Setting up hardware and software

Dark windows in Windows 10. Dark theme in Windows settings

Hello, dear readers!

Microsoft OS users can be easily divided into two main categories. Some are completely satisfied with all the tools offered by the developer for changing the design. Others constantly set their own settings, transforming the interface in all sorts of third-party ways. In the article below, I will tell you how to activate the black theme for Windows 10, because the standard version does not provide such options.

It must be said right away that before carrying out any manipulations with changing the appearance of the operating system, it is advisable. It's also a good idea to keep a copy of the registry. The fact is that any changes that occur at this level are potentially dangerous. Even if we take into account that such operations have been successfully carried out several times already different versions systems. Still, you shouldn’t neglect this opportunity.

Program( )

In earlier articles, I already said that the tenth version of the Microsoft OS does not provide the ability to install themes from third-party developers. For this function to appear, you must use software corresponding version - download for free and install. After that, simply find a 2016 or 2017 skin that is compatible with Win 10 Anniversary Update (1607) and use it.

Built-in capabilities( )

Another option for making the design dark is to change the system parameters. To do this, you need to do a number of actions:

In some Windows versions You can also select the arrow opposite “ Shutdown", where specify the same command from the drop-down menu.

The changes will take effect after the next login. To choose the right shades, go to the menu " Personalization" Unfortunately, the changes do not apply to many applications, and therefore, to comply, it is necessary to change themes in the programs themselves.

To restore everything as it was originally, we follow the steps from the list above, only instead of the value “ 0 » indicate « 1 ».

In the Windows 10 operating system, you can enable a dark theme. By default, Windows 10 runs in a light interface theme. operating system.

Previously, the dark theme in Window 10 was only available after making changes to the operating system registry. After the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, dark theme is included directly in Windows settings 10 version 1607 and higher.

Now make changes to system registry is not necessary, because you can activate the dark theme of Windows 10 in the operating system settings. After applying the changes, the colors of the Windows 10 settings window and the windows of some applications built into the system will change.

To apply more dramatic changes, there is another way: enabling a contrasting black theme. In this case, all elements of the operating room will change color Windows systems.

Separately, you can enable dark themes in programs: browser Microsoft Edge or in an office suite Microsoft Office.

In this article we will look at all these options for changing the color scheme. Windows design 10.

How to make a dark theme in Windows 10

Click right click mouse over a free space on the monitor screen. Select "Personalization" from the context menu. In the Personalization Options window, open the Colors tab.

In the “Select application mode” settings section, activate the mode: “Dark”. Dark theme is installed.

After this, the settings window, window Windows Store, some other operating system applications will change their colors to dark.

Users earlier versions Windows 10 (up to version 1607) can download ready-made registry files to enable the dark theme in the OS from here.

For users who are dissatisfied with the changes that have occurred, there is a radical way to switch to a dark theme for the entire Windows 10 operating system and installed applications.

Black theme in Windows 10

In the operating system settings, there is an option to enable the black theme in Windows 10. After enabling the appropriate theme mode, Explorer, Desktop, and included programs will change the default colors to dark (black).

Right-click on an empty space on your computer screen. In the “Options” window, go to the “Themes” tab, click on the “Theme Options” link.

In the "Personalization" window, go to the "High Contrast Themes" section, select the theme: "Contrast Black Theme".

After applying the settings, you will immediately see the changes caused by the black system theme.

This is, for example, what Explorer looks like after turning on the contrasting dark (black) theme in Windows 10. Agree, the look is not entirely ordinary.

It is clear that such customization of the theme display is not for everyone. Therefore, not all users will like this look that works in all applications. For some apps, you can change the theme color to affect only those apps.

How to enable dark theme in Edge

To change the theme color, go to the Microsoft Edge browser settings, click on the item context menu"Options". In the “Select Theme” settings, select “Dark”.

After this, the window Edge browser will change its color to dark.

How to enable dark theme in Microsoft Office

In applications included in Microsoft Office, it is possible to change the color scheme of the office suite theme. I will talk about how to change the theme color in Word, using Word 2007 and Word 2016 as an example (in other versions of the program, changes to the theme are made in the same way).

IN Microsoft Word 2007, click on the "Office" button and then on the "Word Options" button. In the “Word Options” window, in the “Basic” tab, in the settings item “ Color scheme", select "Black", and then click on the "OK" button.

After this, the test window Word editor will change color to dark.

In Microsoft Word 2016, go to the "File" menu, click on "Options". In the “Word Options” window, in the “General” tab, in the “ Personal setting Microsoft Office", in the paragraph " Office Theme"Select the "Dark Gray" option, and then click on the "OK" button.

The Microsoft Word window will change to a dark color.

Conclusions of the article

In Windows 10, you can enable a dark theme to change the color scheme of the operating system. Dark theme is activated separately in the Microsoft Edge browser or in Microsoft Office. To change all color parameters in Windows 10, the operating system has the ability to enable a black theme.

