Hardware and software setup

How to use public Wi-Fi networks safely? What type of personal information is at risk when using public Wi-Fi networks.

On June 25, a large fire in one of the two-story houses was extinguished along Kharkovskaya Street in the city of Ulan-Ude. Presumably, there was an explosion of a gas cylinder, which contributed to rapid spread flame.

What causes a gas explosion in a house?

This can happen if gas entered the premises due to a malfunction of the gas pipeline or the carelessness of the residents. For this, a small source of fire is enough - from a match or from the sparks of a light switch.

Users of gas fittings should be aware of and strictly observe the following rules for their use and care:

  • The gas cylinder must stand on a solid surface evenly, at an angle of 90 degrees. The cylinder must be at least 1.5 meters away from the stove, stove or radiator;
  • Do not change the gas cylinder if there is a fire nearby or electrical appliances are turned on. Each time such a replacement, the gasket between the cylinder valve and the regulator must also be changed;
  • Remember that it is impossible to store more than two cylinders in one room. It is also forbidden to store them in a room where the temperature rises above 40-45 ° and under direct sunlight;
  • Keep children away from gas appliances;
  • Use only serviceable and normally working gas appliances, in no case should you use home-made gas appliances that are not fully equipped and handicraft appliances;
  • Follow the sequence of switching on gas appliances: first light a match, and then open the gas supply;
  • If the gas supply is interrupted, immediately close the shut-off valve at the burner and the spare valve on the gas pipeline;
  • Do not use gas stoves to heat the apartment;
  • To avoid gas leakage, make sure that boiling liquids do not flood the fire during cooking;
  • Clean burners regularly;
  • Do not tie ropes to gas pipes, stove, faucet, do not hang clothes and other things on them;
  • Do not store flammable gas cylinders in individual residential buildings, apartments and living rooms, as well as in kitchens, on escape routes, in basement floors, in basements and attics, on balconies and loggias;
  • Refuel gas cylinders only at specialized points;
  • Do not connect or disconnect gas stoves in apartments on your own;
  • When leaving home, do not forget to turn off the gas stove and turn off the valve on the cylinder.

This is especially important for summer residents, on long time leaving their homes.

How to check for a gas leak?

There is a simple method for determining a leak - this is a common soap solution. You will also need a brush - you can use a shaving brush or a thick brush for painting. Wet the brush in soapy water and coat the gas pipeline. If there is a gas leak, you will notice small soap bubbles where the gas escapes.

Never check the leak with lighters and matches - it is very dangerous! Better yet, call the gasman.

Smells like gas. What to do?

  1. Stop using the gas appliance: turn off the gas on the stove, shut off the gas pipe.
  2. Eliminate sources of ignition: open flames and sparks (matches, cigarettes, lighters, electrical switches, household appliances, electric bells, telephone sets).
  3. Immediately remove all family members from the premises, warn the neighbors about what happened and urgently ventilate all premises, including basements.
  4. Call the emergency gas service by phone "04" or firefighters and rescuers by phone "01", from mobile phone"101", "010".
  5. Leave the gassed premises before the arrival of emergency services and the liquidation of the accident.

An explosion of domestic gas in a room can cause the collapse of a building or part of it, a fire, injury or death.

If you go to the post office, you can see a number of people politely standing in line (not just pensioners), holding forms of rent, electricity or telephone.

Meanwhile, electronic bank payments can be used today. Just remember a few rules.

Follow a few basic safety rules and you'll get even more comfort and peace of mind.

First, protect your computer by using electronic banking services.

Set it to legal software, antivirus and firewall. Legitimacy is highly valued.

Pirated software does not provide you with proper updates, and may also be created by criminals and contain harmful viruses.

If they infect your computer, their software can capture your sensitive information.

Antivirus programs and firewalls should also not be taken from unknown sources.

It is in your interest to update them constantly. Each a new version better prepared to protect your computer from attacks and malware.

Do not use the same password for all sites. Please make sure you enter the correct URL or web address when you enter the site.

Be careful, sometimes a small typo can redirect you to a malicious resource.

Make sure your connection is encrypted. A sign of this is when the web address starts with HTTPS:// and a closed padlock icon.

Avoid places with computers that are accessible by more than one person (such as Internet cafes) and unsecured Wi-Fi networks.

In order to protect your data, clear the cache - whenever you use an electronic bank on a computer, do not forget to log out of your account, because your registration data can be saved in a browser session.

Not every email address is worth responding to. This may be a phishing attempt, so ignore these messages and beware of clicking on the active hyperlink it contains.

