Setting up hardware and software

How to create an application yourself. Are you interested in knowing how to create an application for Android? What will we create

Many programmers want to start developing applications for Android. But few people realize what steps need to be taken here. This collection is designed to help beginners in mastering Android development.

Beginning of work

For those new to programming ours will help.

For Android newbies Google has made a good introduction to Android on their website. There's also a great crowdsourced Android guide. There is also a course from Google on Udacity.

If you are experiencing problems with Android, it is highly recommended to check StackOverflow first. It is designed to answer technical questions and is even a .

You can always find it on our website.


I want to start developing for Android. Where do I begin?

First and the most important step in Android development means learning Java and XML. Once you're more or less familiar with both, check out the official Android Documentation and take a few tutorials until you feel confident enough to create your own projects. Good luck!

Do I need an Android device for development?

You can write applications without any Android device using the included emulator (or the advanced Genymotion). However, to take into account hardware requirements, there is no substitute for testing on a real device.

Which IDE should I use?

  • Android Studio- An officially supported IDE for Android development. This is what is used in modern guides and videos, including those from Google.
  • Eclipse has been the primary IDE for Android development for many years, which is why most of the legacy tutorials, resources, videos, and screenshots are made with it.
  • IntelliJ IDEA was an alternative to Eclipse, but nowadays it makes more sense to start with Android Studio. Android Studio is a fork of IntelliJ IDEA, so you get all its benefits plus Android bonuses.

Maybe I should forget about Java and start learning Kotlin?

Google now officially supports Kotlin as an Android development language, but that doesn't mean you can forget about Java support. In the near foreseeable future, documentation, tools, and new platform features will support both Kotlin and Java. Although Kotlin is a younger language with some nice features, you can still create great apps in Java. The choice is up to you, but if you don't care or are a beginner, then it may be better to opt for Kotlin.


Here are the main resources for learning Android development in English. This is far from full list, but sufficient for a start.

Official Android Resources



  • Android Weekly is a great newsletter to help you stay up to date with the latest Android developments.

Library collections


  • Genymotion is an extremely useful and functional emulator.
  • Android Asset Studio is an excellent collection of tools for creating/editing icons, images, etc.
  • Codota Plug-in for Android Studio - great code examples right in Android Studio.

Examples of open source applications

Application Ideas

So you have an idea for an app... People write about it every day. But before you ask for help in implementing a project, you need to answer the following key questions:

What's my budget?

If you are serious and want to release your product, you should think about your budget. Even for a simple application, you need to think about several thousand dollars. At least.

What is my marketing strategy?

Are you going to use regular word of mouth or are you willing to pay for fame?

What is the list of tasks for this project?

Also, what are the restrictions? How many developers do I need?

Where will the data come from/where will it be stored?

And also, how will they be used? Do I have an appropriate privacy policy?

Is there a goal to make money?

If yes, how are you going to achieve it? Through advertising, IAP, subscriptions, paid applications? All of the above?

How will you pay your developers?

Do you have capital or are you going to pay them after the application starts generating income? Often independent contractors require a portion of the total cost up front. Most developers are not interested in revenue sharing unless they are investing in the app themselves.

What will be the testing method?

What type of device are you going to install it on? How many iterations do you need? What kind of people do you want to engage?

How soon do you want to publish your app to the store?

This will definitely affect the final income.

Will you require or offer social media registration/integration?

Consider implementing this functionality.

What is your target audience?

Is this a niche application or can it be distributed everywhere?

Has my idea already been implemented?

If so, how can I improve it or what is missing from it?

What to do with app ideas if you're not a developer?

You may be looking for developers to join your team to implement an application. If you have money and can pay a developer or company, then everything is simple and clear. Next we'll talk about what to do if you don't have enough money to pay someone.

Realize that your idea may not be unique, and development requires significant effort.

  • Draw the design your application ( appearance and functionality). It can be rough and drawn on paper. But it should be quite specific and not vague.
  • Make a list of your skills related to the idea.
  • Make a list of what you will invest into your idea.

Understand that development requires significant effort. Imagine a developer working full time (8 hours) for 2 months to create your app. And you also work full time. What are you doing at this time? If your work, in your opinion, ends earlier, then you need to reconsider the idea. In this scenario, the developer does most of the work and you are, frankly, useless. What you can give after the app is finished doesn't really matter and won't motivate the developer to finish the product.

Revisiting your idea

If the developer is doing more work than you, the idea needs to be reconsidered to distribute the work more equitably. This will give you the benefits of working together. Look at your list of skills and think about how they can be applied. It's okay if the application differs from the initial idea. Revise it until your work and the developer's work are at least equal.

  • Distribute work as fairly as possible.
  • Focus on your skills first.
  • Your workload should be approximately equal to 2 months of full-time work. For simple applications the load, of course, may be less. You can ask the community (eg.

