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The impact of modern technology on our lives. Why do we need technology? The lessons of technology are the lessons of life

These inventions deserve not only our attention, but also success on the world stage. After all, these technologies can drastically change our way of life. The good news is that you won't have to wait for years because they're already here and ready to use!

15. Glowing plants

For a long time, scientists have been looking for cheaper and effective methods artificial lighting. Finally, they were successful. They managed to create several types of plants that emit light in the dark. Such plants can be used in an urban environment to cut down on electricity bills. Not to mention the fact that a few plants do not hurt the stone jungle.

14. Vertical farms

To ensure that humanity will always be provided with healthy and fresh food, scientists and farmers have teamed up and created an innovative farming method. It differs from the traditional one in that the plants are grown indoors, while the emphasis is on saving space. Thanks to this method, people in cities will be able to grow their own food or buy fresh food in stores at any time of the year.

13. Internet from a balloon

About four billion people in the world still do not have access to the Internet. Large Internet companies regularly come up with new ways to make the Internet available in all corners of the Earth. So the idea came up to launch balloons into the atmosphere that would “deliver” the Internet to hard-to-reach areas. Such a project will help residents of developing countries to become better acquainted with the outside world and find better-paid jobs.

12. Biotechnology

Biotechnology is a branch of science that seeks to combine technology and living organisms for beneficial purposes. Healthy foods range from food, including cheese, yogurt, and kefir, to drugs and biological sensors. Biotechnology continues to improve and offer new solutions. On the this moment in biotechnology, the idea of ​​crops that are drought tolerant and contain more vitamins is popular.

11. Virtual Reality

Due to the popularity of video games, game companies are constantly developing more and more sophisticated ways to give the player an unforgettable experience. Their main goal is to make us feel that we are living in the game, and not sitting at home in front of the monitor. To achieve this effect, various companies produce a variety of products for immersion in virtual reality. One of the most interesting options is the mask, which during the game allows you to even feel the aromas of the wilderness.

10 Test Tube Meat

Many people stop eating meat because they don't want to harm animals. To their delight, scientists have come up with a method that allows you to create meat in the laboratory. Not only does this cut off the resources and energy that are spent on raising the animal, this meat is healthier and tastes no different from the real one. Not to mention how much space will be freed up on the planet when livestock farms disappear.

9 Exoskeletons

Of course, we are still far from the Iron Man suit, but the first steps have already been taken - exoskeletons are no longer a fantasy, but a real reality. They return to people with spinal injuries the ability to walk and enjoy life to the fullest. Over time, these primitive exoskeletons will only get better - easier to use, more convenient and cheaper.

8. Devices controlled by the power of thought

If you constantly forget where you put your smartphone, this news will appeal to you. Scientists have developed a method that allows you to control devices with the power of thought. This technology was first tested on people who have lost their mobility. It was so successful that as early as 2004 people were playing ping-pong with the power of their minds. Such technology will definitely make our lives easier, not to mention what possibilities it opens up for the video games of the future.

7. Superfast transport

The world is constantly expanding, and more and more often we feel the need to be in two places at the same time. Therefore, humanity is constantly looking for ways to move faster. One of best examples new technologies in this area - Elon Musk's hyperloop. It promises to be so fast that the six-hour journey from Los Angeles to San Francisco will be covered in thirty minutes. And this is not the only such project under development.

6. Changing the genome

As more and more people are born with genes that make life difficult for them and increase their risk of mortality, geneticists have created technologies that allow you to "cut out" harmful genes, add new ones, and "turn on and off" existing ones. And this is not just a way to make people healthy - this technology can help people who, for example, have always dreamed of being athletes, but lack the necessary genes. Of course, such a procedure is not 100% guaranteed and people will still have to work hard to master the desired skills.

5. Modern desalination

Although people have long learned to extract drinking water using desalination, the old methods are too laborious and not efficient enough. Humanity now has a deeper understanding of physics and chemistry, and scientists have created more effective ways water desalination. Now it can be done not only faster and cheaper, but also with additional benefits. Among them are free minerals. Yes, the water is full of them, and desalinated water can be a cheap source of minerals needed for production. Plus, billions of tons of desalinated water can drink the entire planet.

