Hardware and software setup

Firmware HTC Sensation Official and Unofficial Firmware. Non-standard firmware HTC Desire - instructions Htc p8 firmware

A communicator appeared in the vastness of Russia HTC Desire. And along with it, a lot of different firmware appeared, both native and alternative. Also, “gray” devices, which are tied to any operator, began to be imported into the country. Concerning firmwareHTCHTCDesire raises many questions.

I would like to note right away that if we compare the procedure related to how to flash an Acer neoTouch or another device on WinMo, in our case there are significant differences. And they begin with the fact that we are dealing with a device built on Google Android.

So let's get started. If you have a device fully certified for Russia in your hands, then you have two options. Flash using Wi-Fi, through the "Phone settings" menu, then "About phone", then "Update phone". The machine will connect to the update server and download the firmware. The main thing that WiFi connection was free. Or you can download from the company's website the appropriate executable file, run it on the computer under Windows control and follow the instructions completely. There are no problems here, everything is similar to the procedures for standard WinMo firmware. But now, if you need to flash non-standard firmware ?! You need to do the following.

Non-standard firmware HTC Desire - instructions

In order to firmwareHTCHTCDesire started, you need to determine the version of the bootloader. For this purpose, we press two buttons at the same time: “Back” and “Shutdown”, a boot menu appears on the screen, in which we are interested in information of the form in the second line: HBOOT - 0.xx.0000, where xx is the version of the bootloader. For version 0.75 you need to download this kit, and for 0.80 - this one.

Then we start the process itself. We write the file "update.zip" to the flash card. There we also interfere with the firmware. We also unpack the required kit there, depending on the version of the bootloader. Launch the console in this folder. Turn off the communicator and turn it on fastboot mode(to do this, hold down "Back" and "Shutdown"). You will see the inscription FastBoot enclosed in a red square. Connect the USB cable to the communicator. In the terminal, depending on the system, enter: for Windows step1-windows.bat, for MAC - ./step1-mac.sh, for Linux - ./step1-linux.sh.

An error message appears, do not pay attention. We are waiting for the first step.

As soon as this happened, we translate HTC Desire into recovery mode. To do this, go to BootLoader, and from there to Recovery. For this purpose, use "Up", "Down" and "Shutdown". Press "+ Volume" and "Shutdown" and go to the blue Recovery mode. In this menu, select the Apply sdcard: update.zip item and go to a new window. By the way, now the USB cable can be disconnected. Click on Wipe Data and confirm the deletion of data. At the end, select install.zip from SDCard and specify our zip file. Confirm by pressing the trackball. FirmwareHTCHTCDesire started. At the end, we reboot the device.

For those who want to make a copy of the data, you need to select the nandroid - backup item before deleting the data, and then select restore - nandroid before the final reboot.

As you can see, if desired, this procedure is available to anyone. But still, if you are not confident in your abilities, I would not recommend doing this procedure on your own, but contacting specialists.

And in conclusion, I would like to note that, firmwareHTCHTCDesire ongoing specified way will allow you to install any update, firmware, radio module, etc. on the device.

HTC Desire 516 Dual Sim is a smartphone that, like many other Android devices, can be flashed in several ways. Reinstalling the system software- a need that arises not so rarely among the owners of the model in question. Such manipulations allow, if performed correctly and successfully, to some extent “refresh” the device in the program plan, as well as restore the performance lost as a result of failures and errors.

The success of flashing procedures is predetermined by the correct preparation of tools and files that will be needed in the process of work, as well as the precise implementation of instructions. Also, don't forget the following:

Responsibility for the result of manipulations with the device lies solely with the user who conducts them. All the actions described below are performed by the owner of the smartphone at your own peril and risk!

Preparatory procedures that precede the direct process of transferring files to device partitions can take quite a long time, but it is highly recommended that they be completed in advance. Especially in the case of the HTC Desire 516 Dual Sim, the model quite often creates problems for its users in the process of manipulating the system software.


Installing drivers for pairing the device and software tools for firmware is usually not difficult. You just need to follow the instructions for Qualcomm-devices from the article:

Just in case, archive with drivers for manual installation always available for download at the link:


In view of the possible need to restore the smartphone software, as well as the mandatory deletion of user data from the device during the software installation process, you need to save all the valuable information contained in the phone’s memory in a safe place. And it is also highly recommended to create a backup of all partitions using ADB Run. Instructions can be found in the material at the link:

Since several methods of installing software are applicable to the device in question, which differ quite significantly from each other, download links necessary programs and files will be posted in the description of the methods. Before proceeding to the direct execution of the instructions, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with all the steps that you will have to perform, as well as download all the necessary files.


