Hardware and software setup

The sensor on the phone does not work what to do. How to reboot a frozen phone even with a non-removable battery What to do if the phone screen is buggy

Every owner of a smartphone or tablet immediately after purchase is very happy with the speed at which his device works. All operations are performed quickly, responses to touch are timely and without glitches with pictures. But over time, everything changes and performance deteriorates. Why does Android slow down?

Among the reasons that Android slows down or freezes, there are several main ones:

  • slowdown can cause a large number of simultaneously running applications, albeit in the background;
  • due to a recent update, a smartphone that has not slowed down before may start to do so;
  • any device can freeze even when it starts to run out of free space;
  • small volume random access memory may even cause spontaneous reboot gadget;
  • sometimes the phone can fail due to problems with the touchscreen.

What to do if the phone began to slow down for one of the listed reasons?


Application cleanup

When the phone began to slow down a lot due to gluttonous applications and background processes, then to correct the situation you need to:

  • hold down the menu button, a list of recent ones will open running applications, select "Delete all";
  • in the Application Manager, view the list of those running (opposite each, the operating time and the amount of RAM memory it occupies) and stop forcibly each unnecessary at the moment;
  • in addition, you can remove live wallpapers and widgets, which also greatly affect the productivity of the device;
  • applications that the owner of the gadget does not use should be deleted altogether in order to avoid running their processes in the background in advance.

Rollback update

Why does the device slow down after the update? The fact is that over time, any smartphone or tablet becomes obsolete, and each a new version Software or Android with its add-ons requires more and more powerful stuffing.

In this case, you will have to reflash your gadget with a return to the previous, workable version. You can do this in two ways:
  1. Through recovery. First you need to download to your phone desired version firmware and save to a memory card. Then enter Recovery (more often with a combination of the power buttons and the volume rocker down). Next, install the downloaded update and reboot the phone.
  2. Through a computer. For this you need to download setup file from the official website of the manufacturer and using the software supplied with the phone (usually on a disk), install it on a gadget connected to a PC.

After that, it is desirable to disable the function in the phone. automatic update system so that you do not have to repeat the procedure. It should also be remembered that after flashing from the phone, all data may be lost, therefore it is better to make a backup first.

Free up internal memory and storage space

When a device runs out of RAM, it tries to replenish it with internal memory. If its volume is too small, the phone may refuse to perform any actions. In this regard, you need to periodically perform the following actions:

  • clear the cache of the system and applications;
  • resorting to special applications, clean the system itself (this will end background processes);
  • synchronize media files on the "cloud" or with another drive and clean up from your device;
  • do not forget to carry out the same actions with a flash drive, because. a small amount of free memory on it also affects the performance of the device.

Sometimes at the end of the RAM it is enough and just to reboot the phone.

Screen calibration

What to do if the sensor on the phone is buggy? In this case, you need to configure the problematic display to correctly execute commands after swinging your fingers or stylus. Otherwise it is called screen calibration.
Such a need arises more often after mechanical damage or contact with water. And to be sure that it is the sensor on Android that is the problem, you need to:

  • remove the film;
  • on the keyboard, try to enter any character.

If another number or letter pops up, the touchscreen will have to be calibrated. You can configure the sensor sensor using special programs(eg Touchscreen Repair), or manually. In the Play Market you can find a large number of necessary applications, and free ones.
Self-calibration is carried out as follows:

  • in the phone settings, go to the "Display" tab;
  • find the item, the name of which will be "calibration";
  • put the phone on a flat surface and press calibrate (in some models, the phone will offer a target, in the center of which you need to hit at least 3 times);
  • reboot the gadget and check the response again.

Let me tell you right now what I have SONY Xperia SP on Android 4.3, but the recipe for brakes can help owners of other phones.

A little about brakes

I bought my phone at the end of 2013, and although it is already old by the standards of the phone market, it suits me perfectly.

But not everything is so good, the phone eventually starts to slow down a lot. And sometimes, just to call, you have to watch strongest lags for 10-15 seconds. There are cases that it is easier to restart the phone than to wait.

Phone Cleaning and Hard Reset

I already wrote as much as possible you can start with this, but such a cleaning did not help my phone.

I also wrote how to do it, but after full reset telephone need to reconfigure and reinstall the required applications.

And when the lags became such that it was necessary to do a Hard Reset again, I decided to disable apps which take up the most memory. And I saw that my Android stopped slowing down, at least it began to work normally.

Turn off Google search

Turning off the service worked for me. Google search» the phone started working just fine, lags are gone at all! I don’t know the problem is in the firmware from SONY or in the Google search itself, but it really helped.

What are we losing?

Disabling the service "Google" means that it will stop working voice search and Google Now Of course, these are convenient applications, but it's better without them than with brakes. Shutdown no way will not affect regular searches in the Google Chrome browser, will stop working only voice input and voice search!

