matching option:

We wait for “Start” and set the main region in the scheduler interface. Next, a new window opens where you can specify all display regions:

Insert the prepared list of negative keywords. They must be indicated in a special section:

At this stage, the preparation is complete, and we can get an approximate campaign on Google AdWords:

On the graph above, there is an interactive slider that you can move to one side and see the number of advertising impressions for the corresponding cost per click. By lowering the cost, we get cheap clicks, but the main traffic from them also decreases.

Determining the maximum price

This figure is indicated when creating a new campaign, and then adjusted if necessary. Typically the click price is slightly less than the maximum bid. In the same Google section Adwords shows how impressions will be distributed among various devices. From these diagrams we conclude that traffic from smartphones predominates for the most part:

What else can a budget forecast do?

Google AdWords has the ability to additionally calculate the approximate economics before its launch. And the same forecast service helps to do this. Indicate the conversion percentage on your website or landing page, as well as the conversion value (the income you can receive from a visitor who makes a purchase):

In this case, in the forecast results you will also find out the price of the expected conversion:

How to use calculation results correctly

Using Google Adwords to calculate your budget will help you choose the optimal bid and find out how many ad impressions and real transitions can be counted on. Some useful tips:

  1. CTR (click-through rate) can be considered approximately 10%. If you have a normal landing page and a well-written ad, this indicator will fluctuate around this level.
  2. For landing pages, conversion rates are about 5-6%, but this is individual and depends on the product or service, its popularity in the selected region, as well as the quality of the service itself. landing page. There are niches where this figure can exceed 50%. And in others - even 1-2% are considered good result. For online store pages, this figure is slightly lower and amounts to 2-4%.
  3. If with potential clients a manager works, the conversion of applications should be 60% or higher.

Undoubtedly, all information obtained in this way is approximate, but with their help you can make a good general idea. In addition, if you run a small test advertising campaign, you can collect more accurate information without much expense. And with their help, you can improve your website and increase the effectiveness of the ad itself. As a result, conversion and sales will increase significantly.

But if you can't afford to spend a lot of time on permanent job with Google Adwords contextual advertising, if you have no experience in this area and have little understanding of how the parameters described above are calculated, the best solution is to contact professionals. The benefits from a well-constructed advertising campaign will offset their fees, and you can focus directly on sales.

Google AdWords is a tool with thousands of input settings and billions of output results. It all comes down to how well you master it and apply it in practice.

A properly configured AdWords campaign gives the maximum return on investment, with errors - it is always more expensive than exhaust - there are more costs than profits.

Mistake #1: You chose the wrong campaign type

On the AdWords home page, click the red “+ campaign” button. We are offered 6 types:

  • 1) Search network and optimized display network (Display Network) - do not use it: inflated cost of clicks, 10% of traffic will come from nowhere.
  • 2) Only the search network - for a product for which the need has been formed + it receives a lot of search queries. Problem/pain orientation.
  • 3) Only CMS - for a product for which the need has NOT been formed. It is unknown to the market, there are few search queries. Focus on curiosity.
  • 4) Google Shopping - mainly used by affiliates (resellers of traffic at a favorable price).
  • 5) Video - use if you have a specific sales video or promotional video.
  • 6) Universal campaign for applications - suitable for a narrow niche - mobile applications.

For example, landing cosmetic center "Fantasy" became a complete failure in the search network: 2 months of painstaking optimization work, 4 applications and a budget drain of 10,000 rubles. At the same time, stunning success in the display network, with the same budget and service, in 2 weeks - more than 70 applications, without optimization or additions.

Mistake #2: You didn't create ad groups

Within each campaign, you can divide your ads and keywords into groups.

A classic mistake - all ads, keywords and traffic are lumped together and lead to home page. In the hope that the user will figure out what's what.

An attempt to sell everything to everyone ends the same way: the visitor leaves without completing an order.

Segment your traffic into individual products, services and audiences, write ads for each product and select appropriate keywords. Add them to your advertising campaign using the “+ ad group” button.

Mistake #3: You Ignore Keyword Match Types

Each keyword can be set to one or more match types, which determine which queries you should display ads for. The default is broad match. If you ignore match types, you will get 75% of untargeted traffic.

Keyword Match Types in AdWords

1) Broad match is the default for all keywords. In this case, the ad is shown for queries with typos, synonyms and relevant phrases.

For example, for the keyword “Women’s trousers”, AdWords will pull up queries for “Women’s clothing”; “Tailoring women's pants to order,” etc.

2) The broad match modifier causes impressions for queries containing a keyword phrase in any order or similar variations, but not synonyms.