Online shopping is usually cheaper, faster and more convenient way to buy. However, in order to be safe, use the services of reliable online stores.

According to various estimates, about 1/3 of Internet users currently use Internet banking.

Considering that approximately half of the population has access to the network, it can be assumed that 15-20% of people use transactional services. This is surprisingly small.

However, it is popular to pay bills at the post office, supermarkets or shops.

Payments at the same time occur alone, but apparently, many are worried about security.

Young people are better educated and use online banking more.

One of the exceptions are entrepreneurs who are looking for ways to reduce costs, in droves, regardless of age, and are switching to electronic banking.

Most of all, people are afraid of leaking login, password and fake web pages of banks.

Recently funds mass media also greatly frightened electronic payers.

Some banks do not set transaction limits, making it easy to clean up an account after a credit card is stolen.

This problem also has an Internet connection aspect. In banking sites, contactless payments are often not registered at all until they are finally settled.

Therefore, it is difficult for users to quickly respond to suspicious transactions. Good luck.

The Internet has become an important part of many people's lives. There are entertainment and helpful information, and convenient services, but there are a number of dangers associated with the Internet, even if you think that you are completely protected. To protect your personal information and important data, you should train yourself to use the Internet with care.


How to protect passwords

    Use complex unique passwords. If you need to set a password, use numbers, symbols, and lower and upper case letters. Do not use the same password for different accounts. Multiple passwords will be harder to remember, but your data will be more secure.

    Use an application to store passwords. Special applications can generate and store strong and unique passwords for all your accounts. You will need to create one password to enter the application and this will keep all accounts secure.

    Activate multi-factor authentication on all accounts. Multi-Factor Authentication makes your account more secure, because you need to log in to account an additional action is required (for example, entering a code that was sent to a mobile phone number). Many email and social networking services offer multi-factor authentication.

    • To check if multi-factor authentication is provided by the Internet service, go to the settings.
    • Entering codes can be inconvenient, but this will help protect your data more reliably.
  1. Register only on trusted sites. Before you open an account on a site, consider whether you trust the site, even if you just need to enter your email address. No matter how secure your passwords are, your data will be at risk if you enter it on phishing sites.

    • Pay attention to errors in the site name. Often scammers create copies of sites with similar names.
    • Beware if the site opens a lot of additional windows, and the site address contains a lot of numbers and random characters.
  2. Log out when you finish using the site. When you log in to your account, the site creates a cookie that can be used to identify the user. If this information is intercepted, your data will be compromised. This is especially dangerous if you work with your bank account or use credit card. Always log out of the system when you're done.

    • Log out at all sites if you are using a public computer or connected to a public network.
    • Sign out of your online banking or online store accounts, even if you're on your computer and connected to your home network.
    • You can't log out of your accounts home computer(for example, from email or social networks), but it's important to set a password on the computer and lock it if you need to step away.
  3. Don't open emails and files from people you don't know. Phishing is the sending of fake messages that can be used to gain access to a person's personal data. If you received a message from an unknown address or you received a message from a person you know, but the content of the letter seems doubtful to you, move the message to your spam folder.

Everyone knows from childhood that electrical appliances require special attention, but annoying troubles with their participation arise with enviable constancy. Expert advice based on analysis of the causes of fires and misuse injuries electrical appliances, will warn you against such troubles.

1. In no case should any electric heaters that are made by the "handicraft" method be used for heating.

2. The appliances must not have any damage or malfunctions that could lead to fires, for example, damaged insulation, malfunctioning thermostats, unstable stands.

3. Do not leave unattended electric heaters plugged into the outlet. This will not only save electricity. Note that the main role of such a device as a thermostat is to turn off and turn on the heater. In general, the temperature controller allows you to solve a lot of different problems. It is especially convenient to use it in apartments where the "warm floor" system is used.

4. Do not use any electric heaters to dry clothes or laundry.

5. When using an iron, electric stove, electric kettle, electric fireplace, you need to install them at a distance of at least 0.5 meters from combustible objects.

6. It is imperative to constantly monitor the health of the electrical wiring, the condition of the insulation and the integrity of all electrical products in the house. If there is any doubt that you will be able to wire correctly or repair damage, contact an electrician. Saving can be costly.

The ease with which people can steal your personal information is the price Bank operations, shopping and communication on the Internet. To use the Internet safely, use the following strategies.

Method 1: Protect your personal data

1. Don't use simple passwords. Using the word “password” or the set of numbers “1234” as a password is like putting the key to the house in front of his entrance. Fraudsters can easily guess and crack the password. Instead, come up with a long password containing both letters and numbers (characters). It is desirable that the password is related to something important to you. For example, if as a child you had a favorite goldfish called Mr. Bubble, you can come up with a very good and complex password, such as "mr1pozyr736", which only you can understand. Write down all your passwords.

