Setting up hardware and software

Web analytics courses in Google Analytics. Digital promotion and consulting services WebProfiters Google analytics courses

Who is this training for and what does it give:

  • Will help you learn new things highly paid profession, will open doors to major advertising agencies and companies.
  • Marketer

    The course will give you the opportunity to analyze cost-benefit data across all promotion channels, analyze your audience, and allow you to properly optimize your budget.
  • Analyst

    Beginner or expert. The course will provide professional growth, a salary increase and relevant, applied knowledge in web analytics.
  • Business owner

    It will help increase income, assess business risks and opportunities, and provide growth points for further development.

About the course

Web analytics is the foundation of your business. The ability to understand, evaluate and effectively develop your business on the Internet. Educational program Unibrains will allow you to put it into practice powerful tools web analytics to increase the effectiveness of commercial KPIs.

You will not do everything and a little bit at a time, but will get the opportunity to plunge headlong into the fascinating world of web analytics and set up analytical systems with your own hands from basic settings to the most complex and truly unique.

  • You will get to know personally the experts who were at the forefront of the formation of the Russian school of web analytics.
  • Configure analytical systems with your own hands to meet current needs and business objectives. Get Google certification and REU certification. G.V. Plekhanov.
  • Learn to analyze information presented in analytics systems, draw the right conclusions and make decisions supported by numbers.
  • Introduction to Web Analytics

    • What is web analytics and how it can help a business.
    • Operating principles of web analytics systems.
    • Building a web analytical model.
    • Cookies in web analytics.
    • Methods of collecting information about visitors.
    • Data accuracy and statistical errors.
    • What is a web server, client-server. Technologies: HTML, CSS, PHP, JS, IP, DNS.
    • Hosting, Server, Client, GET, POST, HTTP, FTP, CMS, DB.
  • Goals, objectives, KPIs

    • Definition of KPIs in web analytics.
    • What is DRR, ROI, CPC, CPM, CPO, CPA, conversion, CTR.
    • Calculation of basic financial indicators.
    • Macro and micro conversions.
    • Campaign optimization levels.
    • Tracking actions on a website page.
    • Marking of advertising campaigns.
    • Sales funnel. Analysis: impressions, clicks, conversions, sales.
  • Monitoring business processes on the site and administering Google Analytics

    • Set up your account, property, and GA views.
    • Setting goals and their values ​​in GA.
    • Filters, configuration and application in GA.
    • Events and virtual pages in Google Analytics.
    • Expression matching types.
    • Regular expressions.
    • Electronic commerce.
    • Setting tracking codes.
    • Call tracking: what it is, how it works.
  • Google Analytics Interface and Administration

    • Familiarization with the Google Analytics interface.
    • Differences, advantages and disadvantages of GA.
    • Limitations available in GA.
    • Group reports Audience, Behavior, Conversions, Traffic source.
    • Real-time reports.
    • Personalized reports.
    • Data segmentation. Extended segments.
    • Reports and alerts in GA.
  • Data analysis

    • Methods for analyzing traffic sources.
    • Setting up extended segments in GA.
    • Different approaches to data analysis.
    • Dynamic data analysis.
    • Methods for comparing data.
    • Search for patterns and dependencies, determination of seasonality.
    • Formation of conclusions.
    • Attribution data analysis, cohort analysis for evaluating advertising campaigns.
    • ABC analysis, XYZ analysis, RFM analysis and FMR analysis.
  • Electronic commerce

    • Advanced e-commerce: challenges, benefits.
    • Setting up e-commerce.
    • Setting up advanced e-commerce in Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica.
    • Technical specifications for developers to install e-commerce.
    • Differences and advantages of advanced e-commerce from conventional.
    • Problems and errors when installing regular and advanced trading.
  • Advanced settings of analytical systems

    • Loading expenses, income. Data analysis.
    • Import data.
    • Custom parameters and metrics.
    • Offline conversion tracking.
    • Integration of online and offline data.
    • End-to-end analytics, complex integration of various systems.
    • Multi-channel funnels and conversion attribution.
    • Passing ClientID to custom dimension.
    • Call tracking: how to integrate with analytics systems.
  • Google Tag Manager

