Setting up hardware and software

How to track a phone number. How to check your husband's calls and SMS messages Tracking phone calls

Towers mobile operators capable of not only providing communication, but also calculating the approximate location of the phone owner. This function provides the ability to track location by phone number online if the subscriber has given consent to this. This option may be useful for parents or heads of transport companies.

Geolocation by phone number

Many mobile operator subscribers actively use the GPS function on their phones. A special system of satellites sends a signal to a beacon that is built into the smartphone. The position of the phone is determined by the sensor reception speed from the three nearest communication towers. This is the only way to determine a person's location by phone number. However, this method does not work as shown in spy films: the average user does not have the opportunity to track down and check any person.

Location by phone number without the subscriber's consent

Those who are looking for how to track a phone by number via the Internet should understand that the location of the device can only be determined with the consent of the subscriber. In all other cases, this will be a violation of human rights, which may entail punishment. The only way to spy on a person via phone is to get permission from him. Next, you need to install special software on your device and the person you want to track, which will transmit location data.

Phone tracking software

If you want to track a number via the Internet for free, then you will need a special program for tracking your phone. You can download the utility from the Internet for any version of Android, there are options for iPhones. Popular free tracking programs include the following:

  1. Where's my droid. Free app, which is designed to work only with Android phones. You can determine movement from the tablet too.
  2. Live GPS Tracker. Real-time tracking helps track the location of the subscriber.
  3. SpyBubble. This is a paid program, but it has a distinctive feature - it has a hidden (spy) mode, which will make it difficult to detect on the device.

All these applications can be downloaded from the official Google service - Google Play. Keep in mind that it is almost impossible to use them secretly: even a child will see third-party software on his device. For this reason, the person must be informed and consent must be obtained. You should explain to your child why you need control over his movement via the Internet, that this will give you a sense of calm and security. Programs that determine the subscriber’s coordinates have several significant disadvantages:

  • where there is no connection, applications will not work;
  • in a city with dense buildings there may be a significant error due to signal reflection;
  • If you turn off GPS, the programs will stop working and determine your geoposition.

How to determine the location of a phone via the Internet

Hollywood has created the misconception among many that you can track any person through the Internet simply by knowing his phone number. Such services do not exist, these actions will grossly violate the human right to preserve personal data. The options for how to determine are much more complicated. Before determining the position of the smartphone on the map, you need to install a tracking program in advance. The device must be in the coverage area, the GPS tracker and the Internet must be working.

All these conditions can only be met with the consent of the subscriber. Anyone can find out that they are trying to track him. A complete stranger will definitely not be able to see your coordinates. True covert tracking can only be performed by law enforcement agencies through a request to the telecom operator. All large companies (Megafon, Beeline, MTS) can find out where the SIM card that was purchased from them is located using network towers. In other cases, there is no way to see a person’s coordinates without a tracking program.

Geolocation by number from mobile operators

Communication companies offer their subscribers another option on how to find out a person’s location. Each of them has special service, which helps you find out where it is in this moment user, view the route for the day. This search function is not free, and also requires informed consent from the second subscriber. You can use the following basic services:

  1. . The service has several options and helps track one or more people who have confirmed the request for coordinates. The advantage of this package is the ability to search for subscribers of other operators (MTS, Beeline).
  2. . Tracking will be possible after the user consents. You will need to pay 100 rubles per month, and you will receive 100 requests to check coordinates. You can receive location data via SMS or view it through an application on your smartphone or computer.
  3. . For use, a fee is charged once a day (1.7 rubles) throughout the country, you need to obtain a one-time tracking confirmation. You can control where 5 users are at the same time.
  4. Tele2 "Geosearch". The coverage density of this operator is lower than the others, so the accuracy of the determination will also have a larger error. You can track the card after the user’s consent; the cost is 2 rubles/day.

Video: spying on a phone number via a computer

“We have already told you how to organize surveillance of a phone, or rather a smartphone, or a tablet based on the Android operating system. But in today's article I would like to talk about another elegant way to track a phone and, most importantly, do it hidden.

How to track a phone?

  • Preface
  • Avast Anti-Theft features
  • Download Avast Anti-Theft
  • Setting up Avast Anti-Theft
  • Using Avast Anti-Theft

Today we will talk about the Avast Anti-Theft application, which, in addition to its main Anti-Theft function, can be used as an application for tracking a phone.

At the beginning I called this method“Elegant”, this is not because I am a big fan of the Avast antivirus, but because by installing the Avast antivirus together with the Avast Anti-Theft program, with which we will monitor the phone, you can perfectly disguise and hide the fact of surveillance.

