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What is a content manager? Content manager who

Hello everyone who wants to learn more about remote work!

Content manager - who is it? — Isn’t that the question you asked yourself when reading the title of the article? “A job for those who are curious, write competently in Russian and love to help people”—this is the description of the profession that I came across in one advertisement. Is this really so, what does this specialist do, what forges does he forge in and how much does he receive for his work, you will find out right now.

It is recommended for creative people who cannot tolerate emptiness in nature and desperate logicians who want to sort everything into pieces.

About the most important thing

How much does a content manager earn? The level of earnings depends on qualifications, complexity of the order and, of course, the generosity of the customer.

At labor exchanges there are vacancies with wages starting from 15,000 rubles (Nizhny Novgorod) for a full day of work in the office. Responsibilities include “placing product items in the online store, creating banners for the website and groups on social media. networks, writing and sending letters to potential clients.”

A content manager is not necessarily tied to an office; he can work remotely, receiving assignments via e-mail and occasionally attending events. When maintaining rarely updated sites, part-time work is possible.

If running one project leaves you with a lot of free time, you can always look for a second one as a freelancer.

For moderating the company’s website, posting information on the site and writing articles on a five-day basis at home, you can get from 20,000 rubles.

The more creative the tasks, the wider the range of responsibilities assigned to the future employee: for example, a full-time specialist who can “create high-quality materials for publication” with “full immersion in the subject area,” select and edit photographic materials and prepare news about the company, implement technical recommendations SEO, collecting and systematizing information from the market and at the same time speaking the Russian literary language can qualify for a salary of 50,000 rubles (Moscow).

You can always propose your candidacy to organizations offering their services to support client sites. The minimum tariff for simple maintenance of one resource is 3,000 rubles per month. Of course, not the entire amount is paid to the content manager, but he is not limited to one order.

Some companies fundamentally do not cooperate with remote employees, others, on the contrary, are primarily interested in them. This may be due to the nature of interaction between various departments (structures) of the company, the speed of updating information, etc.

There is nothing impossible in mastering the profession of content manager and in switching to remote work, the main thing is desire and perseverance.

Content manager(from English Withcontent- content) is a specialist who fills the site with text and graphic information(articles, pictures, photographs, news, video clips, etc.). The profession is suitable for those who are interested in Russian language and literature and computer science (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Short description

The main responsibility of a content manager is to monitor the relevance of the site and the accuracy of the information posted on it. For successful development and brand promotion, the site must be constantly updated and replenished with new materials, that is, it must actively “live and breathe.” Only in this case will it be interesting to visitors. The content manager also supports the forum: answers questions, corrects topics, monitors censorship, and removes spam. Keeping track of website traffic statistics is also the responsibility of content managers.

In addition, the work of a content manager involves strengthening partnerships with other sites of similar topics, ensuring an increase in the number of site visitors using the latest and traditional Internet marketing tools.

The work of content managers of corporate websites is included in a special category. The responsibilities of the content manager in this case include: monitoring the company’s website, timely updating of price lists and other sections, posting news, maintaining a forum or guest book.

The content manager also coordinates the work of copywriters, web designers, rewriters, and SEO specialists involved in content creation.

Specifics of the profession

The main task content manager- make the site competitive, that is, clearly capture new trends in the market and attract as many customers as possible. The work of a website content manager depends on the type and direction of the company’s activities. Simple sites usually require a worker who knows how to layout and process images. To edit the price lists of an online store, it is enough for the employee to be diligent and attentive, with knowledge Word applications and Excel. But for such multifunctional resources as informational portal or an electronic newspaper, you need a specialist with a broad outlook, experience in journalism and knowledge of the basics of PR management.

Job responsibilities of a content manager:

  • contribute to the promotion and popularization of the site on the Internet;
  • support the basic concept of the site, make proposals for improving the concept and content of the site, and introducing a new service for site visitors;
  • monitor the text content of the site, constantly update information, view all materials published on the site, delete and edit materials that do not comply with the general concept and rules for using the site;
  • monitor visitors’ compliance with the rules for using the site, ethical rules of conduct accepted in online communities;
  • post only verified information on the website and, if necessary, eliminate inaccuracies;
  • monitor the work of competitors, that is, sites with similar themes, concepts and content;
  • analyze information received from site visitors and, based on it, develop and implement new services that increase the site’s efficiency;
  • take into account market conditions and, in accordance with this, make changes to the operation of the site: change headings, their content, location, frequency of updates depending on relevance.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • opportunity to improve in subject area website,
  • work can be combined with study,
  • possibility of freelance work (remote content manager).