4. Real tricorder

If you're a sci-fi fan, you're probably familiar with this device from Star Trek. It was his characters in the series that were used to measure medical indicators. The real version of this device can measure blood pressure, oxygen saturation, pulse, temperature, respiration, and diagnose 12 diseases, including chickenpox and HIV.

3. Drones in agriculture

More and more farmers are asking for help modern technologies. Drones have become one of these assistants. Although outwardly they resemble those used in the army and film production, their functionality is very different. Their main task is to take infrared images that allow farmers to determine where the seeds germinate successfully and where the problems begin. Some companies are creating agricultural drones that can destroy harmful insects, mold and other things that are unpleasant for the crop.

2. Super materials

With a deeper understanding of chemistry, we have learned how to create new, amazing materials. These include graphene, a material that consists of only one layer of carbon atoms. Due to this thickness, it is easily stretched, has high thermal conductivity and at the same time it is 200 times stronger than steel. Graphene can be used to create... anything. Graphene will make armored vehicles, clothes, computers and many other things much better and much more durable.

1. 4D printers

You must have heard of 3D printers. But you hardly know about the existence of 4D printers. Both perform the same task - printing materials or special items - but 4D creates objects that are able to change under external influence. The fact is that living conditions are constantly changing, and what we needed yesterday may no longer be needed in a year. To avoid creating things that will only last a short time, researchers have created printers and materials that are amazingly adaptable to all types of environmental change, damage, and other potential hazards.

Technique and philosophy of technology. The term " philosophy of technology» was introduced E. Kappom, whose book "Foundations of the Philosophy of Technology" was published in Germany in 1877. One of the founders of the philosophy of technology in Russia is a Russian engineer PC. Engelmeier(1855-1942) at the beginning of the twentieth century published the book "Philosophy of Technology", where he tried to present the emergence of this new branch of philosophical science. However, only in the 70s of the twentieth century was the program of the philosophy of technology as an independent philosophical discipline formulated, since technology has become a factor determining the future of mankind, and its further ill-conceived development would be a tragedy for world civilization. There was a need for a critical philosophical analysis of the results of technical activity, the prospects for its development.

Among the leading philosophers of technology of the twentieth century - F. Dessauer, H. Lenk, L. Mumford, J. Ortega y Gasset, M. Heidegger, O. Spengler, K. Jaspers. Among the Russian researchers of the philosophy of technology, the most famous are V.G. Gorokhov, B.I. Ivanov, B.I. Kudrin, I.A. Meisel, A.I. Rakitov, V.M. Rozin, M.A. Rozov, V.S. Stepin, D.M. Fedyaev, V.V. Cheshev, S.V. Shukhardin, etc.

Main Questions philosophy of technology:

* What is technique?

* What can she give a person and what does she deprive him of?

* What are the trends and social prospects of technical activity?

* What is the nature of the modern technical and information technology world?

Philosophy of technology- a highly developed direction of modern philosophy, however, to this day, a detailed theoretical concept of technology and technical development has not yet been created, there is not even a thoroughly developed system of basic concepts. This also applies to the understanding of technology itself.

The concept “ Technics” has undergone a long evolution in the system of philosophy. Thus, the ancient philosophers included agriculture and hunting, navigation and medicine, weaving and weaponry, theatrical art, etc. to the field of “techne”. The Greek "techne" is translated as art, skill, skill. For Greek civilization techno as a condition for human development is humanistic in nature, at the same time the Greeks noticed the danger of technology for humans. Sophocles wrote about the monstrous power that technology gave into the hands of man and placed him between good and evil. Thought Sophocles sounds surprisingly modern.

In the XVII - XVIII centuries. the Latin “technica ars” (the art of skillful production) passes into French as “technique”, and into German as “technik”. Gradually formed the classical understanding technology as a set of artificially created objects, primarily tools, machines. Technology, unlike nature, is not a natural formation, it is created by man. A human-made object is often referred to as artifact(Latin "artifactum" - artificially made). The technique is in first approximation and can be defined as collection of artifacts.