Shutdown instructions

If you have made a decision and are ready to turn off Google search, then we take these steps:

We go to Settings - Applications, the “Downloaded” tab opens by default, on other phones the order may be different, we are looking for the “All” tab (scroll to the right)

To make it more convenient to search, we sort applications by size, and look for an application with the name "Google Search"(may be called " Google Search") and click on it. Here we are stop, turn off, optional erasing data and clear the cache.

Before checking, I recommend restarting the phone.

What if the phone is still slow?

Disabling the search helped to remove the brakes on my phone. If disabling search did not solve the problem try disabling other "fat" apps.

Write in the comments, did turning off the search help or not?

V modern models The touchpad allows you to use your laptop without a mouse. Touchpad is a touch control panel that responds to all touches. But there are often times when touchpad slow on laptop.

This situation brings a lot of inconvenience to users who are already accustomed to using it. Very often the reason for sticky touchpad on laptop, is the accumulation of dirt. If so, then you can fix everything at home. To do this, just rub the part with a damp alcohol wipe. Once the touchpad has dried, it can be used. To avoid such a situation, it is necessary to use the device only with clean hands.

Also, often a problem can occur if a high or low sensitivity panels. To fix this, you need to go to the Control Panel and select the desired item in the "Mouse" item.

Very often, the touchpad can be disabled and mechanical damage(blows, falls). In this case, the damaged part must be replaced.

But, as practice shows, buggy touchpad on laptop and for other reasons, the essence of which we will consider below. The main thing in the situation that has arisen is not to try to fix the problem on your own, because sometimes the problem can be more complicated than it seems at first glance, and therefore you can’t do without the help of specialists.

If you find yourself in a situation where the touchpad started to work incorrectly, then it would be better if this problem is considered and eliminated by a competent specialist. Therefore, you can trust the masters who work in our gsmmsocow service center. They will eliminate any malfunction at different stages of its development, and at very competitive prices!

Reasons why the touchpad is buggy on a laptop, and how to fix them.

If Touchpad your laptop began to work incorrectly, then perhaps the reason for this behavior is that the touchpad itself has failed. In this case, it must be replaced. If one of the buttons does not work on it or the scroll does not work, then in this situation a replacement of the defective part is also needed. Order this procedure in our service center zhsmmoskov. The price of such operations is indicated in our price list.

Often a malfunction occurs if the loop has moved away from printed circuit board. In this case, you can try to insert it back. If after that nothing has changed, then the device needs to be diagnosed.

If the problem is provoked by a faulty south bridge, then it must be replaced. The cost of such an operation is indicated in our price list.

As practice shows, the touchpad of a laptop may stop working due to the presence of other problems that can be identified using diagnostics. Such a procedure in our workshop is carried out absolutely free of charge.

Touchpad slow on laptop? Want to know how long the repair will take?

1. If, after diagnostics, it turns out that you can return the laptop and its parts to their previous functionality by replacing the touchpad, then this procedure takes 1 hour.

2. If the cable has gone, then it takes 30 minutes to rebuild the computer and install a new one.

3. In order to replace the south bridge, our specialists need from 4 hours.

As follows from the above, a number of reasons can disable the touchpad, some of which can only be identified with the help of diagnostics. If you have a similar malfunction, then our specialists are ready to eliminate it. Our service center serves brands such as: HP, Acer, Sony Vaio, Asus, Samsung, Toshiba, Lenovo, Dell.

If your android phone samsung, xiomi, lenovo, asus, zte, huawei, sony and so on freezes and it has a non-removable battery, this is not a big problem.

Modern Android phones have a hidden feature to manually restart the operating system.

It consists in the fact that the shutdown button on the device must be held not for five seconds, as usual, but for 20-30 seconds.

Such a long action actually leads to a reboot of the phone. Of course, many owners of mobile devices with a non-removable battery, if the phone freezes, feel completely helpless. That is why this guide was created.

There is absolutely no need for you to panic in this situation. Just hold the off button for longer than the usual period of time.

Sometimes it is necessary to simultaneously press and hold another (volume down and power) or even two buttons.

If nothing happened - there is absolutely no reaction, then you just have to wait until the battery is completely discharged.

Of course, you don’t want to wait, but it’s better than taking it in for repair, so that it can be dismantled and reloaded. Let's dig a little deeper.

If your phone is frozen, then there must be a reason. To prevent this from happening again, I recommend using free application, which will check it and fix the errors. More about it and download

How I rebooted my frozen phone with a non-removable battery samsung a3

While phones are getting better all the time, progress can sometimes be against us. This happened with devices in which the battery is non-removable.

Previously, in the event of a freeze, I quickly pulled out the battery, stuck it in again, turned it on and everything was done - the problem was solved.

Today, such resuscitation on many Android devices will not work, such as on my Samsung a3.

I was helped by the combination of the "Power" + "Volume Down" buttons for about ten seconds. The device turned off and on.

Why android phone freezes and does not restart

If the phone freezes and does not respond to touch, then this is either a system glitch or a screen problem - in the touchscreen.