The Avast Anti-Theft application is designed to help you find your lost smartphone and tablet. Can also be used by parents to monitor and control children. By using the Avast Anti-Theft application for surveillance, covert surveillance, and secret wiretapping of strangers, you are violating the laws of your country!

Why Avast Anti-Theft?

By installing any phone tracking application on your phone, you give this application a bunch of rights and permissions. Therefore, it is very important that the program, or rather the developer, has a good reputation. And Avast, as you know, is not Turker Bayram with its malicious applications, which I talked about in the article “”. Avast is reliable! I'm not talking in terms of antivirus, that's a separate issue. What I'm saying is that he doesn't need your phone's secrets. Of course there are no 100% guarantees, but it is unlikely.

Key features of Avast Anti-Theft

Let's look at what a well-known antivirus company offers the user. Let's start with the fact that the application has two versions: free and paid.

IN free version:

  • Location tracking.
  • Complete and final destruction of data.
  • Emergency phone blocking.
  • Turn on the siren.
  • Hidden forwarding of all calls and SMS messages.
  • Sending messages to your phone.
  • Phone call.
  • Partial masking of the application on the phone.
  • List of trusted SIM cards.
  • Save battery power.
  • Low battery notification.
  • Remotely changing Avast Anti-Theft settings

In the premium version:

  • Remotely listening and recording sound.
  • Photo from cameras (front and rear).
  • Retrieving data stored on the phone.

As you can see, even in the free version of the Avast Anti-Theft application there are quite a lot of possibilities. Now let's figure out how to install it, configure it and work with it correctly.

Download Avast Anti-Theft

You need to install the application on the device you want to track. It will not be possible to install remotely. Must have physical access to a smartphone or other mobile device.

First, let's go to the download page. You can download the Avast Anti-Theft application using a direct link from Google Play. Let's go to official page applications and click “Install”.

Avast Anti-Theft has recently become part of the application Avast Antivirus. It cannot be installed separately.

As I already said, every time you download applications from the market, you need to look at what rights the program asks for. In this case, the list of permissions is quite large, and this is not good. But there’s nothing you can do about it, since the program really needs access to these parameters to work correctly.

After installation, click “Open” or close Google Play and launch the application using the icon on the desktop.

Setting up Avast Anti-Theft

After launch, you will be prompted to enter the name of the device owner. Enter and click “Continue”.

Now you need to set a PIN code.

Enter twice secret code and click “Confirm”.

Linking the created account with Avast web dashboard.

To do this, you need to register your account on the Avast website. Enter your work address Email and twice the password. I really don’t recommend registering or logging in using social networks.

If you did everything correctly, the main program window will appear.

To activate the device and enable protection, you must move the slider to the active position. The program will not allow you to turn on the tracking mode until all the required fields are filled in!

After switching on hidden mode The program shortcut will be removed on the desktop and in the application menu. To call the application, you need to send a special command from the control panel on the Avast website. After this, the application will launch and you can change the settings. In addition, you can change application settings directly from the control panel, remotely, without having to launch the application on the device itself.

In principle, there is nothing to tell here, everything is extremely simple. You will figure it out yourself. Much of this depends on your personal preferences. The developer did his best and provided each setting item with detailed tips.

We seem to have figured out everything regarding the phone. Now let's move on to the Avast web interface, with the help of which we will monitor and control the smartphone / tablet via the Internet.

We go to the official one (in my case I used mobile version site, because I wanted to track the phone using another phone) and enter the username and password that we registered when installing the application.

If the interface is in English, we will immediately change it to your language. In my case, Russian. Click on the “Three Stripes” icon and in the drop-down menu click on the “Language Settings” item. Then select the desired language.

On home page All devices on which the Avast Anti-Theft application and other Avast products are installed are displayed. Clicking on the device takes us to the control center. All settings, monitoring and control of the device take place here.

At the top is the device status, and below are the management tools. I won’t go into detail about each tool, I’ll just tell you how to enable and disable this or that function.

By clicking on one of the icons you go to control the function. Grey colour icons indicate that the function is not activated, and green means that the tool is enabled.

For example, you need to track a location on a map. Click on the “Find” icon, which is responsible for the location of the phone, and look at where the smartphone or tablet is currently located. In addition, it is possible to view the entire history of the phone’s movement and the exact coordinates of the device, both for all time and for a certain period.