Depending on the state of the device, as well as the goals that the user who performs the firmware sets for himself, the method of carrying out the procedure is selected. The methods described below are in order from simple to more complex.

Method 1: MicroSD + Factory Recovery Environment

The first method by which you can try to install Android on HTC Desire 516 is to use the capabilities of the "native" recovery environment (recovery) provided by the manufacturer. This method is considered official, which means it is relatively safe and easy to implement. You can download the software package for installation according to the instructions below using the link:

As a result of the following steps, we get a smartphone with installed official firmware, intended for the European region version.

There is no Russian language in the package! Russification of the interface will be discussed in an additional step of the instruction below.

Optional: Russification

To Russify the European version of the OS, you can use the Morelocale 2 Android application. The program is available on Google Play.

Method 2: ADB Run

The result of following the instructions below will be a smartphone with the official firmware version 1.10.708.001 (the last existing for the model) containing the Russian language. You can download the archive with the firmware from the link:

  1. Download and unpack the archive with the firmware.
  2. The folder obtained as a result of unpacking contains a multi-volume archive containing the most important image for installation - System. It also needs to be extracted to the directory with the rest of the image files.
  3. Install adb run.
  4. Open the directory with ADB Run in Explorer, which is located along the path C: / adb , and then go to the folder "img".
  5. Copying files boot.img, system.img, recovery.img, obtained as a result of unpacking the firmware, into folders with the corresponding names contained in the C:/adb/img/ directory (that is, the file boot.img- to the folder C:\adb\img\boot and so on).
  6. Writing the above three image files to the appropriate sections of the HTC Desire 516 flash memory can be considered a complete installation of the system. In the usual case, it is not necessary to install the rest of the image files, but if there is such a need, we copy them to the C:\adb\img\all folder.
  7. Turn on USB debugging and connect the device to the PC.
  8. Run Adb Run and reboot the device with it into the mode fastboot. To do this, first select item 4 Reboot Devices in the main menu of the application,

    and then enter the number 3 from the keyboard - point Reboot Bootloader. Click "Enter".

  9. The smartphone will reboot into the state Download, what does the boot screen saver frozen on the screen say HTC on white background.
  10. In ADB Run, press any key, and then return to the main menu of the program - item "10 - Back to Menu".

    Choose "5-Fastboot".

  11. The next window is a menu for selecting a memory section into which the image file will be transferred from the corresponding folder in the C:\adb\img directory.

  12. Optional but recommended procedure. We clean up the partitions that we are going to record, as well as the partition data. Choose "e - Clear Partitions (erase)".

    And then, one by one, we go to the items corresponding to the names of the sections:

    modem and Splash1 DO NOT wash!

  13. We return to the image selection menu and record sections.

  • In a similar way to the previous step of the instruction, we transfer the image files Recovery

    and System to the memory of HTC Desire 516.

    Image System in fact, it is the Android OS, which is installed in the device in question. This section is the largest in volume and therefore its overwriting takes a long time. The process must not be interrupted!

  • If there is a need to flash the remaining partitions and the corresponding image files are copied to the C:\adb\img\all directory, to install them, select "1 - Firmware All Partitions" in the selection menu fastboot menu.

    And wait for the process to complete.

  • At the end of the recording of the last image, select in the request screen "Reboot device normal Mode (N)" by entering from the keyboard "N" and pressing "Enter".

    This will lead to a reboot of the smartphone, a long start, and as a result, the appearance of a screen initial setup HTC Desire 516.

  • Method 3: Fastboot

    If the method of flashing each section of the memory of HTC Desire 516 separately seems too complicated or time consuming, you can use one of the Fastboot commands, which allows you to record the main part of the system without, in some cases, unnecessary actions on the part of the user.

  • We check the correctness of pairing the smartphone and PC. In the command line we send the command:
    fastboot devices

    The response of the system should be serial number 0123456789ABCDEF and inscription fastboot.

