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Pages drop out of Yandex search. Why instead of the promoted page in the search results, another page is displayed

Hello! Today's post is about SEO. Often there are cases when one page of the site is optimized, and another appears in the search results. Are you familiar with such situations? How does it happen that work is being done on one document, and another appears in the sickle? Some begin to blame the search engine for this, which did not correctly identify the page. The second ones are transferred to the promotion of another (more relevant, according to the search engine). Still others try to understand the reasons for this action. These reasons will be discussed in the article.

In general, the situation with the search engine choosing the wrong page in the search results is a fairly common occurrence. It seems that you are trying, sharpening the document for advanced queries, and the search engine chooses something completely different. This usually happens on more or less large-scale resources with related target requests. For example, when a random product card in an online store crowds out a category that is in promotion.

In order to make the right and right decision without panic, you need to understand the reasons for finding the wrong page in the search results. There are several.

Full and incomplete duplicates are fraught with a constant change in the landing page in the search results. Also, because of them, you may choose the wrong document to promote, based on the results of an internal search on the site.

For example, I recently searched for an article on Devaki's blog about 301 redirects. In Yandex I got the following results:

I looked at the urls and at first I thought that this is the same page, but in different places. As it turned out later, one URL had a slash ("/") at the end, and the other did not. This, apparently, is such a feature of CMS. I hope that Sergey will not swear at me for this information.

It turns out that some kind of slash and a copy has already appeared at a different address. Moreover, CMS creates standard urls with a slash, and the URL without it was shown in the output above. Just the situation on the topic of the post.

Duplicate content needs to be monitored, searched for, and removed from the index. A useful link for this item is "".

2. Relevance

Sometimes optimizers take on the promotion of deliberately losing pages with weak relevance (the content of the document does not respond well to user requests). For example, out of ignorance, without analyzing the issue, or at the request of the customer. When trying to promote an irrelevant or poorly optimized page, they face certain difficulties.

The other side of the coin is re-optimization. I wanted the best, but it turned out as always. Despite the fact that optimization with all possible tags is no longer in vogue, some still try to optimize content as much as possible. This threatens to drop page positions for promoted queries.

In modern SEO realities, the promoted document should not be full of highlighted keywords with the strong tag, numerous enumerations search queries in the title and in the text, with words put in unnatural forms ("moscow website promotion").

If you are promoting an existing project page, then try to choose the most relevant one (query to the search engine "site:domen.ru keyword"). If you need some specific one (for example, at the request of the customer), then you need to make sure that it comes first in the search results for an internal search by resource (). If you create and sharpen content specifically for promotion, try to optimize, but within reasonable limits.Usefulness, easy perception, humanity - all this is a priority.

3. Internal links

It happens that the promoted page is replaced by the one that has a higher internal link weight. talking plain language, it is more referenced by internal documents. You can determine how many links within a resource lead to a particular page, for example, using a program or thanks to an internal CMS search. For example, in wordpress, if you go to the post page in the admin panel and enter the URL in the search box, the engine will return articles that have links to it.

This method, however, does not take into account links from plugins (for example, related posts), as well as cross-cutting elements (for example, categories). But, as a rule, it is by changing the number of links from posts that you can change the situation - reduce it for an unwanted document by directing them to the desired one.

I almost forgot. Google Webmaster has similar details.

4. External links

Here, by analogy with the 3rd paragraph, only for external reference mass. Documents that have large quantity backlinks usually feel more confident when ranking.

There are times when the landing pages change when the "promoters" change. If the former created a reference mass for some documents, then when changing priorities to others, problems may appear in the crescent (the old ones may not give up).

You can determine external links from Yandex.Webmaster data (Site indexing -> Incoming links - can be downloaded as an archive) and Google Webmaster Tool ( Search traffic-> Links to your site -> Your most-linked pages -> More -> Load more links for example).

5. Social cues

Links from social networks can act as signals for search engines, according to which algorithms can make decisions in one direction or another. In most cases, other things being equal, the document that collects more social media can win. signals. Of course, there are their own algorithms and calculation formulas, but we will omit this.

Help determine the number of likes and shares will help social buttons with counters, as well as services for tracking such statistics (for example,).

6. Wrong choice of nesting level

It also happens that, for example, a product card in an online store is selected to promote a competitive request. A weak internal weight follows from this (there is an intersection with the 3rd point).

Ideally, of course, to promote highly competitive keywords, choose the main one, for medium-competitive ones - categories / sections, for low-competitive ones - product cards / posts / topics. But this is not always possible. The more competitive the promoted keyword, the closer the document containing it should be located.