It is not enough, however, to define technique merely as a collection of artifacts. An indispensable condition for the emergence and development of technology is technology. It is inextricably linked to technology. a specific way, like a specific algorithm functional connection of man and technology. The less developed technology, the more technological functions falls to the lot of man and vice versa.

Initially, at the stage manual labor, the technique was mainly instrumental; technical tools continued, expanding the capabilities of the natural organs of man, increasing his physical strength. At the stage mechanization technique becomes independent force, labor is mechanized. Technique, as it were, is separated from the person, who himself becomes an appendage of the machine, he complements its capabilities. At the third stage of the development of technology, as a result of the integrated development automation strength comes to the fore intellect human through technology. There is a union of science and technology, the result of which is scientific and technological progress, the current stage of which is often called scientific and technological revolution.

In the process of comprehending modern scientific and technological progress, the content of the concept of “technology” develops. One of the directions of modern domestic philosophy of technology, headed by V.G. Gorokhov, includes in the concept “ Technics”:

The set of technical devices artifacts- from the simplest tools to the most complex technical systems;

specific area knowledge- from specialized prescription and technical knowledge to theoretical scientific, technical and system engineering knowledge;

Human realm activities aimed at creating technical devices and their operation;

Aggregate skills of a person, constituting the features of a particular kind of human activity, the art and skill of a person in this activity.

Thus, the philosophy of technology seeks to combine the narrow and broad understanding of technology. V narrow sense technology is a set of artifacts created and used by the methods of engineering activity.

In more broad sense technique acts as a special, technical approach to any sphere of human activity, as revealed by V.G. Gorokhov. However, in this case, the concept of "technology" includes in its content and technology, which does not allow us to "dissolve" these concepts with sufficient clarity. In the following presentation, we will understand technology, first of all, in its narrow sense.

The unity of man and technology. There are a large number of approaches to assessing the phenomenon of technology. According to naturalistic approach, man, unlike animals, lacks specialized organs, so he is forced to compensate for his shortcomings by creating technical artifacts. According to volitional interpretation of technology, a person realizes his will to power through the creation of technology and technological chains. V rational approach technology is seen as a consciously (rationally) regulated human activity.

It is easy to see that each of these approaches emphasizes humanitarian, “human” characteristics in the essence of technology. Therefore, technology cannot be placed only in a system of natural laws, it cannot exist outside and apart from social relations.

First, the very existence of technology is caused by the need to satisfy precisely social needs: the production of material values, the provision of services, etc. Secondly, it sets the technique in motion, interacts with it, serves it Human. So it acquires its own quality of technology only in the “man-technology” system. Such features are typical for any type of equipment: industrial, transport, medical, office, etc.

Thus, technology contains, in a more or less expanded form, a social component, a personal factor. Therefore, the development of technology depends, firstly, on human development as its potential member. Secondly, the development of technology is determined by the development of society, so the social component is integral component her essence. This clearly shows the process socialization of technology.

However, there is another side to the process that needs to be taken into account. "technicalization" of man. While our ancestors from distant human prehistory stood against nature on their own, they were no different from the great apes. When they begin to resist nature with the help of a system of artificial tools - primitive technology, they become people. Therefore, it can be said that just as a person creates technology, so technology creates a person, human relations.

Technique acquires its own technical quality only in interaction with the person who exploits it. Therefore, the object of an engineer's professional activity is not just technical systems as man-made artifacts, but "man - technology" systems.

In this aspect, it becomes necessary to know what human qualities are decisive for the most efficient functioning of technical systems. This kind of research is carried out within the framework of engineering psychology, ergonomics and a number of other sciences. Philosophy here plays, first of all, a methodological role, defining the most general approaches to solving the issues under consideration. It turns out that the dispute between biologization and sociologization acquires a purely applied technical significance, because it forms tasks for the designer of technical systems in different ways.

The methodological and technical significance of modern philosophical anthropology is manifested, first of all, in the fact that it orients the engineer to take into account both the biological and social qualities of a person. Indeed, the theory and practice of low-frequency amplifiers has become necessary, in part, because the human ear is not able to directly perceive a high-frequency signal. Such a specificity of the correspondence of a person and a technical device in a single system "man - technology" is taken into account in special branches of technical sciences.

