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Confirm the group in VK. Vkontakte page verification

Verification of VKontakte is the verification of a page or group for authenticity and compliance with the person or organization behind it. Verified groups and pages are located higher in the VKontakte search than unverified ones, and the presence of a checkmark located to the right of the community name or person's name is confirmation that you are not a clone.

How to pass VKontakte verification?

First of all, it should be said that not everyone has the right to assign a “blue jackdaw”. In the official group Official pages of VKontakte it is written in detail who can receive official status and who does not. In short, in order to obtain official status and successfully pass verification, you must be a famous person (singer, musician, blogger with a huge audience, TV presenter, etc.), or be an official representative of a company with a registered trademark and have the relevant documents giving you have the right to represent the company in the media, etc.

Vkontakte verification step by step

1. Go to page https://vk.com/support?act=new&from=sg and fill in the fields as follows. Or go to page first https://vk.com/page-22079806_49614259, and then click on " apply for verification» (see screenshot below)

2. In the title of the message, indicate "Application for Verification of VKontakte".

3. Briefly describe the situation in the description. Be sure to include a link to the group or personal page for which you are getting official status. Be sure to attach scans of documents confirming your identity, and also (if you represent a brand), attach the relevant documents confirming the trademark registration, as well as the fact that you have to represent this organization. More information can be found here, as well as in the official VKontakte group dedicated to this issue.

Once everything is filled in, click "Submit". Within 5 days, the application will be considered and either assigned an official status, or the reason for the refusal will be reported.

At the moment, a lot of users are registered on the VKontakte social network (see). A fairly large number of pages are fakes. People create new accounts, post stolen material on them. Personal data, photos, etc.

Vkontakte has implemented a mechanism for confirming user pages. This ensures that the profile belongs to this person. Visually, such a page is marked with a checkmark. This will be discussed in this material.

So, how to tick vkontakte?

What does a verified page look like?

A checkmark is added after the username. If you hover your mouse cursor over it, you will see a message stating that this is a verified page.

Here is an example.

How to validate a page and get a checkmark


From them follows the following.

1. The owner of the page must have a certain notoriety. This may be a mention in the media or on other Internet sites. An example is a Wikipedia article.

2. Interesting materials should be published on your page from time to time. How is it evaluated? The more comments and reposts your posts have, the better.

See also :

At the same time, comments should not contain spam, obscene statements and other extraneous content.

3. The page must be constantly updated.

If these conditions are met, you can apply for verification. Follow the link:


And ask the support team to check your page. If the application is approved, you will receive a checkmark.

Video lesson: how to get a VKontakte checkmark


If you want to get a tick just for beauty, then you have little chance. Pages of really popular users pass approval.


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For many users of the social network VKontakte, the question has become very relevant VK verification, in other words " tick vkontakte". Today we'll take a look at the question how to make a VKontakte checkmark for your personal page and then we will learn pass community verification, as well as find out which requirements for verification of personal pages and communities (publics and groups).

To begin with, let's consider Why is verification needed at all?. It is needed to confirm the authenticity of the data specified on the page or community. This feature has become necessary because there are too many copies of celebrities and a lot of fraudulent communities have appeared acting on behalf of companies.

The most popular divorces were when people introduced themselves as mobile operator companies and wrote false numbers to get free money on the phone, and of course, gullible people lost all their money. SMS cost several dollars, and we already understood who they went into the pocket of.

Verification (tick in VKontakte) as follows.

What would apply for verification in VK And get a tick on the page, the following requirements must be met:

Verification rules

1) Fame (popularity) of the user

The first requirement for verifying a personal page is the user's fame. The Vkontakte administration decides for itself whether you are suitable, and there is no mandatory list of requirements. There are only hints. For example, "verified page" status can get those people whose name often flashes in the media, there is an article on Wikipedia, and are popular on the Internet.

Even if you are popular in narrow circles and you are not recognized on the street, you can still get the coveted checkmark to the page.

But I warn you right away, there are a lot of failures. Therefore, if you are not quoted on the Internet, there are no imitators and followers, then you can not even bother asking for a cherished tick.

2) Cleanliness of the page

If you want to get the status of the verified page, then there should not be spam and any rude statements on your wall. Including there should not be a mat.

Therefore, comments on your posts should be closed or at least moderated.

Why is it necessary?

VKontakte gives out confirmed pages at the top of the search, a lot of people come to them. So these pages are like the face of a social network. And they must be clean and beautiful, so as not to scare away visitors. So it's a natural requirement.

Hence also the requirement to have fresh unique content, namely not reposts of other people's posts, but their own content. Rather, even reposts are generally not welcome, both from other groups or personal pages, and from other Internet resources. Links to other sites should be minimal.

Why you need interesting content - to attract visitors.

3) User activity

Verified Pages are in the first places of the search and in the lists of recommended pages, so your profile should be as full as possible, your photos should be on the page, new entries should be on the page from time to time (written by you, not reposts) and the number of subscribers should exceed the number friends.

There should not be too many friends at all, 10,000 friends are suspicious. If you are a famous person, and there are too many friends, write to support, and they will be transferred to subscribers. Very comfortably.

If you can't find where to apply for community verification, pages, then just write in those. support about your desire to receive the coveted checkmark per page and they will help you.

Attention!! Be careful! On the pages of scammers, you can often see a simple check mark picture or tick symbol. Don't trust such people.

Please note that even the fulfillment of all these requirements does not guarantee that you will get the coveted check mark. The VKontakte administration can simply refuse the request. But they usually say the reasons for the refusal, so you can try to correct the situation and apply for verification of your personal page again.