Now a few words about how the program hides its presence. As I understand it, in the premium version the application can hide itself completely. The user will not see the application in their list of applications. IN regular version there is no such possibility, but there is interesting feature, the activation of which does not give the user the opportunity to delete the application. When I get the premium version for testing, I’ll tell you how everything works and whether the game is worth the candle.

Well, that seems to be all. I hope you can figure out everything else for yourself. Overall, I was pleased with this application and can confidently recommend it to you knowing that this application will not harm you and your loved ones.

Don't forget that there are quite a few apps that offer the same features, but while you are following others, they can be following you. Don't forget about the safety of your loved ones and protecting your phone

User rating: 4 (61 ratings)

Finding the owner of a mobile phone number is quite difficult, since the numbers are not available in public databases. But there are quite a lot of options for tracking a number, especially if you receive threatening calls, in this case you can contact the police, but there is no one sure way to find out the owner of a phone number.


Free phone number search

    Call the number. Explain to the person who answered that you received calls from his number. Politely ask who you are talking to. If they answered you, then there is no point in continuing further! If not, use the methods listed below.

    • Ask a friend to call this number or call yourself from a friend's phone. If you've called several times and haven't heard back, it's likely that the person you're trying to reach has decided not to return your calls. In this case, you can trick him by calling from another number or from a pay phone.
  1. Find public databases. If they call you not from a mobile phone, but from home phone, then you can check this number in the directory. Use white pages if you are in the US, or use other search engines depending on your location.

    Use a search engine. The owner or organization that owns the phone number can display their contact number on personal or company websites.

    Search the deep web. So-called "invisible" search engines use additional filters and options for more detailed searches.

    • Deep web search engines usually specialize in something specific, so you need to find one that suits your needs. Use a regular search engine to find the list search engines, whose search is based on the deep web.

    Paid number search

    1. Determine the quality of service. On many search engines that charge for services, you may be provided with unnecessary information, and they may even deceive you by withdrawing funds from your card into your account.

      Pay for the service only after using the free features. Paid filters typically provide the same search results as free filters, so paying for them is unlikely to provide you with any new results, but your personal information could end up in the hands of scammers who can withdraw money from your card into their account.

      Hire a private detective. Even if you have tried all of the above methods, you may still not find the information you need. Hiring a private detective will cost a pretty penny, and you need to pay close attention to finding one. Before hiring anyone, make sure you are familiar with the investigator's terms of employment and fee information. There are times when a detective does not find the necessary information, but still requests payment for his work.

    Finding an unknown or blocked phone number

      Check your call log or automatic caller ID. All Cell phones automatically detect the number from which the call is made. If you use landline phone, contact your service provider for automatic detection numbers.

      • Contact your phone device manufacturer's support team if you are unsure how to check the incoming call log on your mobile phone.
      • There are ways by which you can bypass automatic caller ID, and even make it so that a completely different number will be displayed for you. If Caller ID has not determined the phone number, use the following methods.
    1. Use a service that allows you to call the number of the last incoming call. Call your operator and order the “call to last incoming number” service. You may be charged an initial fee for the service and/or a fee each time you use it.

      • The call return code varies by country and operator (and may not be available in all regions). Consult your operator about the code or find it yourself on the Internet as a “call return code”, indicating your country.
      • In the US, this code looks like *69 (after the country code).
      • After the call you want to track ends, enter the call return code and you will hear a voice that will tell you the phone number from which the last call was made.
      • In some regions this service available automatically. The service fee will still apply.
      • Please note: in some states (California, for example), the service only allows you to call the last incoming number, but does not provide the phone number itself.
    2. Take advantage of number tracking features. If you are receiving incessant threatening calls, contact your operator to find out if the following features are available to you:

    How to Avoid Scams

      Please check the services provided to you carefully. Search services most often deceive their customers by providing unnecessary information or stealing funds from their plastic cards.

      Look for reviews or complaints about the company on the Internet. best business directory bureau is a good resource to check search services(USA, Canada and Mexico only).

      Never provide financial information to unfamiliar sites. Do not enter your card number if your browser warns you that the site may be unsafe, if the site asks you to pay for services through an intermediary site you have never heard of, or if the site looks completely unprofessional.

      • On such sites there is a so-called “free trial search”, for which, as the site creators assure, you do not need to pay.
      • Find a service that charges through PayPal or another well-known intermediary site.
    1. Never enter additional personal information About Me. Your social security number is not required information to use search engines.