The social aspects of man acquire technical significance not only because each technical device designed to achieve certain social goals. The social quality of technology is also revealed in the fact that a design engineer, creating a technical device precisely as a component of the "man - technology" system, actually constructs an algorithm for human activity in a specific technical situation.

The approach to the relationship between man and technology, which has been formed in modern philosophical literature, allows us to consider them as universal pair categories social philosophy.

Technocratic optimism and technopessimism. In 1972, the publication of The Limits to Growth, the first report of the Club of Rome based on the results of a study led by an American scientist D. Meadows. The report overturned all previous ideas about stability and prosperity, about the goals and prospects of human existence. The conclusion of the report: humanity is confidently moving towards a global catastrophe, which can be avoided only by taking measures to limit the growth of production, extraction and processing of natural resources. "The Limits to Growth" showed that growth cannot continue indefinitely, that humanity must abandon quantity in favor of quality.

For a quarter of a century, scientists from different countries on the initiative Club of Rome prepared about 20 reports on the study of global problems of our time. These reports drew the attention of the world community not only to the immediate threats to nature, which come from a narrowly understood technological progress. They posed the problem of changing the person himself, his consciousness, perception of the world, his value orientations. To a certain extent, the warning of the Russian philosopher came true V.V. Rozanova(1856-1919), made by him at the beginning of the twentieth century: “Technology, having joined the soul, gave it omnipotence. But she crushed her. A “technical soul” appeared... And the inspiration died...”

By the middle of the twentieth century, problems of this kind were comprehended in technocratic concepts, or, as they are called differently, concepts technocratic optimism. In a social utopia T. Veblen(1857-1929) "Engineers and the price system" technicians were presented as unselfish servants of the idea of ​​social progress.

In works J. Galbraith“New industrial society” and “Economic theories and goals of society” (60-70s) formulated the concept of “ technostructures” as a hierarchy of technical specialists emerging in society - from an ordinary technician to the head of a complex technical complex. In his opinion, the technostructure acts as "the bearer of the collective mind and collective decisions." Technicist forecasts have long been considered quite real, because they relied on a powerful stream of scientific and technological development. However, this development has led to the aggravation of many social problems.

Therefore, concepts technocratic optimism began to be perceived and evaluated critically. This kind of assessment was contained in a number of dystopian("Utopia 14" K. Vonnegut, "451 0 Fahrenheit" R. Bradbury,"Oh wonderful new world» O. Huxley, "1984" J. Orwell"We" E.I. Zamyatina etc.), which showed that sophisticated technology begins to dominate a person, suppresses his individuality and freedom.

The philosophical critique of technocracy comes from the fact that absolutization of the role of technology and technology is unacceptable. Therefore, modern philosophy considers it relevant and necessary to discuss the ethical, moral aspects of technical, engineering activities. A well-known representative of the German “philosophy of technology” A. Huning writes: “Never before in history has such a great responsibility been assigned to a person as today, because he has never had such a great - many times increased, thanks to technology, power over other living beings and even over all life on Earth. Today, on a regional or even global scale, man can destroy his own species and all higher forms of life, or at least cause enormous damage.

Indeed, technology has now acquired relative independence, and it is difficult to determine who serves whom: technique to man or man to technique?

Thinking about the nature of technology Heidegger often spoke of bringing out the hidden. It seems strange: what is hidden in the fact that a car requires a good road and a garage? However, a person has turned into something that fulfills the requirements of technical reality, which develops according to its own objective laws, using a person as an ant uses a needle.

Interesting analogies are made by the founder of the new theory of technology (called "technetics" by him) B.I. Kudrin in relation to modern garage construction: a technical product appeared - a car, which required a multi-storey building for itself to ensure acceptable climatic conditions during the rest of the car; hygiene installations in the form of shower devices with shampoos and solvents. Auto, as an individual, is picky about food. On this basis, a stratification into rich and poor is implemented. Cars began to put forward aesthetic requirements for housing, completing the transition from a primitive “shell” to a multi-storey brick mansion with pseudo-Gothic elements. The owner of a car often makes a gift not to his beloved, but to the car.

