Setting up hardware and software

Activation of WebMoney Keeper Classic and troubleshooting. Activating WebMoney Keeper Classic and eliminating Webmoney errors, an error occurred during authorization

What kind of problems do payment system users have to face?

This is especially true for those who manage electronic wallets not through official websites, but using various software. For example, Webmoney offers to use a special client or mobile application.

Authorization error – common problem users, which can be easily gotten rid of. She may appear in different cases, for example, if you are trying to add another member's account to correspondents or make a funds transfer.

Technical support does not respond quickly, so it is better to figure it out yourself.

Why does the e-num error appear?

The e-num program is a special client that ensures increased security for electronic wallets.

With its help, access codes are generated for using Webmoney programs and services. Therefore, if you have an error during e-num authorization, you need to look for the problem in this client.

Don’t rush to take drastic measures right away, it may have happened system failure and after some time everything will be restored. If after some time nothing has changed and the error repeats, go. There you can download the new e-num client:

As you can see, for different devices And operating systems separate clients are provided, this also needs to be taken into account.

Program updates are unlikely to help you; it is better to install a new client.

At the same time, it is not necessary to delete the old one; you can install as many e-nums as you like on one computer. After reinstalling Windows, as well as what very common error may appear. We start everything as described in the article at this link, up to the second picture (inclusive), since you are activating the old account. Key storage location E-num, your address Email

and a method of authorization via SMS. We click next and sometimes it pops up unexpectedly:

If anyone really needs this certificate, it can be downloaded from this link. But in most cases, the problem is not there at all. The problem is that your WebMoney Keeper Classic simply cannot connect to the Internet. WM keeper - how to make it establish a connection to the Internet:
- go to "Internet Options" Internet Explorer and in the “Connection” tab, set the default connection you are using and check “Always use the default connection”, save the settings;

Check if you can access the Internet from Internet browser Explorer (IE);

After this, restart your computer;

For me, this problem was usually solved when I launched Internet Explorer (I have it set as the default browser, although I myself only use Mozila Firefox and Chrome from Google). As soon as I went online from IE and set my connection to default in the browser properties, then immediately after the next launch of the keeper, the problem with the error was solved, sometimes I actually had to reboot the computer.

But one day, this problem was not solved using the methods described above. It turned out that she was guilty of everything recently installed Windows XP SP-3 Black Edition. I don’t know what the problem is, but with this Windows, I still haven’t found a way to use . On other Windows, after reinstalling them, I did not have any problems with the keeper. Now I use Windows 7, and I never have any problems with programs that are connected to the Internet.

In a normal situation, you will receive an SMS with a code on your phone, enter it first, then your password in WebMoney Transfer. Then a message will pop up stating that the wallets could not be detected. Here I always select the “create a new wallet” option; anyway, the wallet will not be created just like that, but all old wallets will appear without problems.

The keeper will begin to connect to the network, after which the message “activate equipment, add correspondent with confirmation” will pop up. Here you need to be more careful, as you will receive a CODE either cellular telephone, or to your email address.

A request to activate the keeper for use on new equipment will open in a new window; here click YES. A window will appear notifying you that the equipment is activated, press F5 in the keeper. Personally, updating the page in the keeper never helps me; I have to close the keeper and start it again. But this time there should be no problems with launching.

Even in the best of all existing services You may encounter a situation where the exchange does not complete properly. No, this does not mean at all that the exchanger is bad and provides low-quality service: we will see this below.

So, what happened to you error when WebMoney exchange(webmoney). What to do?

Let's first decide whether the money went to the service from you? Perhaps your transfer was not completed initially and your funds are in currently as they were in your wallet, they remain there. Update your list of wallets or view your transaction history. If your transfer was not completed, then you simply need to repeat your exchange. Among the main reasons for such troubles, the most common is unaccounted commission payment system: people often forget that for any transfer (transaction) the WebMoney system charges a commission of 0.8%. In other words, if you have 100 rubles in your wallet, you will not be able to exchange exactly 100 rubles. Taking into account the need to pay a commission, you can only exchange 99 rubles and 20 kopecks. Other reasons for canceling a payment are quite varied, but we will not dwell on them, since this is completely unimportant: the funds are with you and you can simply repeat the exchange.

What to do if you transferred funds, but the money didn't arrive(i.e. you didn't receive the transfer)?

In this case, oddly enough, absolutely nothing bad happened. You will laugh, but 99% of users who report an exchange error simply did not update the list of their wallets. That is, they received the money a long time ago (usually right at the time of the exchange!), but they simply don’t see it. Update your wallet list. If you still don’t have money, make sure that you have permission to receive transfers in your settings. You could very well ban them completely by accident! If you have checked this point, pay attention to the limits on the balance of funds on wallets and on the volume of transactions: if at least one of the limits is exceeded, you will not be able to receive the transfer.

Detailed instructions You can find information about this (with pictures!) on our website - on the quick help page.

If you have already ruled out all the obvious options, but you still don’t have money, even in this case there is absolutely no need to panic and get upset! Just contact the service administration for help through the ticket system: they will answer your question very quickly, clearly explain the reason for what happened and recommend further steps to eliminate the cause of this error. This can be done on a special page of the ticket system.

Remember that even in the most extreme case, when it turns out to be technically impossible to eliminate the cause of the error, you can always simply get your funds back. But this, as a rule, comes to this only in exceptional cases and the exchanges carried out can be completed quickly.