  • To avoid errors when performing the following steps, we indicate to Fastboot the location of the images by entering the command: set ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT=c:\catalog_name_with_fastboot
  • To start the firmware, enter the command: fastboot flashall. Click "Enter" and observe the execution process.
  • At the end of the procedure, partitions will be overwritten Boot, Recovery and System, and the device will reboot into Android automatically.
  • If it becomes necessary to overwrite other sections of the HTC Desire 516 memory in this way, place the necessary image files in the fastboot folder, and then use the following syntax commands:

    fastboot flash partition_name image_filename.img

    For example, let's write a section modem. By the way, for the device in question, writing the “modem” section is a procedure that may be needed after restoring the smartphone from a non-working state, if as a result the smartphone works as it should, but there is no connection.

    Copy the desired image(s) to the directory with Fastboot (1) and send the command(s) (2):
    fastboot flash modem modem.img

  • Upon completion of work, restart HTC Desire 516 from the command line: fastboot reboot
  • Method 4: Custom Firmware

    The HTC Desire 516 model has not gained wide popularity due to its hardware and software features, so, unfortunately, it is impossible to say that the device has a lot of modified firmware.

    One of the ways to convert and refresh the device in question programmatically is to install an Android shell modified by one of the users of the device, called Lolifox. You can download all the necessary files that you will need when completing the steps of the instructions below, using the links below.

    In the proposed solution, its author did a lot of work in terms of changing the OS interface (it looks like Android 5.0), deodexing the firmware, removing unnecessary applications from HTC and Google, and also adding an item to the settings that allows you to manage application startup. In general, custom works quickly and stably.

    Installing custom recovery.

    To install a modified OS, you will need the capabilities of custom recovery. We will use ClockworkMod Recovery (CWM), although there is a TWRP port for the device, which you can download. In general, installation in D516 and work with different custom recovery are similar.

    Installing custom Lolifox

    After the modified recovery is installed on HTC Desire 516, installing custom software is not difficult. It is enough to follow the steps of the instruction from the lesson at the link below, which involves installing zip packages.

    Let us dwell only on a few points recommended for implementation for the model under consideration.

    Method 5: Restoring inoperable HTC Desire 516

    During the operation and firmware of any Android device, a nuisance can happen - as a result of various failures and errors, the device freezes at a certain stage, stops turning on, reboots endlessly, etc. Among users, the device in this state was called "brick". The way out of the situation may be the following.

    The methodology for restoring ("scratching") HTC Desire 516 Dual Sim involves performing a fairly large number of actions and using several tools. Carefully follow the instructions below step by step.

    Switching the smartphone to "Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader9008" mode

    1. Download and unpack the archive with all the necessary files and recovery tools.

      As a result of unpacking, you should get the following:

    2. To restore, you need to transfer the smartphone to a special emergency mode QDLoader 9006. Remove the cover that covers the battery.
    3. We remove the battery, SIM cards and memory card. Then we unscrew 11 screws:
    4. Carefully remove the part of the case that covers the motherboard of the device.
    5. On the motherboard find two contacts marked "GND" and "DP". Subsequently, they will need to be bridged before connecting the device to the PC.
    6. Installing software package QPST from the folder of the same name, obtained as a result of unpacking the archive using the link above.
    7. Go to the directory with QPST (C:\Program Files\Qualcomm\QPST\bin\) and run the file QPSTConfig.exe
    8. We open "Device Manager", we prepare the cable paired with USB port PC. Closing contacts "GND" and "DP" on the D516 motherboard and, without opening them, insert the cable into the MicroUSB connector of the phone.
    9. Remove the jumper and look out the window "Device Manager". If everything is done correctly, the device will be defined as "Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader9008".
    10. Go to QPSTConfig and make sure that the device is defined correctly, as in the screenshot below. Do not close QPSTConfig!
    11. Reopen the folder with QPST files and run the file emmcswdownload.exe on behalf of the Administrator.
    12. Add files to the fields of the opened window:
    13. We press the buttons and indicate to the program the location of the files:
    14. We check the correctness of filling in all the fields (should be, as in the screenshot below) and click Download.
    15. As a result of the operation, HTC Desire 516 Dual Sim will be transferred to a mode that is suitable for writing a dump to memory. In the Device Manager, the device should be defined as . If, after manipulations through QPST, the device was determined somehow differently, manually install the drivers from the folder "Qualcomm_USB_Drivers_Windows".