  • the work is monotonous in most cases,
  • discrepancy between the tastes of the customer and the content manager,
  • irregular working hours due to the basic principle of the Internet - 24x7, that is, the availability of information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To successfully compete with other sites, you have to work to the maximum at any time of the day.

Place of work

  • online stores;
  • Internet sites of various subjects;
  • companies whose work is related to Internet activities
  • freelance work (remote content manager).

Lee h ny qualities

  • perseverance;
  • efficiency;
  • attentiveness;
  • creative and artistic abilities;
  • good memory;
  • creative thinking;
  • a penchant for systematic, meticulous work;
  • compliance with deadlines for delivery of materials;
  • efficiency.

Additional professional skills

  • understanding the basic principles of the functioning of Internet sites;
  • competent Russian language, journalistic skills;
  • knowledge of the company’s policies and the specifics of the goods it sells;
  • ability to work in graphic editors;
  • knowledge of the basics of copyright law;
  • in some cases, skills in working with photo banks, purchasing content;
  • the ability to quickly and effectively search for information on the Internet;
  • knowledge of the principles of search engines;
  • ability to work with databases and website administrative functionality;
  • mastery of html layout;
  • knowledge of the basics of online marketing and SEO optimization.


An aspiring content manager, striving for excellence in his profession, in the future can apply for the following positions:

  • project manager,
  • web editor,
  • web editor of an internal corporate website,
  • literary editor of a virtual newspaper.

After gaining the necessary experience, a content manager can rise to the position of website editor-in-chief, Internet project manager, online marketing and SEO specialist, or build editor.

The average salary of a content manager is about 30 thousand rubles. A specialist who successfully promotes websites and makes them competitive receives 50 thousand rubles. However, employers offering high salaries usually require full-time office work. Freelancers can expect a salary of no more than 25-30 thousand rubles.


Salary as of 03/17/2020

Russia 20000—45000 ₽

Moscow 30000—80000 ₽

Training to become a content manager

There is no generally accepted methodology for training content managers yet. But the attractiveness of this profession lies in the universality of basic education. To work as a content manager, both technical and humanitarian higher education are suitable. It depends on the requirements of the project and the profile of the organization. But the majority of content managers, as a rule, consist of graduates of the faculties of journalism, philology, psychology and PR management.

Therefore, it is more advisable to start training a content manager with a degree in Journalism or Philology (preferably with a specialization in Internet Journalism). In addition to this, it is necessary to take courses on website layout or master html basics on one's own.

At MGIMO you can not only gain fundamental knowledge in journalism, but also master two foreign languages. From non-state universities, a good journalistic education can be obtained at the Institute international law and economics named after. A.S. Griboedov (IMPE), State Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting named after. M.A. Litovchina, the Institute of Journalism and Literary Creativity, the International Academy of Business and Management (there is even a specialization in “electronic journalism”).

Content management courses:

  • Moscow State Technical University named after. N.E. Bauman. Center computer training"Specialist". Courses “Content manager. Web marketing, website promotion and optimization.”
  • School of Internet Journalism
  • Content manager (courses for website editors)
  • Moscow State University them. M.V. Lomonosov
  • Internet Journalism Courses
  • Mediaschool

Content manager(from English Withcontent- content) is a specialist who fills the site with text and graphic information (articles, drawings, photographs, news, video clips, etc.). The profession is suitable for those who are interested in Russian language and literature and computer science (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Short description

The main responsibility of a content manager is to monitor the relevance of the site and the accuracy of the information posted on it. For the successful development and promotion of a brand, the site must be constantly updated and replenished with new materials, that is, it must actively “live and breathe.” Only in this case will it be interesting to visitors. The content manager also supports the forum: answers questions, corrects topics, monitors censorship, and removes spam. Keeping track of website traffic statistics is also the responsibility of content managers.

In addition, the work of a content manager involves strengthening partnerships with other sites of similar topics, ensuring an increase in the number of site visitors using the latest and traditional Internet marketing tools.

