Hardware and software setup

How to fix REGISTRY_ERROR blue screen errors (0x00000051). How to fix REGISTRY_ERROR blue screen errors (0x00000051) General solutions

Sometimes REGISTRY_ERROR errors like " blue screen"related to hardware may be caused by damage random access memory(RAM). If you experience random computer restarts, sound signals when booting or other malfunctions of the computer (in addition to BSOD 0x51 errors), it is highly likely that there is memory corruption. In fact, nearly 10% of Windows application crashes are caused by memory corruption.

If you recently added new memory to your computer, we recommend temporarily removing it to make sure it is not causing the REGISTRY_ERROR error. If this action resolved the BSOD, it means that this is the source of the problem, and, therefore, the new memory is either incompatible with some of your hardware, or is corrupted. In this case, you will need to replace new memory modules.

If you did not add new memory, the next step is to carry out a diagnostic test of the available computer memory. The memory test allows you to scan for severe memory failures and intermittent errors that could be causing your 0x51 blue screen of death.

Though latest versions Windows contains a utility for checking RAM, I highly recommend using Memtest86 instead. Memtest86 is a BIOS based testing software unlike other test programs run in Windows environment... The benefit is that it allows you to test ALL of your memory for REGISTRY_ERROR errors, while other programs cannot test the section of memory occupied by the software itself, the operating system, and any other running programs.

An error has occurred in the system registry.

Causes of occurrence

In most cases, it is assumed that a registry I / O error occurs while reading one of the documents. The reason is hardware malfunction or defect file system... It is not uncommon for it to crash when there are resource constraints during a security update on your computer.


If the device displays a blue screen of death with the indicated error, the information in brackets is of interest. The required line looks like this:

STOP: 0x00000051 (parameter1, parameter2, parameter3, parameter4) REGISTRY_ERROR

Now it is necessary to list what exactly each of the parameters means:


Is reserved


Is reserved


Registry hive pointer. Used in situations where there is a similar opportunity.


In case of defects in the registry hive, return code HvCheckHive (only if present)


The standard set of recommendations for BSoD errors should be followed:

  • Clean up more free disk space if it isn't enough.
  • Use antivirus scan to find unwanted programs.
  • Update Service pack to the latest version.
  • If you suspect that the problem appeared after installing a specific driver or program, you can roll back to a previous state of the system.
  • Going to view BIOS settings, after which they are reset to standard.
  • There is a problem with the RAM. It is recommended to use special verification software.
  • Check in progress hard disk... Interested in broken sectors or other hard disk errors. As in the previous paragraph, you should use specialized software.

The publication continues the cycle of notes devoted to the description and elimination of problems caused by the occurrence of a critical system error which entails the appearance blue screen of death(). In most cases, in this type material will highlight the problems that I encountered personally in my practice and which I managed to solve. STOP error (STOP error), defect control (BugCheck) or in common people BSOD - fatal system failure of the Windows operating system, which is the cause of the complete cessation of the functioning of the main components of the operating system kernel, entailing the loss of dynamic unsaved user data and leading to the appearance of a blue screen of death (BSOD) on the monitor screen. The numeric designation of a STOP error is an internal Microsoft classifier that characterizes the cause of a fatal system error, which is used to diagnose the cause of a problem. This article will focus on Failure with ID.


After the user is authorized in the system, at the stage of loading the profile, before the user's desktop appears, the process of the operating system is suddenly interrupted and you can see the following fatal system error message on the screen:

In general, the error format is as follows:




The symbolic name of the error, REGISTRY_ERROR, tells us that happens in a situation where there is a problem with system registry: Data in one of the hives is structurally damaged, or an I / O error occurred while trying to access one of the files that stores the registry. The bottom line is that the registry is the main storage of information about the configuration of the operating system, so damage to it is likely fraught with serious problems for the operating system as a whole. V operating system Windows registry hives are regular files which are named DEFAULT, SAM, SECURITY, SOFTWARE, SYSTEM and are stored in the file system structure under the path% SystemRoot% \ System32 \ config. The STOP 00000051 error occurs if, for any reason, the kernel-mode system code fails to perform critical operations (read, write, other operations) with a specific registry hive. Obviously, these operations may be necessary for the normal execution of the configuration steps of key system elements(for example, a user profile). Without the normal completion of these procedures, further loading of the user's working environment is not possible and the system decides to terminate abnormally.

Common Causes

  • Damage to registry data caused by software glitch... The reasons are quite diverse: all kinds of software failures, which include incorrect operation of antiviruses, filters, drivers, any software kernel mode, which entails the impossibility of writing important blocks of the file system containing registry data to physical media, or distortion of the recorded information.
  • Damage to registry data caused by hardware failure... Reasons: problems with the power supply of the station, defects in the magnetic surface of the media, such as damage to the magnetic surface of the HDD or SSD memory cells, malfunction different modules drive control cards, theoretically any hardware failure.