7. Search engine error

And this is also possible and real. You may think that I have filled another point, but it is not. Now I will try to convey the main message of this paragraph. Search engine algorithms are not perfect, so they may contain errors or inaccuracies. As a rule, they are eliminated after a short period of time.

In order not to become a victim of such an error, you need to track patterns, and not rush after each Yandex update to correct the situation. For example, you may have discovered that a landing page has changed in the SERP, which was previously considered the most relevant for a long time (for example, a year). You must first wait for 2-3 Yandex updates or 2-3 weeks for Google. Perhaps everything will return to its place.

If not, then normalize relevance, internal and external links, social signals, remove duplicates if any. After that, observe the issue for at least a month. If you make decisions, then only balanced, deliberate, based on statistics.

How often do you face the problem of finding the wrong page in the search results that you are promoting? How do you usually solve this problem? I look forward to your feedback and comments on the post.

Site pages may disappear from Yandex search results for several reasons:

    The page redirects the robot to other pages.

The robot continues to visit pages excluded from the search, and a special algorithm checks the probability of their showing in the search results before each update of the search base. Thus, the page may appear in the search within two weeks after the robot learns about its change.

If you have eliminated the reason for deleting the page, . This is how you inform the robot about the changes.

Questions and answers about pages excluded from the search

The description, keywords meta tags and the title element are correctly filled on the page, the page meets all the requirements. Why isn't she looking?

The algorithm checks on the pages of the site not only the presence of all the necessary tags, but also the uniqueness, completeness of the material, its relevance and relevance, as well as many other factors. At the same time, meta tags should be paid attention to. For example, the Description meta tag and the title element can be automatically generated to repeat each other.

If the site a large number of almost identical products that differ only in color, size or configuration, they may also not be included in the search. You can also add pagination pages, product selection or comparison pages, image pages that have no text content at all to this list.

Pages that appear as excluded pages open normally in the browser. What does it mean?

This can happen for several reasons:

    The headers that the robot requests from the server are different from the headers requested by the browser. Therefore, excluded pages can open correctly in the browser.

    If a page is excluded from the search due to an error loading it, it will disappear from the list of excluded pages only if it becomes available during a new request by the robot. at the URL you are interested in. If the response contains HTTP status 200 OK, wait for the robot to visit again.

The "Excluded Pages" list shows pages that are no longer on the site. How to remove them?

You need to be extremely careful with search engines, their algorithms are constantly being improved, which leads inexperienced webmasters to serious problems.

Having done one thing right action, you can not only say goodbye to the TOP of the issue, but generally come to the exclusion of the site from it.

Why are pages dropped from the index? For all beginners, we have already told. You need to do this constantly to quickly identify problems.

The sooner you identify them, the easier it will be to fix everything. Removing pages from search results can be due to various reasons, let's try to figure it out.

Pages fall out of the Yandex index, what should I do?

The most common reason for deleting pages from the list of indexed pages is site hit by filters.

Search engines have created several filters, under which resources fall for violating different rules. For example, sites whose owners bought links fall under Minusinsk.

In one of our articles it was said,. In general, you first need to send a message to those. search engine support to find out which filter is applied and for what reason.

If we are talking about Google, then with manual sanctions, webmasters are sent notifications about the imposition of sanctions. Automatic addition under filters is not accompanied by this notice.

In practice, there are a variety of factors due to which pages fell out of the index in Yandex. For example, this could be spamming keywords.

If you have not yet registered with special services for webmasters, be sure to do so:

This is necessary to collect statistics, receive notifications, and so on. Even if your site falls under the filters, you will immediately notice it.

If you have no idea why your pages disappeared from the index, read (this is Yandex technical support).

Common reasons for falling under the filters

So that you do not think that your site was added under the filters by mistake, consider the main reasons for imposing sanctions by search engines and analyze your activity in recent months.

You may have created problems yourself if:

  • used a high keyword density;
  • bought low-quality links;
  • published copy-paste on the site;
  • Selling links (adding too many external links)
  • used prohibited methods of promotion;
  • tried to hide content or change it;
  • posting too short articles (up to 500 characters).

Give search engine at least one reason to add you under the filters and 100% sanctions will be imposed. It is better to think about this in advance, since it is not so easy to get the site out from under them. First you need to fix the problem, and then continue to develop the project.

The page fell out of the index, but the filters are not applied

There are problems associated with indexing that do not indicate the imposition of sanctions. You may have installed some plugin or edited the code, which may cause the page to close.

It's good that there are professionals on the Internet who are ready to help, and after creating a topic on one of the popular services, the following turned out.

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