    In the event that errors occur during the operation of QPST and the smartphone switches to the "Qualcomm HS-USB Diagnostics9006" fails, we try to perform this manipulation through MiFlash program. You can download the flash driver version suitable for manipulations with HTC Desire 516 Dual Sim, as well as the necessary files, from the link:

    1. Unpack the archive and install MiFlash.
    2. We follow steps 8-9 described above in the instructions, that is, we connect the device to the computer in the state when it is defined in the Device Manager as "Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader9008".
    3. Launch MiFlash.
    4. We press the button Browse in the program and specify the path to the directory "files_for_miflash", located in the folder obtained as a result of unpacking the archive downloaded from the link above.
    5. Click Refresh, which will lead to the definition of the device by the program.
    6. Calling the list of button options Browse by clicking on the image of the triangle next to the last

      and selecting from the menu that opens "Advanced...".

    7. In the window "Advanced" using buttons Browse add files from the folder to the fields "files_for_miflash" in the following way:

      After all files are added, click "OK".

    8. Next, you need to be careful. Doing visible window "Device Manager".
    9. We press the button Flash in the flasher and watch the COM ports section in "Dispatcher".
    10. Immediately after the moment when the smartphone is defined as "Qualcomm HS-USB Diagnostics9006", exit MiFlash without waiting for the end of manipulations in the program, and proceed to the next stage of restoring HTC Desire 516.

    File system recovery

    Thus, having studied how to install system software in HTC Desire 516 Dual Sim, the user gets full control over the device and can simply restore the device’s performance if necessary, as well as give the smartphone a “second life” using customization.

    The HTC Desire communicator appeared in the vastness of Russia. And along with it, a lot of different firmware appeared, both native and alternative. Also, “gray” devices, which are tied to any operator, began to be imported into the country. Concerning firmwareHTCHTCDesire raises many questions.

    I would like to note right away that if we compare the procedure associated with one or another device on WinMo, in our case there are significant differences. And they begin with the fact that we are dealing with a device built on Google Android.

    So let's get started. If you have a device fully certified for Russia in your hands, then you have two options. Flash using Wi-Fi, through the "Phone settings" menu, then "About phone", then "Update phone". The machine will connect to the update server and download the firmware. The main thing is that Wi-Fi connection is free. Alternatively, you can download the appropriate executable from the company's website, run it on a Windows computer, and follow the instructions completely. There are no problems here, everything is similar to the procedures for standard WinMo firmware. But now, if you need to flash non-standard firmware ?! You need to do the following.

    Non-standard firmware HTC Desire - instructions

    In order to firmwareHTCHTCDesire started, you need to determine the version of the bootloader. For this purpose, we press two buttons at the same time: “Back” and “Shutdown”, a boot menu appears on the screen, in which we are interested in information of the form in the second line: HBOOT - 0.xx.0000, where xx is the bootloader version. For version 0.75, you need to download this kit, and for 0.80, this one.

    Then we start the process itself. We write the file "update.zip" to the flash card. There we also interfere with the firmware. We also unpack the required kit there, depending on the version of the bootloader. Launch the console in this folder. Turn off the communicator and turn it on in Fastboot mode (to do this, hold down "Back" and "Shutdown"). You will see the inscription FastBoot enclosed in a red square. Connect the USB cable to the communicator. In the terminal, depending on the system, enter: for Windows step1-windows.bat, for MAC - ./step1-mac.sh, for Linux - ./step1-linux.sh.

    An error message appears, do not pay attention. We are waiting for the first step.

    As soon as this happened, we translate into recovery mode. To do this, go to BootLoader, and from there to Recovery. For this purpose, use "Up", "Down" and "Shutdown". Press "+ Volume" and "Shutdown" and go to the blue Recovery mode. In this menu, select the Apply sdcard: update.zip item and go to a new window. By the way, now the USB cable can be disconnected. Click on Wipe Data and confirm the deletion of data. At the end, select install.zip from SDCard and specify our zip file. Confirm by pressing the trackball. FirmwareHTCHTCDesire started. At the end, we reboot the device.

    For those who want to make a copy of the data, you need to select the nandroid - backup item before deleting the data, and then select restore - nandroid before the final reboot.