Consequently, the technical rebuilds the surrounding world in a direction favorable to itself. It objectively manifests its needs, which a person inevitably satisfies.

Why is technology needed?

The lessons of technology are the lessons of life. This school subject gives students the knowledge and skills that are needed every day in everyday life. Technology is a very important subject in school. It allows students to "rest" from the exact sciences, to work more with their hands than with their heads, although in this case a clear mind will not hurt, but only help. It is also known that the nerve endings of the brain are located at the fingertips, therefore, by working with our hands, we also develop our mind.

Pursuing different types activities in the classroom, students have the opportunity to try themselves in different creative professions to understand what attracts them in life. But the most important thing that the subject carries is the possibility of creativity. In our time, touching the beautiful, creating a beautiful thing with your own hands, making someone a gift with your own hands is truly a breath of air in the technogenic world.

main goal subject"Technology" is to prepare students for independent working life.Theory and practice give rise to new technologies covering all areas of activity. Technology in the school is considered as educational and labor, transforming the activity of students on a scientific basis, the science of how to process various materials.

The subject "Technology" allows you to synthesize cognitive and subject-transformative activity, students can, on a more realistic basis, gain knowledge, skills and abilities about human impact on the material world, comprehend a single logical system of human interaction with nature, with the material world.

The entire educational process at technology lessons is aimed at the formation of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality of students, and labor training is a necessary component process.

The subject "Technology" is an integrative subject that synthesizes the acquired knowledge from other subjects:

- technology - algebra, geometry: carrying out calculation and graphic operations (at the lessons of "Modeling of garments" students work with stencils and drawings, calculations of the base pattern of any garment are performed using mathematical formulas);

-technology - chemistry: characteristics of the properties of structural materials (at the lessons of "Materials Science" students will learn about the properties of chemical fibers and fabrics from them, their production, this knowledge will certainly be useful to them in chemistry lessons);

-technology - biology: x characteristics of the properties of soil and plants (the knowledge gained in the lessons of this course, students apply in practice, when growing ornamental plants, the observations obtained will undoubtedly be useful to them in biology lessons);

- technology - physics: study of the device and principles of operation of machines, mechanisms, devices;

- technologyISO: in technology lessons, students get acquainted with the history various kinds needlework, folk crafts, with the origin of the items necessary for work (scissors, thimble, needles), draw sketches of costumes, learn to use the color wheel;

- technologydrawing: in the classroom, students build drawings, sketches, technical drawings and product diagrams, graphics and study design, learn to draw up technological maps.

Showing the use of acquired knowledge in the work of industry, energy, communications, agriculture, transport and other areas of human activity.

The study of the subject "Technology" will allow young people to acquire general labor and partly special knowledge and skills and ensure the intellectual, physical and aesthetic development of students and their adaptation to modern socio-economic conditions.

Advantages of technology lessons:

    Allows children to take a break from other subjects that tire them mentally.

    Promotes the emergence of certain skills and abilities.

    Unites children and teaches them to work in a team.

    Develops love for work.

    Lets have fun.

    Develops the creative nature of the child.

    Teaches something new.

In fact, many people forget that physical labor only contributes to mental labor, improving its results. Physical work helps fight mental fatigue.

The technology program, taking into account the interests of students, includes the following sections: "Cookery", "Creation of products from textile materials", "Homekeeping technologies", "Needlework", "Technologies of creative and experimental activities".


It is difficult to overestimate the importance of "lessons" that instill in a child the ability to cook:

    First, it is an invaluable household skill. The sooner the child begins to join the work in the kitchen, the easier it will be for him to perceive this skill as a natural part of life.

    Secondly, in this way the child gets used to the lock in doing any business, because for any culinary process, you must first prepare the ingredients and tools, and in the end, be sure to put them in order workplace. This disciplines him and teaches organization.

    Thirdly, the child personal experience will be able to understand the basic principles of pre-preparation and further processing of products. Usually these are theoretical concepts, and it can be difficult for children to understand only from the words of their parents or teacher that they are really needed. And here he will have a practical vision of this need.