A tick next to your username on the VKontakte social network will help you stand out from others. But this feature is not available to everyone. This unpretentious designation is called verification and is a check by the administration of the social network of the account for authenticity and compliance with the person to whom it belongs. To get it, you need to meet the requirements of the administration.

We get a tick VKontakte - if you are a regular user

Do not be upset if you are not a well-known person, a regular user can also get a tick from the administration of the social network. But in order to successfully pass the verification, you must meet the following requirements:

  • clean account page. Your page should not contain rude statements, obscene expressions and various spam. Moderate the page and you will not miss spam. And best of all, close the comments on your posts;
  • constant page refresh. If you go to a social network once a year, you won’t get a tick. Be active;
  • interesting information on the page. Add interesting news from your life, photos, videos and attract a lot of subscribers;
  • all items of the page are filled in good faith by you;
  • there are fewer friends on the page than subscribers. Twenty thousand friends and 10 subscribers will make the administration suspicious.

If everything on your page corresponds to the above rules, contact the administration of the social network. Submit an application for verification about the desire to receive the coveted tick in the support service. Your application will be considered and it is quite possible that the desired designation will appear on the page.

We get a tick VKontakte - if you are a famous person

It is very easy for famous people to get this designation. Look at the pages of various celebrities and politicians - you will see checkmarks next to their names. Hover over the icon with the mouse arrow, and information appears that this is a verified page of a real person. VKontakte administrators have provided criteria that determine the user's fame:

  • Wikipedia has an article about a specific person;
  • celebrity is written about in the media;
  • the presence of a famous person is felt in popular places on the Internet - entertainment portals, video hosting sites and much more.

But even if you are a well-known politician or a singer, but do not follow the cleanliness of the page, the administration will not tick the box.

Check the box VKontakte - verification rules for communities

If you want to put a tick on the page of your official group in order to raise the level of popularity of the trademark, then the administration of the social network gives preference to well-known communities. The promotion of a verified VKontakte group is faster. To receive the coveted checkmark on the community page, the following requirements exist:

  • everything in your group is as open as possible. Any user must become a member of the community without obstacles;
  • the name of the group and your brand are the same;
  • unique content is regularly updated;
  • you clearly control the community wall and follow the comments that the group members write;
  • your company is known and mentioned in federal publications and on the Internet;
  • there are at least ten fake groups of your brand on social networks with more than five thousand members. Of course, this requirement is strange. But if you want to distinguish your real community from scammers, the checkbox is necessary.

Please note that after receiving a tick, you will not be able to transfer the community to another company without the consent of the social network administration. It is forbidden to change the subject.

The checkmark will not bring you any privileges in the social network. This is a simple sign of confirmation of the reality of personality. The designation became necessary because a lot of scammers appeared on the Internet, posing as famous people and companies acting on behalf of real companies.

In one of the updates, the VKontakte site surprised users with the appearance of special checkmarks next to the name of the page owner. It means that the administration of the social network has officially confirmed the identity of the owner of the account. Among other pages of imitators, representation on VKontakte was confirmed by many celebrities.

How to make a verified page in VK? What do you need to do and who do you need to be in order to get the desired checkmark in your profile?


It is with this strange, at first glance, word that the procedure is directly related to obtaining official confirmation of the page. In other words, this is nothing more than checking the account and the person who owns it. The successful result of the analysis by the administration of the submitted documents is confirmed by a checkmark that appears next to the user's last name. How to make a verified page on VKontakte, prepare for verification and be sure that it will pass?

Rule one: the prominence of the identity of the account owner, organization

The administration of the social network carefully monitors that the status of the “official page” does not depreciate and remains relevant, so it is extremely difficult to achieve it. How to make a verified page in VK forever? To do this, you need to pass verification, the success of which guarantees the popularity of the community or the owner of the page.

A person or organization is considered famous if they:

1) Repeatedly mentioned in the media.

2) More than once seen on well-known Internet sites.

3) Copy. There must be at least ten groups and communities posing as the original, with five thousand members or more.

How to make a verified page in VK? Other nuances will be discussed below.

Rule two: competent management of the community, its purity and content

The official page on VKontakte is an important part of any well-known organization. For a celebrity, an account on a social network is also of particular importance, it acts as a real calling card. How to make a verified page in VK? It is important for the community administration to fulfill several additional conditions: the group must be open so that anyone can join it, and the brand name must be mentioned in the name of the public.

For officially verified pages, fresh news content and frequent updates are very important. It is necessary to reduce the number of reposts as much as possible, and it is better to completely clear the feed of them. The person following the community needs to strictly control the quality of the published posts. They should not contain profanity, insults and empty information.

It is extremely important to get a moderator who monitors comments from subscribers, they must be correct. If the ability to constantly check the statements of users is not available, the best solution would be to limit the ability to comment on posts.

The name of the public should not be overloaded, it includes the name of the brand, and in no case tags, long slogans and other spam. The community wall is recommended to be closed or restricted. Mentions of other social networks in which the group is also represented should be left exclusively in the special "Links" section.

Rule three: activity

How to make a verified page in VK? The site administration is interested in ensuring that the profiles of famous people remain protected from obscene statements, insults and spam. The developed automatic filters do not cope with the task as efficiently as we would like, especially if we are talking about an account that is visited by a large number of people every day. How to make a confirmed page in VK under such conditions? As with the community, you can hire a moderator or limit the ability to comment.

Pages that have passed verification have a higher priority, so the search always puts them in the first place. The site administration ticks the pages that should be of interest to other users:

1) The profile must be completely filled out.

2) The owner of the page is obliged to post his photos.

3) The profile should please other users with updates.

4) The number of friends cannot be more than subscribers.

How to make a confirmed page in VK by fulfilling all these conditions? You need to collect documents confirming your identity, as well as evidence of popularity, and then contact the technical support of the site.

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