Hardware and software setup

Where are bookmarks stored in Mozilla Firefox. Adding a Bookmark in Mozilla Firefox Browser

Firefox bookmarks are a web link to a favorite/frequently visited web page. With the help of bookmarks, you can navigate between your favorite websites with one click. If you did not have time to finish reading the news on some Internet resource, then by adding it to your bookmarks, you can easily return to it at any time. Bookmarks are convenient because you do not need to remember the exact name of the site, each time you type it in the search bar and search in a huge list of similar ones. By launching an Internet browser, you can instantly get to the required page, provided that it has already been previously added to the useful notes section.

How to save bookmarks in mozilla

The very process of saving footnotes to the necessary Internet portals is carried out with one click on the icon in the form of a five-pointed star in the menu quick access or a combination of buttons on the keyboard "Ctrl + D". By default, it has no fill, but if the page is in the saved bookmarks, then it changes its color to blue.

By clicking the save icon, the user can change the name of their note and also change the save directory. This menu has reverse action– deleting an unnecessary note.

You can view the saved bookmarks by clicking on the following icon or "Ctrl + Shift + B".

To save Internet bookmarks from the Mozilla web search engine to personal computer, you need to perform an export operation. You can find out how to perform it by reading the article "". This article also describes how to restore bookmarks in Mozilla.

Where are bookmarks stored in Mozilla Firefox

All actions related to changes in the Firefox web browser, such as: installing plugins, saving user personal data and adding bookmarks, are saved in a service folder called "Profile". This folder is saved separately from the main documents of the search engine, this is done for reliability so that the user does not lose their data when deleting or reinstalling the browser.

To find your profile, you need the following:

  • Launch the Internet browser Mozilla Firefox;
  • Open engineering menu browser
  • Click on the icon at the very bottom of the menu window with a question mark.

The help menu opens. Here we select the option "Information for solving problems."

You will then be presented with a new page called Troubleshooting Information. Here, in the application data, you need to find the “Profile folder” item, in front of this item, select the button to open the folder.

In the folder that opens, containing the actual changes made by the user in the Mozilla search engine.

Another way to get into this folder without launching a web browser is the following.

For this in windows menu you must click the "Start" button and in the search box enter the path to the folder "%APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\" Next, select the very first folder with the English word "default".

You will open the same folder that you opened through the browser.

Be extremely careful when manipulating the information in this folder. Since, inadvertently deleting some objects, you can spoil the performance search engine Firefox and irretrievably lose some important data.

Good day to all, dear friends, acquaintances, readers, admirers and other personalities. Today, as you understand from the title, let's talk about where bookmarks are stored in Mozilla Firefox .

The fact is that lately they have been especially often asked in which folder the bookmarks of this browser live and how to restore them using this knowledge, otherwise the system was reinstalled, and they forgot to save everything, everything, everything from the mozilla in advance.

I tell in detail how to find bookmarks of chanterelles, but at the same time I will show universal way to search for them, as well as the folder where the profiles (settings, etc.) of this browser are located.

Let's get started.

Finding and Saving Mozilla FireFox Bookmarks

Mozilka bookmarks are stored in the following ways. For each type of OS, it is slightly different. Attention, in some versions of Firefox it may be difficult to find the file and then use the method at the end of the article.

V Windows case XP:

C:\ Documents and Settings\ Username\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\ profile name\bookmarks.html

For Windows Vista/7/8/10:

C:\Users\username\Local\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\profile name\

Here we need all the files from the folder, not the file bookmarks.html. Thus, we will completely restore the profile, and not just the bookmark file. Visually, the folder with bookmarks looks like this:

Accordingly, to get old bookmarks in new system, you need to replace one file with another in the same folder and you will get the salvation of the desired bookmarks.

Where are bookmarks stored in mozilla firefox - more versatile way

Click "Start - Run" (or press the keyboard shortcut Win + R) or just "Start" (if you have it with a search bar at the bottom right away), where we enter the following:

That will immediately open a folder with a gibberda (profile), where everything you need will lie, that is, you won’t have to look for the folder yourself in many clicks.