    As you can see, if desired, this procedure is available to anyone. But still, if you are not confident in your abilities, I would not recommend doing this procedure on your own, but contacting specialists.

    And in conclusion, I would like to note that, firmwareHTCHTCDesire carried out in this way will allow you to install any update, firmware, radio module, etc. on the device.

    In this article, we will tell you how to install standard and modified firmware on HTC smartphones.

    Important! All responsibility for the actions taken lies solely with you. Without knowledge, experience and understanding of the risks, do not flash the phone, but rather study more information.

    The standard way to update the firmware

    This method is standard for all Android smartphones. Allows you to get the latest version of the system. The update process is safe and primarily aimed at novice users. This will install the update, subject to availability from the manufacturer. If the manufacturer has stopped supporting the smartphone, you will not receive the update.

    For detailed instructions on updating, see the subheading.

    Installing the RUU image

    With the help of the RUU image, the smartphone returns to its standard state, the stock firmware is flashed. All user settings are reset only if S-On protection is enabled. With S-Off, data is retained. Additionally, it is recommended to remove the SIM and MicroSD card for the duration of the firmware.

    If S-On protection is enabled, the bootloader must be in closed state– LOCKED, otherwise error 155 will appear in the process. In this case, close the bootloader with the command fastboot oem lock.

    Cannot be installed old firmware over the new firmware.

    Before flashing, it is important to check the compliance of the CID and MID of the smartphone. You can not put European firmware on Chinese.

    Algorithm of actions for RUU.exe:

    1. Boot your smartphone in bootloader mode.
    2. Connect to a computer where drivers, ADB and Fastboot are installed.
    3. When the message “fastboot usb” appears on the screen, run the RUU.exe utility on the computer, then follow the instructions of the installer.

    Algorithm of actions for RUU.zip:

    1. Download the HTC fastbbot app. Place the utility in the ADB folder.
    2. Connect your smartphone to your computer.
    3. open command line and type fastboot oem rebootRUU.
    4. Next - htc_fastboot flash zip /rom.zip, where XXXXX is the path to the firmware.

    Installing firmware.zip

    Another way to install stock firmware. The requirements are the same as for the RUU image.

    Action algorithm:

    1. Download the appropriate firmware, then place the archive in the folder with fastboot. Change the name of the firmware to "firmware".
    2. Boot the device into bootloader mode. Connect to PC.
    3. Open a command prompt. Enter the path to the folder where fastboot is located. for instance cd c:\androfon.
    4. Further fastboot oem rebootRUU.
    5. After the phone reboots and HTC appears, enter . An error message will appear on the screen, this is normal, enter again fastboot flash zip firmware.zip.
    6. When the firmware is completed, enter fastboot reboot.

    Installing custom firmware

    Custom firmware is installed via third-party recovery - or. Pre-required. If TWRP is installed on your device, follow the instructions:

    Important! Before installing custom firmware, be sure to ask about the additional conditions for installing the image.

    TWRP installation instructions

    Important! This method installation is applicable for older devices, because in latest models, installation is done through Magisk. Front installing TWRP, be sure to specify which method is relevant for your model.

    Action algorithm:

    • Download TWRP, rename recovery. If you downloaded the archive, unzip the archive and then rename the recovery.
    • Place the file in the adb and fastboot folder, for example in the C:\Androfon folder.
    • Connect your phone to PC.
    • Open a command prompt. Put your phone in download mode - adb reboot download.
    • Enter CD C:\Androfon.
    • Then fastboot flash recovery recovery.img. You may need to clear the cache, check this before installing. The cleanup command is fastboot erase cache.
    • To enter recovery, run the bootloader, where select the flashed recovery.


    The article describes how to flash htc smartphones with official and custom firmware; How to install TWRP recovery.

    If you have any questions or suggestions for corrections and additions, write your comments in the comments.

    Smartphones and tablets are analogues, or rather, "little brothers" of desktop computers, since their operation is also provided by the operating system. Most gadgets are created on the Android platform.

    Many are not satisfied with the standard HTC firmware Desire 310 and they still decide to replace it

    HTC Desire 310 is one of those modern devices that are popular, but sometimes provoke a failure, which simply cannot be fixed with a banal reset. To restore the smartphone's performance, you need to study the instructions on how to flash HTC Desire 310.

