Hardware and software setup

Keyboard shortcut for minimizing the active window. How to minimize all windows in one click

It turned out that such a seemingly simple question worries many people. Apparently, those people who are switching from Windows XP to more new version the given OS, the icon is missing "Minimize all windows" in the taskbar. Let's deal with this problem.


First, let's take a look at how to collapse everything using the keyboard. It's as easy as shelling pears. Press the key combination Win + D and they collapse. To get everything back, press Win + D again.

Note: the "Win" key is located in the lower left corner next to the Ctrl key. It also has four small squares.

Using the icon

File creation

Now I will teach you how to make a classic icon for minimizing windows, like in Windows XP. To do this, click right click mouse on the desktop and from the drop-down list select the item "New - Text Document"

We name it so that in the future it will be clear to you what it is for, and open the file:

Copy the following expressions into the text document:

Command = 2
IconFile = explorer.exe, 3

Command = ToggleDesktop

In the window that opens, select the file type: All files. Then specify the file name: it can be any, the main thing is to add the .scf extension at the end. Well, the place is, of course, the desktop.

Our beloved icon appears on our desktop:

Pinning to Explorer

Drag it with the mouse to the taskbar. We have a hint "Pin to Explorer"... This is exactly what we need.

Right-click on the explorer icon in the taskbar (in the form of a folder) and observe our "Minimize all windows" icon. By clicking on it, the windows will be minimized. If you press again, they will return to their place.

Special button

And finally, I would like to show or remind about the standard "Minimize all windows" button in Windows 7. Look a little to the right of the taskbar and right behind the clock you will see a barely noticeable rectangle, which is nothing more than the button we need.

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Often, many users of Windows operating systems are limited to standard system knowledge. They do well without the use of functions that significantly shorten the workflow at certain stages. With hotkeys, you can minimize the window using the windows hotkeys. They are useful tool saving you time.

Minimizing windows in windows

Many will agree that it is quite inconvenient to close and minimize the windows of each program individually. Besides this process does not in the least save your personal opinion. To instantly get to information that is located on the desktop, you can use the keyboard shortcut provided by the used working system... This will allow you to close windows that are unnecessary in this moment... What keyboard shortcuts and other tricks you can use is described in today's article.

Using hotkeys

The best solution would be a keyboard shortcut Windows + D or Windows + M(M - minimize). The first button is at the bottom of the keyboard with the standard windows logo. In most cases, its location is specified between ctrl and alt. Such a command will make your work more convenient. Clicking again will restore the windows.

Taskbar button

Many users of the windows xp operating system have used the Minimize all windows key. It could be found on the left side of the taskbar. After installing version 10 of Windows, it seems that the coveted button has completely disappeared. However, it can be found in the same section, but it is not as noticeable as before. It is difficult enough to click on it due to its small size.
In Windows 7, the icon can be found on the right side. The vertical rectangle near the date and time is a button for minimizing windows.

Minimize all windows except active

There is another very convenient trick. When you need to quickly clear the working area of ​​the screen, leaving only one window open, you need to do the following manipulation: grab the window by the title and rhythmically shake it several times left and right. All other windows will be minimized. This feature works since Windows 7.

After reading the above information, the average user will not have any questions related to the instant minimization of active windows. Now you can instantly go to the desktop and resume working with minimized applications.

If in Microsoft Windows learning to work without a mouse, using the keyboard for everyday tasks, can significantly increase your productivity. In addition, there are situations when the mouse suddenly stops functioning and you have to work at the computer without it. The sections below contain many useful keyboard shortcuts used to Windows management using the keyboard.


Some of these keyboard shortcuts do not work in Windows 8, 8.1, and 10, or work differently.

Opens the Start menu.

To open the Start menu or start menu, you need to press Windows key on the keyboard or press the key combination Ctrl + Escl.

From the Start menu, you can use the cursor keys (arrow keys) on your keyboard to move up, down, right, or left within the Start menu. Once you find the program you need, press the Enter key.

Since Windows 8 does not have a Start menu, pressing the Windows key or Ctrl + Esc will open the Start Menu. Windows screen, or will open the desktop.