How to create an application for Android or iPhone?— these questions are increasingly being asked not only by web developers, but also by ordinary owners of small business websites and bloggers.

IN this review suggests considering , which are constructors for quickly and convenient creation Android and iPhone applications. At the same time, without requiring the user to have programming skills or other special IT knowledge. Such applications are indispensable for different types business - this is a great way to expand target audience and attract customers.

Thus, everything discussed in the review for application development can be united under the slogan: simple, fast and without programming!

free a web service that allows you to convert your website content into an Android application and distribute it through Google Play. In addition, the created applications can be both sold and advertising placed in them.
You can create an unlimited number Android applications of three types of content: website, simple html page and YouTube video. For Android creation AppsGeyser uses a simple and intuitive template wizard.

AppsGeyser websites:,

free online service for quick creation mobile applications. TheAppBuilder creates applications using a designer and standard templates - for business, events, education, music, sports, etc. Created applications are free, and for 5 USD per month You can disable the display of third-party advertising in the created application. TheAppBuilder allows you to create Android and Windows Mobile applications.

TheAppBuilder website:

is an online service that allows users to create and publish their own mobile applications in a few clicks on the Internet. The Appsmakerstore platform creates mobile applications supported by HTML5, iTunes, Android Market, Blackberry Marketplace, Windows Marketplace and Facebook without any deep technological skills. This is total 1 application for 6 different platforms . Appsmakerstore is offered in 23 languages, including Russian and Ukrainian.

The peculiarity of Appsmakerstore is that it offers a choice of ready-made templates for certain industries (for example, legal services, nightclubs, restaurants and cafes, trade, beauty salons, etc.)

  • DIY - $9.78 per month.
  • “We make an application for you” – $249
  • “Reseller” is a special price that must be found on the website separately.

Always included in all plans:

  • Unlimited content changes and app updates.
  • Update app content on iTunes and Google Play without having to republish.
  • Send an unlimited number of push notifications to users.
  • Automatically receive and use all system updates.
  • Secure hosting on our servers.
Appsmakerstore website:

— paid online designer of mobile applications (iPad, Android, HTML5) for small businesses. Features include geolocation, receiving and sending messages, a shopping cart, notifications, integration with social networks, posting information about the menu, range of services, upcoming events, etc. There are templates for restaurants, realtors, gyms, etc.

This service presented with the following plans:

  • “Mobile site” – $29 per month.
  • "Mobile application" - $59 per month
  • « White Label Partner" creation of applications for your clients - a special price that needs to be found out separately on the website.
Biznessapps website:

5. AppGlobus

AppGlobus— paid, one of the Russian ones online designers mobile applications, allowing users to independently create and publish their application in App Store and Google Play.

Uses new design and the capabilities of the Ionic Framework, which significantly improves the quality of development and makes it possible to create mobile applications on HTML5, iOS, Android even without programming skills.

On this moment AppGlobus is offered in 8 languages, including Russian. offers the following packages:

  • STARTAP - 900 rub./month.
    • Applications: HTML5/Android, admin panel, store, no restrictions on Push, no restrictions on installations, no advertising.
  • BASIC - 1500 rub./month
    • Applications for both Android and iOS, admin panel, store, no restrictions on Push, no restrictions on installations, no advertising.
  • STUDIO - 2000 rub./month
    • Applications: Windows/Android/iOS, admin panel, store, no restrictions on Push, no restrictions on installations, no advertising.
  • PRO - 45,000 rub./one-time
    • Applications: Windows/Android/iOS, custom development, we will place it in the App Store and Google Play ourselves, we will give it away source
AppGlobus website:

— a paid online service for creating your own mobile application for business or personal use. No special skills required. Well suited for small businesses, such as online stores. It only takes 5 minutes to create your application - you just need to select the necessary modules and design. There are English and Russian versions. offers the following packages:

  • Start - 599 rub.
  • and application icons, content updates every 48 hours, updating the application source in stores yourself no more than once every 2 months. Light -
    • 990 rub. /month applications for both iOS, access to the designer, free application templates and icons, basic application screenshots,
  • Push notifications
    • — 1 per month, content updates every 24 hours, app source updates in stores once every 2 months.
  • Standard — 2490 rub. /month
    • applications for both Android and iOS, access to the designer, free application templates and icons, basic application screenshots, Skype support, Push notifications - 10 per month, content updates every 12 hours, application source updates in stores once a month.
  • Business - + 9890 rub.

    • /month
applications for both Android and iOS, access to the designer, free application templates and icons, basic application screenshots, Skype and email support, personal manager, Push notifications - 50 per month, instant content updates, application source updates in stores - no limits.