    Fourthly, kitchen manipulations inevitably develop fine motor skills, since all culinary processes involve a lot of manual actions with a variety of products and utensils.

Creation of products from textile materials

Should you know how to sew?

There are a number of reasons for this.

    Firstly, not always a new thing fits perfectly. For example, very often the length of the trousers does not suit us, although otherwise the trousers sit on the figure. Making trousers shorter by a couple of centimeters is a mere trifle if a woman has basic sewing skills on a sewing machine. It happens that the tucks of the skirt need to be adjusted to fit or the sleeve tucked up. A mass producer cannot foresee all the nuances. All this is easily and quickly eliminated on their own.

    Secondly, the thing, sewn according to an individual pattern and skillful hands, fits perfectly, emphasizing the beauty of its owner. To understand how a thing should sit, you need to understand the intricacies of the cut. Then, during the fitting, say, dresses, you can see without extraneous advice what is wrong. Sewing is a creative process through which good taste is formed. We learn to combine colors and textures correctly through creativity.

    Thirdly, sewing is perceived by many as an outlet in the hustle and bustle of life. Perhaps it is thanks to demand that more and more needlework stores appear, where you can buy everything: from a needle to a sewing machine with program control. A rich selection of decorative elements: beads, braid, threads, rhinestones, allows you to turn sewing into a truly creative process.

What can be sewn at home?

Almost everything. Only things that require very bulky additional equipment will have to be excluded. Lingerie for the whole family, clothing for pets, textiles for everyday life and interior design.

Many have seen from personal experience that sewing your own is cheaper than buying a finished product. Having spent money on fabric and the special little things necessary for the product, you will receive a high-quality and non-standard product, you will stand out from the crowd because your item will not look like “from someone else’s shoulder”. Of course, sewing a quality product requires experience, but the cost of acquiring it is worth it in order to be patient and get it after a certain period of time.

Needlework or arts and crafts

In our country, a rare woman does not know how to needlework, almost everyone knows how to knit, sew or embroider. Some craftsmen can create almost the entire interior in the house with their own hands: tie paths, weave carpets, sew bed linen, bedspreads, curtains. And children (and other members of the family) often wear clothes knitted or sewn by the hands of their grandmother, mother or wife. Needless to say, warm socks, a knitted sweater or a hat warm not only our body, but also our soul. The skill of home needlewomen helps to save on the purchase of ready-made things.

But saving, of course, is not the main reason for love for needlework. Many have probably noticed that all kinds of home creativity help to relieve tension, calm the nerves and thus prevent stress. Any needlework can be called the most real psychotechnics, thanks to which we restore the family connection, and therefore it is very correct to teach the skills of working with the hands of children from a very early age.

When a woman picks up a needle or knitting needles, and a man begins to craft, the whole house is filled with peace and tranquility. And the more things in your house made with pleasure and love with your own hands, the more often laughter sounds in the house and quarrels occur less often. And in the old days they said that clothes knitted or sewn by a loving person can protect against the evil eye and damage, surrounding the person wearing it with an aura of care and love.

When we are engaged in this or that type of needlework, we act on the nerve endings of the hands, and this, of course, cannot but affect us. Not everyone knows that needlework can improve our health. Needlework is very popular among women as an anti-stress and anti-depressant remedy. In addition, needlework can normalize the work of many systems of our body.

Needlework got its name because almost all actions are done by hand. On the surface of the palm there is a large number of active points, which are a projection of various human organs and systems. When we do needlework, in addition to the pleasure of the process itself, we also stimulate the work of our body.

So what happens to us when we needlework?

Medicinal properties of various types of needlework:


The strongest impact is on the eyes, hands and indirectly on the brain. Heart diseases associated with rhythm disturbance are treated, blood pressure decreases, intracranial pressure normalizes, nervous breakdowns, shocks, headaches, insomnia, fatigue are prevented or alleviated, and blood composition improves.

Sewing of interior items

It treats headaches associated with weather conditions, relieves nervous stress, eye fatigue, tinnitus, swelling of the eyelids and fingers.

