Hardware and software setup

Functional diagram of block placement according to the station plan. Brief description of the station

The block structure of centralization allows reducing the amount of installation work during construction and speeding up the introduction of centralization devices. Due to the plug-in connection of the blocks, it is possible, in case of damage, to quickly remove the faulty block and replace it with a serviceable one, without stopping the action of centralization.

When designing the BMRC system, insulating joints are first placed at the station to form track and switch sections, as well as train and shunting traffic lights. After that, depending on the location of typical objects, stations make up functional diagram placement of blocks of the typesetting group and the executive group for the neck of the station.

Blocks are arranged according to the station plan for a dial group if:

· Input paired with shunting and output traffic lights, then NPM block;

Single in the neck, then block HM1;

· Signals in the alignment and signals from the track section, then blocks NM2P, NM2AP;

· Signals from the dead end NM2P;

· At the arrow exit, NSS block;

For the executive group, if:

· Entrance traffic light paired with a shunting one, then the block VD, UP, M2;

· Exit traffic light, blocks VD, V1, P;

Single in the neck, block M2;

· Signals in the alignment, on both sides of the traffic lights;

· Signals from a section of the path, then blocks, M2, UP, are placed between blocks M2;

· Signal from typical block M2;

· At the turnout exit and at the single turnout, Block C.

The BMRC system is more reliable and versatile of the previously used systems. This system has the following features:

· The route is set by pressing two buttons "beginning" and "end" of the route;

· Arrows along the route are translated automatically "Route dial plan". In this system, the route is completely locked before the opening of the signal;

· The route is closed section by section behind the tail of the train;

Schemes are assembled according to the station plan and elementary routes

The system consists of two groups: typesetting and executive.

Typesetting group

It consists of 4 strings:

1 string - a circuit of push-button relays, serves to fix the action of the duty officer. It puts a direction relay under current, thereby determining the type and direction of the route. Puts corner relays in all areas under current.

KN is the shortest string, its chain runs from the signal block to the first switch block. When a button is pressed, the circuit is closed to the corresponding button relay. After the push-button relays are triggered, the corresponding bus appears and a white or green light on the remote control lights up.

2 string - automatic push-button relays (AKN) allow you to dial a route of any length, they simulate pressing the buttons "beginning" and "end" of the route on intermediate signals. The scheme is built according to the plan of the station, assembled along the entire length of the route. AKN, having risen under the current, with its contacts turns on both push-button relays, anti-repeat and push-button relays, when all relays 1st and 2nd work, then the 3rd string of the route dial is closed. AKN is placed in blocks NM1, NM2AP

3rd string - the relay control circuit is used to control the arrows along the route. It is assembled along elementary routes, i.e. from signal to signal. When the control relay becomes energized, then the arrows along the route begin to translate. The 3rd string is tuned for triggering in the PU or MU block due to the power and triggering of the 2nd string. After the end of the translation and gaining control of the arrow, the 4th string is assembled.

4th string - correspondence scheme. Checks the correct translation of the arrows, i.e. order and action correspond to each other. The scheme is a passing link from the route set to the executive group, according to this scheme, the relay of the executive group - N is turned on. The string is built according to the station plan and continues along the entire length of the route.

The operation of the BMRC system, when the reception route is set to the IIP, begins with a dial group. By pressing the train button NK of the beginning of the route, the direction and category are determined, after which the set of the route of another direction and category is excluded. For this direction and when the button is pressed, the beginning of the train route is determined from the traffic light H. After that, within the established boundaries, the route transfer of all arrows included in the route occurs. At the end of the translation of the arrows, a special correspondence scheme controls the correctness of the set and the position of the translated arrows. If there is a match, the relay H (initial) of the set train route is turned on, a transition to the executive group takes place. The work of the executive group begins with the installation of the route. Depending on the established boundaries of the set route, the track and turnout sections included in this route are selected. After that, with the help of control-sectional relays (CS), all conditions for the correctness of the established route are controlled. After that, relay M (route) of these sections is de-energized, and relay 3 of the route is closed. The matching circuit is designed to turn on the train and shunting initial relays with checking the conformity of the actual position of the switches. This check is carried out by successively switching on the contacts of the pointer control relays PU and MU and the control relays PC and MK of all the points included in the specified route in the relay H circuit.