    Mobile device location tracking

      Track the location of your family members. Any smartphone with GPS can be tracked. Here are a few ways you can track your family's location at any time:

    1. Install apps to track the location of your own phone. If you're worried about losing your phone or having it stolen, there are programs that can track your phone's GPS location using a computer and/or prevent the thief from gaining access to the device.

      • Find a program suitable for your device in an online store or download it on the Internet.
      • AccuTracking is one of the few applications that allows you to track the location (via GPS) of regular phones.

We have released PhoneTrack - a free call tracking that allows you to track calls from the site without replacing numbers. You can request access now or read this article to understand why your business needs PhoneTrack.

How call tracking works

PhoneTrack finds all phone numbers on a site and partially hides them from users using an image or text. To see the full number, the client must click on the icon or word - and this action is recorded by the system. Clicking on a number in most cases leads to a conversation with the client.

Who can use PhoneTrack?

For companies that want to understand:

  • How often does a website visitor call the organization?
  • From which pages of the site does the conversion to call come from?
  • From what traffic source and what keywords did the calling client come from?
  • What region did the potential buyer call from?

PhoneTrack is best for small and medium-sized businesses: it's free, simple, and only involves call tracking. Large companies will most likely prefer services with broader functionality and higher cost.

But we don't limit our audience and invite companies of all sizes to try PhoneTrack!

Why you should try PhoneTrack

Why does the world need another call tracking service? Why should a company choose PhoneTrack when there are others? To explain the benefits of the service, let’s consider its functionality in detail.

Connect with one line of code

It may seem that hiding phone numbers on a website is an easy task. But to implement it and attach data to the analytics system, you will need at least four hours of a programmer and two hours of a web analyst. During this time, call tracking will be set up for only one site without the ability to quickly add another resource or phone number.

PhoneTrack can be activated by a marketer, business owner, or any employee with basic knowledge of HTML/CSS. You don't need to be a developer to do this! You can connect any number of sites with an unlimited number of pages to the system.

How to connect call tracking

If you want to edit call tracking settings, click on the “My Sites” tab, find the right resource in the table and manage it using the icons in the “Management” column.

Connection with Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica

Counters Google Analytics and Metrics are connected through simple authorization. You don't need a programmer or analyst for this. Once you have linked your accounts to PhoneTrack, you no longer need to go to to view call data: it will be collected in the analytics system.

For Google Analytics, PhoneTrack creates an event and action called the organization's phone number.

The phone_click goal appears in Yandex.Metrica.

Actions from PhoneTrack can be analyzed in the same way as other goals and events: look at the percentage of conversions, pages, sources, channels, keywords, filter by dates.

Design customization

First, you need to decide which element to hide: text, ID or class. Then, using the “Replacement method” option, you can hide phone numbers so that they look harmonious with the site design. For example, you can load an icon from the set that was used in the interface and close part of the number with its help.

When setting up PhoneTrack, we offer several options for replacing part of the number:

  • Picture with an eye
  • Text “Show”
  • Text “Closed”
  • Text “Open”
  • Stylized eye
  • Any picture you upload

You select the background color under the text or image through the “Custom replacement method” drop-down menu item.

Built-in analytics

After installing PhoneTrack, your account will have basic information about calls. Open the “Reports” tab and see a table with parameters:

  • date and time
  • Telephone
  • Client ID
  • Region
  • Page
  • Source
  • Keyword

This data is available in the form of a table and a graph that shows the numbers by time and phone number. The results are filtered by time periods and all the parameters listed above. Filter conditions:

  • Contains
  • Equals
  • Not equal

Conditions can be combined depending on the purpose of the search.

Analytics is saved in connected Google accounts Analytics and Yandex.Metrics, but we thought it would be convenient for users to monitor basic indicators on the PhoneTrack website.

The client sees a valid phone number

Call tracking companies currently on the market offer to monitor calls from a website using dynamic and static tracking.

With dynamic call tracking, each unique user is shown their own phone number. This method allows you to determine the source of the call down to the keyword.

Problems with these options:

  • The user does not see the company's real phone number, and many business owners are not happy with this. If a person has written down a number or passed it on to friends, and the organization has refused call tracking, it will no longer be possible to call the spoofed number.
  • With static call tracking, the user path is visible only at the advertising campaign level.
  • Dynamic call tracking solves the problem mentioned above, but is much more expensive: for each phone number you will pay from 250 rubles.

PhoneTrack solves all of the above problems because it:

  • Doesn't change numbers.
  • Allows you to track the full user path through standard systems Google analytics and Yandex.
  • Free.