    • Introducing the GTM container.
    • Analysis of the GTM interface.
    • Configuring the tags of the main systems.
    • Setting up tracking of interaction with the site.
    • Terms of reference for setting up various systems and actions.
    • Terms of reference for setting up advanced e-commerce via GTM.
    • Advanced GTM settings.
    • DataLayer and errors when working with it.
    • Sending events and variables to dataLayer.
    • JS bug tracking.
    • Tracking 404 errors
    • Installation of pixels for advertising systems and affiliate programs via GTM.
    • Best practices for using GTM.
    • Remarketing and dynamic remarketing in different systems. Pixel settings.
  • Yandex.Metrica

    • Weak and strengths systems.
    • Scenario analysis and goal setting for different tasks.
    • Reports and working with widgets.
    • Call tracking in Yandex.Metrica.
    • Traffic analysis (fine tuning).
    • Click map.
    • Webvisor (form analytics, scroll map).
    • Cohort analysis.
  • Usability and conversion optimization

    • What is website usability?
    • Usability of service sites, online stores, portals.
    • The influence of color on conversion.
    • Psychology of user behavior.
    • Conversion optimization.
    • Tools that increase website conversion.
    • Finding ways to increase conversion.
    • A/A-, A/B- and MVT testing.
    • Reliability and statistical significance of the tests performed.
  • Data visualization

    • What is the Google Analytics API?
    • How and with what to connect to the API.
    • How to quickly and freely create reports using data from the API.
    • Data visualization techniques.
    • Basic approaches to data visualization using Google Analytics add-on sheets.
    • Basics of working in Google Data Studio and building basic reports.
    • Practical problems and solving business cases.
  • Exam

    • Google Analytics Certification.
    • Exam in Unibrains (REU named after G.V. Plekhanov).
  • What will you get

    • Practical knowledge and skills The course is aimed at training experts in the field of web analytics. Working on your own project or educational project. System setup, data analysis, integration, data visualization, A/B testing and much more.
    • State Diploma of the Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov After successfully passing the exams, you will be provided with a certificate of advanced training from REU. G.V. Plekhanov.
    • Career growth and income growth The knowledge you gain will help you become a more valuable and rewarding employee. We also provide employment opportunities and internships in companies -
      industry leaders.
    • Useful contacts Full-time study will make it easy to meet teachers and fellow students. Get answers to personal questions. Solve your business problems and expand your connections.
    • Additional material Checklists, algorithms, templates, presentations, video materials, electronic literature on digital analytics.

    Success stories

    • Ivan Krasyuk Director of Client Network Development.

      “Web analytics is the only area of ​​Internet marketing that is responsible not for attracting traffic, but for its conversion, increasing profits per visitor and reducing the cost of attracting one client,” - Ivan Krasyuk.

      Ivan has been involved in Internet marketing for more than 11 years, and has extensive experience in conversion optimization.
      A/B testing and web analytics, as well as introducing new products to the market (for example, website promotion with pay-per-click), hundreds of public speaking at conferences and seminars, planning digital strategies for large businesses and coordinating their implementation.

      Ivan Krasyuk has all possible Google Analytics certificates. He is one of the few certified Google Analytics trainers in our country. Thanks to Ivan, Kokoc Group employs the most a large number of certified Google Analytics specialists in the world. It is a pleasure to learn from Ivan, because he really shares his knowledge with others with great dedication.

      “The analyst is the only specialist who, as a result of analysis, can find a growth point that will provide additional tens and hundreds of millions of rubles of income every subsequent month. And, damn it, how nice it is to find these points of growth,” Ivan Krasyuk.

      Oleg Rudakov Director of Analytics Development. AGIMA

      “Web analytics is not setting up Google Analytics, Yandex.Metrica or any other system. Web analytics is making decisions based on data collected by systems to optimize business performance,” Oleg Rudakov.

      Oleg is an expert in the field of Internet marketing. He is constantly engaged in business development, researching and adopting the experience of Western agencies. Actively studies new technologies and platform tools, participates in industry events.

      Oleg is a highly qualified teacher; he has trained employees of VKontakte, S 7, Nezavisimost Group of Companies, WWF, Auchan, etc. He is a regular speaker at major conferences (RIF+KIB, RIW, eTarget, iMetrics, etc.) . Oleg is also responsible for training employees within the ADLABS company, and is the author of educational programs on analytics and Internet marketing.

      “In order to draw correct conclusions based on data from web analytics systems, it is necessary to understand how this data is collected and included in reports,” Oleg Rudakov.

      Dmitry Zaporozhets Optimization Expert
      major projects.

      “Unlike other areas of internet marketing, SEO is impossible to guarantee and difficult to predict. However, a deep understanding of how search works and on what factors ranking is based makes it possible to significantly increase the likelihood of success,” Dmitry Zaporozhets.