After turning on the control relays PC (MK) in blocks C of the arrows included in the route, the correspondence circuit closes - 4 string connecting the blocks of the typesetting group. This circuit turns on the initial relay H in the VD block of the traffic light Ch.

When designing schemes, BMRTs make up a functional diagram of the placement of blocks of the executive and typesetting groups for the station.

The typesetting group uses the following typical blocks:

NPM - to control input, output and route traffic lights; can be used for a shunting traffic light from the section of the track behind the entrance traffic light;

HM1 - control unit for a single shunting traffic light located on the border of two switch isolated sections;

NMIIP - controls one of the shunting traffic lights, installed from the arrowless section of the road from a dead end or located in the alignment with a traffic light in the opposite direction;

NMIIIAP - controls the second shunting traffic light installed from a section of the track or alignment;

НСОх2 - control unit for two single arrows;

NSS - control unit for twin arrows;

НН - direction block, fixing the type and direction of the given routes;

NPS - a block that controls the sequential transfer of arrows during the main power supply;

BDSH-20 - a block for turning on the corner push-button relays in the NSS blocks.

Schemes of the executive group of the BMRC are designed to set the closing or opening and artificial cutting of the route with checking the conditions for the safety of train traffic.

The execution group uses the following blocks:

P - track, one is installed on the receiving and departure track;

SP - turnout track block, installed on each turnout section;

UP - track, installed on the section of the track in the neck of the station;

C - switch, installed on each centralized switch of the station;

MI - control unit for a shunting traffic light, the area of ​​approach to which is the turnout section;

MII - control unit for a shunting traffic light from a dead end and each traffic light installed in the alignment;

MIII - control unit for a shunting traffic light from the section of the track in the neck of the station, from the receiving and departing track;

ВI – output traffic light block in one direction;

BII - block of the output traffic light in two directions;

VIII - output traffic light block with a four-digit signaling;

VD - additional to each of the blocks VI, VII, VIII as well as for the input traffic light.

When constructing a functional block layout, attention should be paid to the location of the SP block relative to the blocks C arrows included in this section. The SP block must be located at the section point through which all routes involving this section pass.

The block diagram of the BMRC type-setting group and the functional diagram of the executive group are shown in Figure 3.

All relay equipment for control routes forms a dial group, which is called a route set.

According to the task, it is necessary to place blocks for the shunting route along the IIP path.

On the path IIP we install the track block P. For the exit traffic light CHII we install the blocks VI and VD. On switches 17, 11 and 1 we install switch blocks C. On switch sections 11-17SP and 1SP we install one block SP each. For traffic lights M13, M5 and M3, we install the MIII block. For track sections 1/11P and NDP, we install one UP block each. For an additional input traffic light ND, we install the HP block.

The order of arrangement of blocks of the typesetting group is as follows.

For the output traffic light CHII, we install the NPM block. On a single arrow 17, we install the HCOx2 block. We install one NSS block at turnouts 9/11 and 1/3. For the M13 traffic light, we install the NMII / P block. For the M5 traffic light, we install the NMIIAP block. For traffic lights M3 and ND, we install the NPM block.

On arrows 17 and 9/11 and on arrows 1/3 we install on the PS block.

Relay interlocking devices, made in the form of standard blocks of typesetting and executive groups installed at the EC post, were called block route-relay interlocking BMRTS. The use of BMRC at stations allows to reduce the design time by 35-40% and significantly reduce the amount of design documentation. LMRC at the construction stage allows up to 70% of installation to be performed in the factory, which significantly improves the quality of work, reduces the amount of installation work (works on construction and the time for commissioning centralization devices. The quality of service for devices in operation is improved. All units are made with a plug connection and installed on special cabinets.