It's free

Website call tracking is a service that small companies cannot afford: price in popular systems call tracking fluctuates from 1000 to 229,000 rubles per month plus payment for the work of employees to implement the service.

PhoneTrack - free service with a simple connection that requires almost no time from company employees. True, we do not refuse voluntary donations: you will find the form right in the interface.

So far we don’t know how to monetize the service: perhaps it will remain free or become paid, but inexpensive: approximately 100 rubles per month.

Future plans

We plan to develop a PhoneTrack communication system with CRM and electronic PBXs so that users can collect all data in one system.

Connect PhoneTrack to the site. It is free and will take no more than an hour of working time.

Need deeper call tracking? Contact "Completo".

Would you like to receive an offer from us?

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Is it possible to track a phone? In our age of high technology, detecting it will not be difficult. Simple interest, jealousy or mistrust - why this is needed, each person decides for himself. It is worth noting that there are several ways to find out where a smartphone is located, but not all of them are legal.

How to spy on a person via phone

Nowadays, few people live without a mobile phone. In most cases, these are smartphones that allow you to quickly find any information on the Internet, get directions to another city, or just talk with a friend. Not all owners of these gadgets know that mobile phones deprive them of part of their personal life. Any person who is more or less comfortable with technology will not have any difficulty tracking down the owner of the gadget.

Sometimes this feature can be extremely useful. This way you can always check where the child is. And if your smartphone is lost or stolen, you can determine its location in this way. How to track a person by phone? There are several ways to do this. The first is to contact the mobile operator that serves the subscriber. The company will tell you how to track the phone number. Options:

  • GPS navigation. With this function, the cell phone is used not only as a navigator for the husband in the car. This way you can calculate where a person is, because most programs require the owner of the smartphone to mark his location. You can follow those people who like to take pictures and mark the place where the photo was taken. Using applications, you can easily track their movements.
  • Special programs. Having access to a Google account, you can legally install software on your smartphone that helps track your mobile phone.
  • Internet. World Wide Web can give an idea of ​​where a person is. The location will not be exact, but some sites can determine the approximate location of the owner's device.
  • GPS tracker. You can use this special module, built into a mobile phone, through which you can monitor the movement of the smartphone.

Location by phone number without the subscriber's consent

Sometimes tracking a phone number without the owner's consent may become necessary, for example, if a person has disappeared and there are no other ways to contact him. Without the subscriber's approval, it will not be possible to obtain such access, since he must confirm his consent at least once. Operators can provide such information, but it is confidential. It can be used only in extreme cases. People who have special permission, for example from the relevant authorities, still have access to it.

How to track a person by phone number

It's easy to start tracking by phone number. But it is not possible to use this service without the subscriber’s consent. All Russian operators offer services special services geolocator on a paid basis:

Find android

Google, the company under which it is developing operating system Android takes a very responsible approach to the issue of user safety. Therefore, in order to find your Android phone in case of loss, you need to carry out some manipulations with it in advance. Firstly, you should register an account with Google, and secondly, configure your smartphone. To do this, you need to enter the “Menu”, where you select “Settings”. There, go to the “My location” category and check the “Allow tracking coordinates” option.

Find iPhone by phone number

If you have a question about how to find an iPhone by phone number, you can contact your operator and activate the appropriate service. In addition, on the device itself you can set up the “Find iPhone” function, which can not only block or turn off the device from a distance, but also delete all data. Application includes sound signal, which will help you find your smartphone.

Finding location by phone number

It is easy to find many programs on the Internet that promise to find a person by mobile phone. It’s hardly worth talking about their functionality, since mobile operators are actively fighting for the safety of the personal data of their subscribers, and no one has canceled the privacy of personal life. The only legal way to track a person’s location by phone number is to contact cellular company and legally connect the corresponding service. In this case, you can view the subscriber’s location on a map online.

Geolocation by phone number

Every mobile operator offers its service, the essence of which is geolocation by phone number. To connect, you can use the following options:

  • enter ussd request;
  • send SMS;
  • contact the operator;
  • contact the communication salon in person.

How to track a phone by number via the Internet

It is naive to believe that finding out a location by phone number online is a trivial matter. To do this, you need to install the appropriate program on your mobile phone. In addition, the device must be within the coverage area of ​​its cellular network, you need to turn on GPS and the Internet on it. It is otherwise possible to track a mobile phone only if sanctions have been received law enforcement. None of the operators will provide such data upon a simple user request.

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