In practice, the phone freezes most often due to applications - they may not have enough RAM and some kind of error may occur.

If the battery is removable, then do not fuss, but just pull it out for a minute - a 100% working way to get rid of freezing.

When the classic version does not work, the forced one remains: simultaneously pressing the “Off” and “Volume” buttons (what volume and even two at once depends on the device - xiomi, samsung, asus, sony, zte, lenovo, huawei)

What to do with an android phone to get rid of freezes

Sometimes it is possible to restart the phone, but the freeze keeps coming back. Then try

One of the main reasons for freezing is low performance (a weak device), so it is advisable not to use effects in such devices, such as animated wallpapers - they heavily load memory and processor.

Also, do not even overload the memory card - this also contributes to freezing. The optimal balance is when 10 percent of the memory remains free.

NOTE: manufacturers of phones with an unearthly battery are well aware that the phone can freeze and not respond to anything, so they provide a way out of this situation - holding the power button until the Android OS reboots. You can also watch video instructions. Good luck.

Modern mobile devices impossible to imagine without touch screens. Therefore, deciding what to do if the sensor on the phone does not work is necessary only after studying the events that led to the breakdown. The screen is the main part of modern smartphones, without which they lose all functionality.

In order to find out why the sensor on the phone does not work, you will need to carefully examine the smartphone. Sometimes problems in the phone are visible to the naked eye, for example, if the screen is broken, and in some cases, performance may be lost for no reason. Moisture, rough mechanical impact and much more can affect the health of the device.
If the source lies in software failure, then there may be a situation when the gadget incorrectly responds to your touches. Such problems often arise due to the actions of the owner himself, who, through negligence or inexperience, made changes to the system.

Common Touch Screen Problems

most common cause, on which the touchscreen does not work, is mechanical damage. Impacts and other impacts can lead to negative consequences. Chips will be the most neutral, more serious problems will appear when a “cobweb” is formed, in which the device can continue to function.

Because modern smartphones rather fragile devices, then even after falling from a height of human growth, it stops working. If the device continues to function, and the damage is caused in the form of cracks in the case or its deformation, the cessation of the operation of part of the screen, then it is necessary to contact a specialist as soon as possible to carry out repair work.

Another common cause is moisture ingress. Despite the fact that the device looks like a monolithic device, it has small slots and gaps through which liquid enters the main board.

Moisture and liquid ingress into the phone case

The ingress of moisture into a cellular mobile leads to the beginning of the process of oxidation of the contacts and the board. If the gadget got into a similar situation, then you should not disassemble the smartphone without special need. The first thing to do is to dry the device. If drying did not work, then it should be taken to a specialized repair center, which is especially true for expensive models, intervention in internal circuit leading to irreversible consequences. During the repair, you can use a cheap replacement of the device, which will receive calls and SMS.

Oxide elimination

In some cases, after moisture has got inside the gadget, through certain time it will start to work, but badly or incorrectly. In this case, you can try to independently eliminate the oxide that has arisen in contact with the liquid.

To do this, you need a tool with which the oxide will be removed (a plastic card, a screwdriver, and so on). Also needed: alcohol, toothbrush, eraser and napkins. Before disassembling the smartphone, you need to read the instructions that can be found on the Internet.

The cleaning procedure must be carried out carefully, as any awkward movement can lead to additional damage. The disassembled gadget must be folded onto a sheet or napkin so that it can be easily assembled, as per the drawing. Each place must be wiped with alcohol, an eraser and blotted with a dry cloth.

If traces of rust were found, then it is removed with a toothbrush. The place is treated with alcohol, the remaining corrosion is removed with an eraser.

It will be especially difficult in cases where a sweet drink has become the cause. The impact of such a mixture has a chance to disable the gadget, and without the intervention of a specialist, repair will be impossible.

Dirty display

If the display becomes dirty without damaging the screen, then you just need to carefully wipe the sensor with a cleaning liquid, and then remove the remaining moisture with a dry cloth. To save the display, it is recommended to use protective film, which is easily glued and removed in case of contamination.

Loop damage

Damage to the cable of the device is one of those causes of breakdown that cannot be fixed at home. Therefore, if the sensor sometimes does not work correctly, you should contact a specialist who can restore the device to working capacity with a guarantee.

Software failure

  1. Restart smartphone. In some cases, the changed software settings will not be applied after the system is rebooted.
  2. Use the built-in program to test the sensor. To do this, you need to enter a combination that is unique for the device of each brand.
  3. Check the temperature of the device and place the device in favorable conditions.
  4. Check the operation of the memory card and SIM card.
  5. Download the gadget in safe mode.

In some cases, the problem can be solved by these simple ways. If the attempts did not give any fruit, then you should contact the masters.


In case of any damage to the phone, even a small one, it is better to contact the service center, since even a slight deformation on the case can lead to a complete failure of the sensor. Specialists will be able to carry out repairs and provide a guarantee for a certain period.


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