How to open a program on the desktop.

If the program you want to launch has a shortcut on the desktop, you can get to the desktop by pressing the Tab ↹ key on your keyboard. Pressing the Tab ↹ button will navigate between the taskbar and desktop shortcuts. You can determine which area you are currently in by outward appearance icons and labels. The one that is selected in currently will be highlighted.
In some cases, you may have to press Tab ↹ several times before getting to the icons on the desktop. As soon as one of the icons on the desktop is highlighted, you can navigate the shortcuts using the arrow keys.
When you find the shortcut to the program you want to launch, press the Enter key to open that program.

How to Close window, maximize full screen, minimize to window, or move.

How to close windows.

Press the key combination Ctrl, and F4 to close the currently open program or window.
You can also press the Alt + Space key combination, thereby calling the program's system menu, then, using the down arrow, select the Close menu item and press Enter.

How to minimize a window.

To minimize the window, press Windows and the down arrow (sometimes twice).

How to maximize the window to full screen.

To maximize the window, press the Windows key and the up arrow.

How to move a window without using a mouse.

Before moving the window, make sure it is not maximized to full screen. To move the window, press Alt + Spacebar, select the restore menu item, and press Enter. Then press Alt + Spacebar again and select Move, which will change the cursor (it will be in the form of four multidirectional arrows). Then you can move the window using the cursor keys.

How to switch between tabs using the keyboard or Close tabs.

How to close tabs.

In most programs that support tabs (for example: browsers), pressing Ctrl + F4 closes the active tab.
How to switch between tabs using the keyboard
To move from left to right between tabs in the current window, press Ctrl + Tab ↹.
To navigate, from right to left press Ctrl + Shift + Tab ↹.

How to navigate between open windows and applications.

To navigate between any open programs on your computer, press and hold the ALT key, then press the Tab ↹ key. In this case, a window will appear in which each of the open programs on your computer. Pressing Tab ↹ while holding down the Alt key will move you through the thumbnails of open programs. When you reach the program you want to switch to, release both keys to make it your active window.

Navigation between areas and buttons on the window.

To move your cursor between area objects in a window (such as a dialog box), you will often use Tab ↹, space, arrows, and the Enter key. Most programs use Tab ↹ for this, but if that doesn't work try using the arrow keys. If you need to click a button such as OK or Cancel, press the spacebar or the Enter key.

Managing and moving a text document.

Below are the different control methods text document without the help of a mouse. Not only does this help users who don't have access to a mouse, they can also save you a lot of time when working with text documents.

  • Cursor keys - Using the arrow keys on the keyboard, you can move up, down, right, or left through the text.
    Ctrl and Arrow keys - Pressing the Ctrl key in conjunction with the right or left arrows will move the cursor one word to the left or right at a time. This is much faster than using the arrow keys alone. Holding Ctrl and pressing the up and down arrows will move you one paragraph in the document.
  • End and Home keys - Pressing the End key will move the cursor to the end current line, and pressing the Home key will take you to the beginning.
  • Shift key - The Shift key allows you to select text. For example, pressing the Shift key and the right or left cursor keys will select text to the left or right of the current cursor position. If holding Shift key, press the cursor keys "down" or "up", then you select one line of text at a time down or up, respectively.
  • You can also use Shift in combination with the combinations above. For example, pressing and holding Shift, Ctrl and using the arrows will select one word at a time. Pressing Shift + End will select text from the current cursor position to the end of the line or document.

Scrolling the window.

Scrolling the window down or up is achieved in the following ways: Move Up and Down with the arrow keys, PageUp and PageDown to move one page up or down.

Right-clicking a symbol or other Windows item.

In some situations, you may need to right-click on an image, text, or other Windows element. To do this without a mouse, select a symbol or move the cursor to the text you should right-click on, then press and hold Shift and F10.

Many Windows users work simultaneously with several programs. Several browsers can be enabled on the computer at the same time, file explorer, text editors, music players and more. Switching between applications using the mouse can be very difficult and inconvenient every time. This article describes how to minimize and maximize a window using the keyboard in operating rooms. Windows systems XP and 7.