The BMRC design process is reduced to obtaining electrical circuit stations by arranging and interconnecting blocks of the route set and blocks of installation and opening of routes.

Schemes are drawn up using two-position single-contact buttons. The task of any route is carried out by pressing the buttons for the beginning and end of the route. A variant route is set by successively pressing the initial, intermediate and final buttons. Nine types of blocks are used to build route dialing schemes:

1. HM1 - control unit for single shunting traffic lights in the neck of the station "; the unit is also used for the option button.

2. NM1D - an additional block for controlling single traffic lights.

3. nmip - block for controlling a shunting traffic light from a dead end, from the track, for one or two traffic lights in the alignment or from a section of the track.

4. NM11AP - control unit for the second shunting traffic light in the alignment or from the track section.

5. NPM-69 - control unit for input and "shunting traffic lights from the section of the track behind (input, output or route traffic lights").<

6. НСОх2 - control unit for two single arrows.

7. NSS - control unit for twin arrows. "8. HH - block kit 1 relay (directions.

9. NPS - block for sequential transfer of arrows with main power supply.

The main circuits of the route set are assembled from blocks of the above types and represent: a circuit of push-button relays; scheme of automatic push-button relays; direction relay diagram; control pointer relay diagram; laughter conformity.

There are blocks of the following types for constructing schemes of the executive group:

1) IN 1 And VD - carry out control of the output traffic light in one direction and provide signaling with red, yellow, green and moonlight white lights;

2) VC And VD - control the exit traffic light in two directions. | In this case, signaling is provided at the traffic light: red, yellow, green, two green (or two yellow), moonlight white lights 1;

3) B111 And VD - control the output traffic light with a four-digit signaling: red, yellow, green, yellow with green, white lights;

4) M1 - controls and manages a single shunting traffic light, the area of ​​approach to which is an insulated turnout section;

5) MP- controls the indication and controls the traffic light from the dead end, as well as the shunting traffic light, which is in alignment with the shunting traffic light of the other direction

6) M111- controls the traffic light from the section of the track in the neck of the station or / from the receiving-departure track;

7) P- controls the state of the receiving-departure track, excludes oncoming hostile routes and controls the entry of the train onto the route;

8) SP- controls the state of the turnout track section, the closing and opening of the turnouts;

9) UP - controls the state of the arrowless track section;

10) PS220A - starting pointer block, translates and controls the arrows;

11) FROM - switch switching unit, carries out switching of circuits in accordance with established routes and gives control of the switch to the console. Each of the paired arrows has its own block C;

On fig. 29 shows a plan of an exemplary station with a breakdown into isolated sections and the arrangement of traffic lights. Under the plan of the station, the location of buttons and blocks is shown.

In this system, the entire route is automatically disconnected in the event of a forced traffic light overlap. Opening occurs with a time delay, the duration of which depends on the state of the pre-route section. If it is free, then the time delay; is 6 s, if busy, then 3-4 minutes for train and 1 minute for shunting traffic lights.

During the time delay, the free state of all sections included in the route is continuously checked. If the rolling stock occupies sections of the route during the delay period, the operation of the route cancellation scheme is interrupted and the route remains closed.

The presence of such a principle significantly increases the performance of the system, and the use of artificial cutting buttons to cancel routes is excluded. Artificial cutting buttons are used only in cases where, after the passage of the train along the route, a false employment of any section remains.

>BMRC applied the principle of section-by-section opening of routes. In trip circuits, the control is provided:

opening the previous section, train entry into this section, its release and entry of the train into the next section. Each switch isolated section has two routing relays connected according to the same scheme. Depending on the direction of movement, one of the route relays controls the opening of the previous section And- the employment of this section, the other is the release of this and the employment of the subsequent sections. Route relays are installed in blocks joint venture And At P. A direct repeater of route relays is relay 3 installed in the block joint venture“and- closing arrows in the route.

As control devices, a trough-type panel-board or a remote-manipulator with a remote panel is used.