    If the smartphone suddenly began to refuse to perform some actions, constantly freeze, the owner can only endure a couple of days. However, after several days of such incorrect work, patience bursts and a decision is made to implement full reset settings.

    It’s great if such a step is successful, if after that the smartphone “comes to life” and again surprises with its fast work. Unfortunately, not everyone can be so lucky, so you have to expose your device to more serious manipulations.

    It will be possible to flash HTC Desire 310 only after high-quality preparation, which consists in first downloading the firmware file itself, as well as reading the instructions on how to do it all.

    Action algorithm

    To flashing htc Desire 310 was not accompanied by problems, ended in absolute success, you should prepare for it. Those who already have experience updating or installing operating system on a smartphone, they unequivocally declare that this is a very responsible matter, which should not be left to chance.

    If the decision is made and no one can stop you from trying to flash HTC Desire 310 yourself, it is important to take a few simple but responsible steps that directly affect the quality of flashing your smartphone.

    First of all, make sure that the device is fully charged. You should not rely on chance and start the flashing process when the battery charge is other than 100%. Even if the battery is capable of holding a charge for a long time, charge your smartphone anyway.

    V otherwise you yourself will then reproach yourself if the smartphone turns off, and the process is not yet completed. The reason for the frustration will be quite serious, since not only the operating system will not be able to install, but all data from the smartphone will disappear without a trace.

    By the way, the firmware of a dead device is possible, but it is already fraught with some difficulties.

    It is useful to find out which version of the OS is already installed on the smartphone before starting the firmware. This is easy to do if you go to "Settings", go to the "About phone" submenu. It contains information that points to specific android versions and kernel, build number, by which it is easy to identify the operating system.

    And the last crucial stage of the preparatory work is downloading the necessary firmware that is suitable for your smartphone or tablet model. Wizards and experienced users strongly recommend downloading such files only from sources that you can fully trust.

    About custom firmware

    The firmware is contained in a zip-archive, has a name consisting of Latin letters and numbers. It is moved to a memory card.

    Now disconnect the smartphone from the computer and from charging, turn off the device and start the system recovery mode. If you absolutely do not know where this mode is located and how to start it, you need to worry about this in advance and find the answer on the forums or in the instructions for the gadget.

    After that, it is necessary to erase all information about the previous operating system, the “Wipe” parameter will help with this. After everything is finally deleted, safely return to the main menu and look for the “Flash Zip from SD Card” option. Its name may be slightly different, but it must contain something resembling a zip archive.

    Now open the pre-downloaded ROM file saved on the memory card, run it and follow the instructions that will appear on the smartphone screen.

    Upon completion, be sure to reboot the device using the already familiar “Reboot system now” parameter.

    Using a three-file firmware

    If you really don't want to get involved with the opening Root access, you can take advantage of a different offer by downloading a three-file firmware in advance on HTC smartphone. The Mobile Odin Pro application will help you install it on your gadget.

    First, create a folder, put in it the pre-downloaded three files in CSC, CODE, Modem formats.

    Now launch the Mobile Odin Pro application, first open “CODE” in it, after confirming your actions by pressing “Ok”, open the following “Modem” file. Confirm "Ok" again.

    It remains only to start the process itself by clicking on the "Flash Firmware" parameter. The duration of the firmware may vary, but in most cases it is about ten minutes.

    Once the process is complete, don't forget to restart your device for all changes to take effect.

    Using a tar archive

    The Mobile Odin Pro app also helps to install new version operating system on a smartphone in cases where the firmware file is enclosed in a TAR archive.

    The principle of working with the application is identical, as in the case of working with a three-file firmware. Initially, the TAR archive is opened, and then "Flash Firmware" is launched.

    The duration of the firmware is also about ten minutes, but in some cases it can be slightly increased.

    So, you can flash your favorite smartphone with your own hands, which has become “naughty” and refuses to do what the owner requests. It is enough to find a suitable firmware, make sure it is correct.

    This is especially important for those who have Chinese Android available, which, unfortunately, will not accept any firmware. You'll have to sweat a little to get a version adapted for such Chinese gadgets.

    Always remember that by flashing your device, you are at serious risk. The simplest thing you can expect is the loss of all data.

    However, the risk does not stop there, you can disable your smartphone if you ignore some installation recommendations. For this reason, it is recommended to flash carefully, following the algorithm strictly described above.

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