The work of content managers of corporate websites is included in a special category. The responsibilities of the content manager in this case include: monitoring the company’s website, timely updating of price lists and other sections, posting news, maintaining a forum or guest book.

The content manager also coordinates the work of copywriters, web designers, rewriters, and SEO specialists involved in content creation.

Specifics of the profession

The main task content manager- make the site competitive, that is, clearly capture new trends in the market and attract as many customers as possible. The work of a website content manager depends on the type and direction of the company’s activities. Simple sites usually require a worker who knows how to layout and process images. To edit the price lists of an online store, it is enough for the employee to be diligent and attentive, with knowledge of Word and Excel applications. But such multifunctional resources as an information portal or an electronic newspaper require a specialist with a broad outlook, experience in journalistic work and knowledge of the basics of PR management.

Job responsibilities of a content manager:

  • contribute to the promotion and popularization of the site on the Internet;
  • support the basic concept of the site, make proposals for improving the concept and content of the site, and introducing a new service for site visitors;
  • monitor the text content of the site, constantly update information, view all materials published on the site, delete and edit materials that do not comply with the general concept and rules for using the site;
  • monitor visitors’ compliance with the rules for using the site, ethical rules of conduct accepted in online communities;
  • post only verified information on the website and, if necessary, eliminate inaccuracies;
  • monitor the work of competitors, that is, sites with similar themes, concepts and content;
  • analyze information received from site visitors and, based on it, develop and implement new services that increase the site’s efficiency;
  • take into account market conditions and, in accordance with this, make changes to the operation of the site: change headings, their content, location, frequency of updates depending on relevance.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • possibility of improvement in the subject area of ​​the website,
  • work can be combined with study,
  • possibility of freelance work (remote content manager).


  • the work is monotonous in most cases,
  • discrepancy between the tastes of the customer and the content manager,
  • irregular working hours due to the basic principle of the Internet - 24x7, that is, the availability of information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To successfully compete with other sites, you have to work to the maximum at any time of the day.

Place of work

  • online stores;
  • Internet sites of various subjects;
  • companies whose work is related to Internet activities
  • freelance work (remote content manager).

Lee h ny qualities

  • perseverance;
  • efficiency;
  • attentiveness;
  • creative and artistic abilities;
  • good memory;
  • creative thinking;
  • a penchant for systematic, meticulous work;
  • compliance with deadlines for delivery of materials;
  • efficiency.

Additional professional skills

  • understanding the basic principles of the functioning of Internet sites;
  • competent Russian language, journalistic skills;
  • knowledge of the company’s policies and the specifics of the goods it sells;
  • ability to work in graphic editors;
  • knowledge of the basics of copyright law;
  • in some cases, skills in working with photo banks, purchasing content;
  • the ability to quickly and effectively search for information on the Internet;
  • knowledge of the principles of search engines;
  • ability to work with databases and website administrative functionality;
  • mastery of html layout;
  • knowledge of the basics of online marketing and SEO optimization.


An aspiring content manager, striving for excellence in his profession, in the future can apply for the following positions:

  • project manager,
  • web editor,
  • web editor of an internal corporate website,
  • literary editor of a virtual newspaper.

After gaining the necessary experience, a content manager can rise to the position of website editor-in-chief, Internet project manager, online marketing and SEO specialist, or build editor.

The average salary of a content manager is about 30 thousand rubles. A specialist who successfully promotes websites and makes them competitive receives 50 thousand rubles. However, employers offering high salaries usually require full-time office work. Freelancers can expect a salary of no more than 25-30 thousand rubles.


Salary as of 03/17/2020

Russia 20000—45000 ₽

Moscow 30000—80000 ₽

Training to become a content manager

There is no generally accepted methodology for training content managers yet. But the attractiveness of this profession lies in the universality of basic education. To work as a content manager, both technical and humanitarian higher education are suitable. It depends on the requirements of the project and the profile of the organization. But the majority of content managers, as a rule, consist of graduates of the faculties of journalism, philology, psychology and PR management.

Therefore, it is more advisable to start training a content manager with a degree in Journalism or Philology (preferably with a specialization in Internet Journalism). In addition to this, you need to take courses on website layout or master the basics of html on your own.