BMRC is the first link in the chain of complete automation of the station. The use of automatic routing devices will make it possible to free the station attendant from this work and switch all of it (attention to the operational work of the station.


Department "Automation and telemechanics on railways"

"Equipment of the railway section with automation and telemechanics devices"

Option 3 (inverted)

St. Petersburg 2011

block electric railway automation


Conditions for the safety of train traffic at stations

Schematic plan of the station

Schematic diagrams of the block system of electrical interlocking for intermediate stations

General information

Functional block layout

Development of the scheme of the "CS" circuit of the executive group of the BMRC. Security Conditions Checked in the Schema

Branched track circuit diagram

Switch control scheme


On the network of domestic railways, systems of electrical centralization of switches and signals (EC) are operated, which differ in the methods of installation and opening of routes, the placement of control, monitoring and power supply devices, the design of the equipment, and the method of installation.

For intermediate stations, an EC system is designed with central dependencies and central power supply with routing of both train and shunting routes, which is designed for route control of switches and signals. All track elements of the EC - traffic lights, switch electric drives, track circuit devices - receive power from the control station via cable. The only exceptions are entrance traffic lights, which have relay and battery cabinets. In modern projects, battery cabinets are not provided, since an input traffic light circuit with a backup central power supply for all lamps has been developed. Pointer electric drives can be direct or alternating current. Currently, only AC drives are being designed.

At large and medium-sized stations with more than 30 switches, route relay centralization (MRC) is used. If block installation of equipment is used in centralization, then it is called block route relay centralization (BMRTS).

Conditions for the safety of train traffic at stations

Electrical interlocking is a railway automation system (SZHAT) that controls the movement of train units at stations. The main requirement for it is to ensure the safety of movement.

Traffic safety conditions (ATC) include:

Control of the extreme position of the running arrows.

Control of the correct position of guard arrows.

Control of the lack of transfer of arrows to local control.

Checking for the absence of arrow closures in other routes.

Control of free running sections.

Control of free space of oversized sections.

Checking for route cancellations.

Checking the absence of artificial cutting.

Checking the actual closure of sections in a given route.

Checking section opening when canceling a route by given algorithm.

Checking the opening of sections during artificial cutting along a given route.

14. Protection of closed sections from premature circuit, respectively, when applying and removing a shunt on a track circuit, switching power feeders, losing a shunt for a given time.

Control of the freedom of the receiving and sending path.

Control of the absence of setting hostile (frontal) routes in the opposite neck of the station.

Checking the absence of transfer of the receiving and sending path to local control.

Checking the absence of inclusion of the fence of the receiving and departure path.

Checking the actual exclusion of frontal routes to a given transceiver path after setting the route.

Control of the freeness of the first deletion section during auto-blocking.

Control of the presence of a wand key in the control apparatus.

Control of the correctly set direction of movement with two-sided automatic blocking.

Verification of the actual closure of the reversal circuit with a two-way auto-lock.

Control of the freedom of the haul with automatic blocking.

Monitoring the compliance of the signal indication of the traffic light with the signaling instructions.

Monitoring the absence of an invitation signal indication at a traffic light.

Monitoring the closed state of hostile traffic lights.

Checking the closed state of the barrier traffic lights (control of the absence of the inclusion of the barrier signal at the crossing).

Checking the inclusion of permissive signal indications at the traffic light with a time delay sufficient to close traffic at the crossing.

Schematic plan of the station

The course work considers the issue of designing equipment for EC devices of an intermediate station, which serves to overtake and cross transit trains, process combined trains, feed (clean) local cars to the cargo area, board and disembark passengers.

The schematic plan of the station shows:

Departure and receiving routes


traffic lights

insulating joints.

A special numbering of tracks is given, as well as the numbering of arrows, traffic lights, turnouts and track sections.

Arrows on a single-line plan are shown in the position corresponding to the preferred direction of train movement. The arrows are numbered in ascending order from the side of the arrival of even trains - even numbers, and from the side of the arrival of odd trains - odd. The arrows are numbered in ascending order.