      Dmitry has been in SEO since 2010. Promoted more than 200 websites, including Russian and Ukrainian projects. Successfully worked in the most competitive areas - furniture, car sales, Appliances and electronics, air conditioners, real estate and other topics. Clients include such large projects as REG.RU, Mitsubishi Motors, Credit Europe Bank.
      Dmitry is a certified Yandex partner for Metrica and Webmaster training. He is also responsible for certifying SEO and Web Analytics course students and is a teacher at the Unibrains Training Center.

      “Organic has been and will remain one of the cheapest and most conversion channels for a long time, but every year a good SEO specialist must have more and more knowledge from related fields. Today SEO is not only about BM25, it is also about analyzing visitor behavior, understanding how other channels work and modern technologies website building, constant monitoring of changes and innovations in the industry,” - Dmitry Zaporozhets.

      Ilya Chukhlyaev Head of Analytics Department.

      “Web analytics tools are useless if you don’t know how to ask questions of the data. This is probably the most correct answer to the eternal question: Which is better - Google Analytics or Yandex Metrica?” - Ilya Chukhlyaev.

      Ilya Chukhlyaev is the organizer of the Go Analytics conference and the founder of the analytics department at Adventum, an outstanding professional and leader. His department works with the largest projects of such companies as Megafon,, Bank of Moscow. Ilya helps businesses build commercial analytics and make business decisions based on data.

      Ilya didn’t come to internet marketing right away. His first profession was as a website designer. Quickly becoming interested in user analytics and increasing conversions, Ilya took courses with Avinash Kaushik (the world's web analytics guru) and successfully passed the certification. Now Ilya is one of the leading experts in the industry.

      “No project collects all the data you need to find a solution. An important skill is to make more correct conclusions based on less data,” Ilya Chukhlyaev.

      Alexandra Kulachikova Head of Yandex. Metrica promotion. Yandex

      Alexandra is a truly outstanding professional in the field of analytics. More than 9 years in the industry, worked with such companies as Ralf Ringer, RTA, Grape Media, Alexandra is a certified specialist of Yandex.Direct, Yandex.Metrica, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, member of the Digital Analytics Association. And a permanent participant in the largest conferences in the country (RIF and CIB, eTarget, RIW, iMetrics, etc.). Alexandra conducts seminars and webinars from Google throughout the country, teaches at the School of New Media, the Higher School of Economics, CyberMarketing, Seopult, etc.

      Artyom Nikolenko Head of Analytics.

      “A web analyst must understand everything related to the web: web development, web design, online advertising, SEO, and also understand the specifics of the business behind the site,” Artem Nikolenko.

      Artyom Nikolenko is an engineer and programmer by education with two honors diplomas, and has been working in the field of web analytics for more than 5 years. Artem perfectly understands the technical principles of web analytics systems. At Kokoc Group, he is responsible for increasing the conversion of the company’s client websites, using all known analytical services and tools for this, as well as developing his own.

      Certified Google Analytics specialist (6 different GA certificates) and Yandex.Metrica; Certified Google Analytics Trainer. Repeatedly acted as a speaker on Google Analytics and GTM at Google Partners seminars in Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow. At Kokoc Group, Artem worked with more than 170 projects, including all the company’s largest clients. Artyom Nikolenko is an expert in his field with great practical experience in the field of building custom web analytics models, his portfolio includes many successful cases of A/B tests.

      “Web analytics are not important. The actions taken as a result of analytics are important. Actions can be right, wrong or random. Without web analytics, all conversion optimization actions are either incorrect or random,” Artem Nikolenko.

      Tatyana Tyupina Head of Web Analytics.

      “Performance marketing without analytics is like a submarine without a periscope. We seem to be moving, but it’s not clear where,” Tatyana Tyupina.

      I started my journey into digital more than eight years ago from the position of a web developer in distant Ireland. Now Tatyana is engaged in implementation integrated solutions in the field of web analytics, automation of reporting and increasing the conversion capabilities of websites. A regular speaker at major industry conferences and seminars, where he willingly shares his knowledge.

      Tatyana is responsible for all digital marketing at Printio. He works masterfully with GTM and is a certified consultant for Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager, has certificates for Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Yandex.Metrica, Yandex.Direct. Believes that analytics is a leading tool for improving business performance and successfully demonstrates this to clients.

      “An analysis cannot be carried out without ensuring the accuracy of the data collected. Most likely, you will only harm your business rather than optimize it,” Tatyana Tyupina.