At MGIMO you can not only gain fundamental knowledge in journalism, but also become fluent in two foreign languages. From non-state universities, a good journalistic education can be obtained at the Institute of International Law and Economics named after. A.S. Griboedov (IMPE), State Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting named after. M.A. Litovchina, the Institute of Journalism and Literary Creativity, the International Academy of Business and Management (there is even a specialization in “electronic journalism”).

Content management courses:

  • Moscow State Technical University named after. N.E. Bauman. Computer training center "Specialist". Courses “Content manager. Web marketing, website promotion and optimization.”
  • School of Internet Journalism
  • Content manager (courses for website editors)
  • Moscow State University named after. M.V. Lomonosov
  • Internet Journalism Courses
  • Mediaschool

The Internet has given us many new professions. And a content manager is one of those professions that has begun to become especially popular recently. And in this article we will look at the responsibilities of a content manager, what salary you can expect, and where you can learn the necessary skills (including for free).

  • Content manager salary - how to get the maximum

I’ll tell you a terrible secret right away. In fact, no one knows what a content manager is. And even more so - how does it differ from, say, a “content marketer”. But we will try to bring some clarity to this issue.

Nobody knows who a content manager is

If we open the Yandex-Work service and enter “content manager” into the search bar, then a huge number of vacancies will open before us.

And this list will be a complete hodgepodge. Here is one company looking for a content manager for a salary of 15 - 25 thousand rubles, and does not require any education, experience or special skills (except for the ability to work with texts).

But another company offers a salary starting from 100 thousand rubles, but the list of requirements and responsibilities is long:

  • writing selling texts
  • Knowledge of WordPress engines, 1C Bitrix, NopCommerce
  • Experience in running advertising campaigns on social networks
  • Setting up contextual advertising
  • Design

Here, I have screenshotted for you one vacancy that I especially liked. There, all the requirements and responsibilities didn’t even fit into one screen. However, the salary they offer there is not 100 thousand, but only 45.

Here the company is looking for a specialist who will write selling texts, optimize them for SEO, lay out pages from scratch, and also draw designs in all kinds of professional applications.

Why should you be wary of such vacancies?

Such a description of vacancies suggests that people generally do not understand who they are looking for and why. And there is a very high probability that you will disappoint them in any case (more on this below). It seems that such vacancies are posted by people who know nothing at all about online marketing and just want their company to “be on the Internet.”

Accordingly, they simply copy all the requirements for candidates from other people's vacancies. And believe me, this is not that uncommon. Do you think you’re the only one copying lists of “skills” from other people’s resumes? =)

Or, on the contrary, these are very experienced and skillful Internet marketers who really know how to do all this, and now they are looking for someone to “push” it all onto.

In any case, neither one nor the other will achieve anything good, I guarantee you this responsibly. Therefore, there is no need to become depressed when viewing such vacancies, and consider yourself a worthless incompetent who is of no use to anyone. On the contrary, you don’t need such companies.

Let's take a better look at what a content manager actually needs to know and be able to do in order to be in demand in the market.

3 main responsibilities of a content manager

In fact, you will have to acquire most of the skills in any case at a specific place of work. That is why so often in vacancies there are requirements for “quick learning,” “desire to develop,” and “willingness to learn a lot.” Here, unlike other jobs, it really makes sense.

Everyone works on the Internet too differently. Some people run a VKontakte group, others a corporate blog. And someone just constantly fills the online store with product cards and does nothing else.

Here are the 3 requirements I would indicate as mandatory if I were looking for a content manager for my project:

  1. Fast printing speed. She says that a person writes a lot on a computer, which means he is already a “ experienced user PC”, owns MS Office and knows how to “work with texts” - and there is no need to take up space with additional descriptions.
  2. Basic knowledge of html. This is important because it will be needed in any case, and learning html from scratch can take a lot of time. By “basic knowledge” I mean the ability to edit ready-made templates, rather than writing pages from scratch.
  3. Basic copywriting skills. This will also be required in any case. Even if your job is simply to fill the site with product cards, you will need to be able to write briefly and convincingly. This is probably the most difficult, but it is what will bring you the most money.

If you have these three skills, then you can entry level cope with the responsibilities of a content manager in any company. Below I’ll tell you where you can learn all this if you don’t know how to do anything yet.

The main thing is don’t be afraid to come to interviews if you don’t have any of the skills that the employer indicated in the ad. Most likely, you can master everything you need in a couple of weeks or a month.