If you can't find bookmarks, then do this

Well, in general, if nothing helps and you cannot find the file, then just in the browser (launched) press the Alt button until the menu appears at the top:

There, select "Bookmarks - Show all bookmarks" and in the menu that appears, select "Import and backups -> Export bookmarks to HTML file":

Then save the bookmarks.html file to the location you need. Similarly, you can restore bookmarks, but by selecting the "Import bookmarks to HTML file" item.

Perhaps that's all, let's move on to the afterword.


That's all, business.

If something does not work out, then, as always, write in the comments or using the feedback form.

Always happy to help;)

Everyone has it modern browser there is such a function as "Bookmarks". It allows you to remember a particular address, and then quickly navigate to it if necessary. Very convenient option which makes life much easier. But sometimes the bookmarks disappear. If you prepare in advance, they can be returned without much difficulty. For example, by restoring. Today, bookmarks in Mozilla will be presented to your attention. How to restore them? Why might they disappear? What needs to be done to ensure that the bookmarks are always safe? All this will be discussed later.

Reasons for the loss

The first step is to find out why bookmarks disappear from browsers. Sometimes eliminating the causes of this phenomenon is easier than doing restoration.

Unfortunately, there are many options for the development of events. And you can not insure yourself against the loss of bookmarks made. In any browser, they can disappear:

  • when reinstalling the application to access the Internet;
  • due to a system failure;
  • in the presence of viruses;
  • after reinstalling the operating system.

In fact, it is not so important for what reason the bookmarks disappeared. If this has already happened, they will have to be restored. How exactly? It all depends on the desire of the user.

Conditions for recovery

Is it possible to return the missing bookmarks in Mozilla? How to restore them? It is not always possible to do this. This feature must be taken into account by each user. Without prior preparation, it will not be possible to bring the idea to life.

The thing is that if a person thinks about how to restore bookmarks in FireFox, he must have them backup. This is the only way to complete the return process. Without it, you will need to restore all bookmarks manually. And this is not always possible to do. Next, we will talk about how you can back up bookmarks in the browser.

About backups

In fact, there is nothing difficult in this. Even a novice user will cope with the task.

  1. Launch browser. Open its settings.
  2. Go to the "Libraries" section.
  3. Select the "Import and Backup" function in the window that appears.
  4. Click on "Create a backup copy...".
  5. Specify the location where the bookmarks will be saved. For example, "Desktop". You can give the document a unique name if you wish.
  6. Click on "OK".

That's all. Now it’s clear how bookmarks are saved in Mozilla. How to restore them? After the user has made a backup copy of the bookmarks, it is recommended to upload it to the data cloud or to removable media. Then, when reinstalling the operating system, recovery can be carried out without much difficulty.

When removed

Now that you have a backup copy of your bookmarks, you can get started. There are two ways to solve the problem. How to restore bookmarks in FireFox after deletion?

Let's start with the most familiar option. We are talking about cases where pages were accidentally deleted. The user must perform the following steps to return bookmarks to Mozilla:

  1. Do not close the browser immediately after deleting certain pages. You need to leave it open.
  2. Click on the "Show your bookmarks" button in the upper right corner. Select "Show all" there.
  3. The Library menu will appear on the screen. Select the option "Manage" - "Cancel" on the top taskbar.

This is where all actions end. This technique allows you to return just deleted bookmarks in Mozilla. How to restore them otherwise? It's not that hard to do it!

Restoring from a file

The second scenario, as a rule, helps mainly when reinstalling the browser or operating system. Or if the user ended the session in which he deleted this or that page. How to restore bookmarks in FireFox after reinstalling Windows?

To carry out the procedure, you need:

  1. Install any version of the Mozilla FireFox browser. Open it.
  2. Download to your computer a previously created backup copy of bookmarks. Put it in a convenient place.
  3. Go to Mozilla settings. From there, proceed to the "Library". You can just press Ctrl+Z.
  4. At the top of the page, click on "Import and backups" - "Restore a copy from ...".
  5. Select the desired backup date. If they are missing, click on "Choose File...".
  6. Specify the location to save the previously made backup.
  7. Click on the "OK" button.