Sewing soft toys, dumok

It treats allergies, depression, aggressiveness, mania, lethargy, drowsiness, hand diseases, helps with physical and mental fatigue, impaired coordination, disturbances in the vestibular apparatus, impaired brain function, loss of orientation in time, reduces pressure.

Patchwork, quilt (patchwork technique)

It treats headaches, various neoplasms in the body, chills, wool allergies, pain in the legs and cramps, colds and inflammation of the respiratory tract, diseases of the vocal cords, nosebleeds, poor blood clotting, circulatory disorders in the legs, lethargy.


It relieves tension, nervous tics, helps in the treatment of chronic colds, stomach diseases, accelerates the treatment of sprains, reduces pain during convulsions, and normalizes blood pressure. Smoke cannot be breathed. In case of allergic diseases and special sensitivity to odors, burning is not recommended. Also, do not bring home burnout work done elsewhere.

Carving and painting on wood

It treats myopia, helps with allergic dermatitis, injuries, bruises, hematomas, treats gastritis, bronchitis, shortness of breath, disorders of the vestibular apparatus, drowsiness, nervous cough, various phobias.


It treats diseases of the heart and kidneys, nervous headaches, stomach pains, relieves spasmodic muscle pain, bone pain, relieves irritation, excitement, drowsiness. Macrame is not recommended for people with sensitive skin and poor blood clotting.


It helps with lesions of the central nervous system, in the treatment of inflammatory processes, hypertension, joint pain, polyarthritis, headaches, leg cramps, nosebleeds, sprains, increased skin sensitivity, disorders of the vestibular apparatus.


It treats insomnia, scattered attention, headaches and toothaches, metabolic disorders, chronic respiratory diseases, convulsions.


It treats cardiovascular diseases, digestive disorders, toothaches and headaches, diseases of the nervous system, helps with spinal injuries, concussion, helps to get out of depression as soon as possible and helps to endure severe shocks.


Helps to get rid of headaches, toothaches and earaches, treats colds and cardiological diseases, sclerosis, inhibition of nervous processes.

Another advantage of knitting, probably the most basic one, is a great opportunity to make your interior in the house unique, dress yourself and your family in exclusive things, please others with new interesting things and crafts.

Hand embroidery

It treats headaches and tinnitus, mental fatigue, nervous tension, sprains, occupational diseases of the hands and feet, eating disorders, circulatory and lymphatic systems.

embroidery, in different countries both simple peasant women and some queens, princesses, boyars, merchant wives were engaged.

Nowadays, paintings embroidered with satin stitch and cross-stitch and hand-made interior items are highly valued: furniture, carved figurines, tablecloths, napkins, potholders, towels, etc. A special place is occupied by embroidered clothes, embroidery on clothes is always unique and will not leave the owner of such a thing unnoticed.

You don’t even know, but people who find time for needlework every day not only live longer, but also suffer less from extra pounds. Half an hour at the hoop brings them much more joy than cakes or chocolate! Doctors confirm: a hobby is an excellent remedy for unnecessary kilograms. Usually, excess weight appears as a result of emotional overeating, when food turns into a way to switch, to enjoy. Replacing gluttony with creativity gives a chance not only to maintain health, but also to be in good shape and high spirits. The creative process actively involves the brain, especially the areas responsible for processing non-verbal information: imagination, spatial orientation, intuition and emotions.

New technologies make human life more convenient, but they also have negative consequences for the environment and health. How people from different parts of the world feel about this was found out by journalists of the Epoch Times when they asked about

“benefit or harm people?”

San Francisco, USA

Jeremy Liebarger, 29, manager

I don't know what to answer: yes or no. I think it depends on what kind of technology we are talking about. People use technological advances in different ways. I do not think that new technologies in themselves can be called bad or good. People can use them for both good things and bad things. But even in this context, I'm not sure that we can call something unambiguously negative. People are now too absorbed in new technologies, and this is perhaps bad, because it isolates them from each other.

Kiev, Ukraine

Konstantin Kaltsev, 22 years old, builder

They are beneficial. In all favors, including convenience. Technological development prevents environmental problems.