But what salary can you still expect to earn as a content manager? And how can you make sure that you get paid the maximum and not the minimum?

Content manager salary - how to get the maximum?

Why do we need “content” at all? And what is this “content”? Ask a hundred people about this, and you'll get a hundred different answers. But you're lucky to be here. Because I know the correct answer =)

“Content” in this case we mean any information that tells people on the Internet something about your company, about your product or about your market. Content can be “delivered” in different formats: video, audio, text, photo. And through various sources: corporate website, youtube, social media, webinars.

Online businesses need content for two purposes:

  1. Attract potential buyers;
  2. Turn potential buyers into real buyers.

And your salary will directly depend on how many people you attracted with your content, and how many of them bought the product you offer.

That is, a good content manager is almost like a sales manager, but only on the Internet. And you definitely need to understand this if you really want to earn a lot.

Of course, you can be a “regular” content manager and engage in “general content activities”: post product cards, write product descriptions, copy-paste news to the corporate public page on VKontakte.

But then you will earn only the bare minimum - the same 15 - 25 thousand rubles. And it will be very easy to replace you with any other similar “manager”. Therefore, I strongly recommend building the work so that it has a measurable result in numbers - how many people came, how many bought.

If the employer wants the “usual”

Even if your employer doesn’t understand anything about content marketing, you need to explain and show how it really works. And if it works out, then you will move to another league. And your position will already be called “content marketer” or even “content marketing director.”

Accordingly, your salary will be more than 100 thousand rubles. And if you add interest on sales, even more. And the best part is that no one will just “ask” you from your place. Because replacing such a person will not be easy.

If it doesn’t work out at your first job, just work “conscientiously” for a couple of years, and then move to a company where everyone already understands this and is willing to pay a lot of money for a competent specialist.

Courses and training for content manager

Unfortunately (or fortunately), it will not yet be possible to obtain the profession of content manager “with a degree” at an institute. But there are many online courses that promise to teach you all the necessary skills, and even issue a certificate that will confirm your knowledge in the eyes of a future employer.

The cost of such courses can vary from 3 to 30 thousand rubles, depending on the training program. But here’s the problem - in most courses they will also try to teach you everything at once. Exactly as described in the “requirements” of the vacancies that we reviewed at the beginning of the article.

But learning everything means learning nothing. Yes, you will have a “crust”. But the specific skills for which you will ultimately be paid are not. From such general courses you can only learn some general theoretical information.

Because no one brain is enough to learn everything at once: writing, layout, SEO, SMM, video processing, design, and working with websites... But all these skills still need to be practiced, and “get your teeth in” on practice.

  • Print speed
  • Basic html
  • Basic copywriting

For the first skill, you can download some kind of simulator, like this one, and practice touch typing. For html - go through one of the many free ones step-by-step courses. For example this I like.

I hope this one short review profession and responsibilities of the manager's content was useful to you. If so, share the article with your friends. Let them like it too))

Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the most fast way from zero to the first million on the Internet (extract from personal experience in 10 years =)

See you later!

Yours Dmitry Novoselov

Today, every company has a website. At the very least, the need to create and promote web pages exists in all areas of human activity. Therefore, now, having gone to search engine and by making a request on any topic, you will see millions of results.

Every website runs on content. These are, roughly speaking, text and images, video materials, some other media resources that are of interest to site visitors. The more such content and the more interesting it is, the greater the traffic to this Internet project.

Content manager - who is it?

Obviously, in order for the site to fully function on an ongoing basis, you need a person who will support its work. He will be involved in its promotion, promotion and, of course, content. If the resource is really large, these functions will be distributed between different people. However, the content direction, as many experts note, is the most promising and important. What a site is filled with creates an impression on visitors and subsequently influences its popularity.

A person who creates materials and publishes them on a website is called a content manager. Who is it in real life? An employee who selects and publishes the articles that we (visitors) read with such great interest.

The responsibilities of such a specialist may include various tasks. In some cases, he only needs to write and publish material; in others - completely lead information policy site, select and censor materials, sources for subsequent entries, and so on. It all depends on the level of organization of the work of a particular site, on its promotion and popularity.


What qualities should a person have in order to be able to work as a content manager? Who is this - another freelancer, or an office worker who is on the staff of any company?