Ready! You can see all the bookmarks the user previously had in Mozilla. How to restore them in one case or another? Now the answer to this question won't cause any problems!

Numerous bookmarks do not appear in one day. To make working on the computer comfortable, users spend a lot of time organizing useful sites in bookmarks. It is no secret that any work performed on a PC is somehow connected to the Internet. Therefore, knowing where all the profile bookmark data is located is vital if you urgently need or browser.

The FireFox browser uses the profiling method in its work - creating a user profile when the program is first launched. The profile is named "Default". It is stored in a special folder called "Application Data".
For various operating systems has its own way of storing the profile. Consider them for Windows, Windows 7/Vista, Linux.

Accessing the profiles folder in Windows:

The folder is located on the "C" drive if the installation of the program was standard and its path was not changed.

The username refers to the username you use on the Windows system.

The profile name looks like a set of letters and numbers.default.

bookmarks.html is the file where all bookmarks are stored.

When reinstalling the system or browser, you must copy the file to a USB flash drive and, after reinstalling, drop it into the folder with the new profile.

Accessing the profiles folder in Windows 7/Vista:

On this system, you need to copy the entire profile folder, not separate file with tabs.

Hello everyone! If you often visit some sites on the Internet, you may be interested in the question of how to add a bookmark in Mozilla . In fact, everything is very simple. Near address bar browser is an asterisk - just click on it and the page will be bookmarked.

If you are particularly active users and regularly visit many sites, strive to keep track of new publications or have diverse interests, it may be a problem that there are a lot of bookmarks and you need to save your bookmarks in Mozilla Firefox in different folders and categories for easy searching.

Managing bookmarks in Mozilla Firefox

To the right of the star is the bookmark management interface icon. And, since there are a lot of browser versions, there can be various components and menu items here.

  • Unsorted bookmarks.
  • Show all bookmarks.
  • Show bookmarks bar.
  • Recently added.
  • Import Export.

By clicking on the item All bookmarks you will open the editing interface. Here you can save bookmarks in Mozilla Firefox in various folders, indicating signs and topics, in order to quickly find the desired site.

For instant access to several of the most important sites, you need to turn on the Bookmarks bar and then links to resources will always be in the line just below the address bar.

Synchronization of different devices

If you use multiple computers all the time, you may need to import Firefox bookmarks for all your smartphones, desktops, and tablets. Browser developers have already provided for this possibility.

  • Find in the menu "Settings" paragraph "Synchronization".
  • After that, you will need to register cloud service Mozilla Firefox using the address Email and password.

Export and import bookmarks

If you have previously used another Internet browser, you may need to know how to add bookmarks to the Mozilla Firefox browser from Google Chrome or Internet Explorer. To resolve the issue, go to the bookmarks menu and open the Library (All bookmarks). There you will find the menu item Import and Export.

  • Clue. When you first install the browser itself will prompt you to import bookmarks, logins and passwords from other web browsers available on your computer.
  • You only need to confirm the suggested actions.

Some browsers may not be in the import list, in which case you must first create an HTML file in another browser and then use the menu Bookmark LibraryMozillaFirefox".

Backing up bookmarks

Sometimes you need to save a list of bookmarks in case of force majeure. In this situation, the export to HTML file function will help you. You can make a backup from the interface " Library". If your computer fails, you can restore all data at any time using this document.

How to import bookmarks into Mozilla from an HTML file? All this is done through the menu. bookmark libraries. Find an item "Import" and then select the desired backup in the location where you saved it. Better store backup files on a flash drive or in cloud drives.

Now you know how to add a bookmark in Mozilla manually using global synchronization and copy the addresses of your favorite sites from other browsers.

Depending on the specific Mozilla versions Firefox may have variations in the organization of interfaces and menus, but general principles are the same and will not be very difficult to understand. See you soon!

Sincerely, Evgeny Kuzmenko.

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