Alt + Space

In Windows, there are a huge number of hotkeys and their combinations to perform certain actions. Users can call a special context menu a window that allows you to control its position on the screen personal computer.

To call this menu, simultaneously hold down the Alt and Space keys on your keyboard. In the upper left corner you will see a window that appears, in which you can select one of several actions. With it, you can close, expand and collapse, as well as resize and move the object to the desired location. You can choose actions with up-down arrows. Press the Enter button to confirm the selected item.

In addition, there is the Alt + Space + C command, which will minimize the currently active application, bypassing the call of the drop-down menu.

Collapse all

If you need to quickly get to the desktop and its shortcuts, minimizing windows one at a time can take too long. For a more comfortable work of users in Windows, there is a combination that allows you to collapse all active objects at once or return them to their place.

To collapse objects, you must use the combination Win + M (in the Russian layout it is b). To expand, add the Shift button, i.e. use the combination Win + Shift + M.

You can also use the universal command called with Win + D. It combines both functions: if at the moment you have open windows- they will be immediately paneled quick access... If they are not there, all programs from the panel will be deployed back to the desktop.


If you want to choose a specific software which you need to open - the best way to do this is to use the Alt + Tab keyboard shortcut. It will cause user-friendly interface, in which you can select the desired object, after which it will be immediately opened. To switch between the elements of the list, without releasing Alt, press the Tab key.

In this article, I will show you in what ways you can expand the window to full screen and what keyboard shortcuts to use for this on Windows 7, 10 and MAC. Widespread introduction into everyday life computer mouse was a revolutionary innovation that greatly simplified the use of a personal computer. Most users today use this device to navigate the system and enter the simplest commands. However, all common operating systems allow you to perform these necessary tasks without using a mouse.

As practice shows, knowledge certain combinations keys allows you to expand the window to fill the screen with a higher speed, which has a positive effect on overall performance labor. With just a little getting used to, doing familiar tasks with short keyboard shortcuts will feel more comfortable than moving the mouse.

The transition to using the keyboard to perform routine operations is most often common among programmers, webmasters and representatives of other professions, whose work is associated with the need to introduce a large number information. Among the significant advantages of this approach, it is worth highlighting the following.

By using hotkeys to maximize the window to the entire monitor, you do not have to transfer attention to the mouse, which greatly simplifies the task, especially in the long run. The point is that entering text or commands using the keyboard requires the involvement of a certain part of the brain. Using the mouse involves slightly different areas, since it works in a fundamentally different way. Therefore, there is not only a waste of time on the physical transfer of the hand to the side, but also a switch of attention to another area of ​​activity. From the point of view of an ordinary user, this is not critical, but for a professional who spends hours at a computer, it can be quite significant.

How to minimize / maximize the application window

As an example of such keyboard manipulations, consider minimizing / maximizing an application from windowed to fullscreen mode and back. At the same time, due to the peculiarities of the functioning of a particular operating system, the key combinations will be slightly different, while the principle itself will be approximately the same.

Opening on Windows 7 and Windows 10

OS Windows 7 and 10 are the most common versions of the operating system, and therefore it is worth starting the consideration of the issue with them. So, in order to minimize or maximize the window of any running application it is necessary to use the simultaneous pressing of the keys " Win"(With the image of the system logo, it is located closer to the lower left corner of the keyboard) and up / down arrows. The application will change its display from windowed to fullscreen.

The same effect can be achieved in another way. It is somewhat longer, but some may find it more convenient. It is necessary to press simultaneously Alt + Space, in the context window that appears, use the arrows to select the required action, and then confirm it with the key Enter.

Expand the window in MAC OS

On the operating system from Apple, the algorithm of actions will be approximately the same. It is necessary to press the keys at the same time Command + Power... Depending on the situation, the combination will either minimize the active application to windowed mode or maximize it to the full-screen version of the display.

With the help of the “hot keys” described above, you can significantly simplify the maximization of the window to full screen, as well as increase the efficiency and speed of the actions performed. By the way, there are quite a lot of such combinations, so there is always room for development.

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