      Vil Gabdullin Head of Analysis Department. PHILIPS Flagship Store

      “If you want to learn how to correctly interpret data, then forget forever about your own opinion. You must be impartial and base your judgments only on numbers and cold calculations,” Vil Gabdulin.

      After graduating financial management(MIPP), Vil knows how to masterfully work with data and numbers. He has been working in Internet marketing for more than five years, starting with Svyaznoy and Lukoil. The teacher has deep practical knowledge in the field of e-commerce, obtained in such companies as Bely Veter, AMF, Muztorg. Vil’s main focus in his work is on end-to-end analysis of all points of contact with the brand, data visualization using various tools, including Tableau Power BI, Google Data Studio. Wil easily prepares data in Google Big Query, with the addition of a pinch of SQL, a little Python and a little OWOX with a hint of Enhanced Ecommerce and Google Tag Manager.

      “When preparing a report to management, do not try to cram the maximum amount of data into it. If you can’t do without this, write analytical notes for the report, this will save your nerves and time,” Vil Gabdulin.

Google Analytics. Site and Ads analytics

When promoting a site on the Internet, a webmaster, SEO specialist, or advertising specialist must have reliable information about the use of the site. Trackers, sometimes incorrectly called counters, are often used for these purposes. Today there are quite a few “counters”, both paid and free, however, they are far from equal in their capabilities and effectiveness of use.

This course covers a wide range of issues related to setting up and using the most popular analytical system on the Internet. The course explains in detail the tracking of sites with using Google Analytics, which is one of the most powerful and incredibly flexible systems analysis of website performance, and that is why most large and well-known web resources use Google Analytics.

This course doesn't just teach you about Google capabilities Analytics, but most of all, equips students with the skills to use these tools and correctly interpret Google Analytics' extensive reports.

Today it is not enough to have a beautiful website on the Internet. A website, no matter how good and expensive it may be, is completely useless to anyone if no visitors come to it. Promotion activities can only be structured correctly with the help of analytics systems.

The course covers, among other things, the most complex tools and functionality of Google Analytics:

  • Segmentation using view filters and advanced segments
  • Analyst work cases
  • Google Tag manager
  • Setting up event tracking using GTM
  • Benchmarking reports
  • Some questions from the Google Analytics Certification exam

The course is designed for students who are starting to use Google Analytics to analyze your site.

The course is intended for company employees responsible for the effectiveness of traffic from marketing channels, agency employees running client websites, owners of their own online businesses, freelancers, and startup initiators.

The course program complies with the professional standard "Internet Marketing Specialist".

Google Analytics is one of the most effective online tools that can help you understand the behavior of your customers and, as a result, make decisions in your business. We offer you a list of free materials on Google Analytics. Here you will find lessons from Analytics Academy, YouTube videos, specialized blog articles, and much more. To regularly receive fresh content from Google Analytics, we recommend subscribing to their Twitter account @GoogleAnalytics.

Instructions for Beginners

Google Analytics Help Center. If you are just about to start working with this service, you should help center Google Analytics. Here you will find a lot short instructions about getting started with the tool, account management and other introductory topics.

A Guide to Google Analytics for Absolute Beginners. The Moz blog offers an extensive guide to using Google Analytics for absolute beginners. Here you will read about why you actually need this tool, how to use it and solve common problems.

Google Analytics for e-commerce: a guide for beginners. The Shopify blog has another good guide to Google Analytics for beginners. Here you will learn how to set up Google Analytics for your online store, understand the reports and find a few more useful things about working with this tool to attract sales.

Google Analytics Academy

Google Analytics Academy

Google's Analytics Academy offers free online courses on Google Analytics and other data analytics tools. Here you can also prepare for the Google Analytics Individual Qualification (IQ) exam and gain an industry-recognized qualification. Here are some current courses:

  • Fundamentals of digital analytics. This course, which, by the way, is available in Russian, gives general idea about how digital analytics can improve business efficiency.
  • E-commerce analytics: from data to solutions. This course will teach you how to plan various online calculations and how to practically navigate Google Analytics to improve your e-commerce business performance.
  • Google Analytics Principles. In this course, you will understand how data is collected, transformed, and organized in Google Analytics. This will help you hone your campaign execution process and discover valuable new ideas for your business.
  • Google Tag Manager Basics. In this course, you'll learn how Google Tag Manager can make working with tags easier for marketers, analysts, and developers.
  • Fundamentals of Mobile Device Analytics. This course will give you an understanding of how Google data Analytics can help make your mobile offering more effective.