In fact, the position we are describing in this article is very flexible in many ways. It differs in that there are no strict criteria or barriers in relation to those who would like to try themselves as such a “site filler”.

One thing is important - a person must be able to write texts or at least must know how to find such people. He must have a developed sense that helps him determine what constitutes interesting material, what qualities this or that article should have, which will be published next in a particular category. Of course, the ability to create news, be able to create “viral” content, and so on is welcome.

Naturally, a requirement that is not negotiable is the ability to work with a computer and speak the language in which the site is developed.

Any content is entered into databases, from where it will be published in the future. In some situations, companies use professional software, with whom the content manager will work in the future. Bitrix, Drupal, Wordpress, Joomla - these and other CMS, as well as various databases and methods of working with them - here is another set of additional skills that a real content manager must possess. Job vacancies posted on job posting sites most often contain information about the requirement of these skills.


What's good about this kind of work? The content manager, firstly, is creative profession, in which everyone has the opportunity to express themselves. This is important because there is a category of people who are unable to work in tougher areas where there is no space for self-realization. Secondly, from the economic side, this profession belongs to the dynamically developing IT sector, so the content manager (who this is - we already know) receives a fairly high income. Thirdly, given the incredibly huge number of websites, you can be sure that this vacancy will remain in demand for a very long time.

Fourthly, a flexible schedule prevails here. Specialist this profile can work from home, can come to the office only for a couple of hours in order to discard written materials and take new ones; may not show up at work at all, but travel, creating content at the same time. There are a lot of options, and they all attract people who are forced to work from 8 to 17...


At the same time, every content manager (whether he works remotely or in the office - it makes no difference) is faced with a number of negative features of his work. The first is constant contact with the computer. What can we say, this is a busy job that involves spending a long time in front of a screen. A person must write texts (or look for materials for the next articles) while sitting in front of the monitor all this time. As a result, this may negatively affect the vision of such an employee.

The second point is inactivity. Like many other office workers, the position we describe also has the problem of sedentary work. A person stays in one place for a long time, most often in one position. This, in turn, negatively affects the musculoskeletal system.

You can combat such consequences by taking good care of your health: take care of glasses or eye drops while working; Jog and exercise regularly.

Opportunities and prospects

Working as a content manager remotely, like working in an office, can offer great prospects. This is especially true for those specialists who know how to do their job and love it. First, if you create quality content, you may be offered a promotion. The company's management will understand that with your approach it is possible to fill larger, more authoritative sites (if they exist). Secondly, after gaining some work experience, you can try to get a more responsible position where you will need to work on sites with more popularity.

In general, we can say that the content creation market is very large - there is always an Internet portal that has a larger audience than the one you work on. And perhaps his administration would be interested in your candidacy.


Also, if you are just an aspiring content manager, remote jobs are something you should pay attention to. On job search sites, on freelance message boards, and on various forums for webmasters, you can find hundreds of advertisements whose authors may be interested in your services. Why not use them as a starting point?

No one is talking about, for example, dealing with this or that resource for free. No - even beginners can earn good money in this field. Then, as you gain new experience, you could earn more by doing better work.


Today, the business in the field of various courses, lectures and seminars is highly developed high level. Everyone offers to gain some new knowledge for a certain fee. The area in which content managers work is no exception.

You may have even seen advertisements stating that you can be trained professionally in this specialty. Like, pay a certain amount - and you can become a real master of your craft!

Of course, it is up to everyone to start with such training or just go to work for beginners. Most likely, the “Content Manager in N Days” courses will give you more theoretical knowledge; whereas real work and trying to get a job in this segment on your own will give you practical skills and experience. Along the way, you will earn some money, and will not be forced to give it to your trainers. Therefore, the choice is yours.

Another interesting recommendation is to learn from the experiences of others. In addition to simply being able to write articles, you need to know what will be interesting to read for a particular audience of visitors. To do this, it is recommended to carefully study the content that is published on other reputable and popular sites in a particular area. This way you can really learn from the experience of individual specialists and use it in your endeavors.


So, can you become a content manager even now and make money by filling websites? Undoubtedly. You were able to read this article. So why not try writing your own? What's stopping you from starting to create your content? Remember: any thought can be interesting not only to you, but also to a certain circle of people. And this is what websites are hunting for, trying to maximize their traffic through interesting material.

Try it right now - you will definitely succeed!

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