2. When signing up for a newsletter, downloading files, signing agreements - always read the fine print. If you don't want to receive unsolicited mail or be placed on telephone agent lists, please note the small box at the bottom of the page that asks if you would like to receive information and offers from other companies.

The best sites themselves state that they will not sell your data to other companies (although they themselves may send you a large number of junk mail). Some sites require you to provide all of your information in order to obtain their product. Fill in only the required fields marked with *. If the information field does not have an asterisk, then filling it is optional, and you can leave it empty.

3. Do not give out your full name, address, or telephone number someone online if you do not trust such a person and do not know him personally. This is especially important in chat rooms or when negotiating a job or on sites designed to meet or find people with common interests. Beware of letters that give very vague answers and do not clearly answer any of the questions you asked, as well as letters that talk about: cashless payments or the conclusion of any business arrangement while the representative is "abroad", or o receiving gifts or inheritances from an unknown source.

4. Be careful and don't fall for online scams. Beware of forward emails, claiming to be from eBay, PayPal, a bank or company you trust. These emails ask for personal or confidential information. This is called phishing. Such an email may inform you that there are problems with your account or password. There may be a link in the email that you need to click on.

Forward any of these letters to the name of the company on behalf of which it is claimed to have been sent. They will confirm whether the email you received was real or not. Also, be aware that some email services such as Yahoo!, MSN, Hotmail. Gmai, Mail.ru never check your password for e-mail. Do not fall for the bait of scammers.

Method 2: Protecting Data and Connections

1. Make sure you use (and regularly update) anti-virus, anti-shion programs and a firewall. You can use it as you wish, as an access restriction system (firewall), purchased with your operating system, and software purchased from other vendors. Do not use the two systems together as they may interfere with each other.

2. When you use public wireless, turn off file sharing and network discovery. Both of these features put your files, messaging, and system at risk of being opened by anyone wireless communication and not just hackers. On Windows, these features can be disabled via Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center. On Macintosh, the features can be disabled via System Preferences > Sharing.

If there are many wireless sources around you, but you do not need to use the Internet, turn off all your wireless devices. On some devices it's just an on/off switch, on some devices you'll need to set it up yourself, for example on a Macintosh, you'll need to click on the Wi-Fi icon and disable AirPort.

3. Always check information about secure transactions. At the best companies there are many safety features. You can see a golden padlock at the bottom of the page, which indicates that the site is secure. When you provide any banking details or other information, make sure the connection is secure (the URL should start with "https://" instead of "http://") and that the site is trustworthy. Not every site that works on the HTTPS protocol or accepts payments is trustworthy, even if there is a necessary secure connection.

4. Set your browser to block inappropriate information, especially if you have children.

1. Download files or software from sites that have been rated or verified by trusted sources. Use download resources with high ratings, verified prices, and that carefully check the files provided for download (for example, download.cnet.com). If you are in doubt about the security of a site, then either simply search for the name of the site in search engines, or search along with the word "fraud" to see if it returns search system some results. Do not illegally download copyrighted products without paying for them.

2. Never open attachments in e-mail received from unknown recipients, unless you trust them and you have security settings on your computer. Some spam emails may contain viruses or spyware that can harm your computer. Such emails can be automatically marked as "spam" or "junk", but virus-infected emails from unsuspecting friends can also slip into your inbox.

  • If you are using email programs such as Outlook or Thunderbird, disable the attachment preview feature. Since with this function you cannot decide for yourself whether to open the attached file or not. Look in your mailer settings and turn off options like "Show Attachment Previews", "Display Attachments Inline"s" and so on.


  • It is best to have three electronic mailboxes. One for friends and websites, another for business matters only, and a third for personal clients, bank correspondence, job searches, and other things that require increased security. Use a suitable name and a difficult password for the last two email addresses. Some companies may retain your work email address after you leave, so make sure you have a backup copy of any documents you need.


  • Hold backup important emails and documents on a flash drive or hard copy or both.
  • Use good test questions, the answers to which only you know.
  • Discard your email or any accounts that have been hacked after you've backed up any salvageable data. Notify your bank immediately at work of such changes. You will probably need to change all passwords or account numbers and similar information immediately (if it was ever mentioned in your email). Report the issue directly to your email provider.
  • If your computer is hacked over the Internet, then all of your information may be at risk. Update your virus protection and remove the virus. If important documents or information have been stolen, notify the bank and place of work. Report to law enforcement about the crime.
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