Google Analytics on YouTube

Google Analytics YouTube channel offers a variety of videos on various data analytics topics. Here are some useful playlists:

  • Analytics and E-commerce. Here are four short videos on Google Analytics on how to track transactions, identify top spenders, create conversion funnels, and create a site search option.
  • Analytics and AdWords. These Eight Videos Will Teach You How to Use Optimization Power keywords, improving location and targeting functionality, increasing return on investment, and more.
  • Attracting conversions with Google Analytics. These fifteen short videos will show you how to work with data in a way that drives conversions.

Google Analytics Blog

Materials on the Google Analytics blog cover a wide range of topics - from new features of the tool and analytics tips to current events in the industry. Articles use topic tags to make it easy to find the information you need. Here are some recent useful posts:

  • Happy 10th Birthday, Google Analytics! Google Analytics recently celebrated 10 years since its launch. This post is about the main stages of tool development.
  • Update “The Customer Journey to Online Purchase”- new ideas for marketing channels. Here you will find the highlights of the functionality of the updated Customer Journey to Online Purchase - a Google Analytics tool that allows you to track the online behavior of customers using infographics.
  • Check data in real time with Google Tag Assistant Recordings. This material will help you effectively use Google Tag Assistant Recordings, a tool that allows you to quickly perform site inspections or diagnostics, analyze Google Analytics code implementation, and quickly troubleshoot problems.

Friends! From August to September 2018, I, together with the Convert Monster agency, conducted a practical online course on Google Analytics. For those who wanted to take part, but for some reason were unable to do so, I am pleased to present you with a recorded video course format. Discount for my subscribers and detailed description inside the article.

What has been done during all this time?

Even before the launch of the course (in May), we recorded in the studio, in which I talk about the basic principles of working with a web analytics tool:

  • 1 video - introduction to Google Analytics (what it can do, what advantages it has, what it is cookies, and how GA collects and processes data);
  • 2 videos – setting up goals and events in Google Analytics (with analysis using a practical example);
  • 3 videos – 8 main reports in Google Analytics that digital marketers use in their practice (Sources / Channel, Device Types Report, Browsers and OS Report, Location Report, Demographics, Top Events, All Pages Report, Report by search queries)

This series of videos was created to solve several problems:

  1. to introduce me as a speaker (who am I?, my presentation of material, structure of information, voice, facial expressions, gestures, etc.);
  2. to warm up the audience before launching the main course;

Those who have the desire can now.

Then there was a whole chain of free sales webinars, where I talked about the benefits of working with Google Analytics and its functionality. The topics were:

  • Google Analytics vs Yandex.Metrica (who is better?);
  • 4 Google secret Analytics (expense import, calculated metrics, custom reports, Google Data Studio);
  • 5 typical mistakes when working with Google Analytics;
  • How to increase sales and manage your budget effectively using Google Analytics.

Then our main course started, which lasted almost 2 months and consisted of 16 lessons, each lasting more than 2 hours. That is, over the course of 30+ hours, 70 listeners, along with me, were lucky enough to go from beginner to expert, set up Google Analytics from scratch according to a checklist, understand when and in what cases what is appropriate to use, and also develop analytical approaches to work. with data.

In my opinion, a difference and, at the same time, an advantage this course compared to others is that:

1. It is structured in such a way that you can open any video, any section, any block and start studying it without any problems. This is my vision, my view of consistency in learning. 90% of the functionality is completely covered in the course "Google Analytics: from beginner to expert";

2. throughout the training, using the example of various reports and settings, I tell real stories of my own projects, both positive cases and negative/negative experiences, when and in what cases I made certain marketing decisions;

3. During the course there is always a comparison of the functionality of Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics. Ultimately, students draw their own conclusions about the benefits of both tools;

4. During the training we completely pass the Google Analytics exam! Yes Yes. The course is structured in such a way that after each completed block we review the exam questions, and I give comments on each of them. And by the time you finish watching latest video from the course, you can easily pass it and receive the coveted certificate.

We analyze exam questions on Google Analytics

5. as I wrote above, he does not teach Google work Analytics directly, and is built in such a way as to instill in students a basic analytical approach to working with data;

In short, the course on Google Analytics covers in detail such topics as: utm_tags, cookies, setting up User ID, setting up e-commerce, setting up goals, events, importing expenses into GA, working with the API using the example of uploading data to Google Sheets, all reports, including special and automatic ones in Google Data Studio, are provided with a step-by-step checklist Google settings Analytics, attribution models, associated conversions, cohort analysis and much more!