Karlsborg, Sweden

Inge Johansson, 62, mechanical engineer

I think there is both good and bad in this. New technologies can help a large number people, but many can hurt. For example, there are hackers involved in financial crimes. It is not so good that the younger generation cannot live without it. The older people are, the more deliberately they can use these technologies. They rarely use e-mail.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Natasha Pradeep, 21, content manager

Technological progress affects the well-being of people directly and indirectly. Trees are uprooted to open factories in their place. Increasingly, not hired force is used in production, but advanced equipment. Thus, unemployment increases, emissions of harmful fumes into the atmosphere grow - the negative consequences of technological progress, as a rule, are greater than the positive ones.

Lermontov, Russia

Ivan Shatrov, 31, athlete/instructor

I believe that, in general, new technologies are beneficial. But, of course, high-tech innovations are not available to many here, I mean new developments in the field of medicine. As for other industries, it's hard for me to say.

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

Juane Valeron Sanchez, 58, employment agency

The development of new technologies provides us with tools that make it easier to carry out our daily duties. They give us access to more information necessary for professional development. New technologies allow us to do our work faster and with fewer errors. This brings organization to various areas of activity, it improves our lives. Therefore, I believe that new technologies are very useful for humans.

Lima, Peru

Lydia Diaz, 42, schoolteacher

I think that new technologies bring both benefit and harm to a person at the same time. Useful, because with the help of computers we can learn more about how to stay healthy, how to cope with diseases, how to prevent them, how to eat better. Children can find information for homework. And the development of new technologies brings harm because it harms the mental development of children - they become lazy, do not read books, become dependent on computers. I think that technologies need to be developed even more - to bring them to such a state that people do not have to work, that people are replaced by machines.

Sao Paulo, Brazil

José Carlos Berg, 50 years old, administrator

This technological revolution is hurting society. The World Health Organization (WHO) notes that the negative consequences are manifested in most young people and children - their physical activity is replaced by sitting in front of a computer or TV, they eat sweets, which is not good for them. This raises the level of cholesterol in the blood and the spread of diseases such as diabetes and others.

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People in contemporary world can hardly imagine their lives without machines. Every day either a new gadget is invented or an old one is improved. Different people appreciate new inventions differently. Some suppose that sophisticated gadgets are really useful and necessary, while others find them absolutely awful as they influence people badly. As for me, I am pretty sure that gadgets make people`s lives easier.

Firstly, they do all kinds of dirty and hard work, as cleaning. Secondly, devices can save a lot of time as well as storage space. For instance, a computer disk can contain the same amount of information as several thick books.So, machines help people in different spheres.

However, opponents of this point of view are definitely sure that gadgets affect people negatively. People are reluctant to work due to the influence of machines. People become lazy and disorganized. They just expect their latest gadgets to do everything instead of them. According to scientists, a great number of widespread devices produce radiation moreover that can cause serious health problems. Furthermore, more and more people are becoming addicted to their modern gadgets, for instance computers, TVs or mobile phones. So, they neglect their home obligations, work or school and spend all their spare time in front of a laptop screen or a TV-set.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that in spite of all the drawbacks, gadgets have, their benefits are much more considerable, as they save people`s time and let them enjoy life.


Modern man can hardly imagine his life without cars. Every day, either new devices appear, or existing ones are improved. People react differently to new inventions. Some believe that sophisticated gadgets are actually useful and necessary, while others consider them terrible because of their negative impact on people. As for me, I am absolutely sure that new devices make our life easier.

First, they do all the dirty and hard work like cleaning. Secondly, the devices save both time and space. For example, a computer disk can hold as much information as several thick books. So, machines help people in various fields of activity.

However, opponents of this point of view are absolutely sure that new inventions negatively affect people. People do not want to work because of the influence of devices. They become lazy and disorganized. They are waiting for their latest inventions to do everything for them. Moreover, according to scientists, many widespread gadgets emit radiation that can cause serious health problems. In addition, more and more people are becoming addicted to the computer, TV or mobile phone. They ignore their household chores, school or work and spend all their time in front of a laptop or TV screen.

In conclusion, I believe that, despite all the disadvantages, the advantages of gadgets are much more significant, as they save time and allow people to enjoy life!

Kamenskaya Tatiana

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