VIP — 3999 rub. /month 150,000 rub. installation payment applications for both Android and iOS, access to the designer, free application templates and icons, basic application screenshots, Skype and email support, personal manager, Push notifications - unlimited, content updates - instantly, application source updates in stores - without restrictions. website: , provides a platform “

do it yourself

  • Business (2,400 rubles per month) - 3,000 installations, unlimited mobile site views, no built-in advertising, publication of the application on iTunes and Google Play.
iBuildApp website:

— online service for application development (iPhone, iPad, Android). Allows you to create an application based on one of many application templates. Elements of the created application user interface can be associated with functions such as sending email, SMS messages, sending to Facebook and Twitter services.

  • Developer - $33 per month. (only 1 application can be created)
  • Professional - $79 per month.
  • Premiun - $129 per month.
  • Enterprise - The price must be inquired separately.

All packages support the following platforms: IOS (iPhone/iPad) & Android (Phone/Tablet)

Viziapps website:

- online editor that allows you to create applications for iOS, Android and Windows Phone. It is very simple to use: you can assemble your own program from ready-made parts. Despite the fact that AppsBuilder tries to be simpler and more understandable for inexperienced users, it also adds some features for programmers: for example, you can supplement the created applications with your own Java scripts.

There are three paid packages that include a 30-day free trial:

  • Starter (49 euros per month) -1 application.
  • Regular (199 euros per month) - up to 5 applications.
  • Scalable (from 249 euros per month) - more than 5 applications.
AppsBuilder website:

Elena Shramenko

"Akintsev and Partners" company

“I would like to say a few words about the mobile application designer from AppGlobal.

We recently developed our application based on the AppGlobal constructor. And every day we are revealing more and more capabilities of this tool, with which you can implement a variety of tasks.

Firstly, I realized that this tool is of great benefit to both parties: for us, as the owners of the application, and for our clients who use this application.

By solving our marketing problems, we give our clients additional benefits:

They have at their fingertips all the information on a topic that interests them and get the opportunity to study materials that are not freely available. They can take advantage of discounts and gifts that are only active through the app. They also have the opportunity to pay for your service or delivery from the application and make free call.

Thanks to this, we get regular customers and attract new ones.”

Ilya Basnin

AppGlobal partner

“The big disadvantage of all other services is the lack of technical support.

I have analyzed many constructors.

Most often, simple inexpensive platforms are used, the owners of which simply copy AppGlobal materials, but the designer itself remains “raw” and unfinished.

Their big disadvantage is the lack of support. And despite low prices, they still can’t stand the competition.”

Arthur Budovsky

“Sales increased by 14% in the first month of using the mobile application!

I write selling texts and teach people this art. The level of trust my readers have in me has increased only because there is a mobile application. Like, if my School is in Apstore and Google Play, it means that I have a solid business, and not some kind of “scam”. People buy trainings without even downloading the app to their phone.

The AppGlobal constructor itself is a mega-tool! You can create a full-fledged application yourself, without special programming knowledge, in just a couple of hours! The only thing is that I would like to be able to make different interfaces, because all applications are similar to each other due to the buttons.

I am currently hosting audio and video materials, information tabs. There is a subscription to news, integration with social networks. I use push notifications for my readers. Eat Feedback, such as receiving messages, photos from clients.

Despite the fact that the launch of my product was delayed due to moderation, I am very pleased with the cooperation with the AppGlobal service. Problems are resolved quite quickly, consultants help resolve all issues.

My site now lives a mobile life. I really hope that my clients and readers will appreciate my mobile application and come back to me more than once!

Thanks AppGlobal for simple solutions difficult but important questions!”

How to create an application for Android - 10 steps + 5 websites + 10 tips for beginner programmers.

People who know how create an application for android, can earn very good money.

Learning to program and create games, libraries, and online stores is not difficult.

This article outlines all the steps a beginner should take to create an app that will attract a large number of subscribers.

Steps to creating an Android application

After studying all the necessary steps, you can create your own program and put it up for sale.

Think about an original topic.

In order for an application to sell well, you need to make it not only convenient and beautiful, but also unique.
IN otherwise you will have a lot of competitors.

Prepare to fail.

Most likely, the first pancake will come out lumpy.

Carefully test the result of your work.

Users can express many opinions, both positive and negative, and this opinion is worth listening to.

Select age audience.

An application for a child should be brighter and more colorful than for an adult.

Give lots of information and menu options. People love to wander around pages, exploring the tabs.

Few people will like a one-page program.

Don't charge too much for your first job.

First you need to fill your hand.

How to write an application for Android?

Almost anyone can become a developer of various games and programs.

For some it will become a job and a profitable business, for others it will be just a hobby.

However, as practice shows, those who are seriously interested, study the topic and create games carefully, step by step, achieve great success.

To become a developer, you need:

All the described stages can be combined into three main ones:

  1. Development of the program interface, selection of images.
  2. Working with code.
  3. Testing.

Each stage is important in its own way and should not be skipped.