System electronic payments Webmoney is one of the most popular tools for non-cash payments. A third of the Runet constantly uses electronic money for payments. Due to the high load on the servers, sometimes there are failures associated with the transfer of funds. In this case, Webmoney shows error code 500 and notifies the user that the operation is impossible. In this article we will look at the causes and solutions to the problem.

Vulnerabilities in the Webmoney network code

The main advantage of the service is fast cash payment, which is not tied to the client’s physical location. All payments are made in in electronic format, where one Webmoney currency symbol corresponds to the real currency of an individual country. With the development of the Internet, the number active users has increased exponentially. The more people use the system, the greater the likelihood of an accidental error in software server.

Transfer, withdrawal to card, account replenishment are functions that are vulnerable during peak load on server equipment. In addition, it is possible to exceed the number of requests using a DDOS attack. Attackers use hacker programs to break through system security and take advantage of other people's wallets.

Today Webmoney is one of the most secure Internet services.

Although a few years ago the system’s technical support missed several critical bugs. This led to the fact that any user could change phone number, linked to someone else's account. Massive customer complaints provoked a wave of discontent and almost led to the closure of the service. Fortunately, Webmoney employees quickly dealt with the problem.

The Wikimoney website recommends taking the Lazy Investor Course, where you will learn how to get out of your financial ass and learn how to earn passive income. No enticements, only high-quality information from a practicing investor (from real estate to cryptocurrency).

What does code 500 mean in a Webmoney error?

The user receives a fault message due to errors in HTTP protocols. They are associated with problems with the server that sends data packets to the user's computer. To understand what the error is, the screen displays special code. There are four types in total, they differ in the number at the beginning of the number:

  • 2xx. The request was completed successfully;
  • 3xx. Data packets were redirected to another server;
  • 4xx. A critical error occurred; the data was not transferred to the user. Signals that the data specified by a person is inaccurate;
  • 5xx. Server malfunction or overload. These codes indicate incorrect configuration equipment due to which data exchange does not occur.

If the WebMoney server is overloaded and cannot issue a request within the allotted time, the user will see the message “Internal server error,” which is called error 500. It is almost always associated with hardware problems and inaccuracies in the program code.

In the Webmoney system, if a payment fails, the message “An error occurred while processing the command. Error code 500."

Reasons for the error

Most scripts for server hardware are written in PHP language. If they are hosted, specifying 777 access rights to them may generate an error. This is due to the fact that such rights allow files to be edited at any time by any user, which significantly reduces the security of the site. Blocking rights depends on the hoster and is not always enforced.

Setting the configurator file.htaccess can also affect the operation of the system. Incorrect directives, third-party rules and inaccuracies in the writing of the structure are regarded by the server as a critical error. To solve the problem you need to disable the Options directive. This can be done by commenting the corresponding line. Most hosting providers provide their file with the correct syntax.

Complex scripts require significant computational costs, which results in server overload. To optimize work, a certain period of time is set in the server settings. If the script file has not been executed within this time, it is forcibly disabled. As a result, the client receives an error message 500 in Webmoney.

The last reason is incorrect setting CGI scripts:

  • File line endings are written in Windows format, not UNIX. To avoid this, scripts must be loaded onto the server in ASCII mode;
  • Folders with scripts do not have access rights 07555;
  • After the file finished processing, an incorrect HTTP response header was received.


Before contacting technical support, make sure that the problem is really on the server side. If other sites besides Webmoney also show error 500, the problem can be resolved manually. To do this, you need to clear cookies and cache memory in your browser. IN Google Chrome go to the tools icon in the top right corner. Select the "Delete Browsing Data" option in the "Advanced Tools" tab. In the “Clear History” window, select all items to completely free up memory.

After cleaning, close your Webmoney account and restart your computer. Log in to your account again and check the functionality of the service. If the problem persists, disable all unnecessary Chrome extensions. Extension icons are located to the left of the tools tab.

Nothing helped? The last option remains - contacting technical support. To do this, go to and click on the link to create a new request. If you cannot transfer funds due to an error, the service workers will do it manually. Describe your problem in detail and attach screenshots if possible. This will significantly speed up the process.

Other error codes

In addition to error code 500, there are several other common malfunctions when operating Webmoney. They are related to technical nuances in the work of keepers and wallets. For example, code 5 indicates a failure in the program update or errors in the Click&Buy Merchant interface. Code 11 appears when installing several different keepers on one computer. This is not possible due to IP address mismatches and conflicts.

Error codes that are rare:

  • Indicates a malfunction in Merchant Pay, appears only in 1% of all cases of malfunctions;
  • Occurs when data is incompatible banking operations and certificates;
  • Appears after trying to deposit a Paymer card into a WMZ account. In this case, the card must be prepaid;
  • Occurs when entering a registration number in WM Keeper Classic.

Webmoney is constantly developing and improving, adding new features and tools. Along with development, new bugs may appear in the system. If detected earlier unknown errors We recommend contacting the service’s technical support to provide the most effective solution.


Most malfunctions are related to server equipment. The user can only clear the cache memory of his browser if the problem appears on other sites. With error 500 in Webmoney, transfers can often fail Money on bank card. In this case, it is recommended to immediately contact technical support for a refund. Don't take risks! Do not tell anyone your passwords or the email associated with your account. Attackers can use any opportunity to take over account and wallets.

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