Stations on single-track lines must be able to receive trains from both directions. Such paths are called impersonal.

Rail circuits are indicated on a single-strand plan by installing insulating joints. Each station track is allocated into a separate track circuit, which determines its useful length.

On the schematic plan of the station, the type of traffic lights and their indices by category and direction of train movement are indicated.

When splitting the neck of the station into isolated sections (sections), the following requirements must be met: organization of the maximum number of parallel movements; exclusion of overruns of rolling stock during maneuvers; inclusion in one isolated section of no more than three single or two cross switches.

Insulating joints are placed in the alignment with the traffic light. The shift of the joints at the entrance traffic lights is allowed in both directions by no more than 2 meters. On the receiving and departure tracks, in order to obtain the maximum possible lengths of the tracks, the joints are installed at a distance of 3.5 meters from the limit column. In front of the wits, the arrows are insulating joints located at the end of the frame rail.

Traffic lights at the station are installed in accordance with the PTE and Instructions for signaling on the railways of the Russian Federation.

The schematic plan indicates all signal indications of station traffic lights, their type (mast, dwarf), as well as numbers and indices by category and direction of train movement. Traffic lights are installed on the right side in the direction of travel near the corresponding insulating joint. Output traffic lights on specialized receiving and departure tracks are installed at one end in accordance with the direction of train movement. On impersonal receiving and departure tracks, output traffic lights are installed at both ends of the track. Entrance and exit traffic lights from the receiving and departure tracks, along which the through passage of trains is carried out, are installed only mast, and on the remaining tracks - dwarf (due to the tightness of the dimensions between the tracks and to save money). Shunting traffic lights, as a rule, are installed as dwarf ones. Mast shunting traffic lights are installed in cases where dwarf ones do not provide good visibility of signal indications, for example, from cargo yards, hoods and dead ends.

Entrance traffic lights, depending on the direction of movement, are assigned the letters H (odd direction) and H (even direction). Output traffic lights get a name that reflects the direction and number of the receiving and departure route (for example, Ch2 and H2). Shunting traffic lights have the letter M with the addition of the number of the traffic light at the station (for an even neck - M2, M4, M6, etc., for an odd neck - M1, MZ, M5, etc.). The numbering of shunting traffic lights increases from the input signal towards the passenger building. Relay cabinets are designated by signal letters, which include - РШЧ, РШН.

In sections with diesel traction, entrance traffic lights are installed at a distance of 50 m from the insulating joint of the first turnout in the neck of the station.

On electrified sections, input traffic lights are installed in front of the air gap of the contact wire from the side of the stage. This distance must be at least 300 m from the insulating joint of the frame rail of the first turnout in the neck of the station.

General information

The block system of electrical interlocking (EC) of intermediate stations is built on the basis of circuits of block route-relay interlocking of switches and signals (BMRTS), which includes circuits and blocks of the route set and the executive group of the relay.

In block systems of EC of intermediate stations, separate control of arrows and signals is implemented, therefore only schemes and blocks of the relay executive group are used. The perception and fixation of the actions of operators in the control apparatus is carried out by special circuits of the following relays: push-button, directions, anti-repetition, route cancellation, etc.

As a control and monitoring apparatus, a panel-board with a groove-type lighting circuit and signal one-contact two-position buttons located under the station lighting circuit is used.

Cancellation of the route is performed by pressing the group cancel button, followed by pressing the corresponding signal button. Non-latching buttons are used to control pointer electric drives to move the arrows to the plus or minus position. The arrows without control of the freeness of the rail circuits of the turnout track sections are translated by group buttons along the necks with a mechanical counter of the number of clicks. Buttons for artificial opening of sections of routes are used unsealed with the addition of their group button for artificial opening, which has a mechanical counter of the number of clicks.

The buttons for turning on invitation lights at train traffic lights are also equipped with a mechanical counter for the number of clicks.

Block EC schemes are organized by standard connections of blocks in accordance with the topology (plan) of the station.