General solution options

This section provides general recovery methods that apply to all subtypes of STOP error 0x00000051, regardless of the error parameters (BugCheckParameter1, BugCheckParameter2, BugCheckParameter3, BugCheckParameter4) that are specified after the STOP error code in parentheses. All the steps described below must be performed to eliminate the error.

Registry repair

Specific features of some crashes

Applied to STOP failure 0x00000051, the fourth input parameter (BugCheckParameter4) reflected in the blue screen of death in parentheses (0xDDDDDDDD) might tell us more details about the details of the failure and determine possible more specific troubleshooting methods for cases where it can be eliminated at all.

Manual for eliminating stop error 0X00000051 REGISTRY_ERROR Full list errors | What's happened BSOD blue screen of death | Ask your question on the forum | (!) View instructions on how to eliminate this stop error (!) Error code 0X00000051 REGISTRY_ERROR The error can also be caused by: Lack of voltage Large quantity RAM Incompatible hardware Inappropriate driver Malfunction of the operating [...]

March 05th, 2011

Manual for eliminating stop error 0X00000051 REGISTRY_ERROR

(! ) (! )

error code 0X00000051 REGISTRY_ERROR

The error can be caused in the same way:
  • Lack of tension
  • Lots of RAM
  • Incompatible equipment
  • Inappropriate driver
  • Malfunction random access memory
  • Broken hard drive
  • Running out of hard disk space
  • When blocking operating system
  • Incorrect BIOS settings
  • Impact viruses
In technical language:

Something is wrong with the registry. If a kernel debugger is available, track the error. If it shows you that you are on a branch of the system (CmpWorker will be present in the list), enter the following commands:

dd CmpRegistryMutex + 18 L1
! thread

This will give you the branch and location of the error that accessed the registry.

This error can also mean that the registry received an I / O error when trying to read one of its files, it follows that the error could be caused by a hardware problem or that the system itself is damaged. It can also mean that the error is caused by an update operation, which is used only by the security system and this is only when resources are running low. If such an error appears, check if the machine is a PDC or BDC and how many accounts are in the SAM (Account Security Manager) database, if it could be the target of the echo, and if the corresponding libraries are almost full.


1.value 1 (indicates where the error occurred)

2.value 2 (indicates where the error occurred)

3.may point to a library

4.could be HvCheckHive's return code if any library is damaged

Hello everyone today I will tell you how the error 0x00000051 - Blue Screen of Death, BSoD in Windows Server 2008 R2. This error pops up when trying to log in to the server and arose after problems with the RAID controller, which then, if possible, decided to go in by flashing. So let's look at what to do in order to defeat this blue screen and prevent it in the future, the business should not have downtime, as this leads to loss of money and damages reputation.

How to fix 0x00000051

Chlntsfs was executed before this error. This is how BSOD looks more graphically. Error (REGISTRY_ERROR) STOP: 0x00000051 (0x0000000000000001, 0xFFFFF8A000025010, 0x0000000000BE7000, 0x0000000000000374) and such a blue screen pops up immediately when you log into the server.

Error 0x00000051 - Blue Screen of Death BSoD in Windows Server 2008 R2-01

The problem here is that part of the Windows registry has been damaged and needs to be restored; in Windows 7 and beyond, system restore is enabled by default and you can use it, but not in case windows server where this is disabled by default. Fortunately, Windows 2008 R2 and beyond is configured to automatically backup registry every day, this task is done using the Task Scheduler.

Go to the Windows-Registry menu

Since we cannot get to the server, we need to boot into safe mode with support command line or from a bootable installation flash drive where it is possible to run the command line.

Solving the error (REGISTRY_ERROR) STOP: 0x00000051 (0x0000000000000001, 0xFFFFF8A000025010, 0x0000000000BE7000, 0x0000000000000374)

We reboot your server and press the key to enter the menu. On the menu additional options boot, select either Troubleshoot computer problems, or Safe mode with command line support. I'll start by choosing Troubleshoot computer problems.

The System Restore Wizard will appear, the first thing to do is select the password input language

Login under the built-in account Administrator

Selecting the command line

The same will be the case if you are in the Safe Mode menu with command line support. A command prompt window will open. We write to no

Notepad will open, in it click File-Open or just CTRL + O

to folder Windows \ System32 \ Config... Put all files in the file type.

Then we reboot using the command

shutdown -r -t 0

After that, error 0x00000051 - Blue Screen of Death, BSoD in Windows Server 2008 R2 and you can successfully boot, and at least pull out the information. But it is not a fact that after these actions your system will work stably. But on the other hand, you learned how to restore windows registry, and generally found out that he was backing up.

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