Hardware and software setup

Https will make Odnoklassniki even safer

User security is a key issue for all Internet companies. Odnoklassniki, of course, are also concerned about the preservation of data and strive to be a reliable company not only in the eyes of users, but also in practice. We are already using a lot of data protection tools, and the next step is the https protocol. What it is? HTTPS is an extension of the HTTP protocol that supports encryption. In simple terms, this is a tool to protect against attacks related to interception of data during an Internet connection.

What are the benefits for the user

If a user logs into Odnoklassniki without https, then all the data that he exchanges with OK is transmitted in clear text and can be read and changed by any participant in the data transfer process. Typical examples of eavesdroppers are a villain connected to the same public Wi-Fi network, or unscrupulous telecom operators. Without the use of https, attackers can access the user's personal data or even take over his account.

We know that in world practice there have been cases of operators trying to add something to the content of social networks, because of such interference, the user saw in the browser not quite what the developer broadcast. However, when transmitted over https, the data is encrypted and only users can read or change it.

Why https is important for Odnoklassniki

In addition to taking care of the user, modern browsers show danger warnings on sites without https. Of course, we could not afford to suddenly become a company that threatens the safety of users, so we use all modern security technologies. In addition, when transferring data via https, there is a chance to get a speed bonus, since the traffic is not analyzed by numerous intermediaries on the side of telecom operators.

By 2016, almost all major Internet resources have either switched to https or are in the process - in fact, this is already an industry standard for sites that somehow work with users' personal data. Odnoklassniki took a long time to make the transition, since the amount of data on the social network is large enough to make serious changes instantly. However, this happened, and now users can be sure that their data is safe.

Now all users logged into their Odnoklassniki account are automatically redirected to https. This can be checked by paying attention to the address bar of the browser: before the site address there will be a padlock and the well-known letters https. This means that the connection is secure. In addition, each user can specify in the settings that https is always used when connecting.

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