For a broad match modifier, use the “+” operator

For example, key phrase“+women’s+pants.” The ad will appear for the request “Pants for women”.

3) Phrase match - the request must contain an exact match key phrase. Additional words are “pulled up” to it.

To do this, we use the "word" quote operator.

For example, “Women’s trousers” - requests “Buy women’s trousers”; "Order women's trousers online store."

4) Exact match - the request matches the key phrase. We use the [word] operator.

[Women's trousers] - [Women's trousers].

5) Negative match or negative keywords. We exclude unnecessary phrases from display. For example, "How to sew" - we don't need information queries where users are looking for tutorials and instructions. We need sales.

For a backing track we use the minus operator:

“-how to sew” in our case.

In the same way, you can exclude models, colors, and regions that are not in the assortment.

The correct approach is to start with exact matches and then expand as needed. If you're not getting enough impressions and conversions, choose phrase or broad match.

Mistake #4: You're not using negative keywords

Negative keywords exclude keywords that are not suitable for your offer.

At the campaign or ad group level, in the top menu, click the "keywords" button. A “negative keywords” button will appear, which leads to a menu for adding them.

To find non-target user queries, click the “Search Queries” button. Add all search queries that do not correspond to your product to the “negative words”:

Example: the furniture studio "Harmony" produces expensive cabinet furniture. All economy class requests (with the words “cheap”, “inexpensive”) are non-targeted.

Mistake #5: Relying on your opinion rather than facts

A business owner believes that he knows his business better than anyone. This emergency situation is costly for business. Google AdWords is a great litmus test that will knock down your arrogance.

Test and you will find: customers are not searching in the way you imagine, and they are not clicking on the ads that are ideal for you.

Mistake #6: You're Creating a Weak Ad

Compare the top ad with the others. The average bill for a marble fireplace is 200-250 thousand rubles. Which ad would a lead willing to pay that much money click on? At the same time, the top one is the cheapest - about 9 rubles per click, the bottom one costs 23 rubles.

Recommendations: Respect your customers, speak the language of benefits, use ad extensions. Sync AdWords with Google service My Business - and add phone number, address, card flag and opening hours to your ad.

Mistake #7: You don’t know the value of a customer and the cost of acquiring one.

Have you ever calculated how much you earn on average per client? How much can you afford in AdWords to attract him? The profit may not cover the costs of attracting him, and you will go bankrupt or give up contextual advertising.

Mistake #8: You don’t know the optimal ad position and traffic depth

Standard on the first Google page 5 advertisements are broadcast, 3 at the top and 2 at the bottom with slight variations. Where your ad appears more often is its position.

The top two are clicked by the most solvent client, so everyone strives to take a higher position. Such competition brings the cost of a click to 300 rubles or more.

Setting up and running a campaign in Google AdWords is not a one-time procedure, but a process. Measure the depth of traffic, reach the bottom when increasing the daily budget or bids does not increase the number of impressions and clicks.

Recommendations: Test and compare metrics daily. When you find out the depth of traffic, double your daily budget. You will not increase the cost of your advertising campaign by a single ruble, but you will easily win two positions, since AdWords will try to absorb your budget and show ads higher.

Mistake #9: You Stop Your Ads from Broadcasting

If for some reason (site redesign, budget has run out, low efficiency at the start), you decide to temporarily stop broadcasting ads in AdWords - do not do this under any circumstances.

The Display Network is constantly increasing its audience reach and weeding out advertising platforms where there are no clicks on impressions. If you stop the broadcast, these developments are canceled and when you turn it on again, everything starts again.

Recommendations: if it happens that you need to pause advertising in AdWords, go to the campaign settings and simply reduce the daily budget to 5 rubles. You will receive 1 click per day, while the entire advertising campaign network that has been grown will be preserved.

Mistake #10: You don't adapt your site for mobile users

In 2016 mobile users There is more Internet access than from the desktop. If your site doesn't support responsive extensions, you're losing half your advertising budget.

This resource will show your site in 10 device sizes.

Recommendations: make the site responsive, and disable display on mobile and tablets during development. In the settings, under “Devices,” click on “Change bid adjustments for devices.” In the page that opens, set +50% for computers and -90% for mobiles and tablets.


Contextual advertising requires a professional approach. Be prepared that you won't get an immediate return on investment. Monitor, adjust and test settings regularly. Consult with experts - after all, you are wasting your money!

If you responsibly approach setting up an advertising campaign in Google AdWords, then in 1-3 months you will have an amazing lead generation tool and a thriving business

Well, let the listed mistakes go to waste. If you have them, of course)

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