Some may decide that there is no point in spending time on the concept.

But no one sits down to write a book without knowing what it will be about?

An idea for a game or program needs to be developed and all weak points filled.

It should be understood that there is no clear answer to the question: how to create an application for Android.

It’s not enough just to create it, you need to make the program interesting.

Modern websites allow you to quickly create what you have in mind without struggling with code.

For amateurs, this option is quite suitable.

If you want, you will have to do everything yourself.

The testing phase should also be given due attention.

Analysis of the opinions of testers allows us to draw a conclusion about how owners of Android smartphones will perceive the new product.

How to create an application for Android and promote it?

If you are not a popular blogger or creator of large games, then you will have to initial stage devote time to promoting the created program.

For the most rapid spread follows:

  1. Use cross-references with other owners of social networks and blogs.
  2. Post links on your own blog.
  3. Tell your friends about the created program.

The video below shows the process of creating an application using the Appsgeyser service:

Many people don't know how to create an application for android, and are afraid of the phrase “programming language”.

However, there is nothing scary or difficult in developing programs.

Modern online sites perform all the necessary actions, you just need to give them direction.

WikiHow works like a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. During the creation of this article, 20 people, including anonymously, worked to edit and improve it.

The mobile app market is booming, so now is the time to be a part of it. Apps are now ubiquitous and perform an unlimited number of functions. A few years ago, creating an application meant learning complex programming languages, where you had to start practically from scratch. As app technology has evolved, new tools have emerged that allow anyone to create a fully functional app in just a few minutes. To find out how to do this, read on.


Part 1

Application design

    Define the purpose of the application. Good application focuses on one goal and improves it. Determine the need that your application will satisfy. This will help you determine the target audience, as well as the required functionality.

    • For example, if you are creating an application for your business, determine what aspects of your business the application should focus on. You might want to give the user a quick way to contact the service technical support or visit the nearest office of your company.
    • If your application becomes too complex, the functionality of the application creation software will likely not be enough for you. Complex applications typically require custom coding and design.
  1. Make some sketches. The life and death of an app depends on its design and usability. Spend some time creating a couple of sketches of what each window in your application will look like. Use arrows to show transitions from one window to the next.

    • The sketches don't have to be detailed, but at a minimum they should include all the information you want to present on each window.
    • Try to maintain a consistent design throughout all parts of the application. Identical elements, as a rule, should be located in the same place in each window. This way, the application will be more understandable for the user.
  2. Take a look at other similar apps. Go to the Google Play Store and search for apps similar to what you are trying to achieve. Try to understand it and find out what works and what doesn't. Don't be afraid to borrow design ideas and inspiration from successful apps.

Part 2

Software selection

    View a demo of each service. Majority popular programs Application Creator provides demonstrations that can give you an idea of ​​how the program works. Thanks to them, you can understand whether the application is suitable for your needs.

    • When checking out the demo programs, make sure they are powerful enough to create the application you designed. Most of these programs are collections of ready-made functions that can be combined together to create a single application.
  1. Try several different programs. Most of the programs presented above are free or trial versions. Use them to review each program and find the one that best suits your needs and skills.

Part 3

Creating your own application

    Log in to the program of your choice. Almost all app creation programs will require you to register before you can get started. You can download what you need software or create programs entirely through the website.

    Get started new project. Once you visit the tools page or download the software, you will need to start a new project. The process varies from program to program, but usually involves naming your application and adding a description.

    Choose a topic. Before you start creating an application, most development programs will ask you to install a base theme and color palette. You can change this setting later, when the application is already in the creation stage.

    Adjust the format of each window. Once you've added a few features to your app, take the time to lay out each window so your app has a cohesive look. The title bar should be in the same place, and the content should appear in the appropriate parts of the screen.

    • Different app creation programs provide different levels of control over your layout. Some apps only let you add out-of-the-box features, while others let you move and change every element on the screen.
  1. Select icons for your functions. You can assign icons to each of your application's functions. You can choose from the icon library that comes with many programs, or you can design and upload your own icon. Nice icons will help make your app stand out and contribute to the overall atmosphere of the app.

Part 4

Testing and publishing the application
  1. Build the application. Once you're done adding new features and content, you can build the app so it can run on Android device. The build process will depend on the program you are using. If you are using an online application, then you may have to wait a few minutes for their servers to build your application.

    • You should end up with an .APK file that you can download to your device. You will need to allow your device to install from unknown sources. This can be done from the device security menu.
    • Some app creation programs will send you a link to your app, which you can open from your phone.
  2. Test the application. After installing the app on your device, test it to make sure it works as expected. Send the APK file to friends and family and have other people help you with testing. The more people try your app, the more likely you are to find bugs and problems in it.

    • During testing, try to do something that the application cannot do. This will help you find ways your users might accidentally break your application.
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