Parsing Measurement Protocol

In the last lesson, at the request of the students, I added 60 minutes of work with Google Tag Manager.

Well, where is the discount, you ask?

I give to all subscribers of my blog 10% discount on all tariffs (Beginner – Specialist – Expert) until the end of this year . All you need to do:

2. Select the tariff that suits you (with/without curator) and click “Buy the course!”;

Selecting a course tariff

3. Enter contact information, and in the field "Discount Coupon" add yakov

Entering a discount coupon

4. Then choose whether you need your homework checked by a curator and Feedback by video lessons;

Adding curated technical support

5. The last step is to choose a payment method and pay for the course.

Payment of the invoice at the rate

After payment, the Convert Monster agency manager will contact you to confirm the purchase and send all access to the course. He will also be happy to answer all your questions about the training program. If necessary, you can always switch from tariff to tariff by paying the difference.

I hope that you will enjoy my course on Google Analytics and find it as interesting as the blog articles! Easy learning!

  • Development AARRR-based? data-driven digital strategies

Learn growth hacking? And AARRR? AARRR is a marketing model that takes into account such phases of the customer journey as Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral and Revenue. in digital

  • Education AARRR-based? AARRR is a marketing model that takes into account such phases of the customer journey as Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral and Revenue. digital marketing for executives
  • Training concept AARRR? AARRR is a marketing model that takes into account such phases of the customer journey as Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral and Revenue. and processes growth hacking? Growth hacking (from English growth hacking) - relatively new area marketing, focused on the growth of key company metrics. Growth hacking as a method originated with early-stage IT startups that needed multiple growth in a short period of time with small budgets, but since then the methodology has also reached large companies. The goal of growth hacking strategies is to attract as many users or customers as possible while minimum costs. A team of growth hackers consists of marketers, developers, engineers, and product managers who are specifically focused on building and attracting users to a business.

  • About 10 years after the founding of the company, the term “ growth hacking? Growth hacking is a relatively new area of ​​marketing focused on the growth of key company metrics. Growth hacking as a method originated with early-stage IT startups that needed multiple growth in a short period of time with small budgets, but since then the methodology has also reached large companies. The goal of growth hacking strategies is to attract as many users or customers as possible at minimal cost. A team of growth hackers consists of marketers, developers, engineers, and product managers who are specifically focused on building and attracting users to a business."and marketing model AARRR? AARRR is a marketing model that takes into account such phases of the customer journey as Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral and Revenue., which began to describe the digital services that we have been doing all these years.
  • WebProfiters consultants study the client’s business model, analyze all KPIs that influence the final metrics of the project (for example, the number of leads, sales volume, EBITDA, etc.), after which they study the funnels and find the “bottleneck” at each stage of working with clients.
  • Following the concept AARRR metric? AARRR is a marketing model that takes into account such phases of the customer journey as Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral and Revenue., WebProfiters professional consultants solve problems growth hacking? Growth hacking is a relatively new area of ​​marketing focused on the growth of key company metrics. Growth hacking as a method originated with early-stage IT startups that needed multiple growth in a short period of time with small budgets, but since then the methodology has also reached large companies. The goal of growth hacking strategies is to attract as many users or customers as possible at minimal cost. A team of growth hackers consists of marketers, developers, engineers, and product managers who are specifically focused on building and attracting users to a business. not only for IT companies, but also for businesses from other sectors of the economy.
  • For those companies that are just starting digital promotion or are radically reconsidering it, we offer strategic planning services:

In order not only to advise, but also to maintain up-to-date knowledge, we also work as executors of integrated Internet marketing for those clients who share the concept AARRR? AARRR is a marketing model that takes into account such phases of the customer journey as Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral and Revenue. And growth hacking? Growth hacking is a relatively new area of ​​marketing focused on the growth of key company metrics. Growth hacking as a method originated with early-stage IT startups that needed multiple growth in a short period of time with small budgets, but since then the methodology has also reached large companies. The goal of growth hacking strategies is to attract as many users or customers as possible at minimal cost. A team of growth hackers consists of marketers, developers, engineers, and product managers who are specifically focused on building and attracting users to a business. in digital promotion.

For those of our clients who already have contractors in the field of digital services, we advise and ensure high quality of work of their contractors in accordance with the model AARRR? AARRR is a marketing model that takes into account such phases of the customer journey as Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral and Revenue., which we create for them.

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