Blocks are connected by the following main chains:

circuit 1 - circuit of control-sectional relays;

circuit 2 - signal relay circuit;

circuits 3-5 - route relay circuit;

circuit b - circuit of the relay for canceling and opening sections.

(Chains 7 and 8 connecting blocks in the course project are not considered)

The course project develops:

functional diagram of the placement of blocks according to a given station plan;

schemes of installation, closing and opening of routes;

electrical circuits connecting blocks.

Functional block layout

The functional layout of the EC blocks is drawn up in relation to the schematic plan of a given station.

The functional diagram uses a simplified designation of traffic lights, and also shows signal buttons for train and shunting traffic lights. In accordance with the task, this scheme can be developed both for the entire station and for one of its necks. Block types are selected using the data in the table below.

Table 1 Types of executive blocks BMRC

Type of block Purpose VDU Control of the input, as well as (together with blocks of type В 1, В II, ВIII) output train traffic light ВI Control of the exit train traffic light, combined with a shunting traffic light, with a three-digit auto-block signaling В II Control of the exit traffic light, combined with a shunting one, in the presence of two directions of train movement and a three-digit automatic blocking signaling, as well as control of the exit traffic light from the main track in the presence of variant BIII Control of the exit train traffic light, combined with a shunting one, with a four-digit auto-blocking signaling P Controlling the status and absence of hostile routes on the receiving and departing track SP Monitoring the status, closing and opening of the turnout section СControl over the position of the switch МI Control of a single shunting traffic light at the border of two isolated turnout sections М II Control of one of the traffic lights located in the alignment with a traffic light of the opposite direction and a traffic light from non-centralized zone M III Control of shunting traffic lights from the section of the track in the neck of the station and shunting traffic lights from a specialized receiving and departure track

For each output and route traffic lights, a VD type block and a block B I, B II or B III are installed; for each shunting traffic light - a block of type M, MII or MIII. For input traffic lights, VD blocks and non-block type signal relay circuits are used, placed on a free-mounted cabinet.

For station tracks, non-switch and switch sections, P, UP, and SP type blocks are used, respectively.

For each switch, both single and exit switches (paired), type C blocks are installed.

The location of blocks of the SP type on the functional diagram is determined by the feature of the corresponding switch section. The blocks are placed in the centers of the turnout sections. The center of a section is the point of a single-line plan through which all routes pass along this section.

Electrical diagrams for connecting blocks according to the station plan

All relay blocks of the executive group, arranged in accordance with the station plan, are interconnected by eight electrical circuits:

Circuit of control-sectional relays;

Alarm relay circuit;

4, 5 - circuits of routing relays (the 5th circuit is also used in the circuit for selecting permitting indications of input and output traffic lights);

The circuit of automatic cancellation of routes and opening of unused parts of shunting routes during corner arrivals;

8 - circuits for switching on the indication lamps on the control panel.

Each of the eight circuits is common for train and shunting routes in both directions of train traffic. The start and end of the route are determined by the start and end relays. In the initial state, by the rear contacts of these relays, all circuits are prepared for the installation of train routes, in which all sections of the station neck located on the route route participate. When the initial and final shunting relays are switched on, their front contacts separate the circuits of the corresponding shunting route from the common circuits. Therefore, when designing electrical circuits for connecting blocks, it is important to observe the correct orientation of the blocks so that the contacts of the initial and final shunting relays of one route connect circuits within the route of this particular route.

Scheme of control - sectional relays

The circuit for switching on the control sectional relays (CS) is formed after switching on the initial and final (in the shunting route) relay along the route route from the start block to the end block of the route.

The KS relays are installed: one for each section in the SP and UP blocks, two for each receiving and sending path in the P block, one for each traffic light in the M I, M II blocks,

M III and VD and one for each approach to the station on free-mounted tripods.

When setting up a route, the CS relay circuit must ensure that the CS relay is switched on in the signal block of the beginning of the route and in all blocks of the SP and UE sections along the route route.