The Windows 10 Anniversary Update introduced a new dark window color scheme. Those users who like to change from time to time appearance to make it different from the previous one, they will certainly appreciate this opportunity. After all, now, in addition to the background and the color of the window headers, you can radically change the color scheme by switching to dark colors. But this does not apply to all windows and programs.

To activate the dark theme, you need to run " Windows Settings" and select the section " Personalization».

Select section " Colors" on the sidebar. At the bottom there will be a switch " Select application mode", which has two meanings " Light" And " Dark».

After switching to " Dark» The system windows will change color and become black.

To turn off this mode, you need to switch back to " Light" mode. Also, for a dark theme, you can choose colors from the palette above so that the dark shades of the windows match the color of the window titles.

It's worth noting that the dark theme only works with windows that are part of the "new" kind of Windows apps. Desktop programs (classic applications) still work in their own style, since in them the appearance of the windows is determined by the developer himself, and not by the operating system settings.

Although some modern applications still have their own appearance, different from the settings specified in " Windows Settings " This could be either a flaw or a conscious decision by Microsoft developers to add their own style to certain programs.

Not everyone knows that in the Windows 10 anniversary update, the developers added a new black design theme, where all interface elements are made in dark colors. Today I will tell you how to enable black theme Windows 10, with a minimum of effort and achieving maximum effect in a few mouse clicks.

I’ll say right away that to get the corresponding effect of activating the Windows 10 black theme, you’ll need to play around a little with the registry settings. I hasten to assure you that we have repeatedly checked the described instructions and are convinced that they are completely safe and harmless. However, before performing any manipulations with Windows registry, so that in extreme cases you can restore all parameters from the backup. This concludes the preamble, now let’s get down to the most important thing, namely, how to make the black theme active in Windows 10.

First of all, right-click on start button"Start". In the optional list that appears, select “Run”.

A mini-form will open in which you should enter the value “regedit”.

As a result of such simple operations, a registry editor will appear in front of you, where we will enter all the changes.

In the left panel we will find the directory:


If there is simply no such section in the editor menu, let's create it. To put our intention into effect, right-click on the “Themes” section and select the “Create” -> “Section” option in the context list. Let's title our new section named Personalize.

Now let's create new key in the Personalize section indicated above. To do this, click on the folder with the same name and create new parameter(“New” -> “DWORD Parameter (DWORD (32 bits)”). Let’s name the new parameter AppsUseLightTheme.

By default, the newly created key is assigned the parameter “0”. This is exactly the meaning we need, so let’s leave everything as it is and move on.


In this category, we have to repeat all the same steps that we did in the previous section, namely, open the Personalize directory (if it is missing, then create it), and then generate a new parameter in it, named AppsUseLightTheme. Its value should also be equal to 0.

That's all we need to do to install the black theme of Windows 10. Now let's log out and log in again. To log out of your user account, in the Start menu, click on your avatar and select “Log out” from the optional list.

Once you sign in again, your skin change settings will take effect and the black theme will be activated.

This is where the whole algorithm ends. From now on, you can enjoy seeing the dark colors of the application store, settings windows and a number of other applications integrated into the operating system. It is worth noting that the specified dark theme is not active in third party programs, therefore, unfortunately, a widespread redesign is not expected.

To return back to the light theme, you will have to again resort to the services of the Registry Editor and change the value of the recently generated parameters in the Registry Editor from zero to 1.

As you can see, the procedure for switching to the black theme, as well as returning back to the standard one, is absolutely clear and transparent. No special effort is required from you as a user to activate new topic design integrated into the anniversary Windows update 10, but it's definitely worth a look.

All the touches and nuances of the theme are chosen very stylishly and tastefully: it is noticeable that the designers here did their best and brought to life many of their creative ideas and plans.

We recommend that you definitely take a look at the new black theme, and even if you don’t use it all the time, then at least try to work in it, since you certainly don’t lose anything and gain quite a lot.

Attention! This material is outdated; in current versions of Windows 10, the dark theme is available by default and is included in the panel Options → Color.

Windows 10 Mobile users have two basic colors available for interface design: light and dark. Microsoft developers are preparing a similar solution for the “older” Windows 10. Work in this direction has not yet been completed, but it is already possible to enable a hidden dark theme for individual applications and interface elements. The following describes how to do this.

1. Launch the “Registry Editor”, this can be done from the “Run” dialog box or search on the taskbar with the command regedit.

2. In the registry editor, open the section HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\Personalize and create a parameter in it DWORD (32-bit), specifying as the name AppsUseLightTheme and setting the value to 0 .

3. The changes are applied automatically; if this does not happen, try restarting your computer or logging out and logging in again.

The specified registry setting activates a dark theme for some elements of the operating system interface, the Settings panel and individual applications: Calculator or Voice Recorder, for example. Some applications from the set have their own options for inclusion by default dark design, including Microsoft Edge, Groove Music, Movies and TV, Mail and Calendar. The corresponding settings are available in the “Settings” section of each of them; it’s not difficult to understand.

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