The following safety conditions are checked in the switching circuit of the KS relay:

correct position of the running arrows - relay contacts PC, MK

absence of a pointer notch, local control of the pointer, freeness of oversized sections, correct position of security arrows (relay contacts VE);

freedom of switch and non-switch sections within the route (relay contacts SP and P I of blocks SP and UP);

absence of hostile routes (relay contacts H (NM) of signal blocks and relay NI (CHI) of blocks P).

in block P, the relay KS of the corresponding direction (In our case, NKS) should additionally be switched on.

The KS relays are switched on after closing the front contacts of the N relay in train routes and the NM and KM relays in shunting routes, receiving power from the PC bus through the contact of the corresponding push-button relay. After the route is set and the signal button is released, the KS relays receive power through the contact of the KS relay of the signal block. The relays KS are turned off, either when the train enters the traffic light (by the contact of the relay SP 1 (P I) of the block SP (UP) of the first section of the route), or when the route is canceled (by the contacts of the relay cutting R in the blocks SP and UP).


1. Equipment of the railway section with automation and telemechanics devices

D.S. Markov, A.A. Prokofiev, V. P. Molodtsov. - SGI6.: PGUPS, 2003

Telemechanics and communication automation devices: A.A. Kazakov, V.M. Davydovsky E.A. Kazakov. - M.: Transport, 1983

Abstract of lectures on the discipline "Automation and telemechanics" d.S. Markov - 2006

Blocks at BMRC are placed on a stylized single-line station plan, which indicates: numbering and specialization of receiving and departing tracks; numbering of switches, switch-track and non-switch sections; all main iso-junctions, repeaters of input main and additional traffic lights, as well as output combined with shunting and repeaters of shunting traffic lights are placed; signal buttons for train and shunting signals are placed, located on 1 sheet of the course project.

The blocks of the typesetting group are designed according to typical circuit nodes and are indicated on the plan in a shaded rectangle and are indicated:

NPM - a stacked train shunting block, installed 1 at the input traffic light and the first shunting one after it, 1 at the output traffic light combined with the shunting one and for the shunting traffic light from the path where there is a final train button.

HMI - type-setting shunting, for a single intermediate station in the neck of the station, the area of ​​approach to which is the turnout section.

NMIIP - type-setting shunting, for shunting from dead ends, one of the shunting from a section of the track in different directions, one of the shunting, standing in the alignment.

NMIIIAP - type-setting shunting, for the second of the shunting stations located in the alignment, for the second of the shunting stations from a section of the track in different directions.

НСОх2 - Type-setting switch block, for two single switches.

NSS - a type-setting block of paired arrows. One is put on the congress.

Additional blocks are installed outside the station plan:

NMID - type-setting additional shunting, set at the rate of one for six NM I blocks.

HH - a stacking block of the relay of directions, one is installed on the one working behind the device and one backup HHr.

BDSH - diode plug-in block, installed in the NMSh relay housing, where there are 20 diodes for circuit decoupling of the UK angular relay.

Executive group in the BMRC system.

P - track block, large, installed on each receiving-departure track.

B1 and VD - blocks of output and additional output traffic lights, large sizes, are installed for each output traffic light combined with a shunting one, and block V1 is located closer to block P than VD.

C - switch block, small size, one is installed for each switch.

SP - switch and track block, large, one is installed for each switch and track section.

UE - a block of a track section, large, one is installed for each arrowless section.

VD - additional input block - large, one is installed for each main and for each additional input traffic light.

MIII - shunting block, large, installed for each shunting traffic light from a section of the track or from the receiving / departing track.

MII - shunting block, large, installed on each shunting traffic light from a dead end, for each of the shunting traffic lights in the alignment.

MI - shunting block, large size, installed for each single shunting traffic light in the neck of the intermediate station, the area of ​​approach to which is the turnout section.

Blocks installed outside the station plan.

PS - starting pointer block, large sizes. PS-220M is installed one for two single turnouts or one for two ramps